コード例 #1
function blocks_repopulate_page($page)
    global $CFG;
    $allblocks = blocks_get_record();
    if (empty($allblocks)) {
        error('Could not retrieve blocks from the database');
    // Assemble the information to correlate block names to ids
    $idforname = array();
    foreach ($allblocks as $block) {
        $idforname[$block->name] = $block->id;
    /// If the site override has been defined, it is the only valid one.
    if (!empty($CFG->defaultblocks_override)) {
        $blocknames = $CFG->defaultblocks_override;
    } else {
        $blocknames = $page->blocks_get_default();
    $positions = $page->blocks_get_positions();
    $posblocks = explode(':', $blocknames);
    // Now one array holds the names of the positions, and the other one holds the blocks
    // that are going to go in each position. Luckily for us, both arrays are numerically
    // indexed and the indexes match, so we can work straight away... but CAREFULLY!
    // Ready to start creating block instances, but first drop any existing ones
    blocks_delete_all_on_page($page->get_type(), $page->get_id());
    // Here we slyly count $posblocks and NOT $positions. This can actually make a difference
    // if the textual representation has undefined slots in the end. So we only work with as many
    // positions were retrieved, not with all the page says it has available.
    $numpositions = count($posblocks);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $numpositions; ++$i) {
        $position = $positions[$i];
        $blocknames = explode(',', $posblocks[$i]);
        $weight = 0;
        foreach ($blocknames as $blockname) {
            $newinstance = new stdClass();
            $newinstance->blockid = $idforname[$blockname];
            $newinstance->pageid = $page->get_id();
            $newinstance->pagetype = $page->get_type();
            $newinstance->position = $position;
            $newinstance->weight = $weight;
            $newinstance->visible = 1;
            $newinstance->configdata = '';
            if (!empty($newinstance->blockid)) {
                // Only add block if it was recognized
                insert_record('block_instance', $newinstance);
    return true;
コード例 #2
ファイル: restorelib.php プロジェクト: kai707/ITSA-backup
function restore_create_blocks($restore, $backup_block_format, $blockinfo, $xml_file)
    global $CFG;
    $status = true;
    blocks_delete_all_on_page(PAGE_COURSE_VIEW, $restore->course_id);
    if (empty($backup_block_format)) {
        // This is a backup from Moodle < 1.5
        if (empty($blockinfo)) {
            // Looks like it's from Moodle < 1.3. Let's give the course default blocks...
            $newpage = page_create_object(PAGE_COURSE_VIEW, $restore->course_id);
        } else {
            // We just have a blockinfo field, this is a legacy 1.4 or 1.3 backup
            $blockrecords = get_records_select('block', '', '', 'name, id');
            $temp_blocks_l = array();
            $temp_blocks_r = array();
            @(list($temp_blocks_l, $temp_blocks_r) = explode(':', $blockinfo));
            $temp_blocks = array(BLOCK_POS_LEFT => explode(',', $temp_blocks_l), BLOCK_POS_RIGHT => explode(',', $temp_blocks_r));
            foreach ($temp_blocks as $blockposition => $blocks) {
                $blockweight = 0;
                foreach ($blocks as $blockname) {
                    if (!isset($blockrecords[$blockname])) {
                        // We don't know anything about this block!
                    $blockinstance = new stdClass();
                    // Remove any - prefix before doing the name-to-id mapping
                    if (substr($blockname, 0, 1) == '-') {
                        $blockname = substr($blockname, 1);
                        $blockinstance->visible = 0;
                    } else {
                        $blockinstance->visible = 1;
                    $blockinstance->blockid = $blockrecords[$blockname]->id;
                    $blockinstance->pageid = $restore->course_id;
                    $blockinstance->pagetype = PAGE_COURSE_VIEW;
                    $blockinstance->position = $blockposition;
                    $blockinstance->weight = $blockweight;
                    if (!($status = insert_record('block_instance', $blockinstance))) {
                        $status = false;
    } else {
        if ($backup_block_format == 'instances') {
            $status = restore_create_block_instances($restore, $xml_file);
    return $status;
コード例 #3
ファイル: lib.php プロジェクト: JackCanada/moodle-hacks
function lesson_delete_instance($id)
    /// Given an ID of an instance of this module,
    /// this function will permanently delete the instance
    /// and any data that depends on it.
    if (!($lesson = get_record("lesson", "id", "{$id}"))) {
        return false;
    $result = true;
    if (!delete_records("lesson", "id", "{$lesson->id}")) {
        $result = false;
    if (!delete_records("lesson_pages", "lessonid", "{$lesson->id}")) {
        $result = false;
    if (!delete_records("lesson_answers", "lessonid", "{$lesson->id}")) {
        $result = false;
    if (!delete_records("lesson_attempts", "lessonid", "{$lesson->id}")) {
        $result = false;
    if (!delete_records("lesson_grades", "lessonid", "{$lesson->id}")) {
        $result = false;
    if (!delete_records("lesson_timer", "lessonid", "{$lesson->id}")) {
        $result = false;
    if (!delete_records("lesson_branch", "lessonid", "{$lesson->id}")) {
        $result = false;
    if (!delete_records("lesson_high_scores", "lessonid", "{$lesson->id}")) {
        $result = false;
    if ($events = get_records_select('event', "modulename = 'lesson' and instance = '{$lesson->id}'")) {
        foreach ($events as $event) {
    $pagetypes = page_import_types('mod/lesson/');
    foreach ($pagetypes as $pagetype) {
        if (!blocks_delete_all_on_page($pagetype, $lesson->id)) {
            $result = false;
    return $result;
コード例 #4
function quiz_delete_instance($id)
    /// Given an ID of an instance of this module,
    /// this function will permanently delete the instance
    /// and any data that depends on it.
    if (!($quiz = get_record("quiz", "id", "{$id}"))) {
        return false;
    $result = true;
    if ($attempts = get_records("quiz_attempts", "quiz", "{$quiz->id}")) {
        // TODO: this should use the delete_attempt($attempt->uniqueid) function in questionlib.php
        // require_once($CFG->libdir.'/questionlib.php');
        foreach ($attempts as $attempt) {
            if (!delete_records("question_states", "attempt", "{$attempt->uniqueid}")) {
                $result = false;
            if (!delete_records("question_sessions", "attemptid", "{$attempt->uniqueid}")) {
                $result = false;
    $tables_to_purge = array('quiz_attempts' => 'quiz', 'quiz_grades' => 'quiz', 'quiz_question_instances' => 'quiz', 'quiz_grades' => 'quiz', 'quiz_feedback' => 'quizid', 'quiz' => 'id');
    foreach ($tables_to_purge as $table => $keyfield) {
        if (!delete_records($table, $keyfield, $quiz->id)) {
            $result = false;
    $pagetypes = page_import_types('mod/quiz/');
    foreach ($pagetypes as $pagetype) {
        if (!blocks_delete_all_on_page($pagetype, $quiz->id)) {
            $result = false;
    if ($events = get_records_select('event', "modulename = 'quiz' and instance = '{$quiz->id}'")) {
        foreach ($events as $event) {
    return $result;
コード例 #5
ファイル: lib.php プロジェクト: JackCanada/moodle-hacks
function chat_delete_instance($id)
    /// Given an ID of an instance of this module,
    /// this function will permanently delete the instance
    /// and any data that depends on it.
    if (!($chat = get_record('chat', 'id', $id))) {
        return false;
    $result = true;
    # Delete any dependent records here #
    if (!delete_records('chat', 'id', $chat->id)) {
        $result = false;
    if (!delete_records('chat_messages', 'chatid', $chat->id)) {
        $result = false;
    if (!delete_records('chat_users', 'chatid', $chat->id)) {
        $result = false;
    $pagetypes = page_import_types('mod/chat/');
    foreach ($pagetypes as $pagetype) {
        if (!blocks_delete_all_on_page($pagetype, $chat->id)) {
            $result = false;
    if (!delete_records('event', 'modulename', 'chat', 'instance', $chat->id)) {
        $result = false;
    return $result;