コード例 #1
 * Other variables:
 * - $classes_array: Array of html class attribute values. It is flattened
 *   into a string within the variable $classes.
 * @see template_preprocess_comment_wrapper()
<div id="comments" class="<?php 
print $classes;
if ($node->type != 'forum') {
    <h2 class="title"><?php 
    print bts('Comments');

print $content;
コード例 #2
ファイル: spe.php プロジェクト: philum/cms
function icoart($k, $v, $c)
    if (is_numeric($k)) {
        $v = 'popup_popart___' . $k;
        $ic = apps_arts_thumb($k);
        $k = suj_of_id($k);
    } else {
        $ic = desk_icon($k, $v);
    $ico = strpos($ic, '<') !== false ? btn('small', $ic) : mimes($k, $ic, 32);
    return lj('" title="' . $k, $v, divb($c, $ico . ' ' . bts('display:block', $k)));
コード例 #3
ファイル: comment.tpl.php プロジェクト: ChristianBeer/boinc
    <div class="content">
print $content;
if ($signature and $show_signatures) {
        <div class="user-signature clearfix">
    print $signature;
  </div> <!-- /.comment-body -->
</div> <!-- /.comment -->

if ($status == 'comment-preview') {
  <h2 class="title"><?php 
    print bts('Revise or post comment');
コード例 #4
ファイル: user-profile.tpl.php プロジェクト: CalvinZhu/boinc
            <span class="value"><?php 
            print $background;
        if ($opinions) {
          <div class="opinions">
            <span class="label"><?php 
            print bts('Opinion');
            <span class="value"><?php 
            print $opinions;
コード例 #5
ファイル: bubs.php プロジェクト: philum/cms
function rightarrow()
    bts('float:right;', '&#9658;');
コード例 #6
ファイル: node.tpl.php プロジェクト: CalvinZhu/boinc

if ($display_submitted || $terms) {
    <div class="meta">
    if ($display_submitted) {
        <span class="submitted">
        if ($type == 'news') {
            print bts('Submitted on !datetime', array('!datetime' => date('j M Y H:i:s T', $node->created)));
        } else {
            print bts('Submitted by !username on !datetime', array('!username' => $name, '!datetime' => date('j M Y H:i:s T', $node->created)));

    if ($terms) {
        <div class="terms terms-inline"><?php 
        print $terms;
コード例 #7

if ($pager) {
    print $pager;
  <ul class="links">
    <li class="forum first last">
print l(bts('Post new topic'), "node/add/team-forum/{$team_forum_id}");
  <div class="clearfix"></div>
if ($attachment_after) {
    <div class="attachment attachment-after">
    print $attachment_after;
コード例 #8
ファイル: forum-list.tpl.php プロジェクト: gchilders/boinc
    // Team forum
// Team forums exist

<div class="fine-print">
print bts('Please be responsible in what you write and do not create posts which are offensive or insulting. Offensive posts or threads may be deleted by forum moderators without warning or discussion. Do not respond to offensive postings. Click on the "report" button at the bottom of the post to call it to the attention of the moderators.');
print bts('We also ask that you keep all discussion on the message boards related to @project or BOINC with the small exception of the Science message board where you are free to discuss anything relevant to the underlying science. Participants interested in broader discussions should post to unofficial forums for @project.', array('@project' => variable_get('site_name', bts('this project'))));
print bts('These message boards now support BBCode tags only.');
コード例 #9

if ($feed_icon) {
    <div class="feed-icon">
    print $feed_icon;

</div> <?php 
/* class view */
// Inject the task list for this workunit
//$view = views_get_view('boinc_workunit_tasks_all');
// Get the results of the view in order to retrieve the fields.
$myres = $view->result[0];
print '<div class="separator"></div>';
if ($myres->app_workunit_target_nresults > 0 and !$myres->workunit_canonical_resultid and !$myres->workunit_error_mask and !$myres->dontsuppresspending) {
    print bts('Tasks are pending for this workunit.');
} else {
    print views_embed_view('boinc_workunit_tasks_all', $display_id = 'page_1', arg(1));
コード例 #10
ファイル: page.tpl.php プロジェクト: aggroskater/boinc
    if ($footer_message) {
            <div id="footer-message"><?php 
        print $footer_message;
    if (user_access('create page content') or user_access('create news content')) {
            <div id="content-management-links">
        print l(bts('Create content'), 'node/add');
          <div class="clearfix"></div>

    print $footer;

      </div></div> <!-- /.section, /#footer -->
コード例 #11

 * @file views-view-rss.tpl.php
 * Default template for feed displays that use the RSS style.
 * @ingroup views_templates
// Set the feed description. Note that the title is set in the News view...
// that works there, this works here. Setting title here does not set the
// title in the RSS auto discovery link on the front page, and setting the
// description in the view does not allow the site_name variable.
$site_name = variable_get('site_name', 'BOINC');
$description = bts('The latest news from the @site_name project', array('@site_name' => $site_name));
print "<?xml";
 version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" <?php 
print "?>";
<rss version="2.0" xml:base="<?php 
print $link;
print $namespaces;
print $title;
コード例 #12
ファイル: ajxf.php プロジェクト: philum/cms
function mbd_color($cnn)
    $klr = msql_read('system', 'edition_colors', '', 1);
    $sty = 'padding:0 5px; background-color:#';
    foreach ($klr as $k => $v) {
        $ret .= ljb($k, 'jumpvalue', 'cnp_' . $k, bts($sty . $v, '.')) . ' ';
    return $ret . br() . br() . assistant('cnn', 'embed_css', $cnn, '', '');
コード例 #13
ファイル: lib.php プロジェクト: philum/cms
function make_divtable($r, $h = '')
    $cr = 'display:table-row;';
    $cc = $cs . 'display:table-cell; vertical-align:middle; padding:2px; ';
    if (is_array($r)) {
        foreach ($r as $k => $v) {
            $td = '';
            if ($h) {
                $cs = $i == 1 ? 'background:rgba(255,255,255,0.4);' : '';
            if (is_array($v)) {
                foreach ($v as $ka => $va) {
                    $td .= bts($cc . $cs, $va);
            if ($td) {
                $ret .= bts($cr, $td);
    return $ret;
コード例 #14
     if ($topic->sticky and $topic->comment_mode == COMMENT_NODE_READ_ONLY) {
         print bts('Featured') . ' / ' . bts('Locked');
     } elseif ($topic->sticky) {
         print bts('Featured');
     } elseif ($topic->comment_mode == COMMENT_NODE_READ_ONLY) {
         print bts('Locked');
     } else {
         print $topic->last_reply;
コード例 #15
ファイル: pop.php プロジェクト: philum/cms
function pub_html($d)
    list($p, $o) = split_right('§', $d);
    $r = explode_k($o, ' ', '=');
    $ra = array('css' => 'class', 'font' => 'font-family', 'size' => 'font-size');
    $rb = colors();
    foreach ($r as $k => $v) {
        if ($k == 'color') {
            $v = $rb[$v] ? $rb[$v] : '#' . $v;
        $atb .= ($ra[$k] ? $ra[$k] : $k) . ':' . $v . '; ';
    return bts($atb, $p);
コード例 #16
    <div class="details">
      <div class="user-stats">
        <div class="join-date"><?php 
        print bts('Joined') . ': ' . date('j M y', $account->created);
        <div class="post-count"><?php 
        print bts('Posts') . ': ' . $account->post_count;
        <div class="credit"><?php 
        print bts('Credit') . ': ' . $account->boincuser_total_credit;
        <div class="rac"><?php 
        print bts('RAC') . ': ' . $account->boincuser_expavg_credit;
        if ($snippet) {
      <p class="search-snippet"><?php 
            print $snippet;
コード例 #17
 * @file forum-submitted.tpl.php
 * Default theme implementation to format a simple string indicated when and
 * by whom a topic was submitted.
 * Available variables:
 * - $author: The author of the post.
 * - $time: How long ago the post was created.
 * - $topic: An object with the raw data of the post. Unsafe, be sure
 *   to clean this data before printing.
 * @see template_preprocess_forum_submitted()
 * @see theme_forum_submitted()
if ($time) {
    print bts('@time ago', array('@time' => $time));
    /* print bts(
      '@time ago <br />by !author', array(
        '@time' => $time,
        '!author' => $author,
        )); */
} else {
    print bts('n/a');
    print $row['id'];
    print l($row['domain_name'], "host/{$row['id']}");
      <td class="numeric"><?php 
    print $row['expavg_credit'];
      <td class="numeric"><?php 
    print $row['total_credit'];
<ul class="more-link tab-list">
  <li class="first tab">
print l(bts('More'), 'account/computers');
  <li class="first alt tab">
print l(bts('Tasks'), 'account/tasks/active');
コード例 #19
      <div class="topic-id">
        Topic <?php 
    print $node->nid;
      <div class="standard-links">
    print $links;
    if ($moderator_links) {
        <div class="moderator-links">
          <span class="label">(<?php 
        print bts('moderation');
        print $moderator_links;
          <span class="label">)</span>
      <div class="content">
    print $content;
コード例 #20

if ($site_name || $site_slogan) {
        <div id="name-and-slogan">
    if ($site_name) {
            <div id="site-name"><strong>
              <a href="<?php 
        print $base_path;
" title="<?php 
        print bts('Home');
" rel="home">
        print $site_name;
    if ($site_slogan) {
            <div id="site-slogan"><?php 
        print $site_slogan;
コード例 #21
ファイル: template.php プロジェクト: JuhaSointusalo/boinc
 * Theme outgoing email messages for adding friends.
 * @param $status
 *   Status of the friendship.
 * @param $flag
 *   The flag object.
 * @param $recipient
 *   The user object of the person receiving the email.
 * @param $sender
 *   The user object of the person sending the email.
 * @return
 *   An array containing the email [type] (mailkey), [subject] and [body].
function boinc_flag_friend_message_email($status, $flag, $recipient, $sender)
    $email = array();
    $email['type'] = 'flag-friend';
    // Reload the sender to get a full user object
    $sender = user_load($sender->uid);
    switch ($status) {
            // Sender accepted recipient's friend request
            $email['subject'] = bts('!name accepted your friend request [!site]', array('!name' => $sender->boincuser_name, '!site' => variable_get('site_name', '')));
            $email['body'] = bts('!name confirmed you as a friend on !site.

Follow this link to view his or her profile:


The !site team', array('!name' => isset($sender->boincuser_name) ? $sender->boincuser_name : $sender->name, '!site' => variable_get('site_name', ''), '!message' => $flag->friend_message ? bts('Message') . ': ' . $flag->friend_message : '', '!link' => url('account/' . $sender->uid, array('absolute' => TRUE))));
            // Sender is requesting to be recipient's friend
            $email['subject'] = bts('Friend request from !name [!site]', array('!name' => $sender->boincuser_name, '!site' => variable_get('site_name', '')));
            $email['body'] = bts('!name added you as a friend on !site. You can approve or deny this request. Denying a request will not send a notification, but will remove the request from both of your accounts.

Follow the link below to view this request:


The !site team', array('!name' => isset($sender->boincuser_name) ? $sender->boincuser_name : $sender->name, '!site' => variable_get('site_name', ''), '!message' => $flag->friend_message ? bts('Message') . ': ' . $flag->friend_message : '', '!link' => url('goto/friend-requests', array('absolute' => TRUE))));
    return $email;
コード例 #22
ファイル: spe.php プロジェクト: philum/cms
function desktop_build_ico($r, $c)
    if ($r) {
        foreach ($r as $k => $v) {
            $ic = desk_icon($k, $v);
            $ico = strpos($ic, '<') !== false ? btn('small', $ic) : mimes($k, $ic, 32);
            $ret .= lj('" title="' . $k, $v, divb($c, $ico . ' ' . bts('display:block', $k)));
    return $ret;