コード例 #1
 public function achievements()
     global $blog_id, $json_api;
     $type = badgeos_get_achievement_types_slugs();
     // Drop steps from our list of "all" achievements
     $step_key = array_search('step', $type);
     if ($step_key) {
     $type[] = 'submission';
     //$user_id = get_current_user_id();
     // Get the current user if one wasn't specified
     if (!$user_id) {
         if ($json_api->query->user_id) {
             $user_id = $json_api->query->user_id;
         } else {
             return array("message" => "No user_id");
     // Get submissions
     $args = array('post_type' => 'submission', 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'author' => $user_id, 'post_status' => 'publish', 'fields' => 'ids');
     $sub_arg = $args;
     $submissions = get_posts($args);
     $hidden = badgeos_get_hidden_achievement_ids($type);
     // Initialize our output and counters
     $achievements = array();
     $achievement_count = 0;
     // Grab our earned badges (used to filter the query)
     $earned_ids = badgeos_get_user_earned_achievement_ids($user_id, $type);
     $earned_ids = array_map('intval', $earned_ids);
     // Query Achievements
     $args = array('post_type' => $type, 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'post_status' => 'publish');
     $args['post__in'] = array_merge(array(0), $earned_ids);
     $exclude = array();
     // exclude badges which are submissions
     if (!empty($submissions)) {
         foreach ($submissions as $sub_id) {
             $exclude[] = absint(get_post_meta($sub_id, '_badgeos_submission_achievement_id', true));
             $args['post__in'][] = $sub_id;
         $args['post__in'] = array_diff($args['post__in'], $exclude);
     // Loop Achievements
     $achievement_posts = new WP_Query($args);
     $query_count += $achievement_posts->found_posts;
     $base_url = site_url() . '/' . get_option('json_api_base', 'api') . '/badge/assertion/?uid=';
     $pushed_badges = ($pushed_items = get_user_meta(absint($user_id), '_badgeos_backpack_pushed')) ? (array) $pushed_items : array();
     while ($achievement_posts->have_posts()) {
         $achievement_id = get_the_ID();
         if (!in_array($achievement_id, $hidden)) {
             $uid = $achievement_id . "-" . get_post_time('U', true) . "-" . $user_id;
             $button_text = !in_array($base_url . $uid, $pushed_badges) ? __('Send to Mozilla Backpack', 'badgeos_obi_issuer') : __('Resend to Mozilla Backpack', 'badgeos_obi_issuer');
             $badge_html = get_post_type() === 'submission' ? badgeos_render_achievement(get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), '_badgeos_submission_achievement_id', true)) : badgeos_render_achievement($achievement_id);
             $badge_html .= '<div class="badgeos_backpack_action">';
             $badge_html .= '<a href="" class="badgeos_backpack button" data-uid="' . $base_url . $uid . '">' . $button_text . '</a> ';
             $badge_html .= '<input type="checkbox" value="' . $base_url . $uid . '" name="badgeos_backpack_issues[]" />';
             $badge_html .= '</div>';
             $achievements[] = array("uid" => $base_url . $uid, "type" => get_post_type($achievement_id), "data" => $badge_html);
     return array("achievements" => $achievements, "count" => $achievement_count);
コード例 #2
ファイル: ajax-functions.php プロジェクト: Nrddy/badgeos
 * AJAX Helper for returning achievements
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @return void
function badgeos_ajax_get_achievements()
    global $user_ID, $blog_id;
    // Setup our AJAX query vars
    $type = isset($_REQUEST['type']) ? $_REQUEST['type'] : false;
    $limit = isset($_REQUEST['limit']) ? $_REQUEST['limit'] : false;
    $offset = isset($_REQUEST['offset']) ? $_REQUEST['offset'] : false;
    $count = isset($_REQUEST['count']) ? $_REQUEST['count'] : false;
    $filter = isset($_REQUEST['filter']) ? $_REQUEST['filter'] : false;
    $search = isset($_REQUEST['search']) ? $_REQUEST['search'] : false;
    $user_id = isset($_REQUEST['user_id']) ? $_REQUEST['user_id'] : false;
    $orderby = isset($_REQUEST['orderby']) ? $_REQUEST['orderby'] : false;
    $order = isset($_REQUEST['order']) ? $_REQUEST['order'] : false;
    $wpms = isset($_REQUEST['wpms']) ? $_REQUEST['wpms'] : false;
    $include = isset($_REQUEST['include']) ? $_REQUEST['include'] : array();
    $exclude = isset($_REQUEST['exclude']) ? $_REQUEST['exclude'] : array();
    $meta_key = isset($_REQUEST['meta_key']) ? $_REQUEST['meta_key'] : '';
    $meta_value = isset($_REQUEST['meta_value']) ? $_REQUEST['meta_value'] : '';
    // Convert $type to properly support multiple achievement types
    if ('all' == $type) {
        $type = badgeos_get_achievement_types_slugs();
        // Drop steps from our list of "all" achievements
        $step_key = array_search('step', $type);
        if ($step_key) {
    } else {
        $type = explode(',', $type);
    // Get the current user if one wasn't specified
    if (!$user_id) {
        $user_id = $user_ID;
    // Build $include array
    if (!is_array($include)) {
        $include = explode(',', $include);
    // Build $exclude array
    if (!is_array($exclude)) {
        $exclude = explode(',', $exclude);
    // Initialize our output and counters
    $achievements = '';
    $achievement_count = 0;
    $query_count = 0;
    // Grab our hidden badges (used to filter the query)
    $hidden = badgeos_get_hidden_achievement_ids($type);
    // If we're polling all sites, grab an array of site IDs
    if ($wpms && $wpms != 'false') {
        $sites = badgeos_get_network_site_ids();
    } else {
        $sites = array($blog_id);
    // Loop through each site (default is current site only)
    foreach ($sites as $site_blog_id) {
        // If we're not polling the current site, switch to the site we're polling
        if ($blog_id != $site_blog_id) {
        // Grab our earned badges (used to filter the query)
        $earned_ids = badgeos_get_user_earned_achievement_ids($user_id, $type);
        // Query Achievements
        $args = array('post_type' => $type, 'orderby' => $orderby, 'order' => $order, 'posts_per_page' => $limit, 'offset' => $offset, 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post__not_in' => array_diff($hidden, $earned_ids));
        // Filter - query completed or non completed achievements
        if ($filter == 'completed') {
            $args['post__in'] = array_merge(array(0), $earned_ids);
        } elseif ($filter == 'not-completed') {
            $args['post__not_in'] = array_merge($hidden, $earned_ids);
        if ('' !== $meta_key && '' !== $meta_value) {
            $args['meta_key'] = $meta_key;
            $args['meta_value'] = $meta_value;
        // Include certain achievements
        if (!empty($include)) {
            $args['post__not_in'] = array_diff($args['post__not_in'], $include);
            $args['post__in'] = array_merge(array(0), array_diff($include, $args['post__in']));
        // Exclude certain achievements
        if (!empty($exclude)) {
            $args['post__not_in'] = array_merge($args['post__not_in'], $exclude);
        // Search
        if ($search) {
            $args['s'] = $search;
        // Loop Achievements
        $achievement_posts = new WP_Query($args);
        $query_count += $achievement_posts->found_posts;
        while ($achievement_posts->have_posts()) {
            $achievements .= badgeos_render_achievement(get_the_ID());
        // Sanity helper: if we're filtering for complete and we have no
        // earned achievements, $achievement_posts should definitely be false
        /*if ( 'completed' == $filter && empty( $earned_ids ) )
        		$achievements = '';*/
        // Display a message for no results
        if (empty($achievements)) {
            // If we have exactly one achivement type, get its plural name, otherwise use "achievements"
            $post_type_plural = 1 == count($type) ? get_post_type_object(current($type))->labels->name : __('achievements', 'badgeos');
            // Setup our completion message
            $achievements .= '<div class="badgeos-no-results">';
            if ('completed' == $filter) {
                $achievements .= '<p>' . sprintf(__('No completed %s to display at this time.', 'badgeos'), strtolower($post_type_plural)) . '</p>';
            } else {
                $achievements .= '<p>' . sprintf(__('No %s to display at this time.', 'badgeos'), strtolower($post_type_plural)) . '</p>';
            $achievements .= '</div><!-- .badgeos-no-results -->';
        if ($blog_id != $site_blog_id) {
            // Come back to current blog
    // Send back our successful response
    wp_send_json_success(array('message' => $achievements, 'offset' => $offset + $limit, 'query_count' => $query_count, 'badge_count' => $achievement_count, 'type' => $type));