コード例 #1
function bp_dtheme_js_terms()
<script type="text/javascript">
    if (get_option('priority_loading') == 'enable') {
head.ready(function() {
	var bp_terms_my_favs = '<?php 
    _e("My Favorites", "buddypress");
	var bp_terms_accepted = '<?php 
    _e("Accepted", "buddypress");
	var bp_terms_rejected = '<?php 
    _e("Rejected", "buddypress");
	var bp_terms_show_all_comments = '<?php 
    _e("Show all comments for this thread", "buddypress");
	var bp_terms_show_all = '<?php 
    _e("Show all", "buddypress");
	var bp_terms_comments = '<?php 
    _e("comments", "buddypress");
	var bp_terms_close = '<?php 
    _e("Close", "buddypress");
	var bp_terms_mention_explain = '<?php 
    printf(__("%s is a unique identifier for %s that you can type into any message on this site. %s will be sent a notification and a link to your message any time you use it.", "buddypress"), '@' . bp_get_displayed_user_username(), bp_get_user_firstname(bp_get_displayed_user_fullname()), bp_get_user_firstname(bp_get_displayed_user_fullname()));
    if (get_option('priority_loading') == 'enable') {
コード例 #2
function bp_tpack_init()
    global $wp_themes;
    /* Check to make sure the active theme is not bp-default */
    if ('bp-default' == get_option('template')) {
        return false;
    /* Load the default BuddyPress AJAX functions */
    if (!(int) get_option('bp_tpack_disable_js')) {
        require_once BP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/bp-themes/bp-default/_inc/ajax.php';
        /* Load the default BuddyPress javascript */
        wp_enqueue_script('bp-js', BP_PLUGIN_URL . '/bp-themes/bp-default/_inc/global.js', array('jquery'));
        // Add words that we need to use in JS to the end of the page so they can be
        // translated and still used.
        $params = array('my_favs' => __('My Favorites', 'buddypress'), 'accepted' => __('Accepted', 'buddypress'), 'rejected' => __('Rejected', 'buddypress'), 'show_all_comments' => __('Show all comments for this thread', 'buddypress'), 'show_all' => __('Show all', 'buddypress'), 'comments' => __('comments', 'buddypress'), 'close' => __('Close', 'buddypress'), 'mention_explain' => sprintf(__("%s is a unique identifier for %s that you can type into any message on this site. %s will be sent a notification and a link to your message any time you use it.", 'buddypress'), '@' . bp_get_displayed_user_username(), bp_get_user_firstname(bp_get_displayed_user_fullname()), bp_get_user_firstname(bp_get_displayed_user_fullname())));
        wp_localize_script('bp-js', 'BP_DTheme', $params);
    /* Add the wireframe BP page styles */
    if (!(int) get_option('bp_tpack_disable_css')) {
        wp_enqueue_style('bp-css', plugins_url($path = basename(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/bp.css');
コード例 #3
 * Enqueues BuddyPress JS and related AJAX functions
 * @since 1.2
function bp_tpack_enqueue_scripts()
    // Do not enqueue JS if it's disabled
    if (get_option('bp_tpack_disable_js')) {
    // Add words that we need to use in JS to the end of the page so they can be translated and still used.
    $params = array('my_favs' => __('My Favorites', 'buddypress'), 'accepted' => __('Accepted', 'buddypress'), 'rejected' => __('Rejected', 'buddypress'), 'show_all_comments' => __('Show all comments for this thread', 'buddypress'), 'show_all' => __('Show all', 'buddypress'), 'comments' => __('comments', 'buddypress'), 'close' => __('Close', 'buddypress'));
    // BP 1.5+
    if (version_compare(BP_VERSION, '1.3', '>')) {
        // Bump this when changes are made to bust cache
        $version = '20110818';
        $params['view'] = __('View', 'buddypress');
    } else {
        $version = '20110729';
        if (bp_displayed_user_id()) {
            $params['mention_explain'] = sprintf(__("%s is a unique identifier for %s that you can type into any message on this site. %s will be sent a notification and a link to your message any time you use it.", 'buddypress'), '@' . bp_get_displayed_user_username(), bp_get_user_firstname(bp_get_displayed_user_fullname()), bp_get_user_firstname(bp_get_displayed_user_fullname()));
    // Enqueue the global JS - Ajax will not work without it
    nxt_enqueue_script('dtheme-ajax-js', BP_PLUGIN_URL . '/bp-themes/bp-default/_inc/global.js', array('jquery'), $version);
    // Localize the JS strings
    nxt_localize_script('dtheme-ajax-js', 'BP_DTheme', $params);
コード例 #4
 * Output the username of the displayed user.
function bp_displayed_user_username()
    echo bp_get_displayed_user_username();
コード例 #5
ファイル: functions.php プロジェクト: n-sane/zaroka
// Load the AJAX functions for the theme
require_once( TEMPLATEPATH . '/_inc/ajax.php' );

// Load the javascript for the theme
wp_enqueue_script( 'dtheme-ajax-js', get_template_directory_uri() . '/_inc/global.js', array( 'jquery' ) );

// Add words that we need to use in JS to the end of the page so they can be translated and still used.
$params = array(
	'my_favs'           => __( 'My Favorites', 'buddypress' ),
	'accepted'          => __( 'Accepted', 'buddypress' ),
	'rejected'          => __( 'Rejected', 'buddypress' ),
	'show_all_comments' => __( 'Show all comments for this thread', 'buddypress' ),
	'show_all'          => __( 'Show all', 'buddypress' ),
	'comments'          => __( 'comments', 'buddypress' ),
	'close'             => __( 'Close', 'buddypress' ),
	'mention_explain'   => sprintf( __( "%s is a unique identifier for %s that you can type into any message on this site. %s will be sent a notification and a link to your message any time you use it.", 'buddypress' ), '@' . bp_get_displayed_user_username(), bp_get_user_firstname( bp_get_displayed_user_fullname() ), bp_get_user_firstname( bp_get_displayed_user_fullname() ) )
wp_localize_script( 'dtheme-ajax-js', 'BP_DTheme', $params );

 * Add the JS needed for blog comment replies
 * @package BuddyPress Theme
 * @since 1.2
function bp_dtheme_add_blog_comments_js() {
	if ( is_singular() ) wp_enqueue_script( 'comment-reply' );
add_action( 'template_redirect', 'bp_dtheme_add_blog_comments_js' );

コード例 #6
  * Gets the item id of the item (eg group, user) associated with the page you're on.
  * @since 1.0-beta
  * @return str $view The current item type
 function setup_item()
     global $bp;
     if (empty($this->item_type)) {
         return false;
     $id = '';
     $name = '';
     $slug = '';
     switch ($this->item_type) {
         case 'group':
             if (bp_is_active('groups') && bp_is_group()) {
                 $group = groups_get_current_group();
                 $id = $group->id;
                 $name = $group->name;
                 $slug = $group->slug;
         case 'user':
             if (bp_is_user()) {
                 $id = bp_displayed_user_id();
                 $name = bp_get_displayed_user_fullname();
                 $slug = bp_get_displayed_user_username();
     // Todo: abstract into groups. Will be a pain
     $this->item_id = apply_filters('bp_docs_get_item_id', $id);
     $this->item_name = apply_filters('bp_docs_get_item_name', $name);
     $this->item_slug = apply_filters('bp_docs_get_item_slug', $slug);
     // Put some stuff in $bp
     $bp->bp_docs->current_item = $this->item_id;
コード例 #7
 * Map IdeaStream displayed username to BuddyPress one
 * @package WP Idea Stream
 * @subpackage buddypress/functions
 * @since  2.0.0
 * @param  string $username the username
 * @uses   bp_get_displayed_user_username() to get displayed user nicename
 * @return string           the username
function wp_idea_stream_buddypress_displayed_user_username($username = '')
    if (empty($username)) {
        $username = bp_get_displayed_user_username();
    return $username;
コード例 #8
ファイル: hooks-functions.php プロジェクト: jun200/wordpress
function meso_schema_breadcrumbs()
    global $post;
    $schema_on = '';
    $schema_link = '';
    $schema_prop_url = '';
    $schema_prop_title = '';
    $showOnHome = 1;
    // 1 - show breadcrumbs on the homepage, 0 - don't show
    $delimiter = ' &raquo; ';
    // delimiter between crumbs
    $home = __('Home', 'mesocolumn');
    // text for the 'Home' link
    $showCurrent = 1;
    // 1 - show current post/page title in breadcrumbs, 0 - don't show
    $before = '<span class="current">';
    // tag before the current crumb
    $after = '</span>';
    // tag after the current crumb
    $schema_breadcrumb_on = get_theme_mod('schema_breadcrumb_on');
    if ($schema_breadcrumb_on == 'enable') {
        $schema_link = ' itemscope itemtype="http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb"';
        $schema_prop_url = ' itemprop="url"';
        $schema_prop_title = ' itemprop="title"';
    $homeLink = home_url();
    if (is_home() || is_front_page()) {
        if ($showOnHome == 1) {
            echo '<div id="breadcrumbs"><div class="innerwrap">';
            echo __('You are here: ', 'mesocolumn');
            echo '<span' . $schema_link . '><a' . $schema_prop_url . ' href="' . $homeLink . '">' . '<span' . $schema_prop_title . '>' . $home . '</span>' . '</a></span>';
            echo '</div></div>';
    } else {
        echo '<div id="breadcrumbs"><div class="innerwrap">';
        if (!is_single()) {
            echo __('You are here: ', 'mesocolumn');
        echo '<span' . $schema_link . '><a' . $schema_prop_url . ' href="' . $homeLink . '">' . '<span' . $schema_prop_title . '>' . $home . '</span>' . '</a></span>' . $delimiter . ' ';
        if (is_category()) {
            $thisCat = get_category(get_query_var('cat'), false);
            if ($thisCat->parent != 0) {
                $category_link = get_category_link($thisCat->parent);
                echo '<span' . $schema_link . '><a' . $schema_prop_url . ' href="' . $category_link . '">' . '<span' . $schema_prop_title . '>' . get_cat_name($thisCat->parent) . '</span>' . '</a></span>' . $delimiter . ' ';
            $category_id = get_cat_ID(single_cat_title('', false));
            $category_link = get_category_link($category_id);
            echo '<span' . $schema_link . '><a' . $schema_prop_url . ' href="' . $category_link . '">' . '<span' . $schema_prop_title . '>' . single_cat_title('', false) . '</span>' . '</a></span>';
        } elseif (is_search()) {
            echo __('Search results for', 'mesocolumn') . ' "' . get_search_query() . '"';
        } elseif (is_day()) {
            echo '<span' . $schema_link . '><a' . $schema_prop_url . ' href="' . get_year_link(get_the_time('Y')) . '">' . '<span' . $schema_prop_title . '>' . get_the_time('Y') . '</span>' . '</a></span>' . $delimiter . ' ';
            echo '<span' . $schema_link . '><a' . $schema_prop_url . ' href="' . get_month_link(get_the_time('Y'), get_the_time('m')) . '">' . '<span' . $schema_prop_title . '>' . get_the_time('F') . '</span>' . '</a></span>' . $delimiter . ' ';
            echo '<span' . $schema_link . '><a' . $schema_prop_url . ' href="' . get_day_link(get_the_time('Y'), get_the_time('m'), get_the_time('d')) . '">' . '<span' . $schema_prop_title . '>' . get_the_time('d') . '</span>' . '</a></span>';
        } elseif (is_month()) {
            echo '<span' . $schema_link . '><a' . $schema_prop_url . ' href="' . get_year_link(get_the_time('Y')) . '">' . '<span' . $schema_prop_title . '>' . get_the_time('Y') . '</span>' . '</a></span>' . $delimiter . ' ';
            echo '<span' . $schema_link . '><a' . $schema_prop_url . ' href="' . get_month_link(get_the_time('Y'), get_the_time('m')) . '">' . '<span' . $schema_prop_title . '>' . get_the_time('F') . '</span>' . '</a></span>';
        } elseif (is_year()) {
            echo '<span' . $schema_link . '><a' . $schema_prop_url . ' href="' . get_year_link(get_the_time('Y')) . '">' . '<span' . $schema_prop_title . '>' . get_the_time('Y') . '</span>' . '</a></span>';
        } elseif (is_single() && !is_attachment()) {
            if (get_post_type() != 'post') {
                $post_type = get_post_type_object(get_post_type());
                $slug = $post_type->rewrite;
                echo '<span' . $schema_link . '><a' . $schema_prop_url . ' href="' . $homeLink . '/' . $slug['slug'] . '">' . '<span' . $schema_prop_title . '>' . $post_type->labels->singular_name . '</span>' . '</a></span>';
                // get post type by post
                $post_type = $post->post_type;
                // get post type taxonomies
                $taxonomies = get_object_taxonomies($post_type, 'objects');
                if ($taxonomies) {
                    foreach ($taxonomies as $taxonomy_slug => $taxonomy) {
                        // get the terms related to post
                        $terms = get_the_terms($post->ID, $taxonomy_slug);
                        if (!empty($terms)) {
                            foreach ($terms as $term) {
                                $taxlist .= ' ' . $delimiter . ' ' . '<span' . $schema_link . '><a' . $schema_prop_url . ' href="' . get_term_link($term->slug, $taxonomy_slug) . '">' . '<span' . $schema_prop_title . '>' . ucfirst($term->name) . '</span>' . '</a></span>';
                    if ($taxlist) {
                        echo $taxlist;
                echo ' ' . $delimiter . ' ' . __('You are reading &raquo;', 'mesocolumn');
            } else {
                $category = get_the_category();
                if ($category) {
                    foreach ($category as $cat) {
                        echo '<span' . $schema_link . '><a' . $schema_prop_url . ' href="' . get_category_link($cat->term_id) . '">' . '<span' . $schema_prop_title . '>' . $cat->name . '</span>' . '</a></span>' . $delimiter . ' ';
                echo __('You are reading &raquo;', 'mesocolumn');
        } elseif (!is_single() && !is_page() && get_post_type() != 'post' && !is_404()) {
            $post_type = get_post_type_object(get_post_type());
            echo $before . $post_type->labels->singular_name . $after;
        } elseif (is_attachment()) {
            $parent = get_post($post->post_parent);
            $cat = get_the_category($parent->ID);
            $cat = $cat[0];
            if ($cat) {
                echo get_category_parents($cat, TRUE, ' ' . $delimiter . ' ');
            echo '<span' . $schema_link . '><a' . $schema_prop_url . ' href="' . get_permalink($parent) . '">' . '<span' . $schema_prop_title . '>' . $parent->post_title . '</span>' . '</a></span>';
            if ($showCurrent == 1) {
                echo ' ' . $delimiter . ' ' . $before . get_the_title() . $after;
        } elseif (is_page() && !$post->post_parent) {
            if (class_exists('buddypress')) {
                global $bp;
                if (bp_is_groups_component()) {
                    echo '<span' . $schema_link . '><a' . $schema_prop_url . ' href="' . home_url() . '/' . bp_get_root_slug('groups') . '">' . '<span' . $schema_prop_title . '>' . bp_get_root_slug('groups') . '</span>' . '</a></span>';
                    if (!bp_is_directory()) {
                        echo $delimiter . '<span' . $schema_link . '><a' . $schema_prop_url . ' href="' . home_url() . '/' . bp_get_root_slug('groups') . '/' . bp_current_item() . '">' . '<span' . $schema_prop_title . '>' . bp_current_item() . '</span>' . '</a></span>';
                        if (bp_current_action()) {
                            echo $delimiter . '<span' . $schema_link . '><a' . $schema_prop_url . ' href="' . home_url() . '/' . bp_get_root_slug('groups') . '/' . bp_current_item() . '/' . bp_current_action() . '">' . '<span' . $schema_prop_title . '>' . bp_current_action() . '</span>' . '</a></span>';
                } else {
                    if (bp_is_members_directory()) {
                        echo '<span' . $schema_link . '><a' . $schema_prop_url . ' href="' . home_url() . '/' . bp_get_root_slug('members') . '">' . '<span' . $schema_prop_title . '>' . bp_get_root_slug('members') . '</span>' . '</a></span>';
                    } else {
                        if (bp_is_user()) {
                            echo '<span' . $schema_link . '><a' . $schema_prop_url . ' href="' . home_url() . '/' . bp_get_root_slug('members') . '">' . '<span' . $schema_prop_title . '>' . bp_get_root_slug('members') . '</span>' . '</a></span>';
                            echo $delimiter . '<span' . $schema_link . '><a' . $schema_prop_url . ' href="' . bp_core_get_user_domain($bp->displayed_user->id) . '">' . '<span' . $schema_prop_title . '>' . bp_get_displayed_user_username() . '</span>' . '</a></span>';
                            if (bp_current_action()) {
                                echo $delimiter . '<span' . $schema_link . '><a' . $schema_prop_url . ' href="' . bp_core_get_user_domain($bp->displayed_user->id) . bp_current_component() . '">' . '<span' . $schema_prop_title . '>' . bp_current_component() . '</span>' . '</a></span>';
                        } else {
                            if (bp_is_directory()) {
                                echo '<span' . $schema_link . '><a' . $schema_prop_url . ' href="' . get_permalink() . '">' . '<span' . $schema_prop_title . '>' . bp_current_component() . '</span>' . '</a></span>';
                            } else {
                                echo '<span' . $schema_link . '><a' . $schema_prop_url . ' href="' . get_permalink() . '">' . '<span' . $schema_prop_title . '>' . the_title_attribute('echo=0') . '</span>' . '</a></span>';
            } else {
                echo '<span' . $schema_link . '><a' . $schema_prop_url . ' href="' . get_permalink() . '">' . '<span' . $schema_prop_title . '>' . the_title_attribute('echo=0') . '</span>' . '</a></span>';
        } elseif (is_page() && $post->post_parent) {
            $parent_id = $post->post_parent;
            $breadcrumbs = array();
            while ($parent_id) {
                $page = get_page($parent_id);
                $breadcrumbs[] = '<span' . $schema_link . '><a' . $schema_prop_url . ' href="' . get_permalink($page->ID) . '">' . '<span' . $schema_prop_title . '>' . get_the_title($page->ID) . '</span>' . '</a></span>';
                $parent_id = $page->post_parent;
            $breadcrumbs = array_reverse($breadcrumbs);
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($breadcrumbs); $i++) {
                echo $breadcrumbs[$i];
                if ($i != count($breadcrumbs) - 1) {
                    echo ' ' . $delimiter . ' ';
            echo $delimiter . '<span' . $schema_link . '><a' . $schema_prop_url . ' href="' . get_permalink() . '">' . '<span' . $schema_prop_title . '>' . the_title_attribute('echo=0') . '</span>' . '</a></span>';
        } elseif (is_tag()) {
            $tag_id = get_term_by('name', single_cat_title('', false), 'post_tag');
            if ($tag_id) {
                $tag_link = get_tag_link($tag_id->term_id);
            echo '<span' . $schema_link . '><a' . $schema_prop_url . ' href="' . $tag_link . '">' . '<span' . $schema_prop_title . '>' . single_cat_title('', false) . '</span>' . '</a></span>';
        } elseif (is_author()) {
            global $author;
            $userdata = get_userdata($author);
            echo '<span' . $schema_link . '><a' . $schema_prop_url . ' href="' . get_author_posts_url($userdata->ID) . '">' . '<span' . $schema_prop_title . '>' . $userdata->display_name . '</span>' . '</a></span>';
        } elseif (is_404()) {
            echo ' ' . $delimiter . ' ' . __('Error 404', 'mesocolumn');
        if (get_query_var('paged')) {
            if (is_category() || is_day() || is_month() || is_year() || is_search() || is_tag() || is_author()) {
                echo ' (';
            echo ' ' . $delimiter . ' ' . __('Page', 'mesocolumn') . ' ' . get_query_var('paged');
            if (is_category() || is_day() || is_month() || is_year() || is_search() || is_tag() || is_author()) {
                echo ')';
        echo '</div></div>';
コード例 #9
function bp_mytheme_post_update()
    global $bp;
    // Check the nonce
    check_admin_referer('post_update', '_wpnonce_post_update');
    if (!is_user_logged_in()) {
        echo '-1';
        return false;
    if (empty($_POST['content'])) {
        echo '-1<div id="message" class="error"><p>' . __('Please enter some content to post.', 'buddypress') . '</p></div>';
        return false;
    if (empty($_POST['object']) && function_exists('bp_activity_post_update')) {
        if (!bp_is_home() && bp_is_member()) {
            $content = "@" . bp_get_displayed_user_username() . " " . $_POST['content'];
        } else {
            $content = $_POST['content'];
        $activity_id = bp_activity_post_update(array('content' => $content));
    } elseif ($_POST['object'] == 'groups') {
        if (!empty($_POST['item_id']) && function_exists('groups_post_update')) {
            $activity_id = groups_post_update(array('content' => $_POST['content'], 'group_id' => $_POST['item_id']));
    } else {
        $activity_id = apply_filters('bp_activity_custom_update', $_POST['object'], $_POST['item_id'], $_POST['content']);
    if (!$activity_id) {
        echo '-1<div id="message" class="error"><p>' . __('There was a problem posting your update, please try again.', 'buddypress') . '</p></div>';
        return false;
    if (bp_has_activities('include=' . $activity_id)) {
        while (bp_activities()) {
            locate_template(array('activity/entry-wall.php'), true);
コード例 #10
function amt_buddypress_jsonld_schemaorg($metadata_arr, $post, $options, $attachments, $embedded_media)
    // User Profiles
    // Determines if a BuddyPress user profile has been requested
    if (bp_is_user_profile()) {
        // https://codex.buddypress.org/developer/the-bp-global/
        global $bp;
        // $user_id = $bp->displayed_user->id;
        $user_id = bp_displayed_user_id();
        // $user_domain = $bp->displayed_user->domain;
        // bp_core_get_user_domain( bp_displayed_user_id() )
        $user_domain = bp_displayed_user_domain();
        $user_profile_url = trailingslashit(bp_displayed_user_domain() . amt_bp_get_profile_slug());
        $user_fullname = $bp->displayed_user->fullname;
        // $user_fullname = bp_displayed_user_fullname();
        // $user_username = $bp->displayed_user->user_login;
        $user_username = bp_get_displayed_user_username();
        //$wp_user_obj = get_user_by( 'id', $user_id );
        $wp_user_obj = get_userdata($user_id);
        // Context
        $metadata_arr['@context'] = 'http://schema.org';
        // Schema.org type
        $metadata_arr['@type'] = 'Person';
        // name
        $metadata_arr['name'] = esc_attr($user_fullname);
        // URL
        $metadata_arr['url'] = esc_url($user_profile_url, array('http', 'https'));
        // mainEntityOfPage
        $metadata_arr['mainEntityOfPage'] = esc_url($user_profile_url, array('http', 'https'));
        // Related resources as sameAs
        $metadata_arr['sameAs'] = array();
        // Facebook Profile
        //$fb_author_url = get_the_author_meta('amt_facebook_author_profile_url', $user_id);
        $fb_author_url = get_user_meta($user_id, 'amt_facebook_author_profile_url', true);
        if (!empty($fb_author_url)) {
            $metadata_arr['sameAs'][] = esc_url($fb_author_url, array('http', 'https'));
        // Twitter
        //$twitter_author_username = get_the_author_meta('amt_twitter_author_username', $user_id);
        $twitter_author_username = get_user_meta($user_id, 'amt_twitter_author_username', true);
        if (!empty($twitter_author_username)) {
            $metadata_arr['sameAs'][] = 'https://twitter.com/' . esc_attr($twitter_author_username);
        // Google+
        //$googleplus_author_url = get_the_author_meta('amt_googleplus_author_profile_url', $wp_user_obj);
        $googleplus_author_url = get_user_meta($user_id, 'amt_googleplus_author_profile_url', true);
        if (!empty($googleplus_author_url)) {
            $metadata_arr['sameAs'][] = esc_url($googleplus_author_url, array('http', 'https'));
        // Determines if Extended Profiles component is active.
        if (!bp_is_active('xprofile')) {
            // Website
            //$website_url = get_user_meta($user_id, 'amt_googleplus_author_profile_url', true);
            $website_url = get_the_author_meta('user_url', $user_id);
            if (!empty($website_url)) {
                $metadata_arr['sameAs'][] = esc_url($website_url, array('http', 'https'));
            // Description
            $author_description = sanitize_text_field(amt_sanitize_description($wp_user_obj->description));
            if (empty($author_description)) {
                $metadata_arr['description'] = esc_attr(__('Profile of', 'add-meta-tags') . ' ' . $wp_user_obj->display_name);
            } else {
                $metadata_arr['description'] = esc_attr($author_description);
            // Profile Image
            $author_email = sanitize_email($wp_user_obj->user_email);
            $avatar_size = apply_filters('amt_bp_avatar_size', array('width' => 50, 'height' => 50));
            $avatar_url = '';
            // First try to get the avatar link by using get_avatar().
            // Important: for this to work the "Show Avatars" option should be enabled in Settings > Discussion.
            $avatar_img = get_avatar(get_the_author_meta('ID', $wp_user_obj->ID), $avatar_size, '', get_the_author_meta('display_name', $wp_user_obj->ID));
            if (!empty($avatar_img)) {
                if (preg_match("#src=['\"]([^'\"]+)['\"]#", $avatar_img, $matches)) {
                    $avatar_url = $matches[1];
            } elseif (!empty($author_email)) {
                // If the user has provided an email, we use it to construct a gravatar link.
                $avatar_url = "http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/" . md5($author_email) . "?s=" . $avatar_size;
            if (!empty($avatar_url)) {
                //$avatar_url = html_entity_decode($avatar_url, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8');
                $metadata_arr['image'] = esc_url($avatar_url);
            // familyName
            $last_name = $wp_user_obj->last_name;
            if (!empty($last_name)) {
                $metadata_arr['familyName'] = esc_attr($last_name);
            // givenName
            $first_name = $wp_user_obj->first_name;
            if (!empty($first_name)) {
                $metadata_arr['givenName'] = esc_attr($first_name);
            // Extended Profiles
        } else {
            // https://codex.buddypress.org/themes/guides/displaying-extended-profile-fields-on-member-profiles/
            $xprofile_field_map = amt_buddypress_get_xprofile_field_map();
            // Get list of IDs of public fields
            $xprofile_public_fields = bp_xprofile_get_fields_by_visibility_levels($user_id, array('public'));
            // Website
            $field_value = amt_bp_get_profile_field_data('website', $user_id, $xprofile_field_map, $xprofile_public_fields);
            $field_value = sanitize_text_field($field_value);
            if (!empty($field_value)) {
                $metadata_arr['sameAs'][] = esc_url($field_value, array('http', 'https'));
            // Description
            $field_value = amt_bp_get_profile_field_data('description', $user_id, $xprofile_field_map, $xprofile_public_fields);
            $field_value = sanitize_text_field(amt_sanitize_description($field_value));
            if (!empty($field_value)) {
                $metadata_arr['description'] = esc_attr($field_value);
            } else {
                $metadata_arr['description'] = esc_attr(__('Profile of', 'add-meta-tags') . ' ' . $user_fullname);
            // Profile Image
            // Important: for this to work the "Show Avatars" option should be enabled in Settings > Discussion.
            $avatar_size = apply_filters('amt_bp_avatar_size', array('width' => 50, 'height' => 50));
            $avatar_url = '';
            $avatar_args = array('item_id' => $user_id, 'width' => $avatar_size['width'], 'height' => $avatar_size['height']);
            $avatar_img = bp_core_fetch_avatar($avatar_args);
            if (!empty($avatar_img)) {
                if (preg_match("#src=['\"]([^'\"]+)['\"]#", $avatar_img, $matches)) {
                    $avatar_url = $matches[1];
            if (!empty($avatar_url)) {
                //$avatar_url = html_entity_decode($avatar_url, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8');
                $metadata_arr['image'] = esc_url($avatar_url);
            // familyName
            $has_last_name = false;
            $field_value = amt_bp_get_profile_field_data('last_name', $user_id, $xprofile_field_map, $xprofile_public_fields);
            $field_value = sanitize_text_field($field_value);
            if (!empty($field_value)) {
                $metadata_arr['familyName'] = esc_attr($field_value);
                $has_last_name = true;
            // givenName
            $has_first_name = false;
            $field_value = amt_bp_get_profile_field_data('first_name', $user_id, $xprofile_field_map, $xprofile_public_fields);
            $field_value = sanitize_text_field($field_value);
            if (!empty($field_value)) {
                $metadata_arr['givenName'] = esc_attr($field_value);
                $has_first_name = true;
            // Generate first and last name from full name if needed.
            if (!$has_last_name && !$has_first_name && !empty($user_fullname)) {
                $parts = explode(' ', $user_fullname);
                $last_name = sanitize_text_field(array_pop($parts));
                // Removes and returns the element off the end of array
                if (!empty($last_name)) {
                    $metadata_arr['familyName'] = esc_attr($last_name);
                $first_name = sanitize_text_field(implode(' ', $parts));
                if (!empty($first_name)) {
                    $metadata_arr['givenName'] = esc_attr($first_name);
            // alternateName
            $field_value = amt_bp_get_profile_field_data('nickname', $user_id, $xprofile_field_map, $xprofile_public_fields);
            $field_value = sanitize_text_field($field_value);
            if (!empty($field_value)) {
                $metadata_arr['alternateName'] = esc_attr($field_value);
            // additionalName
            $field_value = amt_bp_get_profile_field_data('additional_name', $user_id, $xprofile_field_map, $xprofile_public_fields);
            $field_value = sanitize_text_field($field_value);
            if (!empty($field_value)) {
                $metadata_arr['additionalName'] = esc_attr($field_value);
            // honorificPrefix
            $field_value = amt_bp_get_profile_field_data('honorific_prefix', $user_id, $xprofile_field_map, $xprofile_public_fields);
            $field_value = sanitize_text_field($field_value);
            if (!empty($field_value)) {
                $metadata_arr['honorificPrefix'] = esc_attr($field_value);
            // honorificSuffix
            $field_value = amt_bp_get_profile_field_data('honorific_suffix', $user_id, $xprofile_field_map, $xprofile_public_fields);
            $field_value = sanitize_text_field($field_value);
            if (!empty($field_value)) {
                $metadata_arr['honorificSuffix'] = esc_attr($field_value);
            // gender
            $field_value = amt_bp_get_profile_field_data('gender', $user_id, $xprofile_field_map, $xprofile_public_fields);
            $field_value = sanitize_text_field($field_value);
            if (!empty($field_value)) {
                $metadata_arr['gender'] = esc_attr($field_value);
            // nationality
            $field_value = amt_bp_get_profile_field_data('nationality', $user_id, $xprofile_field_map, $xprofile_public_fields);
            $field_value = sanitize_text_field($field_value);
            if (!empty($field_value)) {
                $metadata_arr['nationality'] = array();
                $metadata_arr['nationality']['@type'] = 'Country';
                $metadata_arr['nationality']['name'] = esc_attr($field_value);
            // telephone
            $field_value = amt_bp_get_profile_field_data('telephone', $user_id, $xprofile_field_map, $xprofile_public_fields);
            $field_value = sanitize_text_field($field_value);
            if (!empty($field_value)) {
                $metadata_arr['telephone'] = esc_attr($field_value);
            // faxNumber
            $field_value = amt_bp_get_profile_field_data('fax', $user_id, $xprofile_field_map, $xprofile_public_fields);
            $field_value = sanitize_text_field($field_value);
            if (!empty($field_value)) {
                $metadata_arr['faxNumber'] = esc_attr($field_value);
            // email
            $field_value = amt_bp_get_profile_field_data('email', $user_id, $xprofile_field_map, $xprofile_public_fields);
            $field_value = sanitize_text_field($field_value);
            if (!empty($field_value)) {
                $metadata_arr['email'] = 'mailto:' . esc_attr($field_value);
            // jobTitle
            $field_value = amt_bp_get_profile_field_data('job_title', $user_id, $xprofile_field_map, $xprofile_public_fields);
            $field_value = sanitize_text_field($field_value);
            if (!empty($field_value)) {
                $metadata_arr['jobTitle'] = esc_attr($field_value);
            // worksFor
            $field_value = amt_bp_get_profile_field_data('works_for', $user_id, $xprofile_field_map, $xprofile_public_fields);
            $field_value = sanitize_text_field($field_value);
            if (!empty($field_value)) {
                $metadata_arr['worksFor'] = array();
                $metadata_arr['worksFor']['@type'] = 'Organization';
                $metadata_arr['worksFor']['name'] = esc_attr($field_value);
            // worksFor URL
            $field_value = amt_bp_get_profile_field_data('works_for_url', $user_id, $xprofile_field_map, $xprofile_public_fields);
            $field_value = sanitize_text_field($field_value);
            if (!empty($field_value)) {
                if (!array_key_exists('worksFor', $metadata_arr) || !is_array($metadata_arr['worksFor'])) {
                    $metadata_arr['worksFor'] = array();
                    $metadata_arr['worksFor']['@type'] = 'Organization';
                $metadata_arr['worksFor']['url'] = esc_attr($field_value);
            // Home Location Geo Coordinates
            // home latitude
            $latitude = '';
            $field_value = amt_bp_get_profile_field_data('home_latitude', $user_id, $xprofile_field_map, $xprofile_public_fields);
            $field_value = sanitize_text_field($field_value);
            if (!empty($field_value)) {
                $latitude = esc_attr($field_value);
            // home longitude
            $longitude = '';
            $field_value = amt_bp_get_profile_field_data('home_longitude', $user_id, $xprofile_field_map, $xprofile_public_fields);
            $field_value = sanitize_text_field($field_value);
            if (!empty($field_value)) {
                $longitude = esc_attr($field_value);
            if (!empty($latitude) && !empty($longitude)) {
                $metadata_arr['homeLocation'] = array();
                $metadata_arr['homeLocation']['@type'] = 'Place';
                $metadata_arr['homeLocation']['latitude'] = esc_attr($latitude);
                $metadata_arr['homeLocation']['longitude'] = esc_attr($longitude);
            // Work Location Geo Coordinates
            // work latitude
            $latitude = '';
            $field_value = amt_bp_get_profile_field_data('work_latitude', $user_id, $xprofile_field_map, $xprofile_public_fields);
            $field_value = sanitize_text_field($field_value);
            if (!empty($field_value)) {
                $latitude = esc_attr($field_value);
            // work longitude
            $longitude = '';
            $field_value = amt_bp_get_profile_field_data('work_longitude', $user_id, $xprofile_field_map, $xprofile_public_fields);
            $field_value = sanitize_text_field($field_value);
            if (!empty($field_value)) {
                $longitude = esc_attr($field_value);
            if (!empty($latitude) && !empty($longitude)) {
                $metadata_arr['workLocation'] = array();
                $metadata_arr['workLocation']['@type'] = 'Place';
                $metadata_arr['workLocation']['latitude'] = esc_attr($latitude);
                $metadata_arr['workLocation']['longitude'] = esc_attr($longitude);
    // Allow filtering of the generated metadata
    // Customize with: add_filter('amt_buddypress_jsonld_schemaorg_extra', 'my_function', 10, 5);
    $metadata_arr = apply_filters('amt_buddypress_jsonld_schemaorg_extra', $metadata_arr, $post, $options, $attachments, $embedded_media);
    return $metadata_arr;
コード例 #11
function devb_aawire_post_update()
    global $bp;
    $is_wire_post = false;
    /* Check the nonce */
    check_admin_referer('post_update', '_wpnonce_post_update');
    if (!is_user_logged_in()) {
        echo '-1';
    if (empty($_POST['content'])) {
        echo '-1<div id="message"><p>' . __('Please enter some content to post.', 'buddypress') . '</p></div>';
    if (empty($_POST['object']) && function_exists('bp_activity_post_update')) {
        //this is what I have changed
        if (!bp_is_my_profile() && bp_is_user()) {
            $content = '@' . bp_get_displayed_user_username() . ' ' . $_POST['content'];
            $is_wire_post = true;
        } else {
            $content = $_POST['content'];
        //let us get the last activity id, we will use it to reset user's last activity
        $last_update = bp_get_user_meta(bp_loggedin_user_id(), 'bp_latest_update', true);
        if ($is_wire_post) {
            add_filter('bp_activity_new_update_action', 'devb_aawire_filter_action');
        $activity_id = bp_activity_post_update(array('content' => $content));
        if ($is_wire_post) {
            remove_filter('bp_activity_new_update_action', 'devb_aawire_filter_action');
            //add activity meta to remember that it was a wire post and we may use it in future
            if ($activity_id) {
                bp_activity_update_meta($activity_id, 'is_wire_post', 1);
            //let us remember it for future
            //for 2.0 Let us add the mentioned user in the meta, so in future if we plan eo extend the wall beyond mention, we can do that easily
            bp_activity_update_meta($activity_id, 'wire_user_id', bp_displayed_user_id());
            //let us remember it for future
        //reset the last update
        bp_update_user_meta(get_current_user_id(), 'bp_latest_update', $last_update);
        //end of my changes
    } elseif ($_POST['object'] == 'groups') {
        if (!empty($_POST['item_id']) && function_exists('groups_post_update')) {
            $activity_id = groups_post_update(array('content' => $_POST['content'], 'group_id' => $_POST['item_id']));
    } else {
        $activity_id = apply_filters('bp_activity_custom_update', $_POST['object'], $_POST['item_id'], $_POST['content']);
    if (!$activity_id) {
        echo '-1<div id="message"><p>' . __('There was a problem posting your update, please try again.', 'buddypress') . '</p></div>';
    if (bp_has_activities('include=' . $activity_id)) {
        while (bp_activities()) {
            bp_locate_template(array('activity/entry.php'), true);
コード例 #12
define('BP_DISABLE_ADMIN_BAR', true);
add_filter('bp_core_fetch_avatar_no_grav', '__return_true');
remove_action('wp_print_styles', 'bp_tpack_enqueue_styles');
remove_filter('wp_nav_menu', 'remove_ul');
// Stop the theme from killing WordPress if BuddyPress is not enabled.
if (!class_exists('BP_Core_User')) {
    return false;
// Load the AJAX functions for the theme
require_once WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/_inc/ajax.php';
// Load the javascript for the theme
wp_enqueue_script('dtheme-ajax-js', get_template_directory_uri() . '/_inc/global.js', array('jquery'));
// Add words that we need to use in JS to the end of the page so they can be translated and still used.
$params = array('my_favs' => __('My Favorites', 'buddypress'), 'accepted' => __('Accepted', 'buddypress'), 'rejected' => __('Rejected', 'buddypress'), 'show_all_comments' => __('Show all comments for this thread', 'buddypress'), 'show_all' => __('Show all', 'buddypress'), 'comments' => __('comments', 'buddypress'), 'close' => __('Close', 'buddypress'), 'mention_explain' => sprintf(__("%s is a unique identifier for %s that you can type into any message on this site. %s will be sent a notification and a link to your message any time you use it.", 'buddypress'), '@' . bp_get_displayed_user_username(), bp_get_user_firstname(bp_get_displayed_user_fullname()), bp_get_user_firstname(bp_get_displayed_user_fullname())));
wp_localize_script('dtheme-ajax-js', 'BP_DTheme', $params);
 * Add the JS needed for blog comment replies
 * @package BuddyPress Theme
 * @since 1.2
function bp_dtheme_add_blog_comments_js()
    if (is_singular()) {
add_action('template_redirect', 'bp_dtheme_add_blog_comments_js');
コード例 #13
ファイル: warning.php プロジェクト: tamriel-foundry/apoc2
 // Add the new warning to the array
 $warnings[] = array('points' => $points, 'reason' => trim($reason), 'moderator' => $moderator, 'date' => $date);
 // Make sure there was no error
 if (empty($error)) {
     // Update user meta
     update_user_meta($user->id, 'infraction_history', $warnings);
     bp_core_add_message('Warning successfully issued!', 'success');
     // Maybe ban the user
     if ($level + $points == 5) {
         $u = new WP_User($user->id);
     // Email people
     if ($_POST['email-user'] || $_POST['email-mods']) {
         // Set the email headers
         $name = bp_get_displayed_user_username();
         $subject = "[Tamriel Foundry] Warning Issued to {$name}";
         $headers = "From: Foundry Discipline Bot <*****@*****.**>\r\n";
         $headers .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8";
         // Construct the message
         $body = '<p>Your user account, ' . $name . ', has been issued a warning for ' . $points . ' point(s) by the moderation team at Tamriel Foundry for the following reason:</p>';
         $body .= '&nbsp;';
         $body .= '<p><strong>' . $reason . '</strong></p>';
         $body .= '&nbsp;';
         $body .= '<p>Please review the Tamriel Foundry <a href="http://tamrielfoundry.com/topic/tamriel-foundry-code-of-conduct/" title="Read the Code of Conduct" target="_blank">Code of Conduct</a> to better understand the expectations we have of our users.';
         $body .= 'You may review your current infractions on your user profile using the following link:</p>';
         $body .= '<p><a href="' . $action_url . '" title="View Your Infractions" target="_blank">' . $action_url . '</a>';
         // Send the message
         if ($_POST['email-user']) {
             $emailto = bp_get_displayed_user_email();
             wp_mail($emailto, $subject, $body, $headers);
コード例 #14
 * Returns the public message link for displayed user
 * @since BuddyPress (1.2)
 * @global object $bp BuddyPress global settings
 * @uses bp_is_my_profile()
 * @uses is_user_logged_in()
 * @uses wp_nonce_url()
 * @uses bp_loggedin_user_domain()
 * @uses bp_get_activity_slug()
 * @uses bp_core_get_username()
 * @uses apply_filters() To call the 'bp_get_send_public_message_link' hook
 * @return string The public message link for displayed user
function bp_get_send_public_message_link()
    global $bp;
    if (bp_is_my_profile() || !is_user_logged_in()) {
        return false;
    return apply_filters('bp_get_send_public_message_link', wp_nonce_url(bp_get_activity_directory_permalink() . '?r=' . bp_core_get_username(bp_displayed_user_id(), bp_get_displayed_user_username(), $bp->displayed_user->userdata->user_login)));
コード例 #15
ファイル: screens.php プロジェクト: mrjarbenne/wp-idea-stream
  * Set some globals
  * @package WP Idea Stream
  * @subpackage buddypress/screens
  * @since  2.0.0
  * @uses  bp_displayed_user_id() to get displayed user ID
  * @uses  bp_get_displayed_user_username() to get displayed user nicename
 public function setup_globals()
     $this->screen = '';
     $this->user_id = bp_displayed_user_id();
     $this->username = bp_get_displayed_user_username();
コード例 #16
ファイル: bp-functions.php プロジェクト: alphadc/xiuxing
 * Enqueues BuddyPress JS and related AJAX functions
 * @since 1.3
function bp_compat_enqueue_scripts()
    // Add words that we need to use in JS to the end of the page so they can be translated and still used.
    $params = array('my_favs' => __('My Favorites', 'dp'), 'accepted' => __('Accepted', 'dp'), 'rejected' => __('Rejected', 'dp'), 'show_all_comments' => __('Show all comments for this thread', 'dp'), 'show_all' => __('Show all', 'dp'), 'comments' => __('comments', 'dp'), 'close' => __('Close', 'dp'));
    // BP 1.5+
    if (version_compare(BP_VERSION, '1.3', '>')) {
        // Bump this when changes are made to bust cache
        $version = '20110818';
        $params['view'] = __('View', 'dp');
    } else {
        $version = '20110729';
        if (bp_displayed_user_id()) {
            $params['mention_explain'] = sprintf(__("%s is a unique identifier for %s that you can type into any message on this site. %s will be sent a notification and a link to your message any time you use it.", 'dp'), '@' . bp_get_displayed_user_username(), bp_get_user_firstname(bp_get_displayed_user_fullname()), bp_get_user_firstname(bp_get_displayed_user_fullname()));
    // Enqueue the global JS - Ajax will not work without it
    wp_enqueue_script('bp-theme-js', trailingslashit(get_template_directory_uri()) . 'bp/global.js', array('jquery'), $version);
    // Localize the JS strings
    wp_localize_script('bp-theme-js', 'BP_Theme', $params);
コード例 #17
  * Set up IdeaStream navigation.
  * @package WP Idea Stream
  * @subpackage buddypress/loader
  * @since 2.0.0
  * @uses buddypress() to get BuddyPress instance data
  * @uses bp_loggedin_user_id() to get logged in user id
  * @uses bp_get_loggedin_user_username() to get logged in user nicename
  * @uses bp_loggedin_user_domain() to get logged in user domain
  * @uses bp_is_user() to check if a user's profile is displayed
  * @uses bp_displayed_user_id() to get the displayed user id
  * @uses bp_get_displayed_user_username() to get displayed user nicename
  * @uses bp_displayed_user_domain() to get displayed user profile link
  * @uses wp_idea_stream_users_get_profile_nav_items() to get IdeaStream user nav items
  * @uses sanitize_title(), sanitize_key() to sanitize datas
 public function setup_nav($main_nav = array(), $sub_nav = array())
     $bp = buddypress();
     // Default is current user.
     $user_id = bp_loggedin_user_id();
     $user_nicename = bp_get_loggedin_user_username();
     $user_domain = bp_loggedin_user_domain();
     // If viewing a user, set the user to displayed one
     if (bp_is_user()) {
         $user_id = bp_displayed_user_id();
         $user_nicename = bp_get_displayed_user_username();
         $user_domain = bp_displayed_user_domain();
     // Build the user nav if we have an id
     if (!empty($user_id)) {
         // Build user's ideas BuddyPress profile link
         $profile_link = trailingslashit($user_domain . $this->slug);
         // Get Core User's profile nav
         $user_core_subnav = wp_idea_stream_users_get_profile_nav_items($user_id, $user_nicename);
         // Build BuddyPress user's Main nav
         $main_nav = array('name' => $this->name, 'slug' => $this->slug, 'position' => 90, 'screen_function' => array('WP_Idea_Stream_Screens', 'user_ideas'), 'default_subnav_slug' => sanitize_title($user_core_subnav['profile']['slug'], 'ideas', 'save'));
         // Init nav position & subnav slugs
         $position = 10;
         $this->idea_nav = array();
         // Build BuddyPress user's Sub nav
         foreach ($user_core_subnav as $key => $nav) {
             $fallback_slug = sanitize_key($key);
             if ('profile' == $fallback_slug) {
                 $fallback_slug = 'ideas';
             // Register subnav slugs using the fallback title
             // as keys to easily build urls later on.
             $this->idea_nav[$fallback_slug] = array('name' => $nav['title'], 'slug' => sanitize_title($nav['slug'], $fallback_slug, 'save'));
             $sub_nav[] = array('name' => $this->idea_nav[$fallback_slug]['name'], 'slug' => $this->idea_nav[$fallback_slug]['slug'], 'parent_url' => $profile_link, 'parent_slug' => $this->slug, 'screen_function' => array('WP_Idea_Stream_Screens', 'user_' . $fallback_slug), 'position' => $position);
             // increment next nav position
             $position += 10;
     parent::setup_nav($main_nav, $sub_nav);
コード例 #18
 function private_message_super_admin_override()
     if (!isset($_GET['bpmSuperAdminOverridePrivateMessage']) || !is_super_admin()) {
     $thread_id = (int) bp_action_variable(0);
     bp_core_new_subnav_item(array('name' => sprintf(__('Review message by %s', 'bp-moderation'), bp_get_displayed_user_username()), 'slug' => 'view', 'parent_url' => trailingslashit(bp_displayed_user_domain() . bp_get_messages_slug()), 'parent_slug' => bp_get_messages_slug(), 'screen_function' => true, 'position' => 40, 'user_has_access' => is_super_admin(), 'link' => bp_displayed_user_domain() . bp_get_messages_slug() . '/view/' . (int) $thread_id));
     bp_core_load_template(apply_filters('messages_template_view_message', 'members/single/home'));
コード例 #19
 function wds_metadesc()
     if (is_admin()) {
         return false;
     global $post, $wp_query;
     //global $wds_options;
     $wds_options = get_wds_options();
     if (is_singular()) {
         if (function_exists('groups_get_current_group') && 'groups' == bp_current_component() && ($group = groups_get_current_group())) {
             // BP group?
             $optvar = !empty($wds_options['metadesc-bp_groups']) ? $wds_options['metadesc-bp_groups'] : '';
             $metadesc = wds_replace_vars($optvar, array('name' => $group->name, 'description' => $group->description));
         } else {
             if (function_exists('bp_current_component') && 'profile' == bp_current_component()) {
                 $optvar = !empty($wds_options['metadesc-bp_profile']) ? $wds_options['metadesc-bp_profile'] : '';
                 $metadesc = wds_replace_vars($optvar, array('full_name' => bp_get_displayed_user_fullname(), 'username' => bp_get_displayed_user_username()));
             } else {
                 $metadesc = wds_get_value('metadesc');
                 if (empty($metadesc)) {
                     $optvar = !empty($wds_options['metadesc-' . $post->post_type]) ? $wds_options['metadesc-' . $post->post_type] : '';
                     $metadesc = wds_replace_vars($optvar, (array) $post);
     } else {
         if (function_exists('is_shop') && is_shop() && function_exists('woocommerce_get_page_id')) {
             // WooCommerce shop page
             $post_id = woocommerce_get_page_id('shop');
             $metadesc = wds_get_value('metadesc', $post_id);
             if (empty($metadesc)) {
                 $optvar = !empty($wds_options['metadesc-' . $post->post_type]) ? $wds_options['metadesc-' . $post->post_type] : '';
                 $metadesc = wds_replace_vars($optvar, (array) $post);
         } else {
             if (is_home() && 'posts' == get_option('show_on_front') && isset($wds_options['metadesc-home'])) {
                 $metadesc = wds_replace_vars($wds_options['metadesc-home'], array());
             } else {
                 if (is_home() && 'posts' != get_option('show_on_front')) {
                     $post = get_post(get_option('page_for_posts'));
                     $metadesc = wds_get_value('metadesc');
                     if (($metadesc == '' || !$metadesc) && isset($wds_options['metadesc-' . $post->post_type])) {
                         $metadesc = wds_replace_vars($wds_options['metadesc-' . $post->post_type], (array) $post);
                 } else {
                     if (is_category() || is_tag() || is_tax()) {
                         $term = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
                         $metadesc = wds_get_term_meta($term, $term->taxonomy, 'wds_desc');
                         if (!$metadesc && isset($wds_options['metadesc-' . $term->taxonomy])) {
                             $metadesc = wds_replace_vars($wds_options['metadesc-' . $term->taxonomy], (array) $term);
                     } else {
                         if (is_author()) {
                             $author_id = get_query_var('author');
                             $metadesc = get_the_author_meta('wds_metadesc', $author_id);
                         } else {
                             if (function_exists('groups_get_current_group') && 'groups' == bp_current_component() && ($group = groups_get_current_group())) {
                                 // BP group?
                                 $optvar = !empty($wds_options['metadesc-bp_groups']) ? $wds_options['metadesc-bp_groups'] : '';
                                 $metadesc = wds_replace_vars($optvar, array('name' => $group->name, 'description' => $group->description));
                             } else {
                                 if (function_exists('bp_current_component') && 'profile' == bp_current_component()) {
                                     $optvar = !empty($wds_options['metadesc-bp_profile']) ? $wds_options['metadesc-bp_profile'] : '';
                                     $metadesc = wds_replace_vars($optvar, array('full_name' => bp_get_displayed_user_fullname(), 'username' => bp_get_displayed_user_username()));
     if (!empty($metadesc)) {
         echo "\t" . '<meta name="description" content="' . esc_attr(strip_tags(stripslashes(apply_filters('wds_metadesc', $metadesc)))) . '" />' . "\n";
コード例 #20
ファイル: functions.php プロジェクト: MartinPaulEve/humcore
 * Returns author with facet link and optional link to profile.
 * @return string
function humcore_linkify_author($author, $author_meta, $author_type)
    $displayed_username = bp_get_displayed_user_username();
    if ('creator' === $author_type) {
        $page_type = 'groups';
    } else {
        $page_type = 'members';
    if (!empty($author_meta) && 'null' != $author_meta && ('members' === $page_type && $displayed_username != $author_meta || 'groups' === $page_type && !bp_is_group())) {
        $profile = sprintf(' <a href="/%s/%s/deposits/">(see profile)</a> ', $page_type, $author_meta);
    } else {
        $profile = '';
    $linked_author = sprintf('<a href="/deposits/?facets[author_facet][]=%s">%s</a>%s', urlencode($author), $author, $profile);
    return $linked_author;