コード例 #1
 function buddystream_achievement_unlocked($achievement_id, $user_id)
     $content = __('I just unlocked the', 'buddystream_lang') . " " . dpa_get_achievement_name() . " " . __('achievement!', 'buddystream');
     if (get_user_meta($user_id, 'tweetstream_achievements', 1)) {
         $content = "#twitter " . $content;
     if (get_user_meta($user_id, 'facestream_achievements', 1)) {
         $content = "#facebook " . $content;
     $shortLink = buddystream_getShortUrl(dpa_get_achievement_slug_permalink());
     buddystream_SocialIt($content, $shortLink, $user_id);
コード例 #2
function buddystream_SocialIt($content, $shortLink = null)
    global $bp;
    $buddyStreamExtensions = new BuddyStreamExtensions();
    $buddyStreamFilters = new BuddyStreamFilters();
    $user_id = $bp->loggedin_user->id;
    $originalText = $buddyStreamFilters->removeHashTags($content);
    if ($bp->current_component == "groups" && $bp->current_action == "forum") {
        if ($_POST['topic_title']) {
            $cleanTitle = trim($_POST['topic_title']);
            $shortLink = bp_get_group_permalink($bp->groups->current_group) . 'forum/topic/' . str_replace(" ", "-", strtolower($cleanTitle)) . '/';
            $shortLink = buddystream_getShortUrl($shortLink);
            $content = __('Just created a new topic:', 'buddystream') . " " . $_POST['topic_title'] . " - " . $_POST['topic_text'] . " ";
        } else {
            $shortLink = bp_get_group_permalink($bp->groups->current_group) . 'forum/topic/' . $bp->action_variables[1] . '/';
            $shortLink = buddystream_getShortUrl($shortLink);
            $content = __('Just responded to:', 'buddystream') . " " . str_replace("-", " ", $bp->action_variables[1]);
            foreach ($buddyStreamExtensions->getExtensionsConfigs() as $extension) {
                if ($extension['hashtag']) {
                    if (strpos($_POST['reply_text'], $extension['hashtag'])) {
                        $content .= $extension['hashtag'];
    $cleanContent = $content;
    $cleanContent = str_replace('&', '&', $cleanContent);
    //Activity Plus Stuff
    //find a link of Activity Plus, if found convert for nice social context
    $link = $buddyStreamFilters->extractString($cleanContent, '[bpfb_link', '[/bpfb_link]');
    if ($link) {
        $arrLink = explode(" ", trim($link));
        $newLink = str_replace("url=", "", $arrLink[0]);
        $newLink = str_replace("'", "", $newLink);
        $newLink = str_replace("[", "", $newLink);
        $newLink = str_replace("]", "", $newLink);
        $cleanContent = str_replace($link, "", $cleanContent);
        $cleanContent = str_replace("[bpfb_link", "", $cleanContent);
        $cleanContent = str_replace("[/bpfb_link]", "", $cleanContent);
        $cleanContent .= " " . $newLink;
    //find a image of Activity Plus, if found convert for nice social context
    $image = $buddyStreamFilters->extractString($cleanContent, '[bpfb_images]', '[/bpfb_images]');
    if ($image) {
        $wpUpload = wp_upload_dir();
        $uploadUrl = $wpUpload['baseurl'];
        $newImage = $uploadUrl . '/bpfb/' . trim($image);
        $cleanContent = str_replace($image, "", $cleanContent);
        $cleanContent = str_replace("[bpfb_images]", "", $cleanContent);
        $cleanContent = str_replace("[/bpfb_images]", "", $cleanContent);
        $cleanContent .= " " . $newImage;
    //strip out all html so we can search clean content
    $cleanContent = strip_tags($cleanContent);
    foreach ($buddyStreamExtensions->getExtensionsConfigs() as $extension) {
        $arrHastags = explode(",", $extension['hashtag']);
        foreach ($arrHastags as $hashtag) {
            if (get_site_option("buddystream_" . $extension['name'] . "_power")) {
                //explode text to single words then check if hashtag is found
                $arrayContent = explode(" ", $cleanContent);
                if (in_array($hashtag, $arrayContent)) {
                    if (function_exists("buddystream" . ucfirst($extension['name']) . "PostUpdate")) {
                        call_user_func("buddystream" . ucfirst($extension['name']) . "PostUpdate", $cleanContent, $shortLink, $user_id);
    //if use location is used add map image to content
    if (!get_site_option("buddystream_nolocation")) {
        if (preg_match("/#location/i", $originalText)) {
            if (isset($_COOKIE["buddystream_location"])) {
                $arrLocation = explode("#", $_COOKIE["buddystream_location"]);
                $mapIcon = BP_BUDDYSTREAM_URL . '/images/marker.png';
                $mapUrl = 'http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?center=' . $arrLocation[0] . ',' . $arrLocation[1] . '&zoom=13&size=540x150&sensor=false&markers=icon%3A' . $mapIcon . '%7C' . $arrLocation[0] . ',' . $arrLocation[1] . '&format=png32';
                $originalText .= '<img class="buddystream_map_image" src="' . $mapUrl . '">';
        $originalText = str_replace("#location", "", $originalText);
    return $originalText;