function testQuery() { $dbh = bmark_connect('drizzle'); print_r($dbh); $sql = "select * from items order by stuff"; $result = bmark_query($sql, $dbh); print_r($result); $this->assertTrue($result); }
require_once 'functions.php'; require 'Benchmark/Timer.php'; $shortopts = "h"; $options = getopt($shortopts); if (isset($options['h'])) { print "usage: php build_tables.php <rows> <partitions> <mysql|drizzle>\n"; die; } $max_rows = $_SERVER['argv'][1]; $parts = $_SERVER['argv'][2]; $db_type = $_SERVER['argv'][3]; // db select is contained with bmark_connect if (strlen($db_type) <= 0) { $db_type = 'drizzle'; } $dbh = bmark_connect($db_type); $timer = new Benchmark_Timer(); $timer->start(); // build it 3 types of tables // 1) a table with 5000 users indexed // 2) a table with 5000 users code partitioned and indexed // 3) a table with 5000 users mysql partitioned /* $max_rows = 500; $parts = 5; */ $perpart = ceil($max_rows / $parts); $mid_perpart = ceil($perpart / 2); $mid_id = ceil($max_rows / 2); $mid_table = ceil($parts / 2); $s_mid_table = padNumber($mid_table, 2);