echo strtoupper($judge_info[6]); } else { echo "N/A"; } ?> </td> <?php } ?> <?php for ($i = 1; $i < $row_flights['flightRound'] + 1; $i++) { if (table_round($row_tables_edit['id'], $i)) { ?> <td class="data"> <?php if (at_table($row_brewer['uid'], $row_tables_edit['id'])) { echo '<div class="purple judge-alert">Already Assigned to this Table</div>'; } else { echo judge_alert($i, $row_brewer['uid'], $row_tables_edit['id'], $location, $judge_info[2], $judge_info[3], $row_tables_edit['tableStyles'], $row_tables_edit['id']); } ?> <?php echo assign_to_table($row_tables_edit['id'], $row_brewer['uid'], $filter, $total_flights, $i, $location, $row_tables_edit['tableStyles'], $queued); ?> </td> <?php } } // end for loop ?>
function judge_alert($round, $bid, $tid, $location, $likes, $dislikes, $table_styles, $id) { if (table_round($tid, $round)) { $unavailable = unavailable($bid, $location, $round, $tid); $entry_conflict = entry_conflict($bid, $table_styles); $at_table = at_table($bid, $tid); if ($unavailable) { $r = "bg-purple text-purple|<span class=\"fa fa-check\"></span> <strong>Assigned.</strong> Paricipant is assigned to another table in this round."; } if ($entry_conflict) { $r = "bg-info text-info|<span class=\"fa fa-ban\"></span> <strong>Disabled.</strong> Participant has an entry at this table."; } if (!$unavailable && !$entry_conflict) { $r = like_dislike($likes, $dislikes, $table_styles); } } else { $r = ''; } return $r; }
function judge_alert($round, $bid, $tid, $location, $likes, $dislikes, $table_styles, $id) { if (table_round($tid, $round)) { $unavailable = unavailable($bid, $location, $round, $tid); $entry_conflict = entry_conflict($bid, $table_styles); $at_table = at_table($bid, $tid); //if (strpos($at_table,$tid) !== false) $already = TRUE; if ($unavailable) { $r = '<div class="orange judge-alert">Already Assigned to This Round</div>'; } //if ($already) $r = '<div class="purple judge-alert">Already Assigned to this Table</div>'; if ($entry_conflict) { $r = '<div class="blue judge-alert">Disabled - Participant has an Entry at this Table</div>'; } if (!$unavailable && !$entry_conflict) { $r = like_dislike($likes, $dislikes, $table_styles); } } else { $r = ''; } return $r; }