function do_delete() { global $delete, $conn, $modul; if ($delete) { preg_match("/(.*)_(.*)/i", $modul, $alter_modul); if (isset($alter_modul[2])) { if ($alter_modul[2] == 'fields') { $sql = "SELECT title, c_default FROM " . $_SESSION['TABLE_PREFIX'] . $modul . " WHERE id='" . $delete . "' "; $result = db_mysql_query($sql, $conn); $arr = db_mysql_fetch_array($result); if ($arr['c_default'] == '1') { unset($delete); } else { $sql = "ALTER TABLE " . $_SESSION['TABLE_PREFIX'] . $alter_modul[1] . " \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tDROP COLUMN " . $arr['title'] . " "; db_mysql_query($sql, $conn); } } if ($alter_modul[2] == 'tree') { $data = array(); $sql = "SELECT id, title, id_parent, sort_order FROM " . $_SESSION['TABLE_PREFIX'] . $modul . " WHERE c_active = '1' ORDER BY sort_order ASC "; $result = db_mysql_query($sql, $conn); while ($arr = db_mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $data[$arr['id']] = $arr; } delete_tree($alter_modul[1], build_tree($data, $delete), $delete); $sql = "DELETE FROM " . $_SESSION['TABLE_PREFIX'] . $alter_modul[1] . " WHERE id_tree = '" . $delete . "' "; db_mysql_query($sql, $conn); } } if (isset($delete)) { $sql = "DELETE FROM " . $_SESSION['TABLE_PREFIX'] . $modul . " WHERE id = '" . $delete . "' "; db_mysql_query($sql, $conn); } } }
/** * @dataProvider mydataProvider */ public function test_compareTree($expr1, $expr2, $result) { global $typeOfVars; $tree1 = build_tree($expr1, $typeOfVars); $tree2 = build_tree($expr2, $typeOfVars); $this->assertEquals($result, is_tree_equal($tree1, $tree2, FALSE)); }
function generate_static($out_dir) { global $tree, $base, $docs_path, $output_path, $options, $mode, $multilanguage, $output_language; $mode = 'Static'; if ($out_dir === '') { $output_path = $base . '/static'; } else { if (substr($out_dir, 0, 1) !== '/') { $output_path = $base . '/' . $out_dir; } else { $output_path = $out_dir; } } clean_copy_assets($output_path); build_tree(); if (!$multilanguage) { generate_static_branch($tree, ''); } else { foreach ($options['languages'] as $languageKey => $language) { $output_language = $languageKey; generate_static_branch($tree[$languageKey], $languageKey); } } $index = $docs_path . '/'; if (is_file($index)) { $index = generate_page($index); file_put_contents($output_path . '/index.html', $index); } }
function process_each_expression($filename, $filegv) { try { $exp = readExp($filename); $tree = build_tree($exp); // преобразовать $tree->ptonewchild = null; $tree->convert($tree); while ($tree->ptonewchild != null) { $tree = $tree->ptonewchild; $tree->ptonewchild = null; $tree->convert($tree); } // печать DOT файл $file = fopen($filegv, "w"); fwrite($file, "digraph {\n"); print_tree_to_dot($file, $tree); fwrite($file, '}'); fclose($file); return $tree; } catch (Exception $e) { echo "In file {$filename}: " . $e->getMessage() . " \n"; return null; } }
/** * Build tree * * Creates adjacency list based on group id or slug * * @param mixed $group Group id or slug * @param array $attributes Any attributes * @param array &$tree Tree array * * @return string */ function build_tree($group, $attributes = array(), &$tree = array()) { if (empty($tree)) { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->library('adjacency_list'); $tree = $CI->adjacency_list->get_all($group); $tree = parse_children($tree); } foreach (array('start_tag' => '<li>', 'end_tag' => '</li>', 'sub_start_tag' => '<ul>', 'sub_end_tag' => '</ul>') as $key => $val) { $atts[$key] = !isset($attributes[$key]) ? $val : $attributes[$key]; unset($attributes[$key]); } $output = ''; if (!empty($tree)) { foreach ($tree as &$leaf) { $leaf['name'] = htmlspecialchars($leaf['name'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); if (isset($leaf['children']) && !empty($leaf['children'])) { $output .= $atts['start_tag'] . '<a href="' . $leaf['url'] . '">' . $leaf['name'] . '</a>'; $output .= $atts['sub_start_tag'] . build_tree($group, $attributes, $leaf['children']) . $atts['sub_end_tag']; $output .= $atts['end_tag']; } else { $output .= $atts['start_tag'] . '<a href="' . $leaf['url'] . '">' . $leaf['name'] . '</a>' . $atts['end_tag']; } } } return $output; }
function build_tree($person, $henry, $level, $total) { // Recursive routine that does the major work. global $coparents, $descendants; $maxlevel = 15; $count = 0; $family = find_family($person); while (isset($family[$count][0])) { $coparent = $family[$count][1]; $coparents++; printf("<li>~ %s\n<ul class=\"descendants\">\n", get_name_and_dates('', $coparent)); while (isset($family[$count][1]) && $family[$count][1] == $coparent) { $henry[$level] = $count + 1; $descendants++; printf("<li>%s %s", get_henry($henry, $level), get_name_and_dates('', $family[$count][0])); if ($level == $maxlevel && has_descendants($family[$count][0])) { print " <strong>+</strong>"; } print "</li>\n"; if ($level < $maxlevel) { // point of recursion build_tree($family[$count][0], $henry, $level + 1, $total); } $count++; } echo "</ul></li>\n"; } return; }
/** * @dataProvider mydataProvider */ public function test_convert($expr1, $expr2) { global $typeOfVars; $tree1 = build_tree($expr1, $typeOfVars); $tree2 = build_tree($expr2, $typeOfVars); $tree1->ptonewchild = null; $tree1->convert($tree1); while ($tree1->ptonewchild != null) { $tree1 = $tree1->ptonewchild; $tree1->ptonewchild = null; $tree1->convert($tree1); } $file = fopen("tree2.gv", "w"); fwrite($file, "digraph {\n"); print_tree_to_dot($file, $tree2); fwrite($file, '}'); fclose($file); $tree2->ptonewchild = null; $tree2->convert($tree2); while ($tree2->ptonewchild != null) { $tree2 = $tree2->ptonewchild; $tree2->ptonewchild = null; $tree2->convert($tree2); } $file = fopen("tree1.gv", "w"); fwrite($file, "digraph {\n"); print_tree_to_dot($file, $tree1); fwrite($file, '}'); fclose($file); $this->assertTrue(is_tree_equal($tree1, $tree2, TRUE)); $tree1->delete_childrens(); $tree2->delete_childrens(); unset($tree1); unset($tree2); }
/** * @dataProvider mydataProvider */ public function test_openbracket($expr1, $expr2) { global $typeOfVars; $tree1 = build_tree($expr1, $typeOfVars); $tree2 = build_tree($expr2, $typeOfVars); $opened = $tree1->open_bracket(); $this->assertTrue(is_tree_equal($opened, $tree2, TRUE)); }
/** * @dataProvider mydataProvider */ public function test_sortchild($expr1, $expr2) { global $typeOfVars; $tree1 = build_tree($expr1, $typeOfVars); $tree2 = build_tree($expr2, $typeOfVars); $tree1->sort_childrens(); $tree2->sort_childrens(); $this->assertTrue(is_tree_equal($tree1, $tree2, FALSE)); }
public function single($id) { $categorylist = M('article_category')->where(array("lang" => LANG_SET))->select(); $tree = build_tree(0, $categorylist); $this->assign('categorylist', $tree); // 赋值数据集 $article = M('article')->where("id='{$id}'")->select(); $article[0]["category"] = M('article_category')->where(array("id" => $article[0]['category_id']))->select(); $this->article = $article; $this->assign('currcategory', $article[0]["category"][0]); // 赋值数据集 $this->theme("default")->display('Article/single'); }
/** * @dataProvider mydataProvider */ public function test_sortchild($expr1, $expr2) { global $typeOfVars; $tree1 = build_tree($expr1, $typeOfVars); $tree2 = build_tree($expr2, $typeOfVars); $tree1->convert_quine_mc_cluskey(); $tmp; if (get_class($tree2) != 'qtype_correctwriting_or_logic_operator') { $tmp = new qtype_correctwriting_or_logic_operator(); array_push($tmp->childrens, $tree2); $tree2 = $tmp; } $this->assertTrue(is_tree_equal($tree1, $tree2, TRUE)); }
function build_tree(array &$elements, $id_parent = 0) { $branch = array(); foreach ($elements as &$element) { if ($element['id_parent'] == $id_parent) { $children = build_tree($elements, $element['id']); if ($children) { $element['children'] = $children; } $branch[$element['id']] = $element; unset($element); } } return $branch; }
public function single($id) { $categorylist = M('product_category')->where(array("lang" => LANG_SET))->order(array("order" => "asc", "created" => "desc"))->select(); $tree = build_tree(0, $categorylist); $this->assign('categorylist', $tree); // 赋值数据集 $product = M('product')->where("id='{$id}'")->select(); $arr = explode("||", $product[0]['img']); $product[0]["img"] = $arr; $this->product = $product; $currcategory = M('product_category')->where(array("id" => $product[0]['category_id']))->select(); $after = M("product")->where("id>" . $id)->order('id asc')->limit('1')->find(); $this->assign('after', $after); // 赋值数据集 $this->assign('currcategory', $currcategory[0]); // 赋值数据集 $this->theme("default")->display('Product/single'); }
function build_tree($comments) { if ($comments) { $result = "<ul>\n"; foreach ($comments as $comment) { $result .= "<li>"; $result .= $comment->id; $result .= "</li>\n"; // $count = Comment::findorFail(2)->childrens; $children = Comment::findorFail($comment->id)->childrens; if (isset($children)) { $result .= build_tree($children); } $result .= "</li>\n"; } $result .= "</ul>"; return $result; } }
function build_tree($category_id, $lang, $addon) { $CI =& get_instance(); $rtrn = '<ul id="cat_' . $category_id . '" style="display:none;">'; $CI->db->order_by('name', 'asc'); // Сортируем названию $CI->db->order_by('pos', 'asc'); // Сортируем по позиции $CI->db->where('lang', $lang); // Берем только русские $CI->db->where('cat_id', $category_id); $data = $CI->db->get('categories')->result_array(); foreach ($data as $item) { $rtrn .= '<li ' . $addon . '><a href="' . base_url() . 'ru/catalog/' . $item['url'] . '" title="' . $item['meta_title'] . '"> <i class="fa fa-angle-right" style="margin-right: 17px; color: c8c8c8; display: inline;"></i> ' . $item['name'] . '</a>'; if (count($CI->db->where('cat_id', $item['id'])->get('categories')->result()) > 0) { $rtrn .= '<span style="position:absolute; right:0px; top:7px; display:block; float:right; clear:none; z-index:1; width:27px; height:27px; cursor:pointer; font-weight:bold; color:#bcbcbc; font-size:12px;"><i class="fa fa-plus-circle"></i></span>'; } $rtrn .= '' . build_tree($item['id'], $lang, "style=\"padding-left:10px;\"") . ' </li>'; } return $rtrn . '</ul>'; }
function build_tree($cats, $parent_id, $only_parent = false) { if (is_array($cats) and isset($cats[$parent_id])) { $tree = '<ul>'; if ($only_parent == false) { foreach ($cats[$parent_id] as $cat) { $tree .= '<li>' . $cat['name'] . ' #' . $cat['id']; $tree .= build_tree($cats, $cat['id']); $tree .= '</li>'; } } elseif (is_numeric($only_parent)) { $cat = $cats[$parent_id][$only_parent]; $tree .= '<li>' . $cat['name'] . ' #' . $cat['id']; $tree .= build_tree($cats, $cat['id']); $tree .= '</li>'; } $tree .= '</ul>'; } else { return null; } return $tree; }
function build_tree($arr, $parent, $id = '') { if (is_array($arr) and isset($arr[$parent])) { if (empty($id)) { $tree = "\n<ul>"; } else { $tree = "\n" . '<ul class=' . $id . '>' . "\n"; } foreach ($arr[$parent] as $key => $value) { if ($value['url'] == '/') { $value['url'] = ''; } $tree .= '<li><a href="/' . $value['url'] . '">' . $value['name'] . '</a>'; $tree .= build_tree($arr, $key); $tree .= "</li>\n"; } $tree .= "<div class=\"clear\"></div></ul>\n"; } else { return null; } return $tree; }
public function single($id, $s = "") { if (!is_numeric($id)) { $temp = M('page')->where(array("callcode='{$id}'", "lang" => LANG_SET))->find(); $temp1 = M("page")->where(array("sub_id" => $temp['id']))->limit("1")->find(); $s = $id; $id = $temp1['id']; } $article = M('page')->where(array("id='{$id}'", "lang" => LANG_SET))->select(); $this->article = $article; $temo = M('page')->where(array("lang" => LANG_SET, "id" => $article[0]['id']))->select(); $this->assign('currcategory', $temo[0]); // 赋值数据集 //print_r($s); if ($s != "about" && $s != "channel" && $s != "support") { // $s = "about"; } $this->assign("backup", $s); $categorylist = M('page')->where(array("lang" => LANG_SET, "_string" => "sub_id='" . $article[0]['sub_id'] . "' OR id = '" . $article[0]['sub_id'] . "'"))->select(); $tree = build_tree(0, $categorylist); $this->assign('categorylist', $tree); // 赋值数据集 $this->theme("default")->display('Page/index'); }
$csv = read_input($in, isset($argv[5]) ? $argv[5] : ','); if ($mode == MODE_CSV) { print_r($csv); exit(1); } // Filter the CSV data for conversion if (!@(include $filter)) { print_usage_and_exit("Could not include filter script {$in}"); } if (!function_exists('custom_filter')) { print_error_and_exit("Filter function 'custom_filter' not " . "defined in filter script"); } $cases = filter_csv_input($csv); if ($mode == MODE_CASES) { print_r($cases); exit(1); } // Generate a section tree $sections = build_tree($cases); if ($mode == MODE_TREE) { print_r($sections); exit(1); } // Write the output $handle = fopen($out, 'w'); if (!$handle) { print_error_and_exit('Could not create output file'); } write_output($handle, $sections); fclose($handle); print "Successfully converted {$section_count} sections and {$case_count} cases\n";
/** * @param object $ldapserver * @param dn $dn * @param array $tree * @param string $filter */ function build_tree($ldapserver, $dn, $buildtree) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) { debug_log('build_tree: Entered with (%s,%s,%s)', 1, $ldapserver->server_id, $dn, $buildtree); } $children = $ldapserver->getContainerContents($dn, 0); if (is_array($children) && count($children) > 0) { $buildtree[$dn] = $children; foreach ($children as $child_dn) { $buildtree = build_tree($ldapserver, $child_dn, $buildtree); } } if (DEBUG_ENABLED) { debug_log('build_tree: Returning (%s)', 1, $buildtree); } return $buildtree; }
<ul> <?php echo build_tree('languages'); ?> </ul> </div> <div class="span8"> <pre><code> <ol> <?php echo build_tree('languages', array('sub_start_tag' => '<ol>', 'sub_end_tag' => '</ol>')); ?> </ol> </code></pre> <ol> <?php echo build_tree('languages', array('sub_start_tag' => '<ol>', 'sub_end_tag' => '</ol>')); ?> </ol> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="span4"> <pre><code> <ul> <?php echo build_tree_item('languages', 4); ?> </ul> </code></pre> <ul> <?php echo build_tree_item('languages', 4); ?>
function build_tree($server, $dn, $buildtree) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED && (($fargs = func_get_args()) || ($fargs = 'NOARGS'))) { debug_log('Entered (%%)', 1, 0, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, $fargs); } # We search all children, not only the visible children in the tree $children = $server->getContainerContents($dn, null, 0); if (count($children)) { $buildtree[$dn] = $children; foreach ($children as $child_dn) { $buildtree = build_tree($server, $child_dn, $buildtree); } } if (DEBUG_ENABLED) { debug_log('Returning (%s)', 1, 0, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, $buildtree); } return $buildtree; }
function build_tree($root_id, $rows) { $childs = findChild($rows, $root_id); if (empty($childs)) { return null; } foreach ($childs as $k => $v) { $rescurTree = build_tree($v['id'], $rows); if (null != $rescurTree) { $childs[$k]['childs'] = $rescurTree; } } return $childs; }
function EditAlbum($allowed_edit) { global $context, $txt, $smcFunc, $scripturl; $memID = $context['member']['id']; if (!$allowed_edit) { fatal_error($txt['Maximum_albums_edit_not'], false); } $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' SELECT title, parent_id FROM {db_prefix}Maximum_albums WHERE id_album = {int:id_album}', array('id_album' => (int) $_GET['editalb'])); list($context['album_title'], $context['album_parent']) = $smcFunc['db_fetch_row']($request); $context['sub_template'] = 'albums_edit'; $context['album_tree'] = build_tree($_GET['editalb']); $context['Maximum_action'] = $scripturl . '?action=profile;area=pictures;u=' . $memID . ';editalb2=' . $_GET['editalb']; }
function getmenu($pid = 0) { if (!S('menu_' . $pid)) { $res = allmenu(); $menu = build_tree($res, $pid); S('menu_' . $lid . '_' . $pid, $menu); } else { $menu = S('menu_' . $lid . '_' . $pid); } return $menu; }
} if ($name[29]) { echo "<tr>{$eb}{$vl}{$vl}{$tm}{$red} 29 {$name['29']}</td>{$nl}{$vl}{$vl}{$ec}</tr>\n"; } if ($name[7]) { echo "<tr>{$eb}{$tm}{$red} 7 {$name['7']}</td>{$eb}{$eb}{$nl}{$ec}</tr>\n"; } if ($name[30]) { echo "<tr>{$eb}{$eb}{$vl}{$ec}{$blue} 30 {$name['30']}</td>{$nl}{$vl}{$tf}</tr>\n"; } if ($name[15]) { echo "<tr>{$eb}{$eb}{$tm}{$red} 15 {$name['15']}</td>{$eb}{$nl}{$ec}</tr>\n"; } if ($name[31]) { echo "<tr>{$eb}{$eb}{$eb}{$tm}{$red} 31 {$name['31']}</td>{$nl}{$ec}</tr>\n"; } echo "</table>\n"; } // ***************************************************************************** // *** MAIN PROGRAM *** // ***************************************************************************** $pedigree = true; $title = "{$person} {$name}, {$_ancestors}"; require "./header.php"; spousebox($person); childbox($person); echo '<div class="normal">'; echo "<h2>{$_Pedigree_for} {$name}</h2>\n"; build_tree($person); echo "</div>\n"; include "./footer.php";
switch ($argv[1]) { //Generate static web documentation case 'generate': generate_static(isset($argv[3]) ? $argv[3] : ''); echo "Finished\n"; echo "The documentation is generated in static folder\n"; break; default: echo "\n"; echo 'Usage:' . "\n"; echo ' php index.php generate' . "\n"; echo 'Generate static web' . "\n"; echo "\n"; break; } exit; } require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/libs/live.php"; $base_path = str_replace("/index.php", "", $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); define("CLI", FALSE); build_tree(); $remove = array($base_path . '/'); if (!$options['clean_urls']) { $remove[] = 'index.php?'; } $request = str_replace($remove, "", $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $request = rawurldecode($request); if (isset($_POST['markdown']) && $options['file_editor']) { file_put_contents(clean_url_to_file($request), $_POST['markdown']); } echo generate_live($request);
<?php reset($arbre); //construction automatique de l'arbre format : (num_fils, num_pere,nom,nom_unix) while (list($key2, $sons2) = each($arbre)) { print "d.add(" . $key2 . "," . $sons2 . ",'" . $project_name[$key2][0] . "','" . util_make_link("/projects/" . $project_name[$key2][1] . "/") . "');\n"; } ?> document.write(d); </script> <?php echo '</td></tr></table>'; } /*function aff_node($node, $lvl) { for ($i = 0; $i < $lvl; ++$i) { echo " "; } echo $node . "<br/>"; }*/ $tree = build_tree(); aff_tree($tree, 0); } //docman_display_documents($nested_groups,$df,$is_editor); docman_display_documents($nested_groups, $df, ''); $HTML->footer(array()); // Local Variables: // mode: php // c-file-style: "bsd" // End:
function build_tree($cats, $parent_id) { if (is_array($cats) and count($cats[$parent_id]) > 0) { $tree = '<ul>'; foreach ($cats[$parent_id] as $cat) { $tree .= '<li>' . $cat['name']; $tree .= build_tree($cats, $cat['id']); $tree .= '</li>'; } $tree .= '</ul>'; } else { return null; } return $tree; }
function build_tree($source_server_id, $root_dn, &$tree) { $children = get_container_contents($source_server_id, $root_dn); if (is_array($children) && count($children) > 0) { $tree[$root_dn] = $children; foreach ($children as $child_dn) { build_tree($source_server_id, $child_dn, $tree); } } }