コード例 #1
ファイル: RegexHelper.php プロジェクト: daskleinesys/slimpd
 public function seemsArtistly($input)
     $blacklist = array('various', 'artist', 'artists', 'originalmix', 'unknownartist', 'unbekannterinterpret');
     if (isset($blacklist[az09($input)]) === TRUE) {
         return FALSE;
     return TRUE;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Artist.php プロジェクト: daskleinesys/slimpd
 public static function getIdsByString($itemString)
     if (trim($itemString) === '') {
         return array("1");
         // Unknown
     $app = \Slim\Slim::getInstance();
     $classPath = get_called_class();
     if (preg_match("/\\\\([^\\\\]*)\$/", $classPath, $m)) {
         $class = strtolower($m[1]);
     } else {
         $class = strtolower($classPath);
     if (isset($GLOBALS['unified' . $class . 's']) === FALSE) {
         if (method_exists($classPath, 'unifyItemnames')) {
             if (isset($app->config[$class . 's'])) {
                 $GLOBALS['unified' . $class . 's'] = $classPath::unifyItemnames($app->config[$class . 's']);
             } else {
                 $GLOBALS['unified' . $class . 's'] = array();
         } else {
             $GLOBALS['unified' . $class . 's'] = array();
     if (isset($GLOBALS[$class . 'Cache']) === FALSE) {
         $GLOBALS[$class . 'Cache'] = array();
     $itemIds = array();
     $tmpGlue = "tmpGlu3";
     foreach (trimExplode($tmpGlue, str_ireplace($app->config[$class . '-glue'], $tmpGlue, $itemString), TRUE) as $itemPart) {
         $az09 = az09($itemPart);
         if ($az09 === '' || preg_match("/^hash0x([a-f0-9]{7})\$/", $az09)) {
             // TODO: is there a chance to translate strings like HASH(0xa54fe70) to an useable string?
             $itemIds[1] = 1;
         } else {
             $artistArticle = '';
             foreach (array('The', 'Die') as $matchArticle) {
                 // search for prefixed article
                 if (preg_match("/^" . $matchArticle . " (.*)\$/i", $itemPart, $m)) {
                     $artistArticle = $matchArticle . ' ';
                     $itemPart = $m[1];
                     $az09 = az09($itemPart);
                     #var_dump($itemString); die('prefixed-article');
                 // search for suffixed article
                 if (preg_match("/^(.*)([\\ ,]+)" . $matchArticle . "/i", $itemPart, $m)) {
                     $artistArticle = $matchArticle . ' ';
                     $itemPart = remU($m[1]);
                     $az09 = az09($itemPart);
                     #var_dump($m); die('suffixed-article');
             // unify items based on config
             if (array_key_exists($az09, $GLOBALS['unified' . $class . 's']) === TRUE) {
                 $itemPart = $GLOBALS['unified' . $class . 's'][$az09];
                 $az09 = az09($itemPart);
             // check if we alread have an id
             // permformance improvement ~8%
             if (isset($GLOBALS[$class . 'Cache'][$az09]) === TRUE) {
                 $itemIds[$GLOBALS[$class . 'Cache'][$az09]] = $GLOBALS[$class . 'Cache'][$az09];
             $query = "SELECT id FROM artist WHERE az09=\"" . $az09 . "\" LIMIT 1;";
             $result = $app->db->query($query);
             $record = $result->fetch_assoc();
             if ($record) {
                 $itemId = $record['id'];
             } else {
                 $g = new $classPath();
                 $itemId = $app->db->insert_id;
             $itemIds[$itemId] = $itemId;
             $GLOBALS[$class . 'Cache'][$az09] = $itemId;
     return $itemIds;
コード例 #3
ファイル: main.php プロジェクト: daskleinesys/slimpd
 private static function isVA($input)
     switch (az09($input)) {
         case 'various':
         case 'variousartist':
         case 'variousartists':
         case 'va':
             return TRUE;
     if (preg_match("/(v\\.a\\.|various|various\\ artists|various\\ artist)(?:[ .\\-_]{1,4})(.*)\$/i", $input)) {
         return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
コード例 #4
ファイル: main.php プロジェクト: daskleinesys/slimpd
 public function setDefaultLabels($forceAllAlbums = FALSE)
     $app = \Slim\Slim::getInstance();
     $this->jobPhase = 7;
     // check config
     if (isset($app->config['label-parent-directories']) === FALSE) {
         cliLog('aborting setDefaultLabels() no label directories configured', 2);
     // validate config
     $foundValidDirectories = FALSE;
     foreach ($app->config['label-parent-directories'] as $dir) {
         if (is_dir($app->config['mpd']['musicdir'] . $dir) === FALSE) {
             cliLog('WARNING: label-parent-directory ' . $dir . ' does not exist', 2, 'yellow', 2);
         } else {
             $foundValidDirectories = TRUE;
     if ($foundValidDirectories === FALSE) {
         cliLog('aborting setDefaultLabels() no valid label directories configured', 2, 'red');
     $this->beginJob(array('currentItem' => "fetching all track-labels for inserting into table:album ..."), __FUNCTION__);
     foreach ($app->config['label-parent-directories'] as $labelDir) {
         if (substr($labelDir, -1) !== DS) {
             $labelDir .= DS;
         // append trailingSlash
         $query = "SELECT count(id) as itemCountTotal FROM track WHERE relativePath LIKE \"" . $labelDir . "%\" ";
         $this->itemCountTotal += $app->db->query($query)->fetch_assoc()['itemCountTotal'];
         $msg = "found " . $this->itemCountTotal . " to check";
         cliLog($msg, 2);
     $updatedTracks = 0;
     foreach ($app->config['label-parent-directories'] as $labelDir) {
         if (substr($labelDir, -1) !== DS) {
             $labelDir .= DS;
         // append trailingSlash
         $query = "SELECT id, labelId, relativePath FROM track WHERE relativePath LIKE \"" . $labelDir . "%\"";
         $result = $app->db->query($query);
         $counter = 0;
         $previousLabelString = "";
         $existingLabelIdsInDir = array();
         $updateTrackIds = array();
         while ($t = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
             $labelDirname = explode(DS, substr($t['relativePath'], strlen($labelDir)), 2);
             $labelDirname = $labelDirname[0];
             if ($t['labelId'] == '' || $t['labelId'] == '1') {
                 $updateTrackIds[] = $t['id'];
             if ($counter === 1) {
                 $previousLabelString = $labelDirname;
                 $existingLabelIdsInDir = array_merge($existingLabelIdsInDir, trimExplode(",", $t['labelId'], TRUE));
             if ($labelDirname != $previousLabelString) {
                 // extract the most used label-id
                 $existingLabelIdsInDir = uniqueArrayOrderedByRelevance($existingLabelIdsInDir);
                 $foundMatchingDatabaseLabelId = FALSE;
                 // remove "Unknown Label (id=1)"
                 if (($key = array_search('1', $existingLabelIdsInDir)) !== false) {
                 if (count($existingLabelIdsInDir) > 0) {
                     $existingLabelId = array_shift($existingLabelIdsInDir);
                     $databaseLabel = \Slimpd\Label::getInstanceByAttributes(array('id' => $existingLabelId));
                     if (az09($previousLabelString) == $databaseLabel->getAz09()) {
                         $foundMatchingDatabaseLabelId = $databaseLabel->getId();
                         // everything is fine - we already have a label id
                         #$msg = "GOOD: directory: " . $previousLabelString . " matches database-label:" . $databaseLabel->getTitle();
                         #echo $msg . "\n";
                     } else {
                         // try to replace common substitutions
                         $teststring = str_replace(array("_", " and ", " point "), array(" ", " & ", " . "), $previousLabelString);
                         if (az09($teststring) == $databaseLabel->getAz09()) {
                             $foundMatchingDatabaseLabelId = $databaseLabel->getId();
                             #$msg = "GOOD: directory: " . $previousLabelString . " matches database-label:" . $databaseLabel->getTitle();
                         } else {
                             #$msg = "BAD: directory: " . $previousLabelString . " does NOT match database-label:" . $databaseLabel->getTitle();
                             #echo $msg . "\n";
                 if ($foundMatchingDatabaseLabelId === FALSE) {
                     $newLabelString = ucwords(str_replace("_", " ", $previousLabelString));
                     $msg = "generating labelstring from dirname: " . $newLabelString;
                     $foundMatchingDatabaseLabelId = join(",", \Slimpd\Label::getIdsByString($newLabelString));
                 } else {
                     $msg = "updating with ID: " . $foundMatchingDatabaseLabelId;
                 cliLog($msg, 3);
                 // update all tracks with labelId's
                 if (count($updateTrackIds) > 0) {
                     $query = "UPDATE track SET labelId=\"" . $foundMatchingDatabaseLabelId . "\"\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE id IN (" . join(",", $updateTrackIds) . ")";
                 $this->updateJob(array('updatedTracks' => $updatedTracks, 'currentItem' => 'directory: ' . $t['relativePath'] . ' ' . $msg));
                 $previousLabelString = $labelDirname;
                 $existingLabelIdsInDir = trimExplode(",", $t['labelId'], TRUE);
                 $updateTrackIds = array();
     $this->finishJob(array('updatedTracks' => $updatedTracks), __FUNCTION__);
コード例 #5
ファイル: update-cli1.php プロジェクト: jdeblese/ompd-mod
function genreUnifier($genreString)
    // TODO: convert to tree
    // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_electronic_music_genres
    // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_rock_genres
    // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heavy_metal_subgenres
    if (trim($genreString) == '') {
        return 'Unknown';
    if (preg_match("/^HASH\\((.*)\\)\$/i", $genreString)) {
        return 'HASH(0xxxxxxxx)';
    $unified = array('Drum & Bass' => array('127', 'db', 'dnb', 'dandb', 'drumbass', 'drumnbass', 'drumandbass', 'drumampbass', 'drumandbassjungle', 'drumnbassjungle', 'rumbass', 'jungle', 'junglednb', 'jungledrumbass', 'jungledrumnbass', 'jungledrumandbass', 'liquid', 'liquiddnb', 'liquiddrumbass', 'liquiddrumnbass', 'liquiddrumandbass', 'jumpup', 'jumpupdnb', 'jumpupdrumbass', 'jumpupdrumnbass', 'jumpupdrumandbass', 'vocaldnb', 'vocaldrumbass', 'vocaldrumnbass', 'vocaldrumandbass'), 'Hip Hop' => array('hiphip'), 'Rap' => array('rap', 'hiphoprap', 'raphiphop'), 'R&B' => array('rb', 'rnb', 'hiphoprb', 'hiphoprnb', 'rnbhiphip'), 'Unknown' => array('unknown', 'genre', 'unknowngenre', 'unbekannt', 'unbekanntesgenre'));
    $az09 = az09($genreString);
    foreach ($unified as $beauty => $matches) {
        foreach ($matches as $match) {
            if ($az09 === $match) {
                return $beauty;
    return ucwords(strtolower($genreString));
コード例 #6
ファイル: Genre.php プロジェクト: daskleinesys/slimpd
 public static function cleanUpGenreStringArray($input)
     $output = array();
     if (count($input) == 0) {
         return array("unknown" => "Unknown");
     // "Unknown" is not necessary in case we have an additiopnal genre-entry
     if (count($input) > 1 && ($idx = array_search("Unknown", $input))) {
     foreach ($input as $item) {
         if (strlen($item) < 2) {
         $az09 = az09($item);
         $output[$az09] = $item;
         if (strtolower($item) == $item) {
             $output[$az09] = ucwords($item);
         if (strtoupper($item) == $item && strlen($item) > 3) {
             $output[$az09] = ucwords(strtolower($item));
     // hotfix for bug in parseGenreStringAdvanced()
     # TODO: fix parseGenreStringAdvanced() and remove these lines
     if (isset($output['drum']) === TRUE && isset($output['bass']) === TRUE) {
         $output['drumandbass'] = "Drum & Bass";
     if (isset($output['deep']) === TRUE && isset($output['house']) === TRUE) {
         $output['deephouse'] = "Deep House";
     return $output;
コード例 #7
ファイル: update-cli2.php プロジェクト: jdeblese/ompd-mod
function fetchAlbumImages($albumDir, $album_id)
    global $cfg, $db, $getID3;
    $fallBackImage = NJB_HOME_DIR . 'image/no_image.png';
    if (is_dir($albumDir) == FALSE) {
        return array($fallBackImage);
    $musicFiles = array();
    $imageFiles = array();
    $flag = 0;
    // No image
    if ($cfg['image_read_embedded'] === TRUE) {
        // get all files music files of directory
        $handle = opendir($albumDir);
        while ($file = readdir($handle)) {
            $ext = strtolower(preg_replace('/^.*\\./', '', $file));
            if (is_file($albumDir . $file) && in_array($ext, $cfg['media_extension']) !== FALSE) {
                $musicFiles[] = $albumDir . $file;
        foreach ($musicFiles as $i) {
            $coverBinary = writeEmbeddedCoverToTempfile($i);
            if ($coverBinary !== FALSE) {
                // md5() of extracted images of same album files seems to be different - lets use filesize
                $imageFiles[filesize($coverBinary)] = $coverBinary;
    if ($cfg['image_look_current_directory'] === TRUE) {
        $imageFiles = array_merge($imageFiles, getImages($albumDir));
    if ($cfg['image_look_cover_directory'] === TRUE) {
        // get all image files of album directory
        $handle = opendir($albumDir);
        while ($dirname = readdir($handle)) {
            if (is_dir($albumDir . $dirname)) {
                if (in_array(az09($dirname), $cfg['common_artwork_dir_names'])) {
                    $imageFiles = array_merge($imageFiles, getImages($albumDir . $dirname));
    if ($cfg['image_look_parent_directory'] === TRUE && count($imageFiles) === 0) {
        $imageFiles = getImages(dirname($albumDir));
    if (count($imageFiles) === 0) {
        $imageFiles = array($fallBackImage);
    $albumUpdated = FALSE;
    // insert all images into database...
    foreach ($imageFiles as $image) {
        $filesize = filesize($image);
        $filemtime = filemtime($image);
        $flag = 0;
        $image_front = '';
        $image_back = '';
        if (stripos($image, NJB_HOME_DIR) !== FALSE && $image !== $fallBackImage) {
            $flag = 3;
            $image_front = str_replace($cfg['media_dir'], '', $image);
        $imagesize = @getimagesize($image);
        if (!$imagesize) {
            //TODO: logging
            #message(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'error', '[b]Failed to read image information from:[/b][br]' . $image);
            error_log('OMPD-import-image error for: ' . $image);
        $image_id = $flag == 3 ? $album_id : 'no_image';
        $image_id .= '_' . base_convert(NJB_IMAGE_SIZE * 100 + NJB_IMAGE_QUALITY, 10, 36) . base_convert($filemtime, 10, 36) . base_convert($filesize, 10, 36);
        mysql_query('INSERT INTO bitmap (image, filesize, filemtime, flag, image_front, image_back, image_front_width, image_front_height, image_id, album_id, updated)
			VALUES ("' . mysql_real_escape_string(resampleImage($image)) . '",
			' . (int) $filesize . ',
			' . (int) $filemtime . ',
			' . (int) $flag . ',
			"' . mysql_real_escape_string($image_front) . '",
			"' . mysql_real_escape_string($image_back) . '",
			' . ($flag == 3 ? $imagesize[0] : 0) . ',
			' . ($flag == 3 ? $imagesize[1] : 0) . ',
			"' . mysql_real_escape_string($image_id) . '",
			"' . mysql_real_escape_string($album_id) . '",
        if ($albumUpdated === FALSE) {
            mysql_query('UPDATE album
				SET image_id			= "' . mysql_real_escape_string($image_id) . '"
				WHERE album_id		= "' . mysql_real_escape_string($album_id) . '"
				LIMIT 1');
            $albumUpdated = TRUE;
        if (stripos($image, NJB_HOME_DIR . 'tmp/') === 0) {