コード例 #1
function ass_digest_fire($type)
    global $bp, $wpdb, $groups_template, $ass_email_css;
    // If safe mode isn't on, then let's set the execution time to unlimited
    if (!ini_get('safe_mode')) {
    if (!is_string($type)) {
        $type = 'sum';
    // HTML emails only work with inline CSS styles. Here we setup the styles to be used in various functions below.
    $ass_email_css['wrapper'] = 'style="color:#333;clear:both;';
    // use this to style the body
    $ass_email_css['title'] = 'style="font-size:130%;"';
    $ass_email_css['summary'] = '';
    $ass_email_css['summary_ul'] = 'style="padding:12px 0 5px; list-style-type:circle; list-style-position:inside;"';
    //$ass_email_css['summary'] = 		'style="display:list-item;"';
    $ass_email_css['follow_topic'] = 'style="padding:15px 0 0; color: #888;clear:both;"';
    $ass_email_css['group_title'] = 'style="font-size:120%; background-color:#F5F5F5; padding:3px; margin:20px 0 0; border-top: 1px #eee solid;"';
    $ass_email_css['change_email'] = 'style="font-size:12px; margin-left:10px; color:#888;"';
    $ass_email_css['item_div'] = 'style="padding: 10px; border-top: 1px #eee solid;"';
    $ass_email_css['item_action'] = 'style="color:#888;"';
    $ass_email_css['item_date'] = 'style="font-size:85%; color:#bbb; margin-left:8px;"';
    $ass_email_css['item_content'] = 'style="color:#333;"';
    $ass_email_css['item_weekly'] = 'style="color:#888; padding:4px 10px 0"';
    // used in weekly in place of other item_ above
    $ass_email_css['footer'] = 'class="ass-footer" style="margin:25px 0 0; padding-top:5px; border-top:1px #bbb solid;"';
    // Allow plugins to filter the CSS
    $ass_email_css = apply_filters('ass_email_css', $ass_email_css);
    if ($type == 'dig') {
        $title = sprintf(__('Your daily digest of group activity', 'bp-ass'));
    } else {
        $title = sprintf(__('Your weekly summary of group topics', 'bp-ass'));
    $title = apply_filters('ass_digest_title', $title, $type);
    $blogname = get_blog_option(BP_ROOT_BLOG, 'blogname');
    $subject = apply_filters('ass_digest_subject', "{$title} [{$blogname}]", $blogname, $title, $type);
    $footer = "\n\n<div {$ass_email_css['footer']}>";
    $footer .= sprintf(__("You have received this message because you are subscribed to receive a digest of activity in some of your groups on %s.", 'bp-ass'), $blogname);
    $footer = apply_filters('ass_digest_footer', $footer, $type);
    // get all user subscription data
    $user_subscriptions = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT user_id, meta_value FROM {$wpdb->usermeta} WHERE meta_key = 'ass_digest_items' AND meta_value != ''");
    // no subscription data? stop now!
    if (empty($user_subscriptions)) {
    // get all activity IDs for everyone subscribed to a digest
    $all_activity_items = array();
    foreach ((array) $user_subscriptions as $us) {
        $subs = maybe_unserialize($us->meta_value);
        foreach ((array) $subs as $digest_type => $group_subs) {
            foreach ((array) $group_subs as $group_id => $sub_ids) {
                foreach ((array) $sub_ids as $sid) {
                    // note: activity ID is added as the key for performance reasons
                    if (!isset($all_activity_items[$sid]) && !empty($sid)) {
                        $all_activity_items[$sid] = 1;
    // no activity IDs? stop now!
    if (empty($all_activity_items)) {
    // setup the IN query
    $in = implode(",", array_keys($all_activity_items));
    // get only the activity data we need
    // we're not using bp_activity_get_specific() to avoid an extra query with the
    // xprofile table
    // @todo MySQL IN query doesn't scale well when querying a ton of IDs
    $items = $wpdb->get_results("\n\t\tSELECT id, type, action, content, primary_link, secondary_item_id, date_recorded\n\t\t\tFROM {$bp->activity->table_name}\n\t\t\tWHERE id IN ({$in})\n\t");
    // cache some stuff
    $bp->ass = new stdClass();
    $bp->ass->massdata = ass_get_mass_userdata(wp_list_pluck($user_subscriptions, 'user_id'));
    $bp->ass->activity_ids = array_flip((array) wp_list_pluck($items, 'id'));
    $bp->ass->items = array();
    // cache activity items
    foreach ($items as $item) {
        $bp->ass->items[$item->id] = $item;
    // get list of all groups so we can look them up quickly in the foreach loop below
    $all_groups = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT id, name, slug FROM {$bp->groups->table_name}");
    // setup group info array that we'll reference later
    $groups_info = array();
    foreach ($all_groups as $group) {
        $groups_info[$group->id] = array('name' => ass_digest_filter($group->name), 'slug' => $group->slug);
    // start the digest loop for each user
    foreach ((array) $user_subscriptions as $user) {
        $user_id = $user->user_id;
        // get the group subscriptions for the user
        $group_activity_ids_array = unserialize($user->meta_value);
        // initialize some strings
        $summary = $activity_message = '';
        // We only want the weekly or daily ones
        if (empty($group_activity_ids_array[$type]) || !($group_activity_ids = (array) $group_activity_ids_array[$type])) {
        // get userdata
        // @see ass_get_mass_userdata()
        $userdata = $bp->ass->massdata[$user_id];
        // sanity check!
        if (empty($userdata)) {
        // email address of user
        $to = $userdata['email'];
        $userdomain = ass_digest_get_user_domain($user_id);
        // filter the list - can be used to sort the groups
        $group_activity_ids = apply_filters('ass_digest_group_activity_ids', @$group_activity_ids);
        $header = "<div {$ass_email_css['title']}>{$title} " . __('at', 'bp-ass') . " <a href='" . $bp->root_domain . "'>{$blogname}</a></div>\n\n";
        $message = apply_filters('ass_digest_header', $header, $title, $ass_email_css['title']);
        // loop through each group for this user
        foreach ($group_activity_ids as $group_id => $activity_ids) {
            // check to see if our activity IDs exist
            // intersect against our master activity IDs array
            $activity_ids = array_intersect_key(array_flip($activity_ids), $bp->ass->activity_ids);
            $activity_ids = array_keys($activity_ids);
            $group_name = $groups_info[$group_id]['name'];
            $group_slug = $groups_info[$group_id]['slug'];
            if ('dig' == $type) {
                // might be nice here to link to anchor tags in the message
                $summary .= apply_filters('ass_digest_summary', "<li {$ass_email_css['summary']}><a href='#{$group_slug}'>{$group_name}</a> " . sprintf(__('(%s items)', 'bp-ass'), count($activity_ids)) . "</li>\n", $ass_email_css['summary'], $group_slug, $group_name, $activity_ids);
            $activity_message .= ass_digest_format_item_group($group_id, $activity_ids, $type, $group_name, $group_slug, $user_id);
        // reset the user's sub array removing those sent
        $group_activity_ids_array[$type] = $group_activity_ids;
        // show group summary for digest, and follow help text for weekly summary
        if ('dig' == $type) {
            $message .= apply_filters('ass_digest_summary_full', "\n<ul {$ass_email_css['summary_ul']}>" . __('Group Summary', 'bp-ass') . ":\n" . $summary . "</ul>\n", $ass_email_css['summary_ul'], $summary);
        // the meat of the message which we generated above goes here
        $message .= $activity_message;
        // user is subscribed to "New Topics"
        // add follow help text only if bundled forums are enabled
        if ('sum' == $type && class_exists('BP_Forums_Component')) {
            $message .= apply_filters('ass_summary_follow_topic', "<div {$ass_email_css['follow_topic']}>" . __("How to follow a topic: to get email updates for a specific topic, click the topic title - then on the webpage click the <i>Follow this topic</i> button. (If you don't see the button you need to login first.)", 'bp-ass') . "</div>\n", $ass_email_css['follow_topic']);
        $message .= $footer;
        $unsubscribe_message = "\n\n<br><br>" . sprintf(__("To disable these notifications per group please login and go to: %s where you can change your email settings for each group.", 'bp-ass'), "<a href=\"{$userdomain}{$bp->groups->slug}/\">" . __('My Groups', 'bp-ass') . "</a>");
        if (get_option('ass-global-unsubscribe-link') == 'yes') {
            $unsubscribe_link = "{$userdomain}?bpass-action=unsubscribe&access_key=" . md5($user_id . 'unsubscribe' . wp_salt());
            $unsubscribe_message .= "\n\n<br><br><a href=\"{$unsubscribe_link}\">" . __('Disable these notifications for all my groups at once.', 'bp-ass') . '</a>';
        $message .= apply_filters('ass_digest_disable_notifications', $unsubscribe_message, $userdomain . $bp->groups->slug);
        $message .= "</div>";
        $message_plaintext = ass_convert_html_to_plaintext($message);
        if (isset($_GET['sum'])) {
            // test mode run from the browser, dont send the emails, just show them on screen using domain.com?sum=1
            echo '<div style="background-color:white; width:75%;padding:20px 10px;">';
            echo '<p>======================== to: <b>' . $to . '</b> ========================</p>';
            echo $message;
            //echo '<br>PLAIN TEXT PART:<br><pre>'; echo $message_plaintext ; echo '</pre>';
            echo '</div>';
        } else {
            // send out the email
            ass_send_multipart_email($to, $subject, $message_plaintext, $message);
            // update the subscriber's digest list
            bp_update_user_meta($user_id, 'ass_digest_items', $group_activity_ids_array);
        unset($message, $message_plaintext, $message, $to, $userdata, $userdomain, $activity_message, $summary, $group_activity_ids_array, $group_activity_ids);
コード例 #2
function ass_digest_fire($type)
    global $bp, $wpdb, $groups_template, $ass_email_css, $current_user;
    if (!is_string($type)) {
        $type = 'sum';
    // HTML emails only work with inline CSS styles. Here we setup the styles to be used in various functions below.
    $ass_email_css['wrapper'] = 'style="color:#333;clear:both;';
    // use this to style the body
    $ass_email_css['title'] = 'style="font-size:130%;"';
    $ass_email_css['summary'] = '';
    $ass_email_css['summary_ul'] = 'style="padding:12px 0 5px; list-style-type:circle; list-style-position:inside;"';
    //$ass_email_css['summary'] = 		'style="display:list-item;"';
    $ass_email_css['follow_topic'] = 'style="padding:15px 0 0; color: #888;clear:both;"';
    $ass_email_css['group_title'] = 'style="font-size:120%; background-color:#F5F5F5; padding:3px; margin:20px 0 0; border-top: 1px #eee solid;"';
    $ass_email_css['change_email'] = 'style="font-size:12px; margin-left:10px; color:#888;"';
    $ass_email_css['item_div'] = 'style="padding: 10px; border-top: 1px #eee solid;"';
    $ass_email_css['item_action'] = 'style="color:#888;"';
    $ass_email_css['item_date'] = 'style="font-size:85%; color:#bbb; margin-left:8px;"';
    $ass_email_css['item_content'] = 'style="color:#333;"';
    $ass_email_css['item_weekly'] = 'style="color:#888; padding:4px 10px 0"';
    // used in weekly in place of other item_ above
    $ass_email_css['footer'] = 'class="ass-footer" style="margin:25px 0 0; padding-top:5px; border-top:1px #bbb solid;"';
    // Allow plugins to filter the CSS
    $ass_email_css = apply_filters('ass_email_css', $ass_email_css);
    if ($type == 'dig') {
        $title = sprintf(__('Your daily digest of group activity', 'bp-ass'));
    } else {
        $title = sprintf(__('Your weekly summary of group topics', 'bp-ass'));
    $title = apply_filters('ass_digest_title', $title, $type);
    $blogname = get_blog_option(BP_ROOT_BLOG, 'blogname');
    $subject = apply_filters('ass_digest_subject', "{$title} [{$blogname}]", $blogname, $title, $type);
    $footer = "\n\n<div {$ass_email_css['footer']}>";
    $footer .= sprintf(__("You have received this message because you are subscribed to receive a digest of activity in some of your groups on %s.", 'bp-ass'), $blogname);
    $footer = apply_filters('ass_digest_footer', $footer, $type);
    // get list of all groups so we can look them up quickly in the foreach loop below
    $all_groups = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT id, name, slug FROM {$bp->groups->table_name}");
    foreach ($all_groups as $group) {
        $group_name = ass_digest_filter($group->name);
        $groups_info[$group->id] = array('name' => $group_name, 'slug' => $group->slug);
    $user_subscriptions = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT user_id, meta_value FROM {$wpdb->usermeta} WHERE meta_key = 'ass_digest_items' AND meta_value != ''");
    // Do all activity lookups in one single query, and cache the results
    // Todo: in_array() is slow; isset( array_flip( $array[$id] ) ) is better
    // but it will take a flip every time
    $all_activity_items = array();
    foreach ((array) $user_subscriptions as $us) {
        $subs = maybe_unserialize($us->meta_value);
        foreach ((array) $subs as $digest_type => $group_subs) {
            foreach ((array) $group_subs as $group_id => $sub_ids) {
                foreach ((array) $sub_ids as $sid) {
                    if (!in_array($sid, $all_activity_items)) {
                        $all_activity_items[] = $sid;
    $items = bp_activity_get_specific(array('sort' => 'ASC', 'activity_ids' => $all_activity_items, 'show_hidden' => true));
    foreach ((array) $items['activities'] as $activity) {
        $key = 'bp_activity_' . $activity->id;
        if (!wp_cache_get($key, 'bp')) {
            wp_cache_set($key, $activity, 'bp', 60 * 60);
    foreach ((array) $user_subscriptions as $user) {
        $user_id = $user->user_id;
        $group_activity_ids_array = unserialize($user->meta_value);
        $summary = $activity_message = '';
        // We only want the weekly or daily ones
        if (empty($group_activity_ids_array[$type]) || !($group_activity_ids = (array) $group_activity_ids_array[$type])) {
        // Get the details for the user
        if (!($userdata = bp_core_get_core_userdata($user_id))) {
        if (!($to = $userdata->user_email)) {
        $userdomain = bp_core_get_user_domain($user_id);
        // filter the list - can be used to sort the groups
        $group_activity_ids = apply_filters('ass_digest_group_activity_ids', @$group_activity_ids);
        $header = "<div {$ass_email_css['title']}>{$title} " . __('at', 'bp-ass') . " <a href='" . $bp->root_domain . "'>{$blogname}</a></div>\n\n";
        $message = apply_filters('ass_digest_header', $header, $title, $ass_email_css['title']);
        // loop through each group for this user
        foreach ($group_activity_ids as $group_id => $activity_ids) {
            $group_name = $groups_info[$group_id]['name'];
            $group_slug = $groups_info[$group_id]['slug'];
            if ('dig' == $type) {
                // might be nice here to link to anchor tags in the message
                $summary .= apply_filters('ass_digest_summary', "<li {$ass_email_css['summary']}><a href='#{$group_slug}'>{$group_name}</a> " . sprintf(__('(%s items)', 'bp-ass'), count($activity_ids)) . "</li>\n", $ass_email_css['summary'], $group_slug, $group_name, $activity_ids);
            $activity_message .= ass_digest_format_item_group($group_id, $activity_ids, $type, $group_name, $group_slug, $user_id);
        // reset the user's sub array removing those sent sent
        $group_activity_ids_array[$type] = $group_activity_ids;
        // show group summary for digest, and follow help text for weekly summary
        if ('dig' == $type) {
            $message .= apply_filters('ass_digest_summary_full', "\n<ul {$ass_email_css['summary_ul']}>" . __('Group Summary', 'bp-ass') . ":\n" . $summary . "</ul>\n", $ass_email_css['summary_ul'], $summary);
        $message .= $activity_message;
        // the meat of the message which we generated above goes here
        // user is subscribed to "New Topics"
        // add follow help text only if bundled forums are enabled
        if ('sum' == $type && class_exists('BP_Forums_Component')) {
            $message .= apply_filters('ass_summary_follow_topic', "<div {$ass_email_css['follow_topic']}>" . __("How to follow a topic: to get email updates for a specific topic, click the topic title - then on the webpage click the <i>Follow this topic</i> button. (If you don't see the button you need to login first.)", 'bp-ass') . "</div>\n", $ass_email_css['follow_topic']);
        $message .= $footer;
        $unsubscribe_message = "\n\n<br><br>" . sprintf(__("To disable these notifications per group please login and go to: %s where you can change your email settings for each group.", 'bp-ass'), "<a href=\"{$userdomain}{$bp->groups->slug}/\">" . __('My Groups', 'bp-ass') . "</a>");
        if (get_option('ass-global-unsubscribe-link') == 'yes') {
            $unsubscribe_link = "{$userdomain}?bpass-action=unsubscribe&access_key=" . md5($user_id . 'unsubscribe' . wp_salt());
            $unsubscribe_message .= "\n\n<br><br><a href=\"{$unsubscribe_link}\">" . __('Disable these notifications for all my groups at once.', 'bp_ass') . '</a>';
        $message .= apply_filters('ass_digest_disable_notifications', $unsubscribe_message, $userdomain . $bp->groups->slug);
        $message .= "</div>";
        $message_plaintext = ass_convert_html_to_plaintext($message);
        if (isset($_GET['sum'])) {
            // test mode run from the browser, dont send the emails, just show them on screen using domain.com?sum=1
            echo '<div style="background-color:white; width:75%;padding:20px 10px;">';
            echo '<p>======================== to: <b>' . $to . '</b> ========================</p>';
            echo $message;
            //echo '<br>PLAIN TEXT PART:<br><pre>'; echo $message_plaintext ; echo '</pre>';
            echo '</div>';
        } else {
            // send out the email
            ass_send_multipart_email($to, $subject, $message_plaintext, $message);
            // update the subscriber's digest list
            update_user_meta($user_id, 'ass_digest_items', $group_activity_ids_array);
        unset($message, $message_plaintext, $message, $to, $userdata, $userdomain, $activity_message, $summary, $group_activity_ids_array, $group_activity_ids);