$err = "No such message"; } $field_id = $re; } else { $field_id = intval(time()); } if (strlen($err) != 0) { print '<div class="errmsg">' . $err . '</div>'; } else { ?> <script language="JavaScript" src="<?php echo autoversion('js/translit.js'); ?> "></script> <script language="JavaScript" src="<?php echo autoversion('js/func.js'); ?> "></script> <form action="<?php print $root_dir . $page_post; ?> " method="post" id="msgform_<?php echo $re; ?> " name="msgform"> <input type="hidden" name="re" id="re" value="<?php print $re; ?> "/> <input type="hidden" name="ticket" id="ticket" value="<?php
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