protected function __construct($course_id, $section_i) { global $CFG; //error_reporting(E_ALL); require_login($course_id); // 権限チェック $this->requireCapabilities($course_id); // 必要な関数が使用可能かチェック backup_required_functions(); // このタイミングで各モジュールのテーブルをアップグレード $return_to = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; upgrade_backup_db($return_to); // 設定オブジェクトを生成 $this->prefs =& $this->createPreferences(); // ユニーク値をセット (Moodleコアはここにtime()が入っているのを期待しているのでそれに従う) $this->prefs->backup_unique_code = time(); // コースを取得 $this->course = get_record('course', 'id', $course_id); if (!$this->course) { throw new SharingCart_CourseException('Invalid ID'); } // セクションを取得 $this->section = get_record('course_sections', 'course', $course_id, 'section', $section_i); if (!$this->section) { throw new SharingCart_SectionException('Invalid ID'); } }
protected function __construct($course_id, $section_i) { global $CFG, $DB; $this->debug = new SharingCart_DebugTrace(); $this->debug->trace(); $this->execute_succeeded = FALSE; require_login($course_id); // 権限チェック $this->requireCapabilities($course_id); $this->debug->trace('Capabilities - OK'); // 必要な関数が使用可能かチェック backup_required_functions(); // このタイミングで各モジュールのテーブルをアップグレード $return_to = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; // upgrade_backup_db($return_to); // 設定オブジェクトを生成 $this->prefs =& $this->createPreferences(); // ユニーク値をセット (Moodleコアはここにtime()が入っているのを期待しているのでそれに従う) $this->prefs->backup_unique_code = time(); // コースを取得 $this->course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $course_id)); if (!$this->course) { throw new SharingCart_CourseException('Invalid course'); } // セクションを取得 $this->section = $DB->get_record('course_sections', array('course' => $course_id, 'section' => $section_i)); if (!$this->section) { throw new SharingCart_SectionException('Invalid section'); } }
if (!has_capability('moodle/site:restore', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $to)) && !has_capability('moodle/site:import', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $to))) { print_error("cannotuseadminadminorteacher", '', $loginurl); } } } } else { if (!has_capability('moodle/site:restore', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM))) { print_error("cannotuseadmin", '', $loginurl); } } //Check site if (!($site = get_site())) { print_error("cannotfindsite"); } //Check necessary functions exists. Thanks to backup_required_functions(); //Get strings if (empty($to)) { $strcourserestore = get_string("courserestore"); } else { $strcourserestore = get_string("importdata"); } $stradministration = get_string("administration"); //If no file has been selected from the FileManager, inform and end $navlinks = array(); $navlinks[] = array('name' => $stradministration, 'link' => "{$CFG->wwwroot}/{$CFG->admin}/index.php", 'type' => 'misc'); $navlinks[] = array('name' => $strcourserestore, 'link' => null, 'type' => 'misc'); $navigation = build_navigation($navlinks); if (!$file) { print_header("{$site->shortname}: {$strcourserestore}", $site->fullname, $navigation); echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string("nofilesselected"));
/** this function will restore an entire into the specified course * using standard moodle backup/restore functions, but silently. * @param string $pathtofile the absolute path to the backup file. * @param int $destinationcourse the course id to restore to. * @param boolean $emptyfirst whether to delete all coursedata first. * @param boolean $userdata whether to include any userdata that may be in the backup file. * @param array $preferences optional, 0 will be used. Can contain: * metacourse * logs * course_files * messages */ function import_backup_file_silently($pathtofile, $destinationcourse, $emptyfirst = false, $userdata = false, $preferences = array()) { global $CFG, $SESSION, $USER, $DB; // is there such a thing on cron? I guess so.. global $restore; // ick if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { define('RESTORE_SILENTLY', true); // don't output all the stuff to us. } $debuginfo = 'import_backup_file_silently: '; $cleanupafter = false; $errorstr = ''; // passed by reference to restore_precheck to get errors from. if (!($course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $destinationcourse)))) { mtrace($debuginfo . 'Course with id $destinationcourse was not a valid course!'); return false; } // first check we have a valid file. if (!file_exists($pathtofile) || !is_readable($pathtofile)) { mtrace($debuginfo . 'File ' . $pathtofile . ' either didn\'t exist or wasn\'t readable'); return false; } // now make sure it's a zip file require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/lib/filelib.php'; $filename = substr($pathtofile, strrpos($pathtofile, '/') + 1); $mimetype = mimeinfo("type", $filename); if ($mimetype != 'application/zip') { mtrace($debuginfo . 'File ' . $pathtofile . ' was of wrong mimetype (' . $mimetype . ')'); return false; } // restore_precheck wants this within dataroot, so lets put it there if it's not already.. if (strstr($pathtofile, $CFG->dataroot) === false) { // first try and actually move it.. if (!check_dir_exists($CFG->dataroot . '/temp/backup/', true)) { mtrace($debuginfo . 'File ' . $pathtofile . ' outside of dataroot and couldn\'t move it! '); return false; } if (!copy($pathtofile, $CFG->dataroot . '/temp/backup/' . $filename)) { mtrace($debuginfo . 'File ' . $pathtofile . ' outside of dataroot and couldn\'t move it! '); return false; } else { $pathtofile = 'temp/backup/' . $filename; $cleanupafter = true; } } else { // it is within dataroot, so take it off the path for restore_precheck. $pathtofile = substr($pathtofile, strlen($CFG->dataroot . '/')); } if (!backup_required_functions()) { mtrace($debuginfo . 'Required function check failed (see backup_required_functions)'); return false; } @ini_set("max_execution_time", "3000"); if (empty($CFG->extramemorylimit)) { raise_memory_limit('128M'); } else { raise_memory_limit($CFG->extramemorylimit); } if (!($backup_unique_code = restore_precheck($destinationcourse, $pathtofile, $errorstr, true))) { mtrace($debuginfo . 'Failed restore_precheck (error was ' . $errorstr . ')'); return false; } $SESSION->restore = new StdClass(); // add on some extra stuff we need... $SESSION->restore->metacourse = $restore->metacourse = isset($preferences['restore_metacourse']) ? $preferences['restore_metacourse'] : 0; $SESSION->restore->restoreto = $restore->restoreto = 1; $SESSION->restore->users = $restore->users = $userdata; $SESSION->restore->groups = $restore->groups = isset($preferences['restore_groups']) ? $preferences['restore_groups'] : RESTORE_GROUPS_NONE; $SESSION->restore->logs = $restore->logs = isset($preferences['restore_logs']) ? $preferences['restore_logs'] : 0; $SESSION->restore->user_files = $restore->user_files = $userdata; $SESSION->restore->messages = $restore->messages = isset($preferences['restore_messages']) ? $preferences['restore_messages'] : 0; $SESSION->restore->blogs = $restore->blogs = isset($preferences['restore_blogs']) ? $preferences['restore_blogs'] : 0; $SESSION->restore->course_id = $restore->course_id = $destinationcourse; $SESSION->restore->restoreto = 1; $SESSION->restore->course_id = $destinationcourse; $SESSION->restore->deleting = $emptyfirst; $SESSION->restore->restore_course_files = $restore->course_files = isset($preferences['restore_course_files']) ? $preferences['restore_course_files'] : 0; $SESSION->restore->restore_site_files = $restore->site_files = isset($preferences['restore_site_files']) ? $preferences['restore_site_files'] : 0; $SESSION->restore->backup_version = $SESSION->info->backup_backup_version; $SESSION->restore->course_startdateoffset = $course->startdate - $SESSION->course_header->course_startdate; restore_setup_for_check($SESSION->restore, $backup_unique_code); // maybe we need users (defaults to 2 in restore_setup_for_check) if (!empty($userdata)) { $SESSION->restore->users = 1; } // we also need modules... if ($allmods = $DB->get_records("modules")) { foreach ($allmods as $mod) { $modname = $mod->name; //Now check that we have that module info in the backup file if (isset($SESSION->info->mods[$modname]) && $SESSION->info->mods[$modname]->backup == "true") { $SESSION->restore->mods[$modname]->restore = true; $SESSION->restore->mods[$modname]->userinfo = $userdata; } else { // avoid warnings $SESSION->restore->mods[$modname]->restore = false; $SESSION->restore->mods[$modname]->userinfo = false; } } } $restore = clone $SESSION->restore; if (!restore_execute($SESSION->restore, $SESSION->info, $SESSION->course_header, $errorstr)) { mtrace($debuginfo . 'Failed restore_execute (error was ' . $errorstr . ')'); return false; } return true; }
/** this function will restore an entire into the specified course * using standard moodle backup/restore functions, but silently. * @param string $pathtofile the absolute path to the backup file. * @param int $destinationcourse the course id to restore to. * @param boolean $emptyfirst whether to delete all coursedata first. * @param boolean $userdata whether to include any userdata that may be in the backup file. * @param array $preferences optional, 0 will be used. Can contain: * metacourse * logs * course_files * messages */ function import_backup_file_silently($pathtofile, $destinationcourse, $emptyfirst = false, $userdata = false, $preferences = array()) { global $CFG, $SESSION, $USER; // is there such a thing on cron? I guess so.. if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { define('RESTORE_SILENTLY', true); // don't output all the stuff to us. } $debuginfo = 'import_backup_file_silently: '; $cleanupafter = false; $errorstr = ''; // passed by reference to restore_precheck to get errors from. $course = null; if ($destinationcourse && !($course = get_record('course', 'id', $destinationcourse))) { mtrace($debuginfo . 'Course with id $destinationcourse was not a valid course!'); return false; } // first check we have a valid file. if (!file_exists($pathtofile) || !is_readable($pathtofile)) { mtrace($debuginfo . 'File ' . $pathtofile . ' either didn\'t exist or wasn\'t readable'); return false; } // now make sure it's a zip file require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/lib/filelib.php'; $filename = substr($pathtofile, strrpos($pathtofile, '/') + 1); $mimetype = mimeinfo("type", $filename); if ($mimetype != 'application/zip') { mtrace($debuginfo . 'File ' . $pathtofile . ' was of wrong mimetype (' . $mimetype . ')'); return false; } // restore_precheck wants this within dataroot, so lets put it there if it's not already.. if (strstr($pathtofile, $CFG->dataroot) === false) { // first try and actually move it.. if (!check_dir_exists($CFG->dataroot . '/temp/backup/', true)) { mtrace($debuginfo . 'File ' . $pathtofile . ' outside of dataroot and couldn\'t move it! '); return false; } if (!copy($pathtofile, $CFG->dataroot . '/temp/backup/' . $filename)) { mtrace($debuginfo . 'File ' . $pathtofile . ' outside of dataroot and couldn\'t move it! '); return false; } else { $pathtofile = 'temp/backup/' . $filename; $cleanupafter = true; } } else { // it is within dataroot, so take it off the path for restore_precheck. $pathtofile = substr($pathtofile, strlen($CFG->dataroot . '/')); } if (!backup_required_functions()) { mtrace($debuginfo . 'Required function check failed (see backup_required_functions)'); return false; } @ini_set("max_execution_time", "3000"); if (empty($CFG->extramemorylimit)) { raise_memory_limit('128M'); } else { raise_memory_limit($CFG->extramemorylimit); } if (!($backup_unique_code = restore_precheck($destinationcourse, $pathtofile, $errorstr, true))) { mtrace($debuginfo . 'Failed restore_precheck (error was ' . $errorstr . ')'); return false; } global $restore; // ick $restore = new StdClass(); // copy back over the stuff that gets set in restore_precheck $restore->course_header = $SESSION->course_header; $restore->info = $SESSION->info; $xmlfile = "{$CFG->dataroot}/temp/backup/{$backup_unique_code}/moodle.xml"; $info = restore_read_xml_roles($xmlfile); $restore->rolesmapping = array(); if (isset($info->roles) && is_array($info->roles)) { foreach ($info->roles as $id => $info) { if ($newroleid = get_field('role', 'id', 'shortname', $info->shortname)) { $restore->rolesmapping[$id] = $newroleid; } } } // add on some extra stuff we need... $restore->metacourse = isset($preferences['restore_metacourse']) ? $preferences['restore_metacourse'] : 0; $restore->course_id = $destinationcourse; if ($destinationcourse) { $restore->restoreto = RESTORETO_CURRENT_ADDING; $restore->course_startdateoffset = $course->startdate - $restore->course_header->course_startdate; } else { $restore->restoreto = RESTORETO_NEW_COURSE; $restore->restore_restorecatto = 0; // let this be handled by the headers $restore->course_startdateoffset = 0; } $restore->users = $userdata; $restore->user_files = $userdata; $restore->deleting = $emptyfirst; $restore->groups = isset($preferences['restore_groups']) ? $preferences['restore_groups'] : RESTORE_GROUPS_NONE; $restore->logs = isset($preferences['restore_logs']) ? $preferences['restore_logs'] : 0; $restore->messages = isset($preferences['restore_messages']) ? $preferences['restore_messages'] : 0; $restore->blogs = isset($preferences['restore_blogs']) ? $preferences['restore_blogs'] : 0; $restore->course_files = isset($preferences['restore_course_files']) ? $preferences['restore_course_files'] : 0; $restore->site_files = isset($preferences['restore_site_files']) ? $preferences['restore_site_files'] : 0; $restore->backup_version = $restore->info->backup_backup_version; $restore->original_wwwroot = $restore->info->original_wwwroot; // now copy what we have over to the session // this needs to happen before restore_setup_for_check // which for some reason reads the session $SESSION->restore =& $restore; // rename the things that are called differently $SESSION->restore->restore_course_files = $restore->course_files; $SESSION->restore->restore_site_files = $restore->site_files; $SESSION->restore->backup_version = $restore->info->backup_backup_version; restore_setup_for_check($restore, $backup_unique_code); // maybe we need users (defaults to 2 (none) in restore_setup_for_check) // so set this again here if (!empty($userdata)) { $restore->users = 1; } // we also need modules... if ($allmods = get_records("modules")) { foreach ($allmods as $mod) { $modname = $mod->name; //Now check that we have that module info in the backup file if (isset($restore->info->mods[$modname]) && $restore->info->mods[$modname]->backup == "true") { $restore->mods[$modname]->restore = true; $restore->mods[$modname]->userinfo = $userdata; } else { // avoid warnings $restore->mods[$modname]->restore = false; $restore->mods[$modname]->userinfo = false; } } } if (!($status = restore_execute($restore, $restore->info, $restore->course_header, $errorstr))) { mtrace($debuginfo . 'Failed restore_execute (error was ' . $errorstr . ')'); return false; } // now get out the new courseid and return that if ($restore->restoreto = RESTORETO_NEW_COURSE) { if (!empty($SESSION->restore->course_id)) { return $SESSION->restore->course_id; } return false; } return true; }
/** this function will restore an entire into the specified course * using standard moodle backup/restore functions, but silently. * @param string $pathtofile the absolute path to the backup file. * @param int $destinationcourse the course id to restore to. * @param boolean $emptyfirst whether to delete all coursedata first. * @param boolean $userdata whether to include any userdata that may be in the backup file. */ function import_backup_file_silently($pathtofile, $destinationcourse, $emptyfirst = false, $userdata = false) { global $CFG, $SESSION, $USER; // is there such a thing on cron? I guess so.. if (empty($USER)) { $USER = get_admin(); $USER->admin = 1; // not sure why, but this doesn't get set } define('RESTORE_SILENTLY', true); // don't output all the stuff to us. $debuginfo = 'import_backup_file_silently: '; $cleanupafter = false; $errorstr = ''; // passed by reference to restore_precheck to get errors from. if (!($course = get_record('course', 'id', $destinationcourse))) { mtrace($debuginfo . 'Course with id $destinationcourse was not a valid course!'); return false; } // first check we have a valid file. if (!file_exists($pathtofile) || !is_readable($pathtofile)) { mtrace($debuginfo . 'File ' . $pathtofile . ' either didn\'t exist or wasn\'t readable'); return false; } // now make sure it's a zip file require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/lib/filelib.php'; $filename = substr($pathtofile, strrpos($pathtofile, '/') + 1); $mimetype = mimeinfo("type", $filename); if ($mimetype != 'application/zip') { mtrace($debuginfo . 'File ' . $pathtofile . ' was of wrong mimetype (' . $mimetype . ')'); return false; } // restore_precheck wants this within dataroot, so lets put it there if it's not already.. if (strstr($pathtofile, $CFG->dataroot) === false) { // first try and actually move it.. if (!check_dir_exists($CFG->dataroot . '/temp/backup/', true)) { mtrace($debuginfo . 'File ' . $pathtofile . ' outside of dataroot and couldn\'t move it! '); return false; } if (!copy($pathtofile, $CFG->dataroot . '/temp/backup/' . $filename)) { mtrace($debuginfo . 'File ' . $pathtofile . ' outside of dataroot and couldn\'t move it! '); return false; } else { $pathtofile = 'temp/backup/' . $filename; $cleanupafter = true; } } else { // it is within dataroot, so take it off the path for restore_precheck. $pathtofile = substr($pathtofile, strlen($CFG->dataroot . '/')); } if (!backup_required_functions()) { mtrace($debuginfo . 'Required function check failed (see backup_required_functions)'); return false; } @ini_set("max_execution_time", "3000"); raise_memory_limit("192M"); if (!($backup_unique_code = restore_precheck($destinationcourse, $pathtofile, $errorstr, true))) { mtrace($debuginfo . 'Failed restore_precheck (error was ' . $errorstr . ')'); return false; } restore_setup_for_check($SESSION->restore, $backup_unique_code); // add on some extra stuff we need... $SESSION->restore->restoreto = 1; $SESSION->restore->course_id = $destinationcourse; $SESSION->restore->deleting = $emptyfirst; // maybe we need users (defaults to 2 in restore_setup_for_check) if (!empty($userdata)) { $SESSION->restore->users = 1; } // we also need modules... if ($allmods = get_records("modules")) { foreach ($allmods as $mod) { $modname = $mod->name; //Now check that we have that module info in the backup file if (isset($SESSION->info->mods[$modname]) && $SESSION->info->mods[$modname]->backup == "true") { $SESSION->restore->mods[$modname]->restore = true; $SESSION->restore->mods[$modname]->userinfo = $userdata; } } } if (!restore_execute($SESSION->restore, $SESSION->info, $SESSION->course_header, $errorstr)) { mtrace($debuginfo . 'Failed restore_execute (error was ' . $errorstr . ')'); return false; } return true; }
/** * This function will restore an entire into the specified course * using standard moodle backup/restore functions, but silently. * * @see /backup/lib.php * @param string $pathtofile the absolute path to the backup file. * @param int $destinationcourse the course id to restore to. * @param boolean $emptyfirst whether to delete all coursedata first. * @param boolean $userdata whether to include any userdata that may be in the backup file. * @param array $preferences optional, 0 will be used. Can contain: * metacourse * logs * course_files * messages */ function rollover_import_backup_file_silently($backup_unique_code, $destinationcourse, $emptyfirst = false, $userdata = false, $preferences = array()) { global $CFG, $SESSION, $USER; // is there such a thing on cron? I guess so.. global $restore; // ick if (empty($USER)) { $USER = get_admin(); $USER->admin = 1; // not sure why, but this doesn't get set } if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { define('RESTORE_SILENTLY', true); // don't output all the stuff to us. } $debuginfo = 'import_backup_file_silently: '; $cleanupafter = false; $errorstr = ''; // passed by reference to restore_precheck to get errors from. // first check we have a valid file. /* Skip the file checking stuff, because we're not using a zip file if (!file_exists($pathtofile) || !is_readable($pathtofile)) { mtrace($debuginfo.'File '.$pathtofile.' either didn\'t exist or wasn\'t readable'); return false; } // now make sure it's a zip file require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/lib/filelib.php'); $filename = substr($pathtofile,strrpos($pathtofile,'/')+1); $mimetype = mimeinfo("type", $filename); if ($mimetype != 'application/zip') { mtrace($debuginfo.'File '.$pathtofile.' was of wrong mimetype ('.$mimetype.')' ); return false; } // restore_precheck wants this within dataroot, so lets put it there if it's not already.. if (strstr($pathtofile,$CFG->dataroot) === false) { // first try and actually move it.. if (!check_dir_exists($CFG->dataroot.'/temp/backup/',true)) { mtrace($debuginfo.'File '.$pathtofile.' outside of dataroot and couldn\'t move it! '); return false; } if (!copy($pathtofile,$CFG->dataroot.'/temp/backup/'.$filename)) { mtrace($debuginfo.'File '.$pathtofile.' outside of dataroot and couldn\'t move it! '); return false; } else { $pathtofile = 'temp/backup/'.$filename; $cleanupafter = true; } } else { // it is within dataroot, so take it off the path for restore_precheck. $pathtofile = substr($pathtofile,strlen($CFG->dataroot.'/')); } */ if (!backup_required_functions()) { mtrace($debuginfo . 'Required function check failed (see backup_required_functions)'); return false; } @ini_set('max_execution_time', '3000'); if (empty($CFG->extramemorylimit)) { raise_memory_limit('128M'); } else { raise_memory_limit($CFG->extramemorylimit); } /*if (!$backup_unique_code = restore_precheck($destinationcourse,$pathtofile,$errorstr,true)) {*/ //if (!$backup_unique_code = restore_precheck(/*NOT NEEDED*/0,$pathtofile,$errorstr,true)) { // mtrace($debuginfo.'Failed restore_precheck (error was '.$errorstr.')'); // return false; //} // RL: the following few lines are normally handled by restore_precheck $xml_file = $CFG->dataroot . "/temp/backup/" . $backup_unique_code . "/moodle.xml"; //Reading info from file $info = restore_read_xml_info($xml_file); //Reading course_header from file $course_header = restore_read_xml_course_header($xml_file); if (!is_object($course_header)) { // ensure we fail if there is no course header $course_header = false; } $SESSION->info = $info; $SESSION->course_header = $course_header; $SESSION->restore = new StdClass(); // add on some extra stuff we need... $SESSION->restore->metacourse = $restore->metacourse = isset($preferences['restore_metacourse']) ? $preferences['restore_metacourse'] : 0; $SESSION->restore->users = $restore->users = $userdata; $SESSION->restore->logs = $restore->logs = isset($preferences['restore_logs']) ? $preferences['restore_logs'] : 0; $SESSION->restore->user_files = $restore->user_files = $userdata; $SESSION->restore->messages = $restore->messages = isset($preferences['restore_messages']) ? $preferences['restore_messages'] : 0; //$SESSION->restore->restoreto = 0; // Make sure we delete content and add everything from the source course. $SESSION->restore->restoreto = RESTORETO_NEW_COURSE; $SESSION->restore->course_id = $restore->course_id = $destinationcourse; $SESSION->restore->deleting = $emptyfirst; $SESSION->restore->restore_course_files = $restore->course_files = isset($preferences['restore_course_files']) ? $preferences['restore_course_files'] : 0; $SESSION->restore->restore_site_files = $restore->restore_site_files = isset($preferences['restore_site_files']) ? $preferences['restore_site_files'] : 0; $SESSION->restore->backup_version = $SESSION->info->backup_backup_version; // If a start date was specified, determine the difference between the start date of the template course // and the one specified for use in module dates. if (!empty($preferences['restore_startdate'])) { $SESSION->restore->course_startdateoffset = $preferences['restore_startdate'] - $SESSION->course_header->course_startdate; } else { $SESSION->restore->course_startdateoffset = 0; } // Set restore groups to 0 $SESSION->restore->groups = $restore->groups = RESTORE_GROUPS_NONE; // Set restore cateogry to 0, restorelib.php will look in the backup xml file $SESSION->restore->restore_restorecatto = $restore->restore_restorecatto = 0; $SESSION->restore->blogs = $restore->blogs = 0; restore_setup_for_check($SESSION->restore, $backup_unique_code); // maybe we need users (defaults to 2 in restore_setup_for_check) /* if (!empty($userdata)) { $SESSION->restore->users = 1; } */ // we also need modules... if ($allmods = get_records('modules')) { foreach ($allmods as $mod) { $modname = $mod->name; //Now check that we have that module info in the backup file if (isset($SESSION->info->mods[$modname]) && $SESSION->info->mods[$modname]->backup == "true") { $SESSION->restore->mods[$modname]->restore = true; $SESSION->restore->mods[$modname]->userinfo = $userdata; } else { // avoid warnings $SESSION->restore->mods[$modname]->restore = false; $SESSION->restore->mods[$modname]->userinfo = false; } } } $restore = clone $SESSION->restore; if (!restore_execute($restore, $SESSION->info, $SESSION->course_header, $errorstr)) { mtrace($debuginfo . 'Failed restore_execute (error was ' . $errorstr . ')'); return false; } rebuild_course_cache($SESSION->restore->course_id); return $SESSION->restore->course_id; }