コード例 #1
ファイル: _admin_answers.php プロジェクト: sgrove/cothinker
        $answers = $sf_poll->getsfPollAnswers();

    <ul id="answers">
        foreach ($answers as $answer) {
            include_partial('sfPollsAdmin/li_answer', array('answer' => $answer, 'edit_links' => $count_user_answers == 0));
        if (count($answers) == 0) {
      <p>No answer for this poll yet.</p>
        echo button_to_remote('Add a possible answer to this poll', array('url' => 'sfPollsAdmin/addAnswer?poll_id=' . $sf_poll->getId(), 'with' => "'answer_text=' + escape(prompt('Enter answer text'))", 'update' => 'answers', 'position' => 'bottom', 'complete' => visual_effect('highlight', 'answers')));
} else {
  <p>Please save your poll first</p>
コード例 #2


if ($sf_user->isAuthenticated()) {
    $choice = $sf_request->getParameter('module') . '/' . $sf_request->getParameter('action');
    if ($choice == 'sfLucene/search') {
        echo button_to_remote(__('Save as feed'), array('url' => 'user/addFeed?q=' . $sf_params->get('query'), 'update' => 'msg-container', 'complete' => "window.alert(\$('msg-container').innerHTML);"));
    } else {
        if ($choice == 'tag/show') {
            echo button_to_remote(__('Save as feed'), array('url' => 'user/addFeed?q=tag: ' . $sf_params->get('tag'), 'update' => 'msg-container', 'complete' => "window.alert(\$('msg-container').innerHTML);"));
        } else {
            if ($choice == 'language/show') {
                echo button_to_remote(__('Save as feed'), array('url' => 'user/addFeed?q=languages:' . $sf_params->get('language'), 'update' => 'msg-container', 'complete' => "window.alert(\$('msg-container').innerHTML);"));

echo label_for('search_size', __('Display') . ' ');
echo select_tag('search_size', options_for_select(array('10' => '10', '20' => '20', '30' => '30', '40' => '40', '50' => '50'), $sf_user->getPreference('search_size')), array('onchange' => remote_function(array('url' => "@set_preference?pname=search_size", 'with' => "&quot;pvalue=&quot; + value", 'success' => 'window.location.reload();'))));
コード例 #3

<tr><th colspan="2"><?php 
echo __('Information for Developer');
<tr><th>Consumer key</th><td><?php 
echo $application->getConsumerKey();
<tr><th>Consumer secret</th><td>

<div id="oauth_consumer_secret"></div>
if ($application->getConsumerSecret()) {
    echo button_to_remote(__('Show consumer secret'), array('update' => 'oauth_consumer_secret', 'url' => '@op_opensocial_show_consumer_secret?id=' . $application->getId(), 'method' => 'get'));
<br />
    echo button_to(__('Reset consumer secret'), '@op_opensocial_update_consumer_secret?id=' . $application->getId());
<br />
    echo button_to(__('Delete consumer secret'), '@op_opensocial_delete_consumer_secret?id=' . $application->getId());
} else {
    echo button_to(__('Generate consumer secret'), '@op_opensocial_update_consumer_secret?id=' . $application->getId());

<tr><th>Signature method</th><td>HMAC-SHA1</td></tr>
コード例 #4
    echo __('If you modify the profile item, you must update this file.');
<h3>Backend key</h3>
<tr><th>Backend Consumer Key</th><td><?php 
    echo $consumerKey;
<tr><th>Backend Consumer Secret</th><td>
<div id="oauth_consumer_secret"></div>
    if ($consumerSecret) {
        echo button_to_remote(__('Show consumer secret'), array('update' => 'oauth_consumer_secret', 'url' => '@op_opensocial_show_backend_secret', 'method' => 'get'));
<br />
        echo button_to(__('Reset consumer secret'), '@op_opensocial_update_backend_secret');
<br />
        echo button_to(__('Delete consumer secret'), '@op_opensocial_delete_backend_secret');
    } else {
        echo button_to(__('Generate consumer secret'), '@op_opensocial_update_backend_secret');
コード例 #5
ファイル: layout.php プロジェクト: hoydaa/snippets.hoydaa.org
        <div id="bar-wrapper">
        	<div id="bar">
        	    <div class="right-aligned">
$arr = array();
if (!$sf_user->isAuthenticated()) {
    $arr = array('disabled' => 'disabled');
        	        <div id="msg-container" style="display: none;"></div>
echo button_to_remote(__('Save Preferences'), array('url' => 'user/savePreferences', 'update' => 'msg-container', 'complete' => "window.alert(\$('msg-container').innerHTML);"), $arr);
echo form_tag('sfLucene/search', array('method' => 'get'));
if ($sf_params->get('query')) {
    echo input_tag('query', $sf_params->get('query'), array('class' => 'search'));
    echo submit_tag(__('Search'));
コード例 #6
<span id="entity<?php 
echo $position;
<input type="button" id="entity<?php 
echo $position;
_clear" class="tiny-button" value="x" style="display: none;" onclick="clearEntity(<?php 
echo $position;
);" />
<input type="text" id="entity<?php 
echo $position;
_input" name="entity<?php 
echo $position;
_input" size="20" onkeypress="return enterKey(event,'entity<?php 
echo $position;
_submit');" />
<div id="entity<?php 
echo $position;
_results" style="min-width: 300px; display: none; position: absolute; padding: 0.5em; background-color: #fff; border: 1px solid #ddd;"></div>
include_partial('relationship/toolbarCreateForm', array('position' => $position));
echo button_to_remote('Search', array('update' => 'entity' . $position . '_results', 'url' => 'http://littlesis.org/relationship/toolbarSearch', 'method' => 'post', 'with' => "'page=1&position=" . $position . "&q=' + \$F('entity" . $position . "_input')", 'complete' => 'showSearchResults(' . $position . ')'), array('class' => 'button_small', 'id' => 'entity' . $position . '_submit'));
