/** * Construct and display options for posts. Used by the featured, recent, related, and popular posts shortcodes and widgets. * * @since 1.1.0 * * @param string $component Required. Name of shortcode or widget whose options are being displayed. * @param array $opts Optional. Only relative if displaying a widget's options because these shortcode options are not saved to the database, they are used in the shortcode builder to generate the shortcode string. * @param object $widget Optional. Widget object if displaying options for a widget. */ function blogcentral_options_posts($component, $opts = array(), $widget = false) { if (!isset($component)) { return; } // Get the global variables. global $blogcentral_opts; global $blogcentral_defaults; global $blogcentral_initial; if ($opts) { $opts = array_map('stripslashes_deep', $opts); $opts = wp_parse_args($opts, $blogcentral_defaults['posts_landing']); } else { $opts = $blogcentral_initial['posts_landing']; } $opts['name'] = $component; ob_start(); blogcentral_display_component_layout_options($component, $opts['layout'], $widget); blogcentral_display_component_layout_wraps($opts, $widget); blogcentral_display_main_options($opts, $widget); // Display options that are specific to posts display. blogcentral_display_posts_specific_opts($opts, $widget); return ob_get_clean(); }
/** * Display options for the single post page * * Can use the same options set for the posts landing page, or override them. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param array $opts Optional. Saved options, if any. */ function blogcentral_display_options_posts_single($opts) { echo "<div>\n\t\t\t\t<br /><input class='displaymaster' type='checkbox' name='" . blogcentral_get_field_name_wrap('override_landing', "blogcentral[posts_single]", $widget) . "'" . checked($opts['override_landing'], 'on', false) . " /> \n\t\t\t\t<label>"; _e('Override posts listing settings. If checked none of the settings for the listing page will be applied to the single post page.', BLOGCENTRAL_TXT_DOMAIN); echo "</label><div "; if (!$opts['override_landing']) { echo "style='display:none;'"; } echo " class='hideshow'>"; blogcentral_display_component_layout_options('posts_single', $opts['layout']); $opts['name'] = 'posts_single'; blogcentral_display_component_layout_wraps($opts); blogcentral_display_main_options($opts); blogcentral_display_posts_specific_opts($opts); echo '</div></div>'; }