public function send($post, $blogurl, $username, $password) { $connection = blogger_connectToBlogger(); $data = blogger_getUsersBlogs($username, $password); $blogid = usersubs_get_blog_id($data, $blogurl); $description = $post['body']; $content = $description; $data = blogger_newPost($blogid, $username, $password, $content, 1); }
function blogger_setTemplate($blogid, $username, $password, $template = "main", $string) { global $BLOGGER_APPID; if (strpos($string, "<Blogger>") === false || strpos($string, "</Blogger>") === false) { return "Invalid template, must contain <Blogger> and </Blogger> tags."; exit; } // Connect to blogger server if (!($blogClient = blogger_connectToBlogger())) { return false; exit; } // Create the variables that form the request $XMLappid = new xmlrpcval($BLOGGER_APPID, "string"); $XMLblogid = new xmlrpcval($blogid, "string"); $XMLusername = new xmlrpcval($username, "string"); $XMLpassword = new xmlrpcval($password, "string"); $XMLtemplate = new xmlrpcval($template, "string"); $XMLstring = new xmlrpcval($string, "string"); // Construct the actual request message $setTemplateRequest = new xmlrpcmsg("blogger.setTemplate", array($XMLappid, $XMLblogid, $XMLusername, $XMLpassword, $XMLstring, $XMLtemplate)); // Now send the request $result_struct = $blogClient->send($setTemplateRequest); // Check the results for an error if (!$result_struct->faultCode()) { // Get the results in a value-array $values = $result_struct->value(); // Compile results into PHP array $result_array = xmlrpc_decode($values); // Return something based on the check if (!is_array($result_array)) { $result_array = str_replace("<", "<", $result_array); return $result_array; } else { return false; } } else { return $result_struct->faultString(); } }