コード例 #1
ファイル: stupa-fak.php プロジェクト: asta-kit/friwahl-legacy
function show_stupa_fak($row, &$pass)
    if ($_fakultaet) {
        print "<TR><TD>{$fakultaet}</TD>\n";
        $pass = array();
    array_push($pass, $stimmen, $r, $g, $b);
    if ($fakultaet_) {
        print "<TD>\n";
        ## Wenn Fakultät einen Slash enthält, ersetze durch Unterstrich
        $fakultaet = str_replace("/", "_", $fakultaet);
        barchart(200, 15, $pass, "stupa-fak-{$fakultaet}.png");
        print "</TD></TR>\n";
コード例 #2
ファイル: status.php プロジェクト: asta-kit/friwahl-legacy
        print "<TR>" . colorTD($fakultaet, "left", 0.9, 0.9, 0.9) . "\n";
    print colorTD("<B>{$nummer}</B>" . (isset($stimmen) ? " ({$stimmen})" : " &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"), "left", $red, $green, $blue) . "\n";
    if ($fakultaet_) {
        print "</TR>\n";
function set_chart($row, &$chart)
    array_push($chart, $sum, $red, $green, $blue);
function show_legende($row)
    print colorTD("{$name}", "center", $red, $green, $blue) . "\n";
section("Status der Urnen");
print "<TABLE border=0 cellpadding=3>\n";
do_query("SELECT fakultaet, nummer, stimmen, " . "urne_status.name AS status_name, " . "red, green, blue FROM urne, urne_status " . "WHERE urne.status = urne_status.id " . "ORDER BY fakultaet, nummer", show_urnen);
print "</TABLE><BR>\n";
section("Status der Stimmen");
$chart = array();
do_query_pass("SELECT sum(stimmen) AS sum, red, green, blue " . "FROM urne, urne_status " . "WHERE urne.status = urne_status.id " . "GROUP BY urne_status.id " . "ORDER BY urne_status.id ", set_chart, $chart);
barchart(400, 20, $chart, "stimmenstatus.png");
print "<BR><TABLE border=0 cellpadding=3><TR>\n";
print colorTD("Legende:", "left", 0.9, 0.9, 0.9) . "\n";
do_query("SELECT * FROM urne_status ORDER BY id", show_legende);
print "</TR></TABLE><BR>\n";
コード例 #3
 * Show the time lines of the edits on each page as a graph
 * @param unknown_type $subwiki the subwiki
 * @param unknown_type $cm
 * @param unknown_type $viewgroupid the user group to view
function ouwiki_showtimelines($subwiki, $cm, $viewgroupid, $header, $csv)
    // get the page versions edited in this subwiki by this user group
    $editpagetimes = ouwiki_get_editpagetimes($subwiki->id, $viewgroupid);
    // init arrays and min and max time
    $pagetimeline = array();
    $timeline = array();
    // record last page name
    $pagelast = "-1";
    $mintime = '-1';
    $maxtime = '-1';
    // for each edited page version initialise its array and min/max dates
    foreach ($editpagetimes as $editpagetime) {
        // get the page title
        $page = $editpagetime->pagetitle;
        // get the edit time and make it into a date
        $date = userdate($editpagetime->date, get_string('strftimedate'));
        // if a different page
        if ($page !== $pagelast) {
            // init the timeline info
            $timeline[$page] = array();
            // check for the earliest edit
            $mintime = $mintime == -1 ? $editpagetime->date : min($mintime, $editpagetime->date);
        // check for the latest edit
        $maxtime = $maxtime == -1 ? $editpagetime->date : max($maxtime, $editpagetime->date);
        // save the title of the current page
        $pagelast = $page;
    // number of seconds in a day
    $day = 60 * 60 * 24;
    // round the times to the beginning of the day
    $mintime -= $mintime % $day;
    $maxtime -= $maxtime % $day;
    // count the number of days
    $daycount = ceil(($maxtime - $mintime) / $day);
    // get the page titles
    $pages = array_keys($timeline);
    // for each page initialise every date to 0 edits
    foreach ($pages as $page) {
        // go from first edit date by user group on wiki to last edit date, a day at a time
        for ($time = $mintime; $time <= $maxtime; $time += $day) {
            // get the date
            $date = userdate($time, get_string('strftimedate'));
            // inititilise the data point to 0 edits
            $timeline[$page][$date] = 0;
    // init the maximum edits in a single day for scale
    $maxeditcount = 0;
    // for each edited page version count the number of edits for each page for each day
    foreach ($editpagetimes as $editpagetime) {
        // get the page title
        $page = $editpagetime->pagetitle;
        // get the edit date
        $date = userdate($editpagetime->date, get_string('strftimedate'));
        // increment the number of times the page has been edited on this date
        // check for maximum edits in a single day
        $maxeditcount = max($maxeditcount, $timeline[$page][$date]);
    // get min and max dates for edits by user group in wiki
    $mindate = userdate($mintime, get_string('strftimedate'));
    $maxdate = userdate($maxtime, get_string('strftimedate'));
    // Don't show it if there's nothing in it
    if (count($timeline) == 0) {
    // print opening div and table tags as well as headers, the first header is the page name and link to the page
    //    and the second contains the first and last date of editing
    if (!$csv) {
        print <<<EOF
    <div class="ouw_timelines_page">
    <th scope="col">{$header->timelinepage}<div class='ouw_pagecolumn'></div></th>
    <th class="ouw_firstingroup" scope="col">{$mindate}</th><th class='ouw_rightcol ouw_lastdate' scope="col">{$maxdate}</th>
    \t    </tr>
    } else {
        print $csv->line() . $csv->quote($header->timelinetitle) . $csv->line() . $csv->quote($header->timelinepage);
        $data = reset($timeline);
        foreach ($data as $date => $datum) {
            print $csv->sep() . $csv->quote($date);
    // Draw the graphs
    // for each timeline for each page
    $count = count($timeline);
    foreach ($timeline as $pagetitle => $data) {
        // if no title then must be start page of wiki, create link to this
        if ($pagetitle === '') {
            // get the parameters to view the subwiki pages
            $pageparams = ouwiki_display_wiki_parameters(null, $subwiki, $cm);
            // create a link to the page
            $pagelink = "<a href='view.php?" . $pageparams . "'>" . get_string('startpage', 'ouwiki') . "</a>";
        } else {
            // get the page params to link to the page
            $pageparams = ouwiki_display_wiki_parameters($pagetitle, $subwiki, $cm);
            // create a link to the page
            $pagelink = "<a href='view.php?" . $pageparams . "'>" . htmlspecialchars($pagetitle) . "</a>";
        // print the title and link to the page
        if (!$csv) {
            print "\n        \t<tr" . ($count == 0 ? " class='ouw_lastrow'" : "") . ">\n        <td class='ouw_leftcol'>{$pagelink}</td>\n        <td class='ouw_rightcol ouw_firstingroup' colspan='2'>";
            // print the bar chart for the page timeline data, max edit count is for an even scale,
            // the numbers are the size of each graph => width, height
            barchart($data, 800, 20, $maxeditcount);
            // close the tags for the row
            print "\n        \t\t<div class='clearer'></div></td>\n        \t</tr>";
        } else {
            if ($pagetitle === '') {
                $pagetitle = get_string('startpage', 'ouwiki');
            print $csv->line() . $csv->quote(htmlspecialchars($pagetitle));
            foreach ($data as $date => $datum) {
                print $csv->sep() . $csv->quote($datum);
    // close the table and div tags for the timeline data
    if (!$csv) {
        print '
    } else {
        print $csv->line();