コード例 #1
function bp_course_add_js()
    global $bp;
    if (!function_exists('vibe_logo_url')) {
    // Checks if WPLMS is active in current site in WP Multisite
    wp_enqueue_script('bp-extras-js', plugins_url('/vibe-course-module/includes/js/course-module-js.min.js'), array('jquery'), bp_course_version(), true);
    if (function_exists('vibe_get_option')) {
        if (is_singular('unit') || is_singular('question') || is_singular('quiz') || is_singular('wplms-assignment') || is_page(vibe_get_option('take_course_page')) || is_page(vibe_get_option('create_course')) || isset($_GET['edit'])) {
            wp_enqueue_script('knob-js', plugins_url('/vibe-course-module/includes/js/jquery.knob.min.js'));
    if (function_exists('bp_is_directory')) {
        if (bp_is_directory() && bp_current_component() == 'course') {
    $action = bp_current_action();
    if (isset($_GET['action'])) {
        $action = $_GET['action'];
    if (in_array($action, array('admin', 'submissions', 'stats'))) {
        wp_enqueue_script('knob-js', plugins_url('/vibe-course-module/includes/js/jquery.knob.min.js'));
    wp_enqueue_script('bp-course-js', plugins_url('/vibe-course-module/includes/js/course.js'), array('jquery', 'wp-mediaelement', 'buddypress-js'), bp_course_version(), true);
    $color = bp_wplms_get_theme_color();
    $single_dark_color = bp_wplms_get_theme_single_dark_color();
    $translation_array = array('too_fast_answer' => _x('Too Fast or Answer not marked.', 'Quiz answer being marked very fast', 'vibe'), 'answer_saved' => _x('Answer Saved.', 'Save answer on every question, confirmation message', 'vibe'), 'processing' => _x('Processing...', 'Quiz question anwer save under progress', 'vibe'), 'saving_answer' => _x('Saving Answer...please wait', 'Saving quiz answers under progress', 'vibe'), 'remove_user_text' => __('This step is irreversible. Are you sure you want to remove the User from the course ?', 'vibe'), 'remove_user_button' => __('Confirm, Remove User from Course', 'vibe'), 'confirm' => _x('Confirm', 'Confirm button for various popup confirmation messages', 'vibe'), 'cancel' => _x('Cancel', 'Cancel button for various popup confirmation messages', 'vibe'), 'reset_user_text' => __('This step is irreversible. All Units, Quiz results would be reset for this user. Are you sure you want to Reset the Course for this User?', 'vibe'), 'reset_user_button' => __('Confirm, Reset Course for this User', 'vibe'), 'quiz_reset' => __('This step is irreversible. All Questions answers would be reset for this user. Are you sure you want to Reset the Quiz for this User? ', 'vibe'), 'quiz_reset_button' => __('Confirm, Reset Quiz for this User', 'vibe'), 'marks_saved' => __('Marks Saved', 'vibe'), 'quiz_marks_saved' => __('Quiz Marks Saved', 'vibe'), 'submit_quiz' => __('Submit Quiz', 'vibe'), 'sending_messages' => __('Sending Messages ...', 'vibe'), 'adding_students' => __('Adding Students to Course ...', 'vibe'), 'successfuly_added_students' => __('Students successfully added to Course', 'vibe'), 'unable_add_students' => __('Unable to Add students to Course', 'vibe'), 'select_fields' => __('Please select fields to download', 'vibe'), 'download' => __('Download', 'vibe'), 'timeout' => __('TIMEOUT', 'vibe'), 'theme_color' => $color, 'single_dark_color' => $single_dark_color, 'for_course' => __('for Course', 'vibe'), 'active_filters' => __('Active Filters', 'vibe'), 'clear_filters' => __('Clear all filters', 'vibe'), 'remove_comment' => __('Are you sure you want to remove this note?', 'vibe'), 'remove_comment_button' => __('Confirm, remove note', 'vibe'), 'private_comment' => __('Make Private', 'vibe'), 'add_comment' => __('Add your note', 'vibe'), 'submit_quiz_error' => __('Please add questions or retake the quiz !', 'vibe'), 'remove_announcement' => __('Are you sure you want to remove this Annoucement?', 'vibe'), 'start_quiz_notification' => __('You\'re about to start the Quiz. Please click confirm to begin the quiz.', 'vibe'), 'submit_quiz_notification' => __('Are you sure you want to submit the quiz. Submitting the quiz will freeze all your answers, you can not change them.  Please confirm.', 'vibe'), 'check_results' => __('Check results', 'vibe'), 'correct' => __('Correct', 'vibe'), 'incorrect' => __('Incorrect', 'vibe'), 'confirm_apply' => _x('Are you sure you want to apply for this Course ?', 'confirmation message when user clicks on apply for course', 'vibe'), 'instructor_uncomplete_unit' => _x('Are you sure you want mark this unit "uncomplete" for the user ?', 'Popup confirmation message when instructor marks the unit uncomplete for the user.', 'vibe'), 'instructor_complete_unit' => _x('Are you sure you want to mark this unit "complete" for the user ?', 'Popup confirmation message ', 'vibe'), 'unanswered_questions' => __('You have few unanswered questions. Are you sure you want to continue ?', 'vibe'));
    wp_localize_script('bp-course-js', 'vibe_course_module_strings', $translation_array);
コード例 #2
function bp_course_add_js()
    global $bp;
    if (!function_exists('vibe_logo_url')) {
    // Checks if WPLMS is active in current site in WP Multisite
    wp_enqueue_script('bp-extras-js', plugins_url('/vibe-course-module/includes/js/course-module-js.min.js'), array('jquery'), bp_course_version(), true);
    wp_enqueue_script('bp-course-js', plugins_url('/vibe-course-module/includes/js/course.js'), array('jquery', 'wp-mediaelement', 'jquery-ui-core', 'jquery-ui-sortable', 'jquery-ui-droppable', 'jquery-ui-datepicker', 'buddypress-js'), bp_course_version(), true);
    $color = bp_wplms_get_theme_color();
    $single_dark_color = bp_wplms_get_theme_single_dark_color();
    $translation_array = array('too_fast_answer' => __('Too Fast or Answer not marked.', 'vibe'), 'answer_saved' => __('Answer Saved.', 'vibe'), 'processing' => __('Processing...', 'vibe'), 'saving_answer' => __('Saving Answer...please wait', 'vibe'), 'remove_user_text' => __('This step is irreversible. Are you sure you want to remove the User from the course ?', 'vibe'), 'remove_user_button' => __('Confirm, Remove User from Course', 'vibe'), 'confirm' => __('Confirm', 'vibe'), 'cancel' => __('Cancel', 'vibe'), 'reset_user_text' => __('This step is irreversible. All Units, Quiz results would be reset for this user. Are you sure you want to Reset the Course for this User?', 'vibe'), 'reset_user_button' => __('Confirm, Reset Course for this User', 'vibe'), 'quiz_reset' => __('This step is irreversible. All Questions answers would be reset for this user. Are you sure you want to Reset the Quiz for this User? ', 'vibe'), 'quiz_reset_button' => __('Confirm, Reset Quiz for this User', 'vibe'), 'marks_saved' => __('Marks Saved', 'vibe'), 'quiz_marks_saved' => __('Quiz Marks Saved', 'vibe'), 'submit_quiz' => __('Submit Quiz', 'vibe'), 'sending_messages' => __('Sending Messages ...', 'vibe'), 'adding_students' => __('Adding Students to Course ...', 'vibe'), 'successfuly_added_students' => __('Students successfully added to Course', 'vibe'), 'unable_add_students' => __('Unable to Add students to Course', 'vibe'), 'select_fields' => __('Please select fields to download', 'vibe'), 'download' => __('Download', 'vibe'), 'timeout' => __('TIMEOUT', 'vibe'), 'theme_color' => $color, 'single_dark_color' => $single_dark_color, 'for_course' => __('for Course', 'vibe'), 'active_filters' => __('Active Filters', 'vibe'), 'clear_filters' => __('Clear all filters', 'vibe'), 'remove_comment' => __('Are you sure you want to remove this note?', 'vibe'), 'remove_comment_button' => __('Confirm, remove note', 'vibe'), 'private_comment' => __('Make Private', 'vibe'), 'add_comment' => __('Add your note', 'vibe'), 'submit_quiz_error' => __('Please add questions or retake the quiz !', 'vibe'), 'remove_announcement' => __('Are you sure you want to remove this Annoucement?', 'vibe'), 'start_quiz_notification' => __('You\'re about to start the Quiz. Please click confirm to begin the quiz.', 'vibe'), 'submit_quiz_notification' => __('Are you sure you want to submit the quiz. Submitting the quiz will freeze all your answers, you can not change them.  Please confirm.', 'vibe'), 'check_results' => __('Check results', 'vibe'), 'correct' => __('Correct', 'vibe'), 'incorrect' => __('Incorrect', 'vibe'), 'unanswered_questions' => __('You have few unanswered questions. Are you sure you want to continue ?', 'vibe'));
    wp_localize_script('bp-course-js', 'vibe_course_module_strings', $translation_array);