} else { println('Passed!'); } } function assert_url($is) { if (!preg_match('|^http(s)?://[a-z0-9-]+(.[a-z0-9-]+)*(:[0-9]+)?(/.*)?$|i', $is)) { exit(1); } else { println('Passed!'); } } function println($text) { echo $text . "\n"; } require 'Googl.class.php'; # # IMPORTANT: Please add your API key to make the tests work # $googl = new Googl('YOUR_API_KEY'); println('#1 - Assert that shortening http://www.google.ch results in an URL'); assert_url($googl->shorten('http://www.google.ch')); println('#2 - Assert that expanding http://goo.gl/KSggQ resolves to http://www.google.com/'); assert_equals($googl->expand('http://goo.gl/KSggQ'), 'http://www.google.com/'); println('#3 - Assert that shortening https://www.facebook.com results in an URL'); assert_url($googl->shorten('https://www.facebook.com')); println('#4 - Assert that expanding http://goo.gl/wCWWd resolves to http://www.php.net/'); assert_equals($googl->expand('http://goo.gl/wCWWd'), 'http://www.php.net/'); # If this point is reached, all tests have passed println('All tests have successfully passed!');
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