コード例 #1
ファイル: processBlog.php プロジェクト: Cuder/gmj2book
 if ($task[0]["status"] == 0 || $task[0]["status"] == 1) {
     require_once $rootdir . "/lib/simple_html_dom.php";
 require_once $rootdir . "/lib/gmj_functions.php";
 if ($task[0]["status"] == 0 || $task[0]["status"] == 1) {
     // Parsing blog
     $task[0]["status"] = 2;
 if ($task[0]["status"] == 2 || $task[0]["status"] == 3 || $task[0]["status"] == 4 || $task[0]["status"] == 5) {
     require_once $rootdir . "/lib/fb2_functions.php";
 if ($task[0]["status"] == 2) {
     // Making FB2
     $task[0]["status"] = 4;
 if ($task[0]["status"] == 3) {
     // Continue making FB2
     $task[0]["status"] = 4;
 if ($task[0]["status"] == 4 || $task[0]["status"] == 5) {
     if ($task[0]["images"] == 1) {
         // Embedding images in FB2
         embedImages($task[0]["author_id"], $task[0]["name"], $task[0]["site"], $task[0]["id"]);
     $task[0]["status"] = 6;
 if ($task[0]["status"] == 6) {
コード例 #2
ファイル: fb2_functions.php プロジェクト: Cuder/gmj2book
function continueWritingFB2($task)
    global $db_conn, $rootdir;
    foreach ($task as $parameters) {
        $fpath = $rootdir . "/books/" . $parameters["id"] . "/" . $parameters["name"] . ".fb2";
        if (!file_exists($fpath)) {
            // FB2 file is missing for some reason
        // Creating DOMDocument instance to continue writing to an existing file
        $dom = new DOMDocument();
        $dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
        $dom->recover = true;
        $dom->formatOutput = true;
        // Determining last written data
        $postCount = $dom->getElementsByTagName('subtitle')->length - 1;
        $lastPost = $dom->getElementsByTagName('subtitle')->item($postCount);
        $lastPostId = $lastPost->getAttribute('id');
        $lastPostMonth = $lastPost->parentNode;
        $lastPostYear = $lastPostMonth->parentNode;
        $commonSection = $lastPostYear->parentNode;
        $nextMonth = $lastPostMonth->nextSibling;
        $nextYear = $lastPostYear->nextSibling;
        // Deleting broken sections with a month and year following the last inserted post
        if ($nextMonth || $nextYear) {
            // The post is the last post of the month/year, deleting the broken section of the next month/year
            if ($nextMonth) {
                $old_month = $lastPostMonth->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0)->nodeValue;
                $old_month = printMonth($old_month, true);
            if ($nextYear) {
                $old_year = $lastPostYear->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0)->nodeValue;
        } else {
            $sth = $db_conn->prepare("SELECT id FROM gmj_posts WHERE author='" . $parameters["author_id"] . "' AND site='" . $parameters["site"] . "' ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT " . $postCount . ",1");
            $lastPostIdDB = $sth->fetchColumn();
            if ($lastPostId == $lastPostIdDB) {
                // Removing post siblings (<p> tags), if any
                $sibling = $lastPost->nextSibling;
                if ($sibling) {
                    do {
                        $nextSibling = $sibling->nextSibling;
                        $sibling = $nextSibling;
                    } while ($sibling);
                // Determining the last successfully written post
                $postCount = $postCount - 1;
                $lastPostReal = $dom->getElementsByTagName('subtitle')->item($postCount);
                $lastPostId = $lastPostReal->getAttribute('id');
            } else {
                $lastPostId = $lastPostIdDB;
            // Removing the last <subtitle> section
        $db_conn->exec("UPDATE gmj_posts SET post_in_book='0' WHERE id>'" . $lastPostId . "' AND post_in_book='1' AND author='" . $parameters["author_id"] . "' AND site='" . $parameters["site"] . "'");
        if (!isset($old_month)) {
            $old_month = "";
        if (!isset($old_year)) {
            $old_year = "";
        // Selecting the first and the last year among all posts not yet written in file
        $sth = $db_conn->prepare("SELECT YEAR(min(time)),YEAR(max(time)) FROM gmj_posts WHERE site='" . $parameters["site"] . "' AND author='" . $parameters["author_id"] . "' AND id>'" . $lastPostId . "'");
        $years = $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
        // Setting parameters of image selection
        if ($parameters["images"] == 1) {
            $images = ",image";
        } else {
            $images = "";
        // Selecting posts from the DB
        for ($i = $years[0]["YEAR(min(time))"]; $i <= $years[0]["YEAR(max(time))"]; $i++) {
            // Gettings posts for a specific year $i
            $sth = $db_conn->prepare("SELECT id,title,post,time" . $images . " FROM gmj_posts WHERE site='" . $parameters["site"] . "' AND author='" . $parameters["author_id"] . "' AND LEFT(time,4)=" . $i . " AND id>'" . $lastPostId . "' ORDER BY id ASC");
            $posts = $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
            if ($posts) {
                // Year processing
                $year = $i;
                if ($old_year == "") {
                    $old_year = $year;
                if ($year != $old_year) {
                    // Adding <section> for a new year
                    $node = $dom->createElement("section");
                    // Changing variable for new <section>
                    $lastPostYear = $node;
                    // Printing <title> with a new year number
                    $node = $dom->createElement("title");
                    $rawXML = $dom->createDocumentFragment();
                    $rawXML->appendXML('<p>' . $year . '</p>');
                foreach ($posts as $post) {
                    // Month processing
                    $month = substr($post["time"], 5, 2);
                    if ($old_month == "") {
                        $old_month = $month;
                    if ($month != $old_month) {
                        // Adding <section> for a new month
                        $node = $dom->createElement("section");
                        // Changing variable for new <section>
                        $lastPostMonth = $node;
                        // Printing <title> with a new month name
                        $node = $dom->createElement("title");
                        $rawXML = $dom->createDocumentFragment();
                        $rawXML->appendXML('<p>' . printMonth($month) . '</p>');
                        $old_month = $month;
                    // Post processing
                    // Deleting last <br/> tag
                    $message = preg_replace('/(<br \\/>)+$/', '', $post["post"]);
                    // Replacing all non-breaking space characters with $#160;
                    $message = str_replace('&nbsp;', ' ', $message);
                    // Exploding post in case it has <br>s inside
                    $messageArray = explode('<br />', $message);
                    // Preparing post date
                    $postDate = rus_date("j F, l. H:i", strtotime($post["time"]));
                    // Writing date and post ID
                    $node = $dom->createElement("subtitle", $postDate);
                    $attribute = $dom->createAttribute('id');
                    $attribute->value = $post["id"];
                    // Writing post starts here
                    $first = true;
                    foreach ($messageArray as $messagePart) {
                        $messagePart = htmlspecialchars($messagePart, ENT_XML1);
                        // Removing links
                        //$pattern = "/[a-zA-Z]*[:\/\/]*[A-Za-z0-9\-_]+\.+[A-Za-z0-9\.\/%&=\?\-_]+/i";
                        //$replacement = "[ссылка удалена]";
                        //$messagePart = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $messagePart);
                        if ($first) {
                            $first = false;
                            if ($post["title"]) {
                                $messagePart = "<strong>" . $post["title"] . "</strong> " . $messagePart;
                        $node = $dom->createElement("p");
                        $rawXML = $dom->createDocumentFragment();
                    // Writing post ends here
                    // Including reference to an image, if any
                    if ($parameters["images"] == 1 && $post["image"] != 0) {
                        if ($post["image"] == 2) {
                            $ext = "jpg";
                        if ($post["image"] == 3) {
                            $ext = "png";
                        if (isset($ext)) {
                            $node = $dom->createElement("image");
                            $attribute = $dom->createAttribute('xlink:href');
                            $attribute->value = '#image' . $post["id"] . '.' . $ext;
                    // Saving changes in XML
                    $xml_string = $dom->saveXML();
                    $xml_string = preg_replace('/^  |\\G  /m', "\t", $xml_string);
                    $fp = fopen($fpath, 'w');
                    fwrite($fp, $xml_string);
                    $db_conn->exec("UPDATE gmj_posts SET post_in_book='1' WHERE id='" . $post["id"] . "' AND site='" . $parameters["site"] . "'");
                $lastPostId = $post["id"];
            $old_month = 99;
        // Updating posts counter and status
        $sth = $db_conn->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM gmj_posts WHERE author='" . $parameters["author_id"] . "' AND site='" . $parameters["site"] . "' AND post_in_book='1'");
        $postsCount = $sth->fetchColumn();
        $db_conn->exec("UPDATE gmj_tasks SET posts_count='" . $postsCount . "', status='4' WHERE id='" . $parameters["id"] . "'");