function deptkey($price, $dept) { $intvoided = 0; if ($_SESSION["quantity"] == 0 && $_SESSION["multiple"] == 0) { $_SESSION["quantity"] = 1; } if (is_numeric($dept) && is_numeric($price) && strlen($price) >= 1 && strlen($dept) >= 2) { $strprice = $price; $strdept = $dept; $price = $price / 100; $dept = $dept / 10; if ($_SESSION["casediscount"] > 0 && $_SESSION["casediscount"] <= 100) { $case_discount = (100 - $_SESSION["casediscount"]) / 100; $price = $case_discount * $price; } $total = $price * $_SESSION["quantity"]; $intdept = $dept; $query = "select * from departments where dept_no = " . $intdept; $db = pDataConnect(); $result = sql_query($query, $db); $num_rows = sql_num_rows($result); if ($num_rows == 0) { boxMsg("department unknown"); $_SESSION["quantity"] = 1; } elseif ($_SESSION["mfcoupon"] == 1) { $row = sql_fetch_array($result); $_SESSION["mfcoupon"] = 0; $query2 = "select department, sum(total) as total from localtemptrans where department = " . $dept . " group by department"; $db2 = tDataConnect(); $result2 = sql_query($query2, $db2); $num_rows2 = sql_num_rows($result2); if ($num_rows2 == 0) { boxMsg("no item found in<br />" . $row["dept_name"]); } else { $row2 = sql_fetch_array($result2); if ($price > $row2["total"]) { boxMsg("coupon amount greater than department total"); } else { addItem("", $row["dept_name"] . " Coupon", "I", "CP", "C", $dept, 0, 1, -1 * $price, -1 * $price, -1 * $price, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $intvoided, 0, ''); $_SESSION["ttlflag"] = 0; $_SESSION["ttlrequested"] = 0; goodBeep(); lastpage(); } } } else { $row = sql_fetch_array($result); if (!$row["dept_limit"]) { $deptmax = 0; } else { $deptmax = $row["dept_limit"]; } if (!$row["dept_minimum"]) { $deptmin = 0; } else { $deptmin = $row["dept_minimum"]; } $tax = $row["dept_tax"]; if ($row["dept_fs"] != 0) { $foodstamp = 1; } else { $foodstamp = 0; } $deptDiscount = $row["dept_discount"]; if ($_SESSION["toggleDiscountable"] == 1) { $_SESSION["toggleDiscountable"] = 0; if ($deptDiscount == 0) { $deptDiscount = 1; } else { $deptDiscount = 0; } } if ($_SESSION["togglefoodstamp"] == 1) { $foodstamp = ($foodstamp + 1) % 2; $_SESSION["togglefoodstamp"] = 0; } // Hard coding starts if ($dept == 606) { $price = -1 * $price; $total = -1 * $total; } // Hard coding ends if ($_SESSION["ddNotify"] != 0 && $_SESSION["itemPD"] == 10) { $_SESSION["itemPD"] = 0; $deptDiscount = 7; $intvoided = 22; } //------------- Find EQUITY payments and force member# entry ~joel 2006-12-12 if ($_SESSION["store"] == "acg") { if ($dept == 45 && $_SESSION["member"] != 0) { // dp 45 = member equity maindisplay("memsearch.php"); } if ($dept == 41) { // dp 41 = bottle deposit $price = -1 * $price; $total = -1 * $total; } } if ($price > $deptmax && $_SESSION["msgrepeat"] == 0) { $_SESSION["boxMsg"] = "\$" . $price . " is greater than department limit<p>" . "<font size='-1'>[clear] to cancel, [enter] to proceed</font></p>"; boxMsgscreen(); } elseif ($price < $deptmin && $_SESSION["msgrepeat"] == 0) { $_SESSION["boxMsg"] = "\$" . $price . " is lower than department minimum<p>" . "<font size='-1'>[clear] to cancel, [enter] to proceed</font></p>"; boxMsgscreen(); } else { if ($_SESSION["casediscount"] > 0) { addcdnotify(); $_SESSION["casediscount"] = 0; } if ($_SESSION["toggletax"] == 1) { $tax = ($tax + 1) % 2; $_SESSION["toggletax"] = 0; } addItem($price . "DP" . $dept, $row["dept_name"], "D", " ", " ", $dept, 0, $_SESSION["quantity"], $price, $total, $price, 0, $tax, $foodstamp, 0, 0, $deptDiscount, 0, $_SESSION["quantity"], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $intvoided, 0, ''); $_SESSION["ttlflag"] = 0; $_SESSION["ttlrequested"] = 0; goodBeep(); lastpage(); $_SESSION["msgrepeat"] = 0; } } } else { inputUnknown(); $_SESSION["quantity"] = 1; } $_SESSION["quantity"] = 0; $_SESSION["itemPD"] = 0; }
function upcscanned($entered) { $hitareflag = 0; $entered = str_replace(".", " ", $entered); if (strlen($entered) == 0 || !$entered) { lastpage(); } else { if ($_SESSION["quantity"] == 0 && $_SESSION["multiple"] == 0) { $quantity = 1; } else { $quantity = $_SESSION["quantity"]; } } $scaleprice = 0; if (substr($entered, 0, 1) == 0 && strlen($entered) == 7) { $p6 = substr($entered, -1); if ($p6 == 0) { $entered = substr($entered, 0, 3) . "00000" . substr($entered, 3, 3); } elseif ($p6 == 1) { $entered = substr($entered, 0, 3) . "10000" . substr($entered, 3, 3); } elseif ($p6 == 2) { $entered = substr($entered, 0, 3) . "20000" . substr($entered, 3, 3); } elseif ($p6 == 3) { $entered = substr($entered, 0, 4) . "00000" . substr($entered, 4, 2); } elseif ($p6 == 4) { $entered = substr($entered, 0, 5) . "00000" . substr($entered, 5, 1); } else { $entered = substr($entered, 0, 6) . "0000" . $p6; } } if (strlen($entered) == 13 && substr($entered, 0, 1) != 0) { $upc = "0" . substr($entered, 0, 12); } else { $upc = substr("0000000000000" . $entered, -13); } if (substr($upc, 0, 3) == "002") { $scaleprice = truncate2(substr($upc, -4) / 100); $upc = substr($upc, 0, 8) . "00000"; } $query = "select * from products where upc = '" . $upc . "' AND inUse = 1"; $db = pDataConnect(); $result = sql_query($query, $db); $num_rows = sql_num_rows($result); $row = sql_fetch_array($result); $normal_price = $row["normal_price"]; $special_price = $row["special_price"]; $cost = 0; $deposit = $row["deposit"]; $dept = $row["department"]; if ($num_rows == 0 && substr($upc, 0, 3) != "005") { $fconn = tDataconnect(); $datetimestamp = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %p", time()); $inserterror = "insert into failedscans select " . $upc . " as upc, " . $_SESSION["laneno"] . " as lane_no, " . $_SESSION["CashierNo"] . " as emp_no, " . $_SESSION["transno"] . " as trans_no, " . "'" . $datetimestamp . "' as fdate"; mysql_query($inserterror, $fconn); boxMsg($upc . "<br /><b>is not a valid item</b>"); } elseif ($num_rows == 0 && substr($upc, 0, 3) == "005") { couponcode($upc); } elseif (($dept == 19 || $dept == 20) && $_SESSION["store"] == "rvm" && $_SESSION["msgrepeat"] == 0 && $_SESSION["carded"] == 0) { if ($_SESSION["bdaystatus"] == 99) { $boxMsg = "<b>Enter date of birth from valid ID</b><br />in the form mmddyyyy<p><font size=-1>[Clear] to cancel</font></p>"; } if ($_SESSION["bdaystatus"] == -1) { $boxMsg = "<b>Invalid date of birth</b><br />re-enter in the form mmddyyyy<p><font size=-1>[Clear] to cancel</font></p>"; } if ($_SESSION["bdaystatus"] == 0) { $boxMsg = "<b>Sales of item declined</b><p><font size=-1>[Clear] to cancel</font></p>"; } $_SESSION["boxMsg"] = $boxMsg; bdBoxMsgScreen(); } elseif ($row["scale"] != 0 && $_SESSION["weight"] == 0 && $_SESSION["quantity"] == 0) { if ($_SESSION["wgtRequested"] == 0) { $_SESSION["wgtRequested"] = 1; lastpage(); echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n" . "lockScreen = setTimeout('document.forms[0].elements[0].value = \"" . $_SESSION["strEntered"] . "\"; document.forms[0].submit();', 700)\n" . "</script>"; } else { $_SESSION["SNR"] = 1; boxMsg("please put item on scale"); $_SESSION["wgtRequested"] = 0; } } elseif ($row["scale"] != 0 && $_SESSION["scale"] == 0) { $_SESSION["waitforScale"] = 1; $_SESSION["SNR"] = 1; lastpage(); } elseif ($row["scale"] == 0 && (int) $_SESSION["quantity"] != $_SESSION["quantity"] && $_SESSION["fractions"] != 1) { boxMsg("fractional quantity cannot be accepted for this item"); } elseif ($_SESSION["itemDiscount"] < 0 || $_SESSION["itemDiscount"] > 65) { xboxMsg("item cannot be<br />discounted at " . $_SESSION["itemDiscount"] . "%"); $_SESSION["itemDiscount"] = 0; } else { $mixMatch = 0; $qttyEnforced = $row["qttyEnforced"]; if ($qttyEnforced == 1 && $_SESSION["multiple"] == 0 && $_SESSION["msgrepeat"] == 0) { qttyscreen(); } else { $_SESSION["qttyvalid"] = 1; } if ($_SESSION["qttyvalid"] != 1) { sql_close($db); } else { $upc = $row["upc"]; $description = $row["description"]; $description = str_replace("'", "", $description); $description = str_replace(",", "", $description); $transType = "I"; $transsubType = "CA"; $department = $row["department"]; $unitPrice = $normal_price; $regPrice = $normal_price; $CardNo = $_SESSION["memberID"]; if ($row["scale"] != 0) { $scale = 1; } else { $scale = 0; } if ($row["tax"] != 0 && $_SESSION["toggletax"] == 0) { $tax = $row["tax"]; } elseif ($row["tax"] != 0 && $_SESSION["toggletax"] != 0) { $tax = 0; $_SESSION["toggletax"] = 0; } elseif ($row["tax"] == 0 && $_SESSION["toggletax"] != 0) { $tax = $_SESSION["toggletax"]; $_SESSION["toggletax"] = 0; } else { $tax = 0; } if ($row["foodstamp"] != 0 && $_SESSION["togglefoodstamp"] == 0) { $foodstamp = 1; } elseif ($row["foodstamp"] != 0 && $_SESSION["togglefoodstamp"] == 1) { $foodstamp = 0; $_SESSION["togglefoodstamp"] = 0; } elseif ($row["foodstamp"] == 0 && $_SESSION["togglefoodstamp"] == 1) { $foodstamp = 1; $_SESSION["togglefoodstamp"] = 0; } else { $foodstamp = 0; } if ($scale == 1) { $hitareflag = 0; if ($_SESSION["quantity"] != 0) { $quantity = $_SESSION["quantity"] - $_SESSION["tare"]; } else { $quantity = $_SESSION["weight"] - $_SESSION["tare"]; } if ($quantity <= 0) { $hitareflag = 1; } $_SESSION["tare"] = 0; } $discounttype = nullwrap($row["discounttype"]); $discountable = $row["discount"]; $sale_price = $row["special_price"]; if ($_SESSION["itemDiscount"] > 0 && $_SESSION["itemDiscount"] < 65 && $discounttype != 0) { $discountable = 1; $special_price = number_format($sale_price * (100 - $_SESSION["itemDiscount"]) / 100, 2); $_SESSION["itemDiscount"] = 0; } elseif ($_SESSION["itemDiscount"] > 0 && $_SESSION["itemDiscount"] < 65) { $discountable = 1; $discounttype = 1; $special_price = number_format($normal_price * (100 - $_SESSION["itemDiscount"]) / 100, 2); $_SESSION["itemDiscount"] = 0; } if ($_SESSION["toggleDiscountable"] == 1) { $_SESSION["toggleDiscountable"] = 0; if ($discountable != 0) { $discountable = 0; } else { $discountable = 1; } } if ($_SESSION["nd"] == 1 && $discountable == 7) { $discountable = 3; $_SESSION["nd"] = 0; } if ($discounttype == 2 || $discounttype == 4) { $memDiscount = truncate2($normal_price * $quantity) - truncate2($special_price * $quantity); $discount = 0; $unitPrice = $normal_price; } elseif ($discounttype == 1) { $unitPrice = $special_price; $unitDiscount = $normal_price - $special_price; $discount = $unitDiscount * $quantity; $memDiscount = 0; } else { $unitPrice = $normal_price; $discount = 0; $memDiscount = 0; } if ($_SESSION["isMember"] == 1 && $discounttype == 2) { $unitPrice = nullwrap($special_price); } if ($_SESSION["isStaff"] != 0 && $discounttype == 4) { $unitPrice = nullwrap($special_price); } if ($_SESSION["casediscount"] > 0 && $_SESSION["casediscount"] <= 100) { $casediscount = (100 - $_SESSION["casediscount"]) / 100; $unitPrice = $casediscount * $unitPrice; } //-------------Mix n Match ------------------------------------- $matched = 0; $VolSpecial = nullwrap($row["groupprice"]); $volDiscType = nullwrap($row["pricemethod"]); $volume = nullwrap($row["quantity"]); if ($row["advertised"] != 0) { if ($row["discounttype"] == 2 && $_SESSION["isMember"] == 1 || $row["discounttype"] != 2) { $VolSpecial = nullwrap($row["specialgroupprice"]); $volDiscType = nullwrap($row["specialpricemethod"]); $volume = nullwrap($row["specialquantity"]); } } if ($volDiscType && $volDiscType >= 1) { // If item is on volume discount if (!$row["mixmatchcode"] || $row["mixmatchcode"] == 0) { $mixMatch = 0; $queryt = "select sum(ItemQtty - matched) as mmqtty from localtemptrans where " . "upc = '" . $row["upc"] . "' group by upc"; } else { $mixMatch = $row["mixmatchcode"]; $queryt = "select sum(ItemQtty - matched) as mmqtty, mixMatch from localtemptrans " . "where mixMatch = '" . $mixMatch . "' group by mixMatch"; } if ($volDiscType == 1) { $unitPrice = truncate2($VolSpecial / $volume); } $voladj = $VolSpecial - ($volume - 1) * $unitPrice; // one at special price $newmm = (int) ($quantity / $volume); // number of complete sets $dbt = tDataConnect(); $resultt = sql_query($queryt, $dbt); $num_rowst = sql_num_rows($resultt); if ($num_rowst > 0) { $rowt = sql_fetch_array($resultt); $mmqtty = $rowt["mmqtty"]; // number not in complete sets in localtemptrans } else { $mmqtty = 0; } $newmmtotal = $mmqtty + $quantity % $volume; $na = $newmmtotal % $volume; $quantity = $quantity % $volume; if ($newmm >= 1) { addItem($upc, $description, "I", "", "", $department, $cost, $newmm, truncate2($VolSpecial), truncate2($newmm * $VolSpecial), truncate2($VolSpecial), $scale, $tax, $foodstamp, $discount, $memDiscount, $discountable, $discounttype, $volume * $newmm, $volDiscType, $volume, $VolSpecial, $mixMatch, $volume * $newmm, 0, 0, ''); $newmm = 0; $_SESSION["qttyvalid"] = 0; } if ($newmmtotal >= $volume) { addItem($upc, $description, "I", "", "", $department, $cost, 1, $voladj, $voladj, $voladj, $scale, $tax, $foodstamp, $discount, $memDiscount, $discountable, $discounttype, 1, $volDiscType, $volume, $VolSpecial, $mixMatch, $volume, 0, 0, ''); $quantity = $quantity - 1; $newmmtotal = 0; $_SESSION["qttyvalid"] = 0; } sql_close($dbt); } $total = $unitPrice * $quantity; if (substr($upc, 0, 3) == "002" and $discounttype != 2) { $unitPrice = truncate2($scaleprice); $regPrice = $total; $total = $unitPrice * $quantity; } $total = truncate2($total); $unitPrice = truncate2($unitPrice); if ($upc == "0000000008010" && $_SESSION["msgrepeat"] == 0) { $_SESSION["endorseType"] = "giftcert"; $_SESSION["tenderamt"] = $total; $_SESSION["boxMsg"] = "<b>" . $total . " gift certificate</b><br />insert document<br />press [enter] to endorse<p><font size='-1'>[clear] to cancel</font></p>"; boxMsgscreen(); } elseif ($upc == "0000000008006" && $_SESSION["msgrepeat"] == 0) { $_SESSION["endorseType"] = "stock"; $_SESSION["tenderamt"] = $total; $_SESSION["boxMsg"] = "<B>" . $total . " stock payment</B><br />insert form<br />press [enter] to endorse<P><FONT size='-1'>[clear] to cancel</FONT>"; boxMsgscreen(); } elseif ($upc == "0000000008011" && $_SESSION["msgrepeat"] == 0) { $_SESSION["endorseType"] = "classreg"; $_SESSION["tenderamt"] = $total; $_SESSION["boxMsg"] = "<b>" . $total . " class registration</b><br />insert form<br />press [enter] to endorse<p><font size='-1'>[clear] to cancel</font></p>"; boxMsgscreen(); } elseif ($hitareflag == 1) { boxMsg("item weight must be greater than tare weight"); } else { if ($quantity != 0) { $qtty = $quantity; if ($scale == 1) { goodBeep(); } if ($_SESSION["casediscount"] > 0) { addcdnotify(); $discounttype = 3; $_SESSION["casediscount"] = 0; $quantity = 1; $unitPrice = $total; $regPrice = $total; } if ($_SESSION["ddNotify"] == 1 && $_SESSION["itemPD"] == 10) { $_SESSION["itemPD"] = 0; $discountable = 7; } if ($_SESSION["ddNotify"] == 1 && $discountable == 7) { $intvoided = 22; } else { $intvoided = 0; } addItem($upc, $description, "I", " ", " ", $department, $cost, $quantity, $unitPrice, $total, $regPrice, $scale, $tax, $foodstamp, $discount, $memDiscount, $discountable, $discounttype, $qtty, $volDiscType, $volume, $VolSpecial, $mixMatch, $matched, $intvoided, 0, ''); $_SESSION["msgrepeat"] = 0; $_SESSION["qttyvalid"] = 0; } } if ($deposit && $deposit > 0) { addDeposit($quantity, $deposit, $foodstamp); } if ($tax == 1) { $_SESSION["istaxable"] = 1; } else { $_SESSION["istaxable"] = 0; $_SESSION["voided"] = 0; } if ($discounttype == 1) { $_SESSION["ondiscount"] = 1; $_SESSION["voided"] = 2; adddiscount($discount); } elseif ($discounttype == 2 && $_SESSION["isMember"] == 1) { $_SESSION["ondiscount"] = 1; $_SESSION["voided"] = 2; addmemspecialmsg(); } elseif ($discounttype == 4 && $_SESSION["isStaff"] != 0) { $_SESSION["ondiscount"] = 1; $_SESSION["voided"] = 2; adddiscount($memDiscount); } else { $_SESSION["ondiscount"] = 0; $_SESSION["voided"] = 0; } if ($_SESSION["tare"] != 0) { $_SESSION["tare"] = 0; } $_SESSION["alert"] = ""; $_SESSION["ttlflag"] = 0; $_SESSION["ttlrequested"] = 0; $_SESSION["fntlflag"] = 0; $_SESSION["togglefoodstamp"] = 0; $_SESSION["toggletax"] = 0; $_SESSION["repeat"] = 1; setglobalflags(0); if ($hitareflag != 1) { lastpage(); } } } $_SESSION["quantity"] = 0; $_SESSION["itemPD"] = 0; }
function upcscanned($entered) { $hitareflag = 0; $entered = str_replace(".", " ", $entered); if (strlen($entered) == 0 || !$entered) { lastpage(); } else { if ($_SESSION["quantity"] == 0 && $_SESSION["multiple"] == 0) { $quantity = 1; } else { $quantity = $_SESSION["quantity"]; } } $scaleprice = 0; if (substr($entered, 0, 1) == 0 && strlen($entered) == 7) { $p6 = substr($entered, -1); if ($p6 == 0) { $entered = substr($entered, 0, 3) . "00000" . substr($entered, 3, 3); } elseif ($p6 == 1) { $entered = substr($entered, 0, 3) . "10000" . substr($entered, 4, 3); } elseif ($p6 == 2) { $entered = substr($entered, 0, 3) . "20000" . substr($entered, 4, 3); } elseif ($p6 == 3) { $entered = substr($entered, 0, 4) . "00000" . substr($entered, 4, 2); } elseif ($p6 == 4) { $entered = substr($entered, 0, 5) . "00000" . substr($entered, 6, 1); } else { $entered = substr($entered, 0, 6) . "0000" . $p6; } } if (strlen($entered) == 13 && substr($entered, 0, 1) != 0) { $upc = "0" . substr($entered, 0, 12); } else { $upc = substr("0000000000000" . $entered, -13); } // ccm-rle 10-6-2009 uncommented this line below- this made it show up but it added a 7 to the price. if (substr($upc, 0, 3) == "002") { $scaleprice = truncate2(substr($upc, -4) / 100); $upc = substr($upc, 0, 8) . "00000"; } $query = "select * from products where upc = '" . $upc . "' AND inUse = 1"; $db = pDataConnect(); $result = sql_query($query, $db); $num_rows = sql_num_rows($result); $row = sql_fetch_array($result); $start_date = $row["start_date"]; $end_date = $row["end_date"]; $normal_price = $row["normal_price"]; $sale_start_date = date("Y-n-d H:i:s", $start_date); $sale_end_date = date("Y-n-d H:i:s", $end_date); $special_price = $row["special_price"]; $right_now = date("Y-n-d H:i:s"); $deposit = $row["deposit"]; if ($num_rows == 0 && substr($upc, 0, 3) != "005") { boxMsg($upc . "<BR><B>is not a valid item</B>"); } elseif ($num_rows == 0 && substr($upc, 0, 3) == "005") { couponcode($upc); } elseif ($row["scale"] != 0 && $_SESSION["weight"] == 0 && $_SESSION["quantity"] == 0) { if ($_SESSION["wgtRequested"] == 0) { $_SESSION["wgtRequested"] = 1; lastpage(); echo "<SCRIPT type=\"text/javascript\">\n" . "lockScreen = setTimeout('document.forms[0].elements[0].value = \"" . $_SESSION["strEntered"] . "\"; document.forms[0].submit();', 700)\n" . "</SCRIPT>"; } else { $_SESSION["SNR"] = 1; boxMsg("please put item on scale"); $_SESSION["wgtRequested"] = 0; } } elseif ($row["scale"] != 0 && $_SESSION["scale"] == 0) { $_SESSION["waitforScale"] = 1; $_SESSION["SNR"] = 1; lastpage(); //boxMsg("wait for scale"); } elseif ($row["scale"] == 0 && (int) $_SESSION["quantity"] != $_SESSION["quantity"] && $_SESSION["fractions"] != 1) { boxMsg("fractional quantity cannot be accepted for this item"); } elseif ($_SESSION["itemDiscount"] < 0 || $_SESSION["itemDiscount"] > 101) { xboxMsg("item cannot be<br>discounted at " . $_SESSION["itemDiscount"] . "%"); $_SESSION["itemDiscount"] = 0; } else { $mixMatch = 0; $qttyEnforced = $row["qttyEnforced"]; if ($qttyEnforced == 1 && $_SESSION["multiple"] == 0 && $_SESSION["msgrepeat"] == 0) { qttyscreen(); } else { $_SESSION["qttyvalid"] = 1; } if ($_SESSION["qttyvalid"] != 1) { sql_close($db); } else { $upc = $row["upc"]; $description = $row["description"]; $description = str_replace("'", "", $description); $description = str_replace(",", "", $description); $transType = "I"; $transsubType = "CA"; $department = $row["department"]; $unitPrice = $normal_price; $regPrice = $normal_price; $CardNo = $_SESSION["memberID"]; if ($row["scale"] != 0) { $scale = 1; } else { $scale = 0; } // ccm-rle 9-23-09 below is probably where I need to modify the code to ensure that tax is turned off if an item is toggled for foodstamps. actually the co-op wants this tax to be recorded somewhere that is queriable but not passed onto to the customer so this needs to be further researched if ($row["tax"] != 0 && $_SESSION["toggletax"] == 0) { $tax = $row["tax"]; } elseif ($row["tax"] != 0 && $_SESSION["toggletax"] == 1) { $tax = 0; $_SESSION["toggletax"] = 0; } elseif ($row["tax"] == 0 && $_SESSION["toggletax"] == 1) { $tax = 1; $_SESSION["toggletax"] = 0; } else { $tax = 0; } if ($row["foodstamp"] != 0 && $_SESSION["togglefoodstamp"] == 0) { $foodstamp = 1; } elseif ($row["foodstamp"] != 0 && $_SESSION["togglefoodstamp"] == 1) { $foodstamp = 0; $_SESSION["togglefoodstamp"] = 0; } elseif ($row["foodstamp"] == 0 && $_SESSION["togglefoodstamp"] == 1) { $foodstamp = 1; $_SESSION["togglefoodstamp"] = 0; } else { $foodstamp = 0; } if ($scale == 1) { $hitareflag = 0; if ($_SESSION["quantity"] != 0) { $quantity = $_SESSION["quantity"] - $_SESSION["tare"]; } else { $quantity = $_SESSION["weight"] - $_SESSION["tare"]; } if ($quantity <= 0) { $hitareflag = 1; } $_SESSION["tare"] = 0; } // ccm-rle 9-23-09 - this is where the initial check as to whether an item is discountable happens also seems to have the 65 percent hard limit on a discount set. fannie sets a no discount flag to cause discount to equal 0 if this is checked thus stopping discounts (there was an error in the smarty templates that caused a reversal of the logic. not sure where discounttype comes from or where department discount fields come in yet //ccm-rle 11-11-09 - if the current date is not between the sale start date & end date turn off the discount $discounttype = nullwrap($row["discounttype"]); // if (!($right_now >= $sale_start_date && $right_now <= $sale_end_date)) { $discounttype = 0; } $discountable = $row["discount"]; $sale_price = $row["special_price"]; if ($_SESSION["itemDiscount"] > 0 && $_SESSION["itemDiscount"] < 101 && $discounttype != 0) { $discountable = 0; $special_price = number_format($sale_price * (100 - $_SESSION["itemDiscount"]) / 100, 2); $_SESSION["itemDiscount"] = 0; $upc = "D" . substr($upc, 1); // new by Tak } elseif ($_SESSION["itemDiscount"] > 0 && $_SESSION["itemDiscount"] < 101 && substr($upc, 0, 3) == "002") { $discountable = 0; $discounttype = 1; $special_price = number_format($scaleprice * (100 - $_SESSION["itemDiscount"]) / 100, 2); $_SESSION["itemDiscount"] = 0; $upc = "D" . substr($upc, 1); } elseif ($_SESSION["itemDiscount"] > 0 && $_SESSION["itemDiscount"] < 101) { $discountable = 0; $discounttype = 1; $special_price = number_format($normal_price * (100 - $_SESSION["itemDiscount"]) / 100, 2); $_SESSION["itemDiscount"] = 0; $upc = "D" . substr($upc, 1); // new by Tak } // ccm-rle 9-23-09 this seems to toggle whether an item is discountable but I'm not sure where toggleDiscountable is called or how it is called yet. if ($_SESSION["toggleDiscountable"] == 1) { $_SESSION["toggleDiscountable"] = 0; if ($discountable != 0) { $discountable = 0; } else { $discountable = 1; } } // ccm-rle 9-23-09 - find out where session nd can be set and what sets discountable to 7 if ($_SESSION["nd"] == 1 && $discountable == 7) { $discountable = 3; $_SESSION["nd"] = 0; } if ($discounttype == 2 || $discounttype == 4) { $memDiscount = truncate2($normal_price * $quantity) - truncate2($special_price * $quantity); $discount = 0; $unitPrice = $normal_price; } elseif ($discounttype == 1 && substr($upc, 0, 3) == "D02") { $unitPrice = $special_price; $unitDiscount = $scaleprice - $special_price; $discount = $unitDiscount * $quantity; $memDiscount = 0; } elseif ($discounttype == 1) { $unitPrice = $special_price; $unitDiscount = $normal_price - $special_price; $discount = $unitDiscount * $quantity; $memDiscount = 0; } else { $unitPrice = $normal_price; $discount = 0; $memDiscount = 0; } if ($_SESSION["isMember"] == 1 && $discounttype == 2) { $unitPrice = nullwrap($special_price); } if ($_SESSION["isStaff"] != 0 && $discounttype == 4) { $unitPrice = nullwrap($special_price); } if ($_SESSION["casediscount"] > 0 && $_SESSION["casediscount"] <= 100) { $casediscount = (100 - $_SESSION["casediscount"]) / 100; $unitPrice = $casediscount * $unitPrice; } //-------------Mix n Match ------------------------------------- $matched = 0; $VolSpecial = nullwrap($row["groupprice"]); $volDiscType = nullwrap($row["pricemethod"]); $volume = nullwrap($row["quantity"]); if ($row["advertised"] != 0) { if ($row["discounttype"] == 2 && $_SESSION["isMember"] == 1 || $row["discounttype"] != 2) { $VolSpecial = nullwrap($row["specialgroupprice"]); $volDiscType = nullwrap($row["specialpricemethod"]); $volume = nullwrap($row["specialquantity"]); } } if ($volDiscType && $volDiscType >= 1) { // If item is on volume discount if (!$row["mixmatchcode"] || $row["mixmatchcode"] == 0) { $mixMatch = 0; $queryt = "select sum(ItemQtty - matched) as mmqtty from localtemptrans where " . "upc = '" . $row["upc"] . "' group by upc"; } else { $mixMatch = $row["mixmatchcode"]; $queryt = "select sum(ItemQtty - matched) as mmqtty, mixMatch from localtemptrans " . "where mixMatch = '" . $mixMatch . "' group by mixMatch"; } if ($volDiscType == 1) { $unitPrice = truncate2($VolSpecial / $volume); } $voladj = $VolSpecial - ($volume - 1) * $unitPrice; // one at special price $newmm = (int) ($quantity / $volume); // number of complete sets $dbt = tDataConnect(); $resultt = sql_query($queryt, $dbt); $num_rowst = sql_num_rows($resultt); if ($num_rowst > 0) { $rowt = sql_fetch_array($resultt); $mmqtty = $rowt["mmqtty"]; // number not in complete sets in localtemptrans } else { $mmqtty = 0; } $newmmtotal = $mmqtty + $quantity % $volume; $na = $newmmtotal % $volume; $quantity = $quantity % $volume; if ($newmm >= 1) { addItem($upc, $description, "I", "", "", $department, $newmm, truncate2($VolSpecial), truncate2($newmm * $VolSpecial), truncate2($VolSpecial), $scale, $tax, $foodstamp, $discount, $memDiscount, $discountable, $discounttype, $volume * $newmm, $volDiscType, $volume, $VolSpecial, $mixMatch, $volume * $newmm, 0); $newmm = 0; $_SESSION["qttyvalid"] = 0; } if ($newmmtotal >= $volume) { addItem($upc, $description, "I", "", "", $department, 1, $voladj, $voladj, $voladj, $scale, $tax, $foodstamp, $discount, $memDiscount, $discountable, $discounttype, 1, $volDiscType, $volume, $VolSpecial, $mixMatch, $volume, 0); $quantity = $quantity - 1; $newmmtotal = 0; $_SESSION["qttyvalid"] = 0; } sql_close($dbt); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- $total = $unitPrice * $quantity; // ccm-rle 10-06-2009 tried changing it to 02 instead of 002 below if (substr($upc, 0, 3) == "002" and $discounttype != 2) { $unitPrice = truncate2($scaleprice); $regPrice = $total; $total = $unitPrice * $quantity; } $total = truncate2($total); $unitPrice = truncate2($unitPrice); if ($upc == "0000000008010" && $_SESSION["msgrepeat"] == 0) { $_SESSION["endorseType"] = "giftcert"; $_SESSION["tenderamt"] = $total; $_SESSION["boxMsg"] = "<B>" . $total . " gift certificate</B><BR>insert document<BR>press [enter] to endorse<P><FONT size='-1'>[clear] to cancel</FONT>"; boxMsgscreen(); } elseif ($upc == "0000000008006" && $_SESSION["msgrepeat"] == 0) { $_SESSION["endorseType"] = "stock"; $_SESSION["tenderamt"] = $total; $_SESSION["boxMsg"] = "<B>" . $total . " stock payment</B><BR>insert form<BR>press [enter] to endorse<P><FONT size='-1'>[clear] to cancel</FONT>"; boxMsgscreen(); } elseif ($upc == "0000000008011" && $_SESSION["msgrepeat"] == 0) { $_SESSION["endorseType"] = "classreg"; $_SESSION["tenderamt"] = $total; $_SESSION["boxMsg"] = "<B>" . $total . " class registration</B><BR>insert form<BR>press [enter] to endorse<P><FONT size='-1'>[clear] to cancel</FONT>"; boxMsgscreen(); } elseif ($hitareflag == 1) { boxMsg("item weight must be greater than tare weight"); } else { if ($quantity != 0) { $qtty = $quantity; if ($scale == 1) { goodBeep(); } if ($_SESSION["casediscount"] > 0) { addcdnotify(); $discounttype = 3; $_SESSION["casediscount"] = 0; $quantity = 1; $unitPrice = $total; $regPrice = $total; } if ($_SESSION["ddNotify"] == 1 && $_SESSION["itemPD"] == 10) { $_SESSION["itemPD"] = 0; $discountable = 7; } if ($_SESSION["ddNotify"] == 1 && $discountable == 7) { $intvoided = 22; } else { $intvoided = 0; } addItem($upc, $description, "I", " ", " ", $department, $quantity, $unitPrice, $total, $regPrice, $scale, $tax, $foodstamp, $discount, $memDiscount, $discountable, $discounttype, $qtty, $volDiscType, $volume, $VolSpecial, $mixMatch, $matched, $intvoided); $_SESSION["msgrepeat"] = 0; $_SESSION["qttyvalid"] = 0; } } if ($deposit && $deposit > 0) { addDeposit($quantity, $deposit, $foodstamp); } if ($tax == 1) { $_SESSION["istaxable"] = 1; } else { $_SESSION["istaxable"] = 0; $_SESSION["voided"] = 0; } if ($discounttype == 1) { $_SESSION["ondiscount"] = 1; $_SESSION["voided"] = 2; adddiscount($discount); } elseif ($discounttype == 2 && $_SESSION["isMember"] == 1) { $_SESSION["ondiscount"] = 1; $_SESSION["voided"] = 2; adddiscount($memDiscount); } elseif ($discounttype == 4 && $_SESSION["isStaff"] != 0) { $_SESSION["ondiscount"] = 1; $_SESSION["voided"] = 2; adddiscount($memDiscount); } else { $_SESSION["ondiscount"] = 0; $_SESSION["voided"] = 0; } // sql_close($db); if ($_SESSION["tare"] != 0) { $_SESSION["tare"] = 0; } $_SESSION["alert"] = ""; $_SESSION["ttlflag"] = 0; $_SESSION["ttlrequested"] = 0; $_SESSION["fntlflag"] = 0; $_SESSION["togglefoodstamp"] = 0; $_SESSION["toggletax"] = 0; $_SESSION["repeat"] = 1; setglobalflags(0); if ($hitareflag != 1) { lastpage(); } } } $_SESSION["quantity"] = 0; $_SESSION["itemPD"] = 0; }