コード例 #1
function apache_config()
    $sock = new sockets();
    $unix = new unix();
    $EnablePHPFPM = 0;
    if (preg_match("#APACHE_RUN_GROUP#", $APACHE_SRC_GROUP)) {
        $APACHE_SRC_GROUP = "www-data";
    $LogFilePath = "/var/log/artica-wifidog/access.log";
    $directories[] = "/var/run/apache2";
    $directories[] = "/var/run/artica-apache";
    $directories[] = "/var/log/artica-wifidog";
    $directories[] = "/home/artica/hotspot/sessions";
    $directories[] = "/home/artica/hotspot/caches";
    while (list($index, $maindir) = each($directories)) {
        @mkdir($maindir, 0755, true);
        @chown($maindir, $APACHE_SRC_ACCOUNT);
        @chgrp($maindir, $APACHE_SRC_GROUP);
    $ErrorLog = dirname($LogFilePath) . "/error.log";
    if (!is_file($LogFilePath)) {
    @chown($LogFilePath, $APACHE_SRC_ACCOUNT);
    @chgrp($LogFilePath, $APACHE_SRC_GROUP);
    if (!is_file($ErrorLog)) {
    @chown($ErrorLog, $APACHE_SRC_ACCOUNT);
    @chgrp($ErrorLog, $APACHE_SRC_GROUP);
    $HotSpotMaxClients = intval(@file_get_contents("/etc/artica-postfix/settings/Daemons/HotSpotMaxClients"));
    $HotSpotStartServers = intval(@file_get_contents("/etc/artica-postfix/settings/Daemons/HotSpotStartServers"));
    $HotSpotForceDDOSDisable = intval(@file_get_contents("/etc/artica-postfix/settings/Daemons/HotSpotForceDDOSDisable"));
    if ($HotSpotMaxClients == 0) {
        $HotSpotMaxClients = 20;
    if ($HotSpotStartServers == 0) {
        $HotSpotStartServers = 5;
    $EnableArticaHotSpot = $sock->GET_INFO("EnableArticaHotSpot");
    $SquidHotSpotPort = $sock->GET_INFO("SquidHotSpotPort");
    $ArticaHotSpotPort = $sock->GET_INFO("ArticaHotSpotPort");
    $ArticaSSLHotSpotPort = $sock->GET_INFO("ArticaSSLHotSpotPort");
    $ArticaSplashHotSpotPort = $sock->GET_INFO("ArticaSplashHotSpotPort");
    $ArticaSplashHotSpotPortSSL = $sock->GET_INFO("ArticaSplashHotSpotPortSSL");
    if (!is_numeric($ArticaHotSpotPort)) {
        $ArticaHotSpotPort = 0;
    if (!is_numeric($ArticaSplashHotSpotPort)) {
        $ArticaSplashHotSpotPort = 16080;
    if (!is_numeric($ArticaSplashHotSpotPortSSL)) {
        $ArticaSplashHotSpotPortSSL = 16443;
    $ArticaHotSpotInterface = $sock->GET_INFO("ArticaHotSpotInterface");
    $HospotHTTPServerName = trim($sock->GET_INFO("HospotHTTPServerName"));
    $HotSpotErrorRedirect = $sock->GET_INFO("HotSpotErrorRedirect");
    if ($HotSpotErrorRedirect == null) {
        $HotSpotErrorRedirect = "http://www.msftncsi.com";
    $Params = unserialize($sock->GET_INFO("HotSpotEvasive"));
    $ApacheEvasiveInstalled = intval($sock->GET_INFO("ApacheEvasiveInstalled"));
    if (!is_numeric($Params["DOSEnable"])) {
        $Params["DOSEnable"] = 1;
    if (!is_numeric($Params["DOSHashTableSize"])) {
        $Params["DOSHashTableSize"] = 1024;
    if (!is_numeric($Params["DOSPageCount"])) {
        $Params["DOSPageCount"] = 3;
    if (!is_numeric($Params["DOSSiteCount"])) {
        $Params["DOSSiteCount"] = 20;
    if (!is_numeric($Params["DOSPageInterval"])) {
        $Params["DOSPageInterval"] = 1;
    if (!is_numeric($Params["DOSSiteInterval"])) {
        $Params["DOSSiteInterval"] = 10;
    if (!is_numeric($Params["DOSBlockingPeriod"])) {
        $Params["DOSBlockingPeriod"] = 5;
    $unix = new unix();
    $ipaddr = $NETWORK_ALL_INTERFACES[$ArticaHotSpotInterface]["IPADDR"];
    if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
        echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["SERVICE_NAME"]} HotSpot run as {$ArticaHotSpotInterface} ( {$ipaddr} )\n";
    if ($ipaddr == "") {
        $ipaddr = "*";
    if ($ipaddr == null) {
        $ipaddr = "*";
    $phpfpm = $unix->APACHE_LOCATE_PHP_FPM();
    $php = $unix->LOCATE_PHP5_BIN();
    $EnableArticaApachePHPFPM = $sock->GET_INFO("EnableArticaApachePHPFPM");
    if (!is_numeric($EnableArticaApachePHPFPM)) {
        $EnableArticaApachePHPFPM = 0;
    if (!is_file($phpfpm)) {
        $EnableArticaApachePHPFPM = 0;
    $unix->chown_func($APACHE_SRC_ACCOUNT, $APACHE_SRC_GROUP, "/var/run/artica-apache");
    $apache_LOCATE_MIME_TYPES = $unix->apache_LOCATE_MIME_TYPES();
    if ($EnableArticaApachePHPFPM == 1) {
        if (!is_file("{$APACHE_MODULES_PATH}/mod_fastcgi.so")) {
            if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
                echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["SERVICE_NAME"]} mod_fastcgi.so is required to use PHP5-FPM\n";
            $EnableArticaApachePHPFPM = 0;
    if ($APACHE_SRC_ACCOUNT == null) {
        $APACHE_SRC_ACCOUNT = "www-data";
        $APACHE_SRC_GROUP = "www-data";
        $unix->CreateUnixUser($APACHE_SRC_ACCOUNT, $APACHE_SRC_GROUP, "Apache username");
    if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
        echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["SERVICE_NAME"]} Run as....: {$APACHE_SRC_ACCOUNT}:{$APACHE_SRC_GROUP}\n";
    if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
        echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["SERVICE_NAME"]} HTTP Port.: {$ArticaSplashHotSpotPort} SSL Port: {$ArticaSplashHotSpotPortSSL}\n";
    if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
        echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["SERVICE_NAME"]} PHP-FPM...: {$EnablePHPFPM}\n";
    if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
        echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["SERVICE_NAME"]} MaxClients: {$HotSpotMaxClients}\n";
    $f[] = "Group {$APACHE_SRC_GROUP}";
    $f[] = "User {$APACHE_SRC_ACCOUNT}";
    $f[] = "LockFile /var/run/apache2/hotspot-artica-accept.lock";
    $f[] = "PidFile /var/run/artica-apache/hotspot-apache.pid";
    $f[] = "AcceptMutex flock";
    $f[] = "SSLRandomSeed startup file:/dev/urandom  256";
    $f[] = "SSLRandomSeed connect builtin";
    $f[] = "SSLSessionCache        shmcb:/var/run/apache2/ssl_scache-hotspot(512000)";
    $f[] = "SSLSessionCacheTimeout  300";
    $f[] = "SSLSessionCacheTimeout  300";
    $f[] = "DocumentRoot /usr/share/artica-postfix";
    $f[] = "DirectoryIndex hotspot.html";
    $f[] = "ErrorDocument 400 /hotspot.html";
    $f[] = "ErrorDocument 401 /hotspot.html";
    $f[] = "ErrorDocument 403 /hotspot.html";
    $f[] = "ErrorDocument 404 /hotspot.html";
    $f[] = "ErrorDocument 500 /hotspot.html";
    $NameVirtualHost = $ipaddr;
    if ($HospotHTTPServerName != null) {
        $NameVirtualHost = $HospotHTTPServerName;
    $f[] = "NameVirtualHost {$NameVirtualHost}:{$ArticaSplashHotSpotPort}";
    $f[] = "NameVirtualHost {$NameVirtualHost}:{$ArticaSplashHotSpotPortSSL}";
    $f[] = "Listen {$NameVirtualHost}:{$ArticaSplashHotSpotPort}";
    $f[] = "Listen {$NameVirtualHost}:{$ArticaSplashHotSpotPortSSL}";
    $ddos_config = null;
    if ($HotSpotForceDDOSDisable == 1) {
        $Params["DOSEnable"] = 0;
    if ($Params["DOSEnable"] == 1) {
        //$ddos[]="<IfModule mod_evasive20.c>";
        $ddos[] = "\tDOSHashTableSize {$Params["DOSHashTableSize"]}";
        $ddos[] = "\tDOSPageCount {$Params["DOSPageCount"]}";
        $ddos[] = "\tDOSSiteCount {$Params["DOSSiteCount"]}";
        $ddos[] = "\tDOSPageInterval {$Params["DOSPageInterval"]}";
        $ddos[] = "\tDOSSiteInterval {$Params["DOSSiteInterval"]}";
        $ddos[] = "\tDOSBlockingPeriod {$Params["DOSBlockingPeriod"]}";
        $ddos[] = "\tDOSLogDir  \"/var/log/artica-wifidog\"";
        $ddos[] = "\tDOSSystemCommand \"/bin/echo `date '+%F %T'` HOTSPOT  %s >> /var/log/artica-wifidog/dos_evasive_attacks.log\"";
        $ddos_config = @implode("\n", $ddos);
    $f[] = "<VirtualHost {$NameVirtualHost}:{$ArticaSplashHotSpotPort}>";
    $f[] = "\tServerName {$NameVirtualHost}";
    $f[] = "\tDocumentRoot /usr/share/artica-postfix";
    $f[] = "{$ddos_config}";
    $f[] = "\tErrorDocument 400 /hotspot.html";
    $f[] = "\tErrorDocument 401 /hotspot.html";
    $f[] = "\tErrorDocument 403 /hotspot.html";
    $f[] = "\tErrorDocument 404 /hotspot.html";
    $f[] = "\tErrorDocument 500 /hotspot.html";
    $f[] = "\tFallbackResource /hotspot.html";
    $f[] = "</VirtualHost>";
    $f[] = "<VirtualHost {$NameVirtualHost}:{$ArticaSplashHotSpotPortSSL}>";
    $f[] = "\tServerName {$NameVirtualHost}";
    $f[] = "\tDocumentRoot /usr/share/artica-postfix";
    $f[] = "\tSSLEngine on";
    $squid = new squidbee();
    $ArticaSplashHotSpotCertificate = $sock->GET_INFO("ArticaSplashHotSpotCertificate");
    $data = $squid->SaveCertificate($ArticaSplashHotSpotCertificate, false, true, false);
    if ($ArticaSplashHotSpotCertificate != null) {
        $apache = new apache_certificate($ArticaSplashHotSpotCertificate);
        $f[] = $apache->build();
    } else {
        if (preg_match("#ssl_certificate\\s+(.+?);\\s+ssl_certificate_key\\s+(.+?);#is", $data, $re)) {
            $cert = $re[1];
            $key = $re[2];
            $f[] = "\tSSLCertificateFile \"{$cert}\"";
            $f[] = "\tSSLCertificateKeyFile \"{$key}\"";
    $f[] = "\tSSLVerifyClient none";
    $f[] = "\tServerSignature Off";
    $f[] = "{$ddos_config}";
    $f[] = "\tErrorDocument 400 /hotspot.html";
    $f[] = "\tErrorDocument 401 /hotspot.html";
    $f[] = "\tErrorDocument 403 /hotspot.html";
    $f[] = "\tErrorDocument 404 /hotspot.html";
    $f[] = "\tErrorDocument 500 /hotspot.html";
    $f[] = "\tFallbackResource /hotspot.html";
    $f[] = "</VirtualHost>";
    $f[] = "AccessFileName .htaccess";
    $f[] = "<Files ~ \"^\\.ht\">";
    $f[] = "\tOrder allow,deny";
    $f[] = "\tDeny from all";
    $f[] = "\tSatisfy all";
    $f[] = "</Files>";
    $f[] = "DefaultType text/plain";
    $f[] = "HostnameLookups Off";
    $f[] = "User\t\t\t\t   {$APACHE_SRC_ACCOUNT}";
    $f[] = "Group\t\t\t\t   {$APACHE_SRC_GROUP}";
    $f[] = "Timeout              300";
    $f[] = "KeepAlive            Off";
    $f[] = "KeepAliveTimeout     3";
    if ($HotSpotStartServers >= $HotSpotMaxClients) {
        $HotSpotMaxClients = $HotSpotMaxClients + $HotSpotStartServers;
    if ($HotSpotMaxClients > 1024) {
        $HotSpotMaxClients = 1024;
    $ServerLimit = $HotSpotMaxClients + 100;
    if ($ServerLimit > 2000) {
        $ServerLimit = 2000;
    $f[] = "StartServers         {$HotSpotStartServers}";
    $f[] = "MaxClients           {$HotSpotMaxClients}";
    $f[] = "ServerLimit\t\t   {$ServerLimit}";
    $MinSpareServers = $HotSpotStartServers + 5;
    $MaxSpareServers = $MinSpareServers + 1;
    $f[] = "MinSpareServers      {$MinSpareServers}";
    $f[] = "MaxSpareServers      {$MaxSpareServers}";
    $f[] = "MaxRequestsPerChild  800";
    $f[] = "MaxKeepAliveRequests 100";
    $f[] = "ServerName " . $unix->hostname_g();
    $f[] = "<IfModule mod_ssl.c>";
    $f[] = "\tSSLRandomSeed connect builtin";
    $f[] = "\tSSLRandomSeed connect file:/dev/urandom 512";
    $f[] = "\tAddType application/x-x509-ca-cert .crt";
    $f[] = "\tAddType application/x-pkcs7-crl    .crl";
    $f[] = "\tSSLPassPhraseDialog  builtin";
    $f[] = "\tSSLSessionCache        shmcb:/var/run/apache2/ssl_scache-articahtp(512000)";
    $f[] = "\tSSLSessionCacheTimeout  300";
    $f[] = "\tSSLSessionCacheTimeout  300";
    $f[] = "\tSSLMutex  sem";
    $f[] = "\tSSLCipherSuite HIGH:MEDIUM:!ADH";
    $f[] = "\tSSLProtocol all -SSLv2";
    $f[] = "</IfModule>";
    $f[] = "";
    $f[] = "AddType application/x-httpd-php .php";
    $f[] = "php_value error_log \"/var/log/artica-wifidog/access.log\"";
    $f[] = "php_value session.save_path \"/home/artica/hotspot/sessions\"";
    $f[] = "<IfModule mod_fcgid.c>";
    $f[] = "\tPHP_Fix_Pathinfo_Enable 1";
    $f[] = "</IfModule>";
    $f[] = "<IfModule mod_php5.c>";
    $f[] = "    <FilesMatch \"\\.ph(p3?|tml)\$\">";
    $f[] = "\tSetHandler application/x-httpd-php";
    $f[] = "    </FilesMatch>";
    $f[] = "    <FilesMatch \"\\.phps\$\">";
    $f[] = "\tSetHandler application/x-httpd-php-source";
    $f[] = "    </FilesMatch>";
    $f[] = "    <IfModule mod_userdir.c>";
    $f[] = "        <Directory /home/*/public_html>";
    $f[] = "            php_admin_value engine Off";
    $f[] = "        </Directory>";
    $f[] = "    </IfModule>";
    $f[] = "</IfModule>";
    $f[] = "<IfModule mod_mime.c>";
    $f[] = "\tTypesConfig /etc/mime.types";
    $f[] = "\tAddType application/x-compress .Z";
    $f[] = "\tAddType application/x-gzip .gz .tgz";
    $f[] = "\tAddType application/x-bzip2 .bz2";
    $f[] = "\tAddType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml";
    $f[] = "\tAddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps";
    $f[] = "\tAddLanguage ca .ca";
    $f[] = "\tAddLanguage cs .cz .cs";
    $f[] = "\tAddLanguage da .dk";
    $f[] = "\tAddLanguage de .de";
    $f[] = "\tAddLanguage el .el";
    $f[] = "\tAddLanguage en .en";
    $f[] = "\tAddLanguage eo .eo";
    $f[] = "\tRemoveType  es";
    $f[] = "\tAddLanguage es .es";
    $f[] = "\tAddLanguage et .et";
    $f[] = "\tAddLanguage fr .fr";
    $f[] = "\tAddLanguage he .he";
    $f[] = "\tAddLanguage hr .hr";
    $f[] = "\tAddLanguage it .it";
    $f[] = "\tAddLanguage ja .ja";
    $f[] = "\tAddLanguage ko .ko";
    $f[] = "\tAddLanguage ltz .ltz";
    $f[] = "\tAddLanguage nl .nl";
    $f[] = "\tAddLanguage nn .nn";
    $f[] = "\tAddLanguage no .no";
    $f[] = "\tAddLanguage pl .po";
    $f[] = "\tAddLanguage pt .pt";
    $f[] = "\tAddLanguage pt-BR .pt-br";
    $f[] = "\tAddLanguage ru .ru";
    $f[] = "\tAddLanguage sv .sv";
    $f[] = "\tRemoveType  tr";
    $f[] = "\tAddLanguage tr .tr";
    $f[] = "\tAddLanguage zh-CN .zh-cn";
    $f[] = "\tAddLanguage zh-TW .zh-tw";
    $f[] = "\tAddCharset us-ascii    .ascii .us-ascii";
    $f[] = "\tAddCharset ISO-8859-1  .iso8859-1  .latin1";
    $f[] = "\tAddCharset ISO-8859-2  .iso8859-2  .latin2 .cen";
    $f[] = "\tAddCharset ISO-8859-3  .iso8859-3  .latin3";
    $f[] = "\tAddCharset ISO-8859-4  .iso8859-4  .latin4";
    $f[] = "\tAddCharset ISO-8859-5  .iso8859-5  .cyr .iso-ru";
    $f[] = "\tAddCharset ISO-8859-6  .iso8859-6  .arb .arabic";
    $f[] = "\tAddCharset ISO-8859-7  .iso8859-7  .grk .greek";
    $f[] = "\tAddCharset ISO-8859-8  .iso8859-8  .heb .hebrew";
    $f[] = "\tAddCharset ISO-8859-9  .iso8859-9  .latin5 .trk";
    $f[] = "\tAddCharset ISO-8859-10  .iso8859-10  .latin6";
    $f[] = "\tAddCharset ISO-8859-13  .iso8859-13";
    $f[] = "\tAddCharset ISO-8859-14  .iso8859-14  .latin8";
    $f[] = "\tAddCharset ISO-8859-15  .iso8859-15  .latin9";
    $f[] = "\tAddCharset ISO-8859-16  .iso8859-16  .latin10";
    $f[] = "\tAddCharset ISO-2022-JP .iso2022-jp .jis";
    $f[] = "\tAddCharset ISO-2022-KR .iso2022-kr .kis";
    $f[] = "\tAddCharset ISO-2022-CN .iso2022-cn .cis";
    $f[] = "\tAddCharset Big5        .Big5       .big5 .b5";
    $f[] = "\tAddCharset cn-Big5     .cn-big5";
    $f[] = "\t# For russian, more than one charset is used (depends on client, mostly):";
    $f[] = "\tAddCharset WINDOWS-1251 .cp-1251   .win-1251";
    $f[] = "\tAddCharset CP866       .cp866";
    $f[] = "\tAddCharset KOI8      .koi8";
    $f[] = "\tAddCharset KOI8-E      .koi8-e";
    $f[] = "\tAddCharset KOI8-r      .koi8-r .koi8-ru";
    $f[] = "\tAddCharset KOI8-U      .koi8-u";
    $f[] = "\tAddCharset KOI8-ru     .koi8-uk .ua";
    $f[] = "\tAddCharset ISO-10646-UCS-2 .ucs2";
    $f[] = "\tAddCharset ISO-10646-UCS-4 .ucs4";
    $f[] = "\tAddCharset UTF-7       .utf7";
    $f[] = "\tAddCharset UTF-8       .utf8";
    $f[] = "\tAddCharset UTF-16      .utf16";
    $f[] = "\tAddCharset UTF-16BE    .utf16be";
    $f[] = "\tAddCharset UTF-16LE    .utf16le";
    $f[] = "\tAddCharset UTF-32      .utf32";
    $f[] = "\tAddCharset UTF-32BE    .utf32be";
    $f[] = "\tAddCharset UTF-32LE    .utf32le";
    $f[] = "\tAddCharset euc-cn      .euc-cn";
    $f[] = "\tAddCharset euc-gb      .euc-gb";
    $f[] = "\tAddCharset euc-jp      .euc-jp";
    $f[] = "\tAddCharset euc-kr      .euc-kr";
    $f[] = "\tAddCharset EUC-TW      .euc-tw";
    $f[] = "\tAddCharset gb2312      .gb2312 .gb";
    $f[] = "\tAddCharset iso-10646-ucs-2 .ucs-2 .iso-10646-ucs-2";
    $f[] = "\tAddCharset iso-10646-ucs-4 .ucs-4 .iso-10646-ucs-4";
    $f[] = "\tAddCharset shift_jis   .shift_jis .sjis";
    $f[] = "\tAddType text/html .shtml";
    $f[] = "\tAddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtml";
    $f[] = "</IfModule>";
    $f[] = "Alias /index.php /hotspot.html";
    $f[] = "Alias /index.html /hotspot.html";
    $f[] = "Alias /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync /hotspot-none.html";
    $f[] = "<Directory \"/usr/share/artica-postfix\">";
    $f[] = "\tDirectorySlash On";
    $f[] = "\tDirectoryIndex hostpot.php";
    $f[] = "\t\t<Files \"hostpot.php\">";
    $f[] = "\t\t\tOrder allow,deny";
    $f[] = "\t\t\tallow from all";
    $f[] = "\t\t</Files>";
    $f[] = "\t\t<Files \"hostpot.html\">";
    $f[] = "\t\t\tOrder allow,deny";
    $f[] = "\t\t\tallow from all";
    $f[] = "\t\t</Files>";
    $f[] = "\t\t<FilesMatch \"!(hostpot)\\.(html|php)\$\">";
    $f[] = "\t\t\tOrder allow,deny";
    $f[] = "\t\t\tdeny from all";
    $f[] = "\t\t</FilesMatch>";
    $f[] = "\tErrorDocument 400 /hotspot.html";
    $f[] = "\tErrorDocument 401 /hotspot.html";
    $f[] = "\tErrorDocument 403 /hotspot.html";
    $f[] = "\tErrorDocument 404 /hotspot.html";
    $f[] = "\tErrorDocument 500 /hotspot.html";
    $f[] = "\tFallbackResource /hotspot.html";
    $f[] = "\tOptions -Indexes";
    $f[] = "\tSSLOptions +StdEnvVars";
    $f[] = "\tAllowOverride All";
    $f[] = "\tOrder allow,deny";
    $f[] = "\tAllow from all";
    $f[] = "</Directory>";
    if ($EnableArticaApachePHPFPM == 1) {
        if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
            echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["SERVICE_NAME"]} Activate PHP5-FPM\n";
        shell_exec("{$php} /usr/share/artica-postfix/exec.initslapd.php --phppfm");
        if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
            echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["SERVICE_NAME"]} Restarting PHP5-FPM\n";
        shell_exec("/etc/init.d/php5-fpm restart");
        $f[] = "\tAlias /php5.fastcgi /var/run/artica-apache/php5.fastcgi";
        $f[] = "\tAddHandler php-script .php";
        $f[] = "\tFastCGIExternalServer /var/run/artica-apache/php5.fastcgi -socket /var/run/php-fpm.sock -idle-timeout 610";
        $f[] = "\tAction php-script /php5.fastcgi virtual";
        $f[] = "\t<Directory /var/run/artica-apache>";
        $f[] = "\t\t<Files php5.fastcgi>";
        $f[] = "\t\tOrder deny,allow";
        $f[] = "\t\tAllow from all";
        $f[] = "\t\t</Files>";
        $f[] = "\t</Directory>";
    } else {
        if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
            echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["SERVICE_NAME"]} PHP5-FPM is disabled\n";
    $f[] = "Loglevel debug";
    $f[] = "ErrorLog {$ErrorLog}";
    $f[] = "LogFormat \"%h %l %u %t \\\"%r\\\" %<s %b\" common";
    $f[] = "CustomLog {$LogFilePath} common";
    if ($EnableArticaApachePHPFPM == 0) {
        $array["php5_module"] = "libphp5.so";
    $array["actions_module"] = "mod_actions.so";
    $array["expires_module"] = "mod_expires.so";
    $array["rewrite_module"] = "mod_rewrite.so";
    $array["dir_module"] = "mod_dir.so";
    $array["mime_module"] = "mod_mime.so";
    $array["alias_module"] = "mod_alias.so";
    $array["auth_basic_module"] = "mod_auth_basic.so";
    $array["authz_host_module"] = "mod_authz_host.so";
    $array["autoindex_module"] = "mod_autoindex.so";
    $array["negotiation_module"] = "mod_negotiation.so";
    $array["ssl_module"] = "mod_ssl.so";
    $array["headers_module"] = "mod_headers.so";
    $array["ldap_module"] = "mod_ldap.so";
    if ($Params["DOSEnable"] == 1) {
        $array["evasive20_module"] = "mod_evasive20.so";
    if ($EnableArticaApachePHPFPM == 1) {
        $array["fastcgi_module"] = "mod_fastcgi.so";
    if (is_dir("/etc/apache2")) {
        if (!is_file("/etc/apache2/mime.types")) {
            if ($apache_LOCATE_MIME_TYPES != "/etc/apache2/mime.types") {
                @copy($apache_LOCATE_MIME_TYPES, "/etc/apache2/mime.types");
    if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
        echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["SERVICE_NAME"]} Mime types path.......: {$apache_LOCATE_MIME_TYPES}\n";
    if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
        echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["SERVICE_NAME"]} Modules path..........: {$APACHE_MODULES_PATH}\n";
    while (list($module, $lib) = each($array)) {
        if (is_file("{$APACHE_MODULES_PATH}/{$lib}")) {
            if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
                echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["SERVICE_NAME"]} include module \"{$module}\"\n";
            $f[] = "LoadModule {$module} {$APACHE_MODULES_PATH}/{$lib}";
        } else {
            if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
                echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["SERVICE_NAME"]} skip module \"{$module}\"\n";
    @file_put_contents("/etc/artica-postfix/hotspot-httpd.conf", @implode("\n", $f) . "\n");
    if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
        echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["SERVICE_NAME"]} /etc/artica-postfix/hotspot-httpd.conf done\n";
コード例 #2
ファイル: exec.wifidog.php プロジェクト: articatech/artica
function buildconfig()
    # $Id$";
    $sock = new sockets();
    $unix = new unix();
    $q = new mysql_squid_builder();
    $php = $unix->LOCATE_PHP5_BIN();
    $SquidHotSpotPort = intval($sock->GET_INFO("SquidHotSpotPort"));
    $ArticaHotSpotPort = intval($sock->GET_INFO("ArticaHotSpotPort"));
    $ArticaSSLHotSpotPort = intval($sock->GET_INFO("ArticaSSLHotSpotPort"));
    $ArticaSplashHotSpotPort = intval($sock->GET_INFO("ArticaSplashHotSpotPort"));
    $SquidHotSpotSSLPort = intval($sock->GET_INFO("SquidHotSpotSSLPort"));
    $HospotNoSSL = intval($sock->GET_INFO("HospotNoSSL"));
    $HotSpotDenySSL = intval($sock->GET_INFO("HotSpotDenySSL"));
    $ArticaHotSpotEmergency = intval($sock->GET_INFO("ArticaHotSpotEmergency"));
    $ArticaSplashHotSpotPortSSL = intval($sock->GET_INFO("ArticaSplashHotSpotPortSSL"));
    $ArticaSplashHotSpotCertificate = $sock->GET_INFO("ArticaSplashHotSpotCertificate");
    $ArticaHotSpotInterface = $sock->GET_INFO("ArticaHotSpotInterface");
    $ArticaHotSpotInterface2 = $sock->GET_INFO("ArticaHotSpotInterface2");
    if ($ArticaHotSpotInterface == null) {
        $ArticaHotSpotInterface = "eth0";
    $ArticaHotSpotEnableMIT = $sock->GET_INFO("ArticaHotSpotEnableMIT");
    $ArticaHotSpotEnableProxy = $sock->GET_INFO("ArticaHotSpotEnableProxy");
    if (!is_numeric($ArticaHotSpotEnableMIT)) {
        $ArticaHotSpotEnableMIT = 1;
    if (!is_numeric($ArticaHotSpotEnableProxy)) {
        $ArticaHotSpotEnableProxy = 1;
    if ($ArticaHotSpotInterface2 == $ArticaHotSpotInterface) {
        $ArticaHotSpotInterface2 = null;
    if ($ArticaSplashHotSpotPort == 0) {
        $ArticaSplashHotSpotPort = 16080;
    if ($ArticaSplashHotSpotPortSSL == 0) {
        $ArticaSplashHotSpotPortSSL = 16443;
    if ($ArticaHotSpotPort == 0) {
        $ArticaHotSpotPort = rand(38000, 64000);
        $sock->SET_INFO("ArticaHotSpotPort", $ArticaHotSpotPort);
    if ($ArticaSSLHotSpotPort == 0) {
        $ArticaSSLHotSpotPort = rand(38500, 64000);
        $sock->SET_INFO("ArticaSSLHotSpotPort", $ArticaSSLHotSpotPort);
    if ($SquidHotSpotPort == 0) {
        $SquidHotSpotPort = rand(40000, 64000);
        $sock->SET_INFO("SquidHotSpotPort", $SquidHotSpotPort);
    if ($SquidHotSpotSSLPort == 0) {
        $SquidHotSpotSSLPort = rand(40500, 64000);
        $sock->SET_INFO("SquidHotSpotSSLPort", $SquidHotSpotSSLPort);
    $IPADDR = $NETWORK_ALL_INTERFACES[$ArticaHotSpotInterface]["IPADDR"];
    $GatewayAddress = $IPADDR;
    $sock->SET_INFO("HotSpotGatewayAddr", $IPADDR);
    if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
        echo "Configuring...: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]}: HTTP service on {$NETWORK_ALL_INTERFACES[$ArticaHotSpotInterface]["IPADDR"]} `{$IPADDR}` port\n";
    $HospotHTTPServerName = trim($sock->GET_INFO("HospotHTTPServerName"));
    $IPADDR2 = $NETWORK_ALL_INTERFACES[$ArticaHotSpotInterface2]["IPADDR"];
    $WifiDogDebugLevel = intval($sock->GET_INFO("WifiDogDebugLevel"));
    build_progress("{reconfiguring}", 60);
    if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
        echo "Configuring...: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]}: HTTP service on {$ArticaSplashHotSpotPort} port\n";
    if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
        echo "Configuring...: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]}: HTTPS service on {$ArticaSplashHotSpotPortSSL} port\n";
    if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
        echo "Configuring...: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]}: HotSpot service on {$ArticaHotSpotPort} port\n";
    if ($ArticaHotSpotInterface2 != null) {
        if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
            echo "Configuring...: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]}: Listen IN on {$ArticaHotSpotInterface} ( {$IPADDR} )\n";
        if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
            echo "Configuring...: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]}: Listen OUT on {$ArticaHotSpotInterface2} ( {$IPADDR2} )\n";
    } else {
        if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
            echo "Configuring...: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]}: Listen on {$ArticaHotSpotInterface} ( {$IPADDR} )\n";
    if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
        echo "Configuring...: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]}: Proxy Listen on {$SquidHotSpotPort} port\n";
    if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
        echo "Configuring...: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]}: Re-authenticate each {$ArticaSplashHotSpotCacheAuth} Minutes\n";
    if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
        echo "Configuring...: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]}: Debug Level:{$WifiDogDebugLevel}\n";
    $Checking_squid = Checking_squid($SquidHotSpotPort);
    if (!$Checking_squid) {
        if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
            echo "Configuring...: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]}: Reconfiguring proxy...\n";
        shell_exec("{$php} /usr/share/artica-postfix/exec.squid.php --build --force");
        if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
            echo "Configuring...: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]}: Restarting Proxy...\n";
        shell_exec("/etc/init.d/squid restart --force {$GLOBALS["SCRIPT_SUFFIX"]}");
    build_progress("{reconfiguring}", 61);
    $Checking_squid = Checking_squid($SquidHotSpotPort);
    if (!$Checking_squid) {
        if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
            echo "Configuring...: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]}: Reconfiguring proxy on port {$SquidHotSpotPort} Failed!!!\n";
    build_progress("{reconfiguring}", 62);
    if ($ArticaHotSpotEnableMIT == 1) {
        $Checking_squid = Checking_squid($SquidHotSpotSSLPort);
        build_progress("{reconfiguring}", 63);
        if (!$Checking_squid) {
            if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
                echo "Configuring...: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]}: Reconfiguring proxy...\n";
            shell_exec("{$php} /usr/share/artica-postfix/exec.squid.php --build --force");
            if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
                echo "Configuring...: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]}: Restarting Proxy...\n";
            shell_exec("/etc/init.d/squid restart --force {$GLOBALS["SCRIPT_SUFFIX"]}");
        $Checking_squid = Checking_squid($SquidHotSpotSSLPort);
        if (!$Checking_squid) {
            if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
                echo "Configuring...: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]}: Reconfiguring proxy on port {$SquidHotSpotSSLPort} Failed!!!\n";
    $modprobe = $unix->find_program("modprobe");
    if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
        echo "Configuring...: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]}: probing iptables modules...\n";
    $array = array();
    $array[] = "ip_tables";
    $array[] = "ip_conntrack";
    $array[] = "ip_conntrack_ftp";
    $array[] = "ip_conntrack_irc";
    $array[] = "iptable_nat";
    $array[] = "ip_nat_ftp";
    while (list($num, $ligne) = each($array)) {
        if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
            echo "Configuring...: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]}: probing {$ligne}\n";
        shell_exec("{$modprobe} {$ligne}");
    $sysctl = $unix->find_program("sysctl");
    $echo = $unix->find_program("echo");
    if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
        echo "Configuring...: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]}: Enable gateway..\n";
    shell_exec("{$echo} 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward");
    shell_exec("{$echo} 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_dynaddr");
    shell_exec("{$sysctl} -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 2>&1");
    shell_exec("{$echo} 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward");
    $comment = " -m comment --comment \"WiFiDog_NAT\"";
    if ($ArticaHotSpotInterface2 != null) {
        $iptables = $unix->find_program("iptables");
        if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
            echo "Configuring...: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]}: Chain {$ArticaHotSpotInterface} and {$ArticaHotSpotInterface2}\n";
        $EXTIF = $ArticaHotSpotInterface2;
        $INTIF = $ArticaHotSpotInterface;
        shell_exec("{$iptables} -A FORWARD -i {$EXTIF} -o {$INTIF} -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED {$comment} -j ACCEPT");
        shell_exec("{$iptables} -A FORWARD -i {$INTIF} -o {$EXTIF} {$comment} -j ACCEPT");
        shell_exec("{$iptables} -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o {$EXTIF} {$comment} -j MASQUERADE");
    $WifidogClientTimeout = intval($sock->GET_INFO("WifidogClientTimeout"));
    if ($WifidogClientTimeout < 5) {
        $WifidogClientTimeout = 30;
    build_progress("{reconfiguring}", 64);
    $f[] = "# WiFiDog Configuration file";
    $f[] = "# Saved by artica on " . date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    $f[] = "";
    $f[] = "# Parameter: GatewayID";
    $f[] = "# Default: default";
    $f[] = "# Optional";
    $f[] = "#";
    $f[] = "# Set this to the node ID on the auth server";
    $f[] = "# This is used to give a customized login page to the clients and for";
    $f[] = "# monitoring/statistics purpose. If you run multiple gateways on the same";
    $f[] = "# machine each gateway needs to have a different gateway id.";
    $f[] = "# If none is supplied, the mac address of the GatewayInterface interface will be used,";
    $f[] = "# without the : separators";
    $f[] = "";
    $f[] = "# GatewayID default";
    $f[] = "";
    $f[] = "# Parameter: ExternalInterface";
    $f[] = "# Default: NONE";
    $f[] = "# Optional";
    $f[] = "#";
    $f[] = "# Set this to the external interface (the one going out to the Inernet or your larger LAN).  ";
    $f[] = "# Typically vlan1 for OpenWrt, and eth0 or ppp0 otherwise,";
    $f[] = "# Normally autodetected";
    $f[] = "";
    if ($ArticaHotSpotInterface2 != null) {
        $f[] = "ExternalInterface {$ArticaHotSpotInterface2}";
    } else {
        $f[] = "#ExternalInterface eth0 or ppp0 otherwise";
    $f[] = "";
    $f[] = "GatewayInterface {$ArticaHotSpotInterface}";
    $f[] = "GatewayAddress {$GatewayAddress}";
    $f[] = "";
    $f[] = "# Parameter: HtmlMessageFile";
    $f[] = "# Default: wifidog-msg.html";
    $f[] = "# Optional";
    $f[] = "#";
    $f[] = "# This allows you to specify a custome HTML file which will be used for";
    $f[] = "# system errors by the gateway. Any \$title, \$message and \$node variables";
    $f[] = "# used inside the file will be replaced.";
    $f[] = "#";
    $f[] = "# HtmlMessageFile /opt/wifidog/etc/wifidog-.html";
    $f[] = "";
    $f[] = "# Parameter: AuthServer";
    $f[] = "# Default: NONE";
    $f[] = "# Mandatory, repeatable";
    $f[] = "#";
    $f[] = "# This allows you to configure your auth server(s).  Each one will be tried in order, untill one responds.";
    $f[] = "# Set this to the hostname or IP of your auth server(s), the path where";
    $f[] = "# WiFiDog-auth resides in and the port it listens on.";
    $f[] = "#AuthServer {";
    $f[] = "#\tHostname                 (Mandatory; Default: NONE)";
    $f[] = "#\tSSLAvailable             (Optional; Default: no; Possible values: yes, no)";
    $f[] = "#\tSSLPort                  (Optional; Default: 443)";
    $f[] = "#\tHTTPPort                 (Optional; Default: 80)";
    $f[] = "#\tPath                     (Optional; Default: /wifidog/ Note:  The path must be both prefixed and suffixed by /.  Use a single / for server root.)";
    $f[] = "#   LoginScriptPathFragment  (Optional; Default: login/? Note:  This is the script the user will be sent to for login.)";
    $f[] = "#   PortalScriptPathFragment (Optional; Default: portal/? Note:  This is the script the user will be sent to after a successfull login.)";
    $f[] = "#   MsgScriptPathFragment    (Optional; Default: gw_message.php? Note:  This is the script the user will be sent to upon error to read a readable message.)";
    $f[] = "#   PingScriptPathFragment    (Optional; Default: ping/? Note:  This is the script the user will be sent to upon error to read a readable message.)";
    $f[] = "#   AuthScriptPathFragment    (Optional; Default: auth/? Note:  This is the script the user will be sent to upon error to read a readable message.)";
    $f[] = "#}";
    $f[] = "# HospotHTTPServerName = {$HospotHTTPServerName}";
    $f[] = "AuthServer {";
    if ($HospotHTTPServerName != null) {
        $f[] = "    Hostname {$HospotHTTPServerName}";
        $unix->create_EtcHosts($HospotHTTPServerName, $IPADDR);
    } else {
        $f[] = "    Hostname {$IPADDR}";
    if ($HotSpotDenySSL == 1) {
        $HospotNoSSL = 1;
    $f[] = "    SSLPort {$ArticaSplashHotSpotPortSSL}";
    if ($HospotNoSSL == 0) {
        $f[] = "    SSLAvailable yes";
    } else {
        $f[] = "    SSLAvailable no";
    $f[] = "    HTTPPort {$ArticaSplashHotSpotPort}";
    $f[] = "    LoginScriptPathFragment hotspot.php?wifidog-login=yes&";
    $f[] = "    PingScriptPathFragment hotspot.php?wifidog-ping=yes&";
    $f[] = "    AuthScriptPathFragment hotspot.php?wifidog-auth=yes&";
    $f[] = "    PortalScriptPathFragment hotspot.php?wifidog-portal=yes&";
    $f[] = "    Path /";
    $f[] = "}";
    $f[] = "";
    $f[] = "Daemon 1";
    $f[] = "GatewayPort {$ArticaHotSpotPort}";
    if ($ArticaHotSpotEnableProxy == 1) {
        $f[] = "ProxyPort {$SquidHotSpotPort}";
    $f[] = "HTTPDName Artica HotSpot";
    $f[] = "# HTTPDMaxConn 50";
    $f[] = "";
    $f[] = "# Parameter: HTTPDRealm";
    $f[] = "# Default: WiFiDog";
    $f[] = "# Optional";
    $f[] = "#";
    $f[] = "# The name of the HTTP authentication realm. This only used when a user";
    $f[] = "# tries to access a protected WiFiDog internal page. See HTTPUserName.";
    $f[] = "# HTTPDRealm WiFiDog";
    $f[] = "";
    $f[] = "# Parameter: HTTPDUserName / HTTPDPassword";
    $f[] = "# Default: unset";
    $f[] = "# Optional";
    $f[] = "#";
    $f[] = "# The gateway exposes some information such as the status page through its web";
    $f[] = "# interface. This information can be protected with a username and password,";
    $f[] = "# which can be set through the HTTPDUserName and HTTPDPassword parameters.";
    $f[] = "# HTTPDUserName admin";
    $f[] = "# HTTPDPassword secret";
    $f[] = "";
    $f[] = "CheckInterval 60";
    $f[] = "ClientTimeout {$WifidogClientTimeout}";
    $f[] = "";
    $f[] = "# Parameter: TrustedMACList";
    $f[] = "# Default: none";
    $f[] = "# Optional";
    $f[] = "#";
    $f[] = "# Comma separated list of MAC addresses who are allowed to pass";
    $f[] = "# through without authentication";
    $f[] = "#TrustedMACList 00:15:5D:01:09:06,00:00:C0:1D:F0:0D";
    build_progress("{reconfiguring}", 65);
    $trusted_macs = trusted_macs();
    if ($trusted_macs != null) {
        $f[] = "TrustedMACList {$trusted_macs}";
    $f[] = "";
    $f[] = "# Parameter: FirewallRuleSet";
    $f[] = "# Default: none";
    $f[] = "# Mandatory";
    $f[] = "#";
    $f[] = "# Groups a number of FirewallRule statements together.";
    $f[] = "";
    $f[] = "# Parameter: FirewallRule";
    $f[] = "# Default: none";
    $f[] = "# ";
    $f[] = "# Define one firewall rule in a rule set.";
    $f[] = "";
    $f[] = "# Rule Set: global";
    $f[] = "# ";
    $f[] = "# Used for rules to be applied to all other rulesets except locked.";
    $f[] = "FirewallRuleSet global {";
    if ($ArticaHotSpotEmergency == 1) {
        $f[] = "\tFirewallRule allow udp to";
        $f[] = "\tFirewallRule allow tcp to";
    } else {
        $f[] = firewall_rules(0);
    $f[] = "    # FirewallRule syntax:";
    $f[] = "    # FirewallRule (block|drop|allow|log|ulog) [(tcp|udp|icmp) [port X]] [to IP/CIDR]";
    $f[] = "";
    $f[] = "    ## To block SMTP out, as it's a tech support nightmare, and a legal liability";
    $f[] = "    #FirewallRule block tcp port 25";
    $f[] = "    ";
    $f[] = "    ## Use the following if you don't want clients to be able to access machines on ";
    $f[] = "    ## the private LAN that gives internet access to wifidog.  Note that this is not";
    $f[] = "    ## client isolation;  The laptops will still be able to talk to one another, as";
    $f[] = "    ## well as to any machine bridged to the wifi of the router.";
    $f[] = "    # FirewallRule block to";
    $f[] = "    # FirewallRule block to";
    $f[] = "    # FirewallRule block to";
    $f[] = "    ";
    $f[] = "    ## This is an example ruleset for the Teliphone service.";
    $f[] = "    #FirewallRule allow udp to";
    $f[] = "    #FirewallRule allow udp to";
    $f[] = "    #FirewallRule allow tcp port 80 to";
    $f[] = "";
    $f[] = "    ## Use the following to log or ulog the traffic you want to allow or block.";
    $f[] = "    # For OPENWRT: use of these feature requires modules ipt_LOG or ipt_ULOG present in dependencies";
    $f[] = "    # iptables-mod-extra and iptables-mod-ulog (to adapt it to the linux distribution). ";
    $f[] = "    # Note: the log or ulog rule must be passed before, the rule you want to match.";
    $f[] = "    # for openwrt: use of these feature requires modules ipt_LOG or ipt_ULOG present in dependencies";
    $f[] = "    # iptables-mod-extra and iptables-mod-ulog";
    $f[] = "    # For example, you want to log (ulog works the same way) the traffic allowed on port 80 to the ip";
    $f[] = "    #FirewallRule log tcp port 80 to";
    $f[] = "    #FirewallRule allow tcp port 80 to";
    $f[] = "    # And you want to know, who matche your block rule:";
    $f[] = "    #FirewallRule log to";
    $f[] = "    #FirewallRule block to";
    $f[] = "}";
    $f[] = "";
    $f[] = "# Rule Set: validating-users";
    $f[] = "# Used for new users validating their account";
    $f[] = "FirewallRuleSet validating-users {";
    if ($ArticaHotSpotEmergency == 1) {
        $f[] = "\tFirewallRule allow udp to";
        $f[] = "\tFirewallRule allow tcp to";
    } else {
        $f[] = firewall_rules(1);
    $f[] = "FirewallRule allow tcp port 80 to";
    $f[] = "FirewallRule allow tcp port 443 to";
    $f[] = "}";
    $f[] = "";
    $f[] = "# Rule Set: known-users";
    $f[] = "# Used for normal validated users.";
    $f[] = "FirewallRuleSet known-users {";
    if ($ArticaHotSpotEmergency == 1) {
        $f[] = "\tFirewallRule allow udp to";
        $f[] = "\tFirewallRule allow tcp to";
    } else {
        $f[] = firewall_rules(1);
    $f[] = "FirewallRule allow tcp port 80 to";
    $f[] = "FirewallRule allow tcp port 443 to";
    $f[] = "}";
    $f[] = "";
    $f[] = "# Rule Set: unknown-users";
    $f[] = "#";
    $f[] = "# Used for unvalidated users, this is the ruleset that gets redirected.";
    $f[] = "#";
    $f[] = "# XXX The redirect code adds the Default DROP clause.";
    $f[] = "FirewallRuleSet unknown-users {";
    if ($ArticaHotSpotEmergency == 1) {
        $f[] = "\tFirewallRule allow udp to";
        $f[] = "\tFirewallRule allow tcp to";
    } else {
        if ($HotSpotDenySSL == 1) {
            $f[] = "FirewallRule block tcp port 443 to";
        if ($HotSpotDenySSL == 0) {
            $f[] = "FirewallRule allow tcp port 443 to";
        $f[] = "    FirewallRule allow udp port 53";
        $f[] = "    FirewallRule allow tcp port 53";
        $f[] = "    FirewallRule allow udp port 67";
        $f[] = "    FirewallRule allow tcp port 67";
        $f[] = firewall_rules(2);
    $f[] = "}";
    $f[] = "";
    $f[] = "# Rule Set: locked-users";
    $f[] = "#";
    $f[] = "# Not currently used";
    $f[] = "FirewallRuleSet locked-users {";
    if ($ArticaHotSpotEmergency == 1) {
        $f[] = "\tFirewallRule allow udp to";
        $f[] = "\tFirewallRule allow tcp to";
    } else {
        $f[] = "\tFirewallRule block to";
    $f[] = "}";
    $f[] = "";
    @file_put_contents("/etc/wifidog.conf", @implode("\n", $f));
    build_progress("{reconfiguring}", 90);