<?php require '../../vendor/autoload.php'; use CrystalPlanet\Redshift\Redshift; use CrystalPlanet\Redshift\Stream\Stream; Redshift::run(function () { $stream = stream_socket_server('tcp://'); stream_set_blocking($stream, 0); $server = new Stream($stream); while (true) { $client = (yield $server->executeAsyncRead('stream_socket_accept')); async(function ($client) { $data = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: 13\r\n\r\nHello World!\n"; fwrite($client, $data); fclose($client); }, $client); } });
use CrystalPlanet\Redshift\Channel\Channel; function fibonacci($c, $quit) { $x = 0; $y = 1; while (true) { list($value, $channel) = (yield Channel::any([$c, $x], $quit)); switch ($channel) { case $c: $tmp = $x + $y; $x = $y; $y = $tmp; break; case $quit: echo $value; return; } } } Redshift::run(function () { $c = new Channel(); $quit = new Channel(); async(function ($c, $quit) { for ($i = 0; $i < 10; ++$i) { $n = (yield $c->read()); echo "{$n}\n"; } (yield $quit->write("Quit\n")); }, $c, $quit); (yield fibonacci($c, $quit)); });
/** * incremental thingy. that's all. */ function i() { static $i = 1; static $asynci = 100; return async() ? $asynci++ : $i++; }
{ pcntl_waitpid($proc[0], $status); // Wait for the process to finish // Read the data from the channel, and then unserialize it into // a PHP object that can be returned $output = unserialize(socket_read($proc[1], 4096)); socket_close($proc[1]); return $output; } // // Usage Example // $thread = async(function () { // Note that variables can be passed through with the "use" construct // (ie. $thread = async(function() use($local_var) { ... sleep(2); // to show that we really are running asynchronously echo "Hello from Child Thread!\n"; return array('hello', 'world!'); }); echo "Hello from Main Thread\n"; $output = wait($thread); print_r($output); // Prints: // // Hello from Main Thread // (and then 2 seconds later) // Hello from Child Thread // Array // ( // [0] => hello // [1] => world!
public function exec($h) { $key = sha1($this->task . $this->action . $h); $file = '/home/php/storage/schedule/' . $key; if (file_exists($file)) { $aged = filemtime($file); if ($aged <= time()) { touch($file, $this->age); if (!$this->closure) { lib('utils')->backgroundTask('thin --task=' . $this->task . ' --action=' . $this->action); } else { if (is_callable($this->task)) { async($this->task); } else { lib('utils')->backgroundTask($this->task); } } } } else { touch($file, $this->age); if (!$this->closure) { lib('utils')->backgroundTask('thin --task=' . $this->task . ' --action=' . $this->action); } else { if (is_callable($this->task)) { async($this->task); } else { lib('utils')->backgroundTask($this->task); } } } }