コード例 #1
    function sf_campaign_sidebar()
        global $post;
        $campaign = new ATCF_Campaign($post->ID);
        $download_id = $post->ID;
        $prices = edd_get_variable_prices($download_id);
        $type = edd_single_price_option_mode($download_id) ? 'checkbox' : 'radio';
        $extra_class = "";
        if ($campaign->is_donations_only()) {
            $extra_class = 'project-donate-only';
            <div id="back-this-project" class="campaign-sidebar <?php 
        echo esc_attr($extra_class);
        if ($campaign->is_active()) {
            if ($campaign->is_donations_only()) {
                echo '<p class="donate-only">' . __('This project is donation only, and you can donate using the button below.', 'swiftframework') . '</p>';
                echo edd_get_purchase_link(array('download_id' => $post->ID, 'class' => 'accent sf-button contribute-now', 'price' => false, 'text' => __('Donate Now', 'swiftframework')));
            } else {
                echo edd_get_purchase_link(array('download_id' => $post->ID, 'class' => 'accent sf-button contribute-now', 'price' => false, 'text' => __('Contribute Now', 'swiftframework')));
        } else {
            // Inactive, just show options with no button
            if ($campaign->is_donations_only()) {
                echo '<p class="project-ended">' . __('This project has ended.', 'swiftframework') . '</p>';
            } else {
                atcf_campaign_contribute_options($prices, $type, $download_id);
コード例 #2
    //locate_template( array( 'campaign/author-info.php' ), true ); //bumbum

					<div id="contribute-now" class="single-reward-levels">
    if ($campaign->is_active()) {
        echo edd_get_purchase_link(array('download_id' => $post->ID, 'class' => '', 'price' => false, 'text' => __('Contribute Now', 'fundify')));
    } else {
        // Inactive, just show options with no button
        atcf_campaign_contribute_options(edd_get_variable_prices($post->ID), 'checkbox', $post->ID);
    locate_template(array('campaign/author-info.php'), true);
					<div class="widget-area" role="complementary">
						<div class="sidebar-widgets">