コード例 #1
ファイル: notify-emails.php プロジェクト: Br3nda/wrms
function notify_emails($dbid, $req_id)
    if ("{$req_id}" == "") {
        return "";
    $query = "SELECT email, fullname FROM usr, request_interested ";
    $query .= "WHERE request_interested.user_no = usr.user_no ";
    $query .= " AND request_interested.request_id = {$req_id} ";
    $query .= " AND usr.active ";
    $query .= "UNION ";
    $query .= "SELECT email, fullname FROM usr, request_allocated ";
    $query .= "WHERE request_allocated.allocated_to_id = usr.user_no ";
    $query .= " AND request_allocated.request_id = {$req_id} ";
    $query .= " AND usr.active ";
    $peopleq = awm_pgexec($dbid, $query, "notify-eml");
    $to = "";
    if ($peopleq) {
        $rows = pg_NumRows($peopleq);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $rows; $i++) {
            $interested = pg_Fetch_Object($peopleq, $i);
            if ($i > 0) {
                $to .= ", ";
            $to .= "{$interested->fullname} <{$interested->email}>";
    return $to;
コード例 #2
ファイル: system-list.php プロジェクト: Br3nda/wrms
function get_system_list($access = "", $current = 0, $maxwidth = 50)
    global $dbconn;
    global $session, $roles;
    $system_id_list = "";
    function int_val(&$item)
        $item = strval(intval($item));
    if (is_array($current)) {
        array_walk($current, 'int_val');
    } else {
        $current = intval("{$current}");
    $query = "SELECT work_system.system_id, system_desc ";
    $query .= "FROM work_system WHERE active ";
    if ($access != "" && !is_member_of('Admin', 'Support')) {
        $query .= " AND EXISTS (SELECT system_usr.system_id FROM system_usr WHERE system_usr.system_id=work_system.system_id";
        $query .= " AND user_no={$session->user_no} ";
        $query .= " AND role~*'[{$access}]') ";
    if (is_array($current)) {
        $query .= " OR work_system.system_id IN (" . implode(",", $current) . ") ";
    } else {
        if ($current != "") {
            $query .= " OR work_system.system_id={$current}";
    $query .= " ORDER BY LOWER(system_desc);";
    $rid = awm_pgexec($dbconn, $query);
    if (!$rid) {
    if (pg_NumRows($rid) > 0) {
        // Build table of systems found
        $rows = pg_NumRows($rid);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $rows; $i++) {
            $system_id = pg_Fetch_Object($rid, $i);
            $system_id_list .= "<option value=\"" . urlencode($system_id->system_id) . "\"";
            if (is_array($current) && in_array($system_id->system_id, $current, true) || "{$system_id->system_id}" == "{$current}") {
                $system_id_list .= " SELECTED";
            $system_id->system_desc = substr($system_id->system_desc, 0, $maxwidth);
            $system_id_list .= ">{$system_id->system_desc}</option>\n";
    return $system_id_list;
コード例 #3
ファイル: user-list.php プロジェクト: Br3nda/wrms
function get_user_list($roles = "", $org = "", $current)
    global $dbconn;
    global $session;
    $user_list = "";
    $query = "SELECT DISTINCT usr.user_no, usr.fullname, organisation.abbreviation ";
    $query .= "FROM usr , organisation";
    $query .= " WHERE usr.active ";
    $query .= " AND usr.org_code = organisation.org_code ";
    if ($roles != "") {
        $role_array = split(',', $roles);
        $in_roles = "";
        foreach ($role_array as $v) {
            $in_roles .= $in_roles == "" ? "" : ",";
            $in_roles .= "'{$v}'";
        $query .= "AND EXISTS (SELECT role_member.user_no FROM role_member JOIN roles USING(role_no) ";
        $query .= "WHERE role_member.user_no = usr.user_no ";
        $query .= "AND roles.role_name IN ({$in_roles}) )";
    if ("{$org}" != "") {
        $query .= " AND usr.org_code='{$org}' ";
    $query .= " ORDER BY usr.fullname; ";
    $rid = awm_pgexec($dbconn, $query, "userlist", false, 7);
    if (!$rid) {
        echo "<p>{$query}";
    } else {
        if (pg_NumRows($rid) > 0) {
            // Build table of users found
            $rows = pg_NumRows($rid);
            for ($i = 0; $i < $rows; $i++) {
                $user = pg_Fetch_Object($rid, $i);
                $user_list .= "<OPTION VALUE=\"{$user->user_no}\"";
                if (is_array($current) && in_array($user->user_no, $current, true) || "{$user->user_no}" == "{$current}") {
                    $user_list .= " selected=\"SELECTED\"";
                $user->fullname = substr($user->fullname, 0, 25) . " ({$user->abbreviation})";
                $user_list .= ">{$user->fullname}";
    return $user_list;
コード例 #4
ファイル: page-footer.php プロジェクト: Br3nda/wrms
function send_footers()
    global $settings, $c, $session, $theme, $dbconn, $total_query_time, $debuglevel;
    if ($theme->panel_right) {
    if ($theme->panel_bottom) {
    echo <<<CLOSEHTML
<div id="overDiv" style="position:absolute; visibility:hidden; z-index:1000;"></div>
<script language="JavaScript" src="js/overlib.js"></script>
    if (is_object($settings) && $settings->is_modified()) {
        if (!is_numeric($settings->get('counter'))) {
            $settings->set('counter', 0);
        } else {
            $settings->set('counter', $settings->get('counter') + 1);
        $config_data_string = qpg($settings->to_save());
        $query = "UPDATE session SET session_config={$config_data_string} ";
        $query .= "WHERE session_id={$session->session_id} ";
        $query .= "AND session_config != {$config_data_string}; ";
        if ($session->user_no > 0) {
            $query .= "UPDATE usr SET config_data={$config_data_string} WHERE user_no={$session->user_no} ";
            $query .= "AND config_data != {$config_data_string}; ";
        $result = awm_pgexec($dbconn, $query);
    if ($debuglevel > 0) {
        $total_query_time = sprintf("%3.06lf", $total_query_time);
        error_log($c->sysabbr . " total_query_ TQ: {$total_query_time} URI: {$REQUEST_URI}", 0);
        $total_time = sprintf("%3.06lf", duration($c->started, microtime()));
        error_log($c->sysabbr . " process_time TT: {$total_time}      Agent: {$HTTP_USER_AGENT} Referrer: {$HTTP_REFERER}  ", 0);
        error_log("=============================================== Endof {$PHP_SELF}");
コード例 #5
ファイル: code-list.php プロジェクト: Br3nda/wrms
function get_code_list($table, $field, $current = "", $misc = "", $tag = "option", $varname = "")
    global $dbconn;
    $query = "SELECT * FROM lookup_code WHERE source_table = '{$table}' AND source_field = '{$field}' ORDER BY source_table, source_field, lookup_seq, lookup_code";
    $rid = awm_pgexec($dbconn, $query, "codelist", false);
    $rows = pg_NumRows($rid);
    $lookup_code_list = "";
    if ($tag != "option") {
        $prestuff = "input type=";
        $selected = " checked";
    } else {
        $prestuff = "";
        $selected = " selected";
    for ($i = 0; $i < $rows; $i++) {
        $lookup_code = pg_Fetch_Object($rid, $i);
        $lookup_code_list .= "<{$prestuff}{$tag} value=\"{$lookup_code->lookup_code}\"";
        if ("{$varname}" != "") {
            $lookup_code_list .= " name={$varname}";
        if ("{$lookup_code->lookup_code}" == "{$current}") {
            $lookup_code_list .= $selected;
        $lookup_code_list .= ">";
        $lookup_code_list .= "{$lookup_code->lookup_desc}";
        if ("{$misc}" != "" && "{$lookup_code->lookup_misc}" != "") {
            $lookup_code_list .= " - {$lookup_code->lookup_misc}";
        if ("{$tag}" == "option") {
            $lookup_code_list .= "</{$tag}>";
        } else {
            $lookup_code_list .= "&nbsp;\n";
    return $lookup_code_list;
コード例 #6
ファイル: timelist-form.php プロジェクト: Br3nda/wrms
     $query .= " AND request_timesheet.work_on::date <= '{$to_date}'::date ";
 if ("{$uncharged}" != "") {
     // No charged on column
     if ("{$charge}" != "") {
         $query .= " AND request_timesheet.ok_to_charge=TRUE ";
     $query .= " AND request_timesheet.work_charged IS NULL ";
 $query .= " ORDER BY {$tlsort} {$tlseq} ";
 if (!isset($maxresults) || intval($maxresults) == 0) {
     $maxresults = 1000;
 $query .= " LIMIT {$maxresults} ";
 $result = awm_pgexec($dbconn, $query, 'timelist', FALSE, 7);
 if ($result) {
     // Build up the column header cell, with %s gaps for the sort, sequence and sequence image
     $header_cell = "<th class=cols><a class=cols href=\"{$PHP_SELF}?f={$form}&tlsort=%s&tlseq=%s";
     if (isset($org_code) && $org_code > 0) {
         $header_cell .= "&org_code={$org_code}";
     if (isset($system_id) && $system_id > 0) {
         $header_cell .= "&system_id={$system_id}";
     if (isset($search_for)) {
         $header_cell .= "&search_for={$search_for}";
     if (isset($inactive)) {
         $header_cell .= "&inactive={$inactive}";
コード例 #7
ファイル: sessionlist-form.php プロジェクト: Br3nda/wrms
if (!is_member_of('Admin', 'Support')) {
    $session_id = $session->session_id;
if ("{$search_for} " != "") {
    $query = "SELECT *, (session_end - session_start)::interval AS duration FROM usr, session ";
    $query .= "WHERE usr.user_no = session.user_no ";
    if ("{$search_for}" != "") {
        $query .= " AND session_start <= '{$search_for}' ";
    if ("{$user_no}" != "") {
        $query .= " AND session.user_no = '{$user_no}' ";
    $query .= " ORDER BY session.session_start DESC";
    $query .= " LIMIT 30 ";
    $result = awm_pgexec($dbconn, $query);
    if (!$result) {
        $error_loc = "sessionlist-form.php";
        $error_qry = "{$query}";
        include "error.php";
    } else {
        echo "<p>" . pg_NumRows($result) . " sessions found</p>";
        echo "<table border=\"0\" align=center><tr>\n";
        echo "<th class=cols>Session #</th><th class=cols>Name</th>";
        echo "<th class=cols align=left>Start</th>";
        echo "<th class=cols align=left>Duration</th>";
        echo "</tr>";
        // Build table of sessions found
        for ($i = 0; $i < pg_NumRows($result); $i++) {
            $thissession = pg_Fetch_Object($result, $i);
            if ($i % 2 == 0) {
コード例 #8
ファイル: requestrank.php プロジェクト: Br3nda/wrms
echo "<th class=cols>Type</th>";
echo "<th class=cols>Ranking</th>";
echo "</tr>";
for ($i = 0; $i < pg_NumRows($result); $i++) {
    $thisrequest = pg_Fetch_Object($result, $i);
    printf("<tr class=row%1d>", $i % 2);
    echo "<td class=sml><a href=\"request.php?request_id={$thisrequest->request_id}\">{$thisrequest->request_id}</a></td>";
    echo "<td class=sml>{$thisrequest->brief}</td>";
    echo "<td class=sml>{$thisrequest->importance}</td>";
    echo "<td class=sml>{$thisrequest->urgency}</td>";
    echo "<td class=sml>{$thisrequest->by_date}</td>";
    echo "<td class=sml>" . str_replace(' ', '&nbsp;', $thisrequest->status) . "</td>";
    echo "<td class=sml>";
    // Display request quote info.
    $quotes_query = "SELECT quote_id, quoted_on::DATE AS quoted_date, quote_type, quote_amount, quote_units, " . "approved_on::DATE AS approved_date, quote_brief, quoted_by, username " . "FROM request_quote " . "LEFT OUTER JOIN usr ON usr.user_no = request_quote.approved_by_id " . "WHERE request_quote.request_id = {$thisrequest->request_id}";
    $quotes_result = awm_pgexec($dbconn, $quotes_query, "requestrank", false, 7);
    for ($ii = 0; $ii < pg_NumRows($quotes_result); $ii++) {
        $quote_result = pg_Fetch_Object($quotes_result, $ii);
        echo "<INPUT TYPE=checkbox NAME=q_{$quote_result->quote_id} CHECKED " . "title='Quoted by {$quote_result->quoted_by} on {$quote_result->quoted_date}: {$quote_result->quote_amount}" . "&nbsp;{$quote_result->quote_units}'>";
        if ($quote_result->approved_date != "") {
            echo "&nbsp;<INPUT TYPE=checkbox NAME=a_{$quote_result->quote_id} CHECKED " . "title='Approved by {$quote_result->username} on {$quote_result->approved_date}'>";
        echo "<BR>";
    echo "</td>";
    echo "<td class=sml>" . str_replace(' ', '&nbsp;', $thisrequest->type) . "</td>";
    echo "<td class=sml>{$thisrequest->ranking}</td>";
    echo "</tr>\n";
echo "</table>";
/*      if ( intval("$user_no") > 0 )
コード例 #9
ファイル: orglist-form.php プロジェクト: Br3nda/wrms
 if ("{$search_for}" != "") {
     $query .= " AND (org_code ~* '{$search_for}' ";
     $query .= " OR org_name ~* '{$search_for}' ) ";
 if ("{$system_id}{$org_code}" != "") {
     $query .= " AND org_system.org_code = organisation.org_code ";
 if ("{$system_id}" != "") {
     $query .= " AND org_system.system_id=" . intval($system_id);
 if ("{$org_code}" != "") {
     $query .= " AND org_system.org_code =" . intval($org_code);
 $query .= " ORDER BY LOWER(organisation.org_name) ";
 $query .= " LIMIT 500 ";
 $result = awm_pgexec($dbconn, $query, "orglist-form", false, 7);
 if (!$result) {
     $error_loc = "orglist-form.php";
     $error_qry = "{$query}";
     include "error.php";
 } else {
     echo "<p><small>" . pg_NumRows($result) . " organisations found</small></p>";
     echo "<table border=\"0\" align=center width=100%><tr>\n";
     echo "<th class=cols align=left>Abbrev.</th>\n";
     echo "<th class=cols align=left>Full Name</th>";
     if (is_member_of('Admin', 'Support')) {
         echo "<th class=cols>Debtor #</th>";
     echo "<th class=cols align=center>Actions</th></tr>";
     // Build table of organisations found
     for ($i = 0; $i < pg_NumRows($result); $i++) {
コード例 #10
ファイル: indexextsupport.php プロジェクト: Br3nda/wrms
$query = "SELECT s.system_id, lower(s.system_desc) AS lcname, s.system_desc, ";
$query .= "to_char( max(r.request_on), 'D Mon YYYY') AS last_request_date, ";
$query .= "count(r.request_id) AS active_sys_requests ";
$query .= "FROM work_system s ";
$query .= "JOIN system_usr su ON s.system_id = su.system_id ";
$query .= "JOIN request r ON r.system_id = su.system_id ";
$query .= "WHERE su.user_no = {$session->user_no} AND s.active AND r.active ";
$query .= "AND su.role IN ( 'A', 'S', 'C', 'E', 'O', 'V' ) ";
$query .= "AND (r.last_activity > (current_timestamp - '30 days'::interval) ";
$query .= "     OR r.last_status NOT IN ( 'F', 'C' ) ) ";
$query .= "GROUP BY lower(s.system_desc), s.system_id, s.system_desc ";
$query .= "HAVING COUNT(r.request_id) > 0 ";
$query .= "ORDER BY lower(s.system_desc) ";
$result = awm_pgexec($dbconn, $query, "indexsupport", false, 5);
if ($result && pg_NumRows($result)) {
    echo "<table border=\"0\" align=center width=100%><tr>\n";
    echo "<th class=cols align=left>Organisation Name</th>";
    echo "<th class=cols align=center>Requests</th>";
    echo "<th class=cols align=center>Last Request</th>";
    echo "<th class=cols align=center>Show:</th></tr>";
    // Build table of organisations found
    for ($i = 0; $i < pg_NumRows($result); $i++) {
        $this_system = pg_Fetch_Object($result, $i);
        printf("<tr class=row%1d>", $i % 2);
        echo "<td class=sml>&nbsp;<a href=\"requestlist.php?system_id={$this_system->system_id}\">{$this_system->system_desc}";
        if ("{$this_system->system_desc}" == "") {
            echo "-- no description --";
        echo "</a>&nbsp;</td>\n";
コード例 #11
ファイル: usrsearch.php プロジェクト: Br3nda/wrms
     $sql .= " OR username ~* {$search_for} ";
     $sql .= " OR email ~* {$search_for} )";
 if (is_member_of('Manage') && !is_member_of('Admin', 'Support')) {
     $sql .= " AND usr.org_code='{$session->org_code}' ";
 } else {
     if (isset($org_code) && $org_code > 0) {
         $sql .= " AND usr.org_code={$org_code}";
 if (isset($system_id) && $system_id > 0) {
     $sql .= " AND system_usr.system_id={$system_id}";
 $sql .= " ORDER BY LOWER(fullname);";
 $qry = new PgQuery($sql);
 $result = awm_pgexec($dbconn, $sql, 'usrsearch');
 if ($qry->Exec("UsrSearch")) {
     // Build table of usrs found
     echo "<p>&nbsp;" . $qry->rows . " users found</p>";
     echo "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=2 cellspacing=1 align=center width=100%>\n<tr>\n";
     echo "<th class=cols>User&nbsp;ID</th><th class=cols>Full Name</th>\n";
     if (!isset($org_code) || $org_code == 0) {
         echo "<th class=cols>Organisation</th>\n";
     echo "<th class=cols>Email</th>\n";
     if (isset($system_id) && $system_id > 0) {
         echo "<th class=cols>User Role</th>\n";
     echo "<th class=cols>Accessed</th>\n";
     echo "<th class=cols>Actions</th>\n";
     echo "</tr>\n";
コード例 #12
ファイル: get-request-roles.php プロジェクト: Br3nda/wrms
$rid = awm_pgexec($dbconn, $query, "req-roles1");
if (!$rid) {
    $error_loc = "get-request-roles.php";
    $error_qry = "{$query}";
    include "error.php";
if ($rid && pg_NumRows($rid) > 0) {
    $allocated_to = TRUE;
/* Is the person client or support manager for this (or any?) system? */
$query = "SELECT * FROM system_usr WHERE system_usr.user_no={$session->user_no}";
$query .= " AND system_usr.role ~ '[CS]' ";
if ($is_request) {
    $query .= " AND system_usr.system_id = '{$request->system_id}' ";
$rid = awm_pgexec($dbconn, $query, "req-roles2");
if (!$rid) {
    $error_loc = "get-request-roles.php";
    $error_qry = "{$query}";
    include "error.php";
if ($rid && pg_NumRows($rid) > 0) {
    $sysman_role = pg_fetch_object($rid, 0);
    if (eregi('S', $sysman_role->role)) {
        $sysmgr = TRUE;
    } else {
        $cltmgr = TRUE;
// Also set $sysmgr if the person is Admin...
if (is_member_of('Admin')) {
コード例 #13
ファイル: getrequest.php プロジェクト: Br3nda/wrms
 $query .= ", importance.lookup_desc AS importance_desc";
 $query .= ", system_desc, request_sla_code(sla_response_time,sla_response_type) ";
 $query .= " FROM request LEFT OUTER JOIN usr ON (request.requester_id = usr.user_no)";
 $query .= " LEFT OUTER JOIN organisation USING( org_code )";
 $query .= " LEFT OUTER JOIN lookup_code AS status ON status.source_table='request' AND status.source_field='status_code' AND status.lookup_code = request.last_status";
 $query .= " LEFT OUTER JOIN lookup_code AS request_type ON request_type.source_table='request' AND request_type.source_field='request_type' AND request.request_type = request_type.lookup_code";
 $query .= " LEFT OUTER JOIN lookup_code AS urgency ON urgency.source_table='request' AND urgency.source_field='urgency' AND int4(urgency.lookup_code)=request.urgency";
 $query .= " LEFT OUTER JOIN lookup_code AS sla_response ON sla_response.source_table='request' AND sla_response.source_field='sla_response' AND sla_response.lookup_code=request_sla_code(sla_response_time,sla_response_type)";
 $query .= " LEFT OUTER JOIN lookup_code AS importance ON importance.source_table='request' AND importance.source_field='importance' AND int4(importance.lookup_code)=request.importance";
 $query .= " LEFT OUTER JOIN work_system USING( system_id )";
 $query .= " WHERE request.request_id = '{$request_id}'";
 if (!$session->AllowedTo('see_other_orgs')) {
     $query .= " AND organisation.org_code = '{$session->org_code}' ";
 /* now actually query the database... */
 $rid = awm_pgexec($dbconn, $query, "getrequest", false, 7);
 if (!$rid) {
     $error_loc = "request-form.php";
     $error_qry = "{$query}";
     include "error.php";
 $rows = pg_NumRows($rid);
 if (!$rows) {
     echo "<p>No records for request: {$request_id}</p>";
     if (is_member_of('Admin', 'Support')) {
         echo "<p>There is probably a bug in the following query:</p>";
         echo "<p>{$query}</p>";
     /* Make sure that code below does not get executed when we redirect. */
コード例 #14
ファイル: work_summary.php プロジェクト: Br3nda/wrms
     $where .= " AND rt.work_on >= '{$from_date}' ";
 if ("{$to_date}" != "") {
     $where .= " AND rt.work_on <= '{$to_date}' ";
 if (isset($where)) {
     $query .= " WHERE " . substr($where, 4);
 // Build ORDER BY clause
 foreach ($columns as $column) {
     $by[] = $select_columns[$column];
 $query .= " ORDER BY " . implode(",", $by) . "\n";
 // echo "<pre>$query";
 // Execute query
 $result = awm_pgexec($dbconn, $query, "plan", false, 7);
 // Create xml doc to put query data into.
 $doc = domxml_new_doc("1.0");
 $xtable = $doc->add_root("table");
 $xtable->set_attribute("style", "empty-cells: show; border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid {$colors['row1']} ;");
 $xtable->set_attribute("border", "1");
 // Create column headers for selected fields.
 $xthead = $xtable->new_child("thead", "");
 $xthr = $xthead->new_child("tr", "");
 $clone_tr = $doc->create_element("tr");
 foreach ($columns as $column) {
     $xth = $xthr->new_child("th", $column);
     $xth->set_attribute("class", "cols");
     $clone_td = $doc->create_element("td");
     $clone_td = $clone_tr->append_child($clone_td);
     $clone_td->set_attribute("class", "sml");
コード例 #15
ファイル: wu-form.php プロジェクト: Br3nda/wrms
     if ($can_edit) {
         echo "<p><br>&nbsp;<br>&nbsp;<br>";
 } else {
     $words = split("[^a-zA-Z0-9]+", strtolower($nodename), 4);
     $query = "";
     while (list($k, $v) = each($words)) {
         if ($query != "") {
             $query .= "UNION ";
         $query .= "SELECT * FROM infonode WHERE LOWER(nodename) ~ '{$v}' ";
     $query .= "LIMIT 100;";
     echo "<p>I can't find an exact match for \"{$nodename}\" but perhaps one of these is the answer you need:";
     $rid = awm_pgexec($dbconn, $query, "wu-form");
     if ($rid && pg_NumRows($rid) > 0) {
         echo "<ul>";
         for ($i = 0; $i < pg_NumRows($rid); $i++) {
             $node = pg_Fetch_Object($rid, $i);
             echo "<li><a href=\"/wu.php?node_id={$node->node_id}&last={$last}\">{$node->nodename}</a></li>\n";
         echo "</ul></p>";
         if ($can_edit) {
             echo "<p><br>&nbsp;<br><p>Alternatively, if none of these fits the bill, enter your new editorial directly in the space below:";
 if ($can_edit) {
     if (isset($my_wu)) {
         $submitlabel = "Update Editorial";
コード例 #16
ファイル: syslist-form.php プロジェクト: Br3nda/wrms
 } else {
     $query .= "WHERE active ";
 if ("{$search_for}" != "") {
     $query .= "AND (system_code ~* '{$search_for}' ";
     $query .= " OR system_desc ~* '{$search_for}' ) ";
 if (isset($org_code) && $org_code > 0) {
     $query .= "AND work_system.system_id=org_system.system_id ";
     $query .= "AND org_system.org_code='{$org_code}' ";
 } else {
     $query .= "AND NOT organisation_specific ";
 $query .= " ORDER BY lower(work_system.system_desc) ";
 $query .= " LIMIT {$maxresults} ";
 $result = awm_pgexec($dbconn, $query, "syslist", false, 7);
 if (!$result) {
     $error_loc = "syslist-form.php";
     $error_qry = "{$query}";
     include "error.php";
 } else {
     if ($result && pg_NumRows($result) > 0) {
         echo "\n<small>";
         echo pg_NumRows($result) . " systems found";
         if (pg_NumRows($result) == $maxresults) {
             echo " (limit reached)";
         if (isset($saved_query) && $saved_query != "") {
             echo " for <b>{$saved_query}</b>";
         echo "</small>";
コード例 #17
ファイル: help-form.php プロジェクト: Br3nda/wrms

if ($logged_on) {
    $user_no = $session->user_no;
} else {
    $user_no = 0;
$query = "SELECT help_hit({$user_no}, '" . tidy($topic) . "');";
awm_pgexec($dbconn, $query, "help", true, 5);
$query = "SELECT * FROM help WHERE topic = '" . tidy($topic) . "' ";
if (isset($seq) && $action == "edit") {
    $query .= "AND seq = " . intval($seq) . " ";
$query .= "ORDER BY topic, seq;";
$rid = awm_pgexec($dbconn, $query, "help");
if (!$rid) {
    echo "<h1>Help about {$topic}</h1>";
    echo "<h2 style=\"font-family: comic sans ms, verdana, fantasy; font-size: 200px; line-height: 80px; padding-top: 70px; font-weight: 700; text-align: center\">HELP!!!</h2>\n";
} else {
    $rows = pg_NumRows($rid);
    if (0 == $rows || $action == "add" || $action == "edit" && $rows == 1) {
        // No rows!  Maybe they want to add it?
        if ("edit" == "{$action}") {
            $submitlabel = "Update Help";
            $help = pg_Fetch_Object($rid, 0);
        } else {
            if ("add" == "{$action}") {
                $submitlabel = "Add New Help";
                echo "<h1>Help about {$topic}</h1>";
                if ($rows > 0) {
                    echo "<p>Existing help on this topic includes:</p>";
コード例 #18
ファイル: requestlist.php プロジェクト: Br3nda/wrms
         printf("<tr class=\"row%1d\" valign=\"top\">\n", $i % 2);
         echo "<td>{$thisnote->nice_date}</td>\n";
         echo "<td>{$thisnote->fullname}</td>\n";
         echo "<td colspan=\"5\">" . html_format($thisnote->note_detail) . "</td>\n";
         echo "</tr>\n";
 if ($show_work) {
     $subquery = "SELECT *, to_char( work_on, 'DD/MM/YYYY') AS nice_date ";
     $subquery .= "FROM request_timesheet, usr ";
     $subquery .= "WHERE request_id = {$thisrequest->request_id} ";
     $subquery .= "AND usr.user_no = request_timesheet.work_by_id ";
     $subquery .= "ORDER BY request_id, work_on ";
     $total = 0.0;
     $qty_total = 0.0;
     $subres = awm_pgexec($dbconn, $subquery, "requestlist");
     for ($j = 0; $subres && $j < pg_NumRows($subres); $j++) {
         $thiswork = pg_Fetch_Object($subres, $j);
         printf("<tr class=row%1d valign=top>\n", $i % 2);
         echo "<td>{$thiswork->nice_date}</td>\n";
         echo "<td>{$thiswork->fullname}</td>\n";
         echo "<td colspan=\"2\">{$thiswork->work_description}</td>\n";
         printf("<td align=\"right\">%9.2f &nbsp; </td>\n", $thiswork->work_quantity);
         printf("<td align=\"right\">%9.2f &nbsp; </td>\n", $thiswork->work_rate);
         $value = $thiswork->work_quantity * $thiswork->work_rate;
         $total += $value;
         $qty_total += $thiswork->work_quantity;
         printf("<td align=\"right\">%9.2f &nbsp; </td>\n", $value);
         echo "</tr>\n";
     if ($j > 0) {
コード例 #19
ファイル: lookhead.php プロジェクト: Br3nda/wrms
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">
$query = "SELECT lookup_code, lookup_desc FROM lookup_code ";
$query .= " WHERE source_table='codes' AND source_field='menus' ";
$query .= " ORDER BY lookup_seq;";
$result = awm_pgexec($dbconn, $query, "lookhead");
if ($result && pg_NumRows($result) > 0) {
    echo "<tr><td>\n";
    for ($i = 0; $i < pg_NumRows($result); $i++) {
        $codes = pg_Fetch_Object($result, $i);
        list($s_table, $s_field) = explode("|", "{$codes->lookup_code}");
        if ($agent == "moz4" && $i > 0) {
            echo " | ";
        printf("<a class=submit href=\"lookups.php?table={$s_table}&field={$s_field}\">%s{$codes->lookup_desc}%s</a>\n", "{$table}{$field}" == "{$s_table}{$s_field}" ? "<b>*" : "", "{$table}{$field}" == "{$s_table}{$s_field}" ? "*</b>" : "");
    echo "</td></tr>\n";
コード例 #20
ファイル: work-form.php プロジェクト: Br3nda/wrms
     echo ">{$select_option->abbreviation}</option>\n";
 echo "</select>\n";
 echo "</th>\n";
 echo '<th class=cols>Dbtr. No.';
 echo '<input type="Image" src="$theme->images/down.gif" title="Sort" border="0" name="sort[organisation.org_code]" >';
 echo "</th>\n";
 echo '<th class=cols>WR No.<input TYPE="Image" src="/' . $theme->images . '/down.gif" alt="Sort" BORDER="0" name="sort[request_timesheet.request_id]" ></th>' . "\n";
 echo "<th class=cols>WR Status";
 echo '<select class=sml name="filter[request.last_status]">' . "\n";
 echo "<option class=sml value=''>All</option>\n";
 $select_query = "SELECT lookup_code, lookup_desc FROM lookup_code";
 $select_query .= " WHERE lookup_code.source_table = 'request' ";
 $select_query .= " AND lookup_code.source_field = 'status_code' ";
 $select_query .= " ORDER BY lookup_code.lookup_desc";
 $select_result = awm_pgexec($dbconn, $select_query);
 for ($i = 0; $i < pg_NumRows($select_result); $i++) {
     $select_option = pg_Fetch_Object($select_result, $i);
     echo "<option class=sml value=\"'{$select_option->lookup_code}'\"";
     if ("'" . $select_option->lookup_code . "'" == $filter["request.last_status"]) {
         echo ' selected';
     echo ">{$select_option->lookup_desc}</option>\n";
 echo "</select>\n";
 echo "</th>\n";
 echo "<th class=cols>Status On</th>\n";
 echo "<th class=cols>WR Brief</th>\n";
 echo '<th class=cols>';
 echo '<table cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 border=0>';
 echo '<tr>';
コード例 #21
ファイル: wu-action.php プロジェクト: Br3nda/wrms
    $query = substr($query, 2);
    $query = "UPDATE wu SET {$query} WHERE node_id = {$node_id} AND wu_by = {$session->user_no}; ";
} else {
    $fields = "";
    $values = "";
    if (!isset($node_id) || $node_id == 0) {
        $query = "SELECT nextval('infonode_node_id_seq');";
        $rid = awm_pgexec($dbconn, $query, "wu-action", false);
        if ($rid) {
            $node_id = pg_Result($rid, 0, 0);
            $query = "INSERT INTO infonode (node_id, nodename, created_by) ";
            $query .= "VALUES( {$node_id}, '" . tidy($nodename) . "', {$session->user_no} );";
            $rid = awm_pgexec($dbconn, $query, "wu-action", false);
    $new['node_id'] = $node_id;
    $new['wu_by'] = $session->user_no;
    foreach ($new as $key => $value) {
        $fields .= ", {$key}";
        $values .= ", '" . tidy($value) . "' ";
    $fields = substr($fields, 2);
    $values = substr($values, 2);
    $query = "INSERT INTO wu ({$fields}) VALUES({$values}); ";
$rid = awm_pgexec($dbconn, $query, "wu-action", false);
$rid = awm_pgexec($dbconn, "COMMIT", "wu-action", true);
$because .= "<H2>Writeup Details Changed</H2>";
$seq = intval($new['seq']);
コード例 #22
ファイル: billing.php プロジェクト: Br3nda/wrms
     } else {
         if ("{$invoiced}" == "uninvoiced") {
             $lw_query .= " AND (rt.charged_details IS null OR rt.charged_details = '')";
     if ("{$from_date}" != "") {
         $lw_query .= " AND rt.work_on >= '{$from_date}' ";
     if ("{$to_date}" != "") {
         $lw_query .= " AND rt.work_on <= '{$to_date}' ";
     $lw_query .= " LEFT OUTER JOIN request r ON r.request_id = rr.to_request_id ";
     $lw_query .= " LEFT OUTER JOIN lookup_code lc ON lc.source_table = 'request' AND lc.source_field = 'status_code' AND lc.lookup_code  = r.last_status";
     $lw_query .= " WHERE rr.request_id = " . $row["id"];
     $lw_query .= " GROUP BY rr.to_request_id, rr.link_type, rt.work_units, lc.lookup_desc, rt.charged_details";
     $lw_result = awm_pgexec($dbconn, $lw_query, "billing.linkedwork", false, 7);
     $numrows_lw_result = pg_numrows($lw_result);
     $prev_id = $row["id"];
 $max_res = max($numrows_w_result, $numrows_lw_result);
 // echo " id: " . $row["id"] ." " . $max_res . " " . $row["inv no"] . " " . $numrows_w_result . " " . $numrows_lw_result .  " " ;
 // If looking for invoiced only, and there are no invoice numbers for work done, or any quote, then skip it.
 if ($max_res == 0 && "{$invoiced}" == "invoiced" && $row["inv no"] == "") {
 // looking for un-invoiced stuff.
 if ("{$invoiced}" == "uninvoiced") {
     // If there is a 'Q' type quote with an invoice no, and no un-invoiced work then skip it.
     if ($row["quote type"] == "Q" && $row["inv no"] != "" && $numrows_w_result == 0) {
コード例 #23
ファイル: simpletimelist-form.php プロジェクト: Br3nda/wrms
    } else {
        if (isset($from_date)) {
            $query .= " AND request_timesheet.work_on::date >= '{$from_date}'::date";
        if (isset($to_date)) {
            $query .= " AND request_timesheet.work_on::date <= '{$to_date}'::date";
$query .= " ORDER BY {$tlsort} {$tlseq} ";
if (!isset($maxresults) || intval($maxresults) == 0) {
    $maxresults = 1000;
$query .= " LIMIT 1000 ";
$qry = new PgQuery($query);
$result = awm_pgexec($dbconn, $query, 'simpletimelist', false, 7);
if ($qry->Exec('simpletimelist')) {
    // Build up the column header cell, with %s gaps for the sort, sequence and sequence image
    $header_cell = "<th class=cols><a class=cols href=\"{$PHP_SELF}?f={$form}&tlsort=%s&tlseq=%s";
    if (isset($user_no)) {
        $header_cell .= "&amp;user_no={$user_no}";
    if (isset($from_date)) {
        $header_cell .= "&from_date={$from_date}";
    if (isset($to_date)) {
        $header_cell .= "&to_date={$to_date}";
    if (isset($date_restriction)) {
        $header_cell .= "&amp;date_restriction={$date_restriction}";
コード例 #24
ファイル: timelist-action.php プロジェクト: Br3nda/wrms
        $invoice = $chg_inv[$k];
        $query .= "UPDATE request_timesheet SET";
        if ($amount != 0 || eregi("^w((/o)|(rite))", $invoice)) {
            $query .= " work_charged='{$v}',";
            $query .= " charged_by_id={$session->user_no},";
            $query .= " charged_details='{$invoice}', ";
            $query .= " charged_amount={$amount}, ";
            $because .= "<tr>\n<td align=center>{$k}</td>\n";
            $because .= "<td>{$v}</td>\n";
            $because .= "<td align=center>{$invoice}</td>\n";
            $because .= "<td align=right>" . sprintf("%.2f", $amount) . "&nbsp;</td>\n";
            $because .= "</tr>\n";
        $query .= " ok_to_charge={$charge_ok} ";
        $query .= " WHERE timesheet_id={$k};\n";
    $because .= "</TABLE>\n";
    $rid = awm_pgexec($dbconn, $query);
    $msg = "<HEAD>\n<TITLE>Timesheets Charged</TITLE>\n</HEAD>\n";
    $msg .= "<BODY BGCOLOR=#E7FFE7>\n";
    $msg .= "<H2>Timesheets Charged by {$session->fullname}</H2>{$because}\n</BODY>\n</HTML>";
    $msg = "<!doctype html public \"-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en\"><HTML>{$msg}";
    $headers = "Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii";
    if (strpos("{$session->email}", "@")) {
        $headers .= "\nFrom: {$session->email}";
    mail("*****@*****.**", "Timesheets Charged", $msg, $headers);