function PatternMatcherOnig($t_args, $inputs) { grokit_assert(\count($inputs) == 1, 'PatternMatcherOnig GF only supports 1 input!'); $pattern = get_first_key($t_args, ['pattern']); $inName = array_keys($inputs)[0]; $inType = array_get_index($inputs, 0); $inTypeString = $inType->name(); $validTypes = ['BASE::STRING_LITERAL']; grokit_assert(in_array($inTypeString, $validTypes), 'Unsupported input type ' . $inTypeString); $className = generate_name('PatternMatcherOnigGF'); ?> class <?php echo $className; ?> { PatternMatcherOnig matcher; public: <?php echo $className; ?> () : matcher("<?php echo $pattern; ?> ") { } bool Filter( const <?php echo $inType; ?> & <?php echo $inName; ?> ) { return matcher.Match(<?php echo $inName; ?> ); } }; <?php return ['kind' => 'GF', 'name' => $className, 'input' => $inputs, 'user_headers' => ['PatternMatcherOnig.h']]; }
* | This MySource Matrix CMS file is Copyright (c) Squiz Pty Ltd | * | ABN 77 084 670 600 | * +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ * | IMPORTANT: Your use of this Software is subject to the terms of | * | the Licence provided in the file licence.txt. If you cannot find | * | this file please contact Squiz ( so we may provide| * | you a copy. | * +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ * * $Id: session.php,v 1.9 2012/08/30 01:09:21 ewang Exp $ * */ // include, which will call $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->init() and start a session require_once '../../include/'; header("content-type: application/javascript"); $site_network_id = array_get_index($_GET, 'site_network', '0'); $site_network = null; $primary_url = ''; $session_handler = $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->getSessionHandlerClassName(); if ($site_network_id) { $site_network =& $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->am->getAsset($site_network_id); if (!is_null($site_network)) { $primary_url = $site_network->getPrimaryURL(); } } if ($primary_url == sq_web_path('root_url')) { // if the actual script execution is happening in the primary // url, we want to update the time to persuade the overriding // of the secondary session files if (isset($_GET['in_primary']) && $_GET['in_primary']) { $_SESSION['SQ_SESSION_TIMESTAMP'] = time();
//end if // Check for a lock file if (file_exists(SQ_TEMP_PATH . '/funnelback.indexer')) { trigger_localised_error('FNB0019', translate('Lockfile found. Scripts cannot be run concurrently.'), E_USER_WARNING); exit; } //end if // Create a lock file touch(SQ_TEMP_PATH . '/funnelback.indexer'); // Start indexing $hh = $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->getHipoHerder(); $vars = array('collections' => empty($root_collection) ? array() : $root_collection); $errors = $hh->freestyleHipo('hipo_job_funnelback_reindex', $vars, SQ_PACKAGES_PATH . '/funnelback/hipo_jobs'); if (!empty($errors)) { echo 'Funnelback Reindexing FAILED' . "\n"; foreach ($errors as $error) { $line = array_get_index($error, 'message', ''); if (!empty($line)) { echo $line . "\n"; } //end if } //end foreach } //end if // Remove if finished AND failed if (file_exists(SQ_TEMP_PATH . '/funnelback.indexer')) { unlink(SQ_TEMP_PATH . '/funnelback.indexer'); } //end if $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->restoreRunLevel();
if (php_sapi_name() != 'cli') { trigger_error('This script can only be run from the command line', E_USER_ERROR); exit; } //end if $SYSTEM_ROOT = isset($_SERVER['argv'][1]) ? $_SERVER['argv'][1] : ''; if (empty($SYSTEM_ROOT) || !is_readable($SYSTEM_ROOT)) { trigger_error('You need to specify a path to Matrix as the first parameter', E_USER_ERROR); exit; } //end if define('SQ_SYSTEM_ROOT', $SYSTEM_ROOT); require_once SQ_SYSTEM_ROOT . '/core/include/'; // Check the script is being run from same user as apache $apache_user = fileowner(SQ_SYSTEM_ROOT . '/data/private/conf/'); $current_user = array_get_index($_ENV, 'USER', ''); if ($apache_user != $current_user) { // trigger_error('This script needs to run as the apache user', E_USER_ERROR); // exit(); } //end if $funnelback_manager = $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->am->getSystemAsset('funnelback_manager'); // Check the base install for paths and permissions $valid = $funnelback_manager->checkInstalled(); if ($valid) { echo "Looks ok from here\n"; } else { echo "Funnelback has not been installed correctly\n"; } //end if exit;
/** * A GLA that estimates the cardinality of a dataset using the HyperLogLog * algorithm, with a configurable number of bins. */ function HyperLogLog(array $t_args, array $input, array $output) { $debug = get_default($t_args, 'debug', 0); grokit_assert(\count($output) == 1, 'HyperLogLog produces only 1 value, ' . \count($output) . ' outputs given.'); $outputName = array_keys($output)[0]; $outputType = array_get_index($output, 0); if (is_null($outputType)) { $outputType = lookupType('BASE::BIGINT'); } $output[$outputName] = $outputType; grokit_assert($outputType->is('numeric'), 'BloomFilter output must be numeric!'); $exp = get_first_key_default($t_args, ['bins.exponent'], 4); grokit_assert(is_integer($exp), 'HyperLogLog bins.exponent must be an integer'); // Set limit of 2^24 bins, because states past 16MB start to get silly grokit_assert($exp >= 4 && $exp < 24, 'HyperLogLog bins.exponent must be in range [4, 24]'); $useBuiltinCtz = get_default($t_args, 'use.builtin.ctz', true); $ctzFunc = $useBuiltinCtz ? '__builtin_ctzl' : 'ctz'; $bins = pow(2, $exp); // Determine the value of alpha based on $exp switch ($exp) { case 4: $alpha = 0.673; break; case 5: $alpha = 0.697; break; case 6: $alpha = 0.709; break; default: $alpha = 0.7213000000000001 / (1 + 1.079 / $bins); } $className = generate_name('HyperLogLog'); ?> class <?php echo $className; ?> { // Number of bins for registers static constexpr const size_t NUM_BINS = <?php echo $bins; ?> ; // Number of bits used to index into registers, log2(NUM_BINS) static constexpr const size_t INDEX_BITS = <?php echo $exp; ?> ; // Mask used to obtain register index from hash value static constexpr const size_t INDEX_MASK = NUM_BINS - 1; // Alpha coefficient used to correct cardinality estimate. Based on NUM_BINS. static constexpr const long double ALPHA = <?php echo $alpha; ?> ; // Value of cardinality estimate after which we must apply the // large range correction static constexpr const long double LARGE_BREAKPOINT = (1.0 / 30.0) * <?php echo pow(2, 32); ?> ; // Constants for population count static constexpr const uint64_t m1 = 0x5555555555555555; static constexpr const uint64_t m2 = 0x3333333333333333; static constexpr const uint64_t m4 = 0x0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f; static constexpr const uint64_t h01 = 0x0101010101010101; // The registers std::array<unsigned char, NUM_BINS> registers; // A count used to remember how many tuples were processed, mostly for debugging. size_t count; public: <?php echo $className; ?> (void) : registers() { for( auto & elem : registers ) { elem = 0; } } ~<?php echo $className; ?> () { } int popcount(uint64_t x) { // Put count of each 2 bits into those 2 bits x -= (x >> 1) & m1; // Put count of each 4 bits into those 4 bits x = (x & m2) + ((x >> 2) & m2); // Put count of each 8 bits into those 8 bits x = (x + (x >> 4)) & m4; // Returns left 8 bits of x + (x << 8) + (x << 16) + ... return (x * h01) >> 56; } int ctz(int64_t x) { return popcount((x & -x) - 1); } void AddItem( <?php echo const_typed_ref_args($input); ?> ) { count++; uint64_t hashVal = H_b; <?php foreach ($input as $name => $type) { ?> hashVal = CongruentHash(Hash(<?php echo $name; ?> ), hashVal); <?php } // for each input ?> const size_t registerIndex = hashVal & INDEX_MASK; uint64_t value = hashVal >> INDEX_BITS; unsigned char nZeros = <?php echo $ctzFunc; ?> (value); unsigned char & registerValue = registers[registerIndex]; registerValue = registerValue > nZeros ? registerValue : nZeros; } void AddState( <?php echo $className; ?> & other ) { for( size_t i = 0; NUM_BINS > i; i++ ) { unsigned char & rVal = registers[i]; unsigned char & oVal = other.registers[i]; rVal = rVal > oVal ? rVal : oVal; } } void GetResult( <?php echo $outputType; ?> & <?php echo $outputName; ?> ) { // Compute harmonic sum of registers and correct by alpha long double cardEst = 0; size_t nZeroRegisters = 0; for( auto elem : registers ) { long double power = - static_cast<long double>(elem); cardEst += std::pow(2.0, power); if( elem == 0 ) nZeroRegisters++; } const long double nBins = static_cast<long double>(NUM_BINS); const long double zeroBins = static_cast<long double>(nZeroRegisters); cardEst = 1 / cardEst; cardEst *= ALPHA * nBins * nBins; long double cardinality = cardEst; if( (cardEst < 2.5 * NUM_BINS) ) { //> // Possible small range correction if( nZeroRegisters > 0 ) { // Small range correction cardinality = nBins * std::log(nBins / zeroBins); } } // TODO: Figure out if the large range correction is needed for 64-bit // hashes. <?php echo $outputName; ?> = cardinality; } }; <?php $system_headers = ['cmath', 'array', 'cinttypes']; if ($debug > 0) { $system_headers[] = 'iostream'; } return ['kind' => 'GLA', 'name' => $className, 'input' => $input, 'output' => $output, 'result_type' => 'single', 'user_headers' => ['HashFunctions.h'], 'system_headers' => $system_headers]; }
public function __construct($kind, $hash, $name, $value, array $args, array $targs) { parent::__construct($kind, $hash, $name, $value, $args, $targs); if (array_key_exists('required_states', $args)) { $this->req_states = $args['required_states']; } if (array_key_exists('generated_state', $args)) { $this->gen_state = $args['generated_state']; } $this->configurable = get_default($args, 'configurable', false); if (array_key_exists('generated_states', $args)) { grokit_warning('"generated_states" type information parameter is deprecated. Please use "generated_state" instead.'); $this->gen_states = ensure_unique_names($args['generated_states'], 'gen_state'); if (is_null($this->gen_state) && \count($this->gen_states) == 1) { $this->gen_state = array_get_index($this->gen_states, 0); } } if (array_key_exists('constructor_args', $args)) { grokit_warning('"constructor_args" type information parameter is deprecated.'); $this->constructor_args = ensure_unique_names($args['constructor_args'], 'const_arg'); } }
* * $Id: keywords.php,v 1.1 2013/09/24 01:10:35 ewang Exp $ * */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../core/include/'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../core/lib/html_form/'; $assetid = array_get_index($_GET, 'assetid'); if (is_null($assetid)) { return FALSE; } assert_valid_assetid($assetid); $asset = $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->am->getAsset($assetid); if (is_null($asset) || !$asset->writeAccess()) { exit; } $all = array_get_index($_REQUEST, 'all', FALSE); require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../core/include/'; $o = new Backend_Outputter(); $o->openSection('Metadata Keyword Replacements'); $o->openField('', 'wide_col'); ?> <p>The following keyword replacements may be used for metadata values. Note that the percentage signs (%) are required.</p> <?php $o->openSection('Asset Information'); $o->openField('', 'wide_col'); ?> <table class="sq-backend-table compact"> <tr><th style="width: 250px;">Keyword</th><th>Description</th></tr>
$PERMISSION = isset($_SERVER['argv'][4]) ? $_SERVER['argv'][4] : ''; if (empty($PERMISSION) || !array_key_exists($PERMISSION, $available_permissions)) { echo "ERROR: You need to supply a permission as the fourth argument\n"; exit; } $GRANTED = isset($_SERVER['argv'][5]) && $_SERVER['argv'][5] == 'y' ? '1' : '0'; $CHILDREN = isset($_SERVER['argv'][6]) && $_SERVER['argv'][6] == 'y' ? TRUE : FALSE; // Start the process $root_user =& $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->am->getSystemAsset('root_user'); $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->setCurrentUser($root_user); $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->setRunLevel(SQ_RUN_LEVEL_FORCED); echo 'START PERMISSION CHANGE' . "\n"; $hh = $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->getHipoHerder(); $vars = array('permission_changes' => array(array('permission' => $available_permissions[$PERMISSION], 'granted' => $GRANTED, 'assetids' => array($ROOT_NODE), 'userid' => $USER, 'previous_access' => NULL, 'cascades' => $CHILDREN))); $errors = $hh->freestyleHipo('hipo_job_edit_permissions', $vars); echo 'FINISHED'; if (!empty($errors)) { echo "... But with errors!\n"; foreach ($errors as $error) { echo "\t" . ($line = array_get_index($error, 'message', '')); if (!empty($line)) { echo "\t" . $line . "\n"; } //end if } //end foreach } else { echo "\n"; } //end if $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->restoreRunLevel();
* */ /** * Search and replaces given text in the WYSIWYG * * @author Chiranjivi Upreti <*****@*****.**> * @version $Revision: 1.5 $ * @package MySource_Matrix */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../core/include/'; require_once SQ_LIB_PATH . '/html_form/'; require_once SQ_FUDGE_PATH . '/var_serialise/'; if (empty($GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->user) || !($GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->user->canAccessBackend() || $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->user->type() == 'simple_edit_user' || method_exists($GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->user, 'isShadowSimpleEditUser') && $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->user->isShadowSimpleEditUser())) { exit; } $_GET['name'] = array_get_index($_GET, 'name', ''); ?> <!doctype html> <html style="height: 280px;"> <head> <title>Search and Replace</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo sq_web_path('lib') . '/web/css/edit.css'; ?> " /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo sq_web_path('root_url'); ?> /__fudge/wysiwyg/core/popup.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="../../core/popup.js"></script>
if ($count % 100 == 0) { echo '.'; } // Key fields data $key_values = array(); foreach ($key_fields as $key_field) { $temp_key_v = array_get_index($record, $key_field, NULL); if (is_null($temp_key_v)) { // Primary key field must be there continue 2; } $key_values[$key_field] = $temp_key_v; } //end foreach // Value field to check $org_value = array_get_index($record, $value_field, ''); if (empty($org_value)) { continue; } // Replace the "./?a=xxx" links in the content $new_value = _rewrite_assetid_links($org_value, $record, $table == 'ast_mdata_val'); if ($new_value !== FALSE && !$report_mode) { // Generate update sql $bind_vars = array(); $set_sql = $value_field . '=:' . $value_field . '_v'; $bind_vars[$value_field . '_v'] = $new_value; $where_sql = array(); foreach ($key_values as $field_name => $value) { $where_sql[] = $field_name . '=:' . $field_name . '_k'; $bind_vars[$field_name . '_k'] = $value; }
} // Cut it down to a certain number of characters anyway $value = ellipsisize($value, 120); $value = preg_replace('/(' . addslashes(implode('|', $words)) . ')/i', '<span class="sq-backend-search-results-highlight">$1</span>', $value); // remove \r and replace \n with line breaks $this_detail[] = $name_detail . '<br/><em>' . str_replace("\r", '', str_replace("\n", '<br/>', $value)) . '</em>'; } //end foreach } //end foreach $asset_name = $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->am->getAssetInfo(array($result_assetid), 'image', FALSE, 'name'); $asset_title = $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->am->getAttributeValuesByName('title', 'image', array($result_assetid)); $asset_alt = $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->am->getAttributeValuesByName('alt', 'image', array($result_assetid)); $asset_width = $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->am->getAttributeValuesByName('width', 'image', array($result_assetid)); $asset_height = $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->am->getAttributeValuesByName('height', 'image', array($result_assetid)); $result_list[] = array('tag_line' => get_asset_tag_line($result_assetid, 'javascript:set_asset_finder_from_search(\'' . $result_assetid . '\', \'' . htmlspecialchars(array_get_index($asset_title, $result_assetid, ''), ENT_QUOTES) . '\', \'\', \'0\', \'' . array_get_index($asset_name, $result_assetid, '') . '\', \'' . addslashes(array_get_index($asset_alt, $result_assetid, '')) . '\', \'' . array_get_index($asset_width, $result_assetid, '') . '\', \'' . array_get_index($asset_height, $result_assetid, '') . '\');'), 'detail' => implode($this_detail, '<br/>')); } //end foreach } //end if } //end else // Are there any results? If not, put in a "search failed" box, otherwise // build the results box if (empty($results) && empty($found_asset_line)) { $box_title = translate('Search Failed'); $html = sprintf(translate('Search for "%s" found nothing. Try Again'), addslashes($search_for)); $style_base = 'search-failed'; } else { $box_title = translate('Search Results'); if (!empty($found_asset_line)) {
echo 'Resuming HIPO Job '; echo ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $source_job_type)) . "\t"; // Do itttttt $status = $source_job->process(); if ($status) { echo '[ OK ]'; } else { echo '[ !! ]'; } //end if echo "\n"; break; case 'k': // Kill kill kill $source_code_name = array_get_index($source_jobs[$actual_choice], 'source_code_name', ''); $source_job_type = array_get_index($source_jobs[$actual_choice], 'job_type', ''); if (empty($source_code_name)) { exit; } $source_job = $hh->getJob($source_code_name); if (is_null($source_job)) { exit; } echo 'Aborting HIPO Job '; echo ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $source_job_type)) . "\n"; $source_job->abort(); break; case 'q': default: exit; }
* @author Benjamin Pearson <*****@*****.**> * @version $Revision: 1.4 $ * @package MySource_Matrix */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../core/include/'; require_once SQ_LIB_PATH . '/html_form/'; require_once SQ_LIB_PATH . '/backend_search/'; if (empty($GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->user) || !($GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->user->canAccessBackend() || $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->user->type() == 'simple_edit_user' || method_exists($GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->user, 'isShadowSimpleEditUser') && $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->user->isShadowSimpleEditUser())) { exit; } if (Backend_Search::isAvailable()) { $quick_search_for_text = translate('Enter keywords, asset ID or URL'); } else { $quick_search_for_text = translate('Enter asset ID or URL'); } $search_for = trim(array_get_index($_GET, 'quick-search-for', '')); // If we are searching for something if ($search_for != '') { // check for a url first $asset_by_url = $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->am->getAssetFromURL('', strip_url($search_for, TRUE), TRUE, TRUE); if (!empty($asset_by_url) && ($asset_by_url->type() != 'file' || !$asset_by_url->readAccess())) { $asset_by_url = NULL; } if (assert_valid_assetid($search_for, '', TRUE, FALSE)) { $asset_by_id = $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->am->getAsset($search_for, '', TRUE); if (!empty($asset_by_id) && ($asset_by_id->type() != 'file' || !$asset_by_id->readAccess())) { $asset_by_id = NULL; } } // Only search for files (strict type check) $results = Backend_Search::processSearch($search_for, array(), array('file' => FALSE));
/** * A GLA that counts the number of distinct elements by keeping track of the * distinct elements. * * Unless an exact count of the distinct is absolutely needed, consider using * an approximation of the distinct, such as a Bloom Filter. */ function CountDistinct(array $t_args, array $input, array $output) { grokit_assert(\count($output) == 1, 'CountDistinct should have only 1 output, ' . \count($output) . 'given'); $outputName = array_keys($output)[0]; $outputType = array_get_index($output, 0); if (is_null($outputType)) { $outputType = lookupType('BASE::BIGINT'); } $output[$outputName] = $outputType; grokit_assert($outputType->is('numeric'), 'CountDistinct output must be numeric!'); $useMCT = get_default($t_args, 'use.mct', true); $keepHashes = get_default($t_args, 'mct.keep.hashes', false); $initSize = get_default($t_args, 'init.size', 65536); $nullCheck = get_default($t_args, 'null.check', false); grokit_assert(is_bool($useMCT), 'CountDistinct use.mct argument must be boolean'); grokit_assert(is_integer($initSize), 'Distinct init.size argument must be an integer'); grokit_assert($initSize > 0, 'Distinct init.size argument must be positive'); grokit_assert(is_bool($keepHashes), 'CountDistinct mct.keep.hashes argument must be boolean'); $distTmpArgs = ['use.mct' => $useMCT, 'init.size' => $initSize, 'mct.keep.hashes' => $keepHashes, 'null.check' => $nullCheck]; $gla = lookupGLA('BASE::DISTINCT', $distTmpArgs, $input, $input); $className = generate_name('CountDistinct'); ?> class <?php echo $className; ?> { using Distinct = <?php echo $gla->value(); ?> ; Distinct distinctGLA; public: <?php echo $className; ?> (void): distinctGLA() { } ~<?php echo $className; ?> (void) { } void AddItem(<?php echo const_typed_ref_args($input); ?> ) { distinctGLA.AddItem(<?php echo args($input); ?> ); } void AddState(<?php echo $className; ?> & o) { distinctGLA.AddState(o.distinctGLA); } void GetResult(<?php echo $outputType; ?> & <?php echo $outputName; ?> ) { <?php echo $outputName; ?> = distinctGLA.get_countDistinct(); } }; <?php return ['kind' => 'GLA', 'name' => $className, 'input' => $input, 'output' => $output, 'result_type' => 'single']; }
MatrixDAL::executeSql('ALTER TABLE sq_suite_product DROP COLUMN knows_me_as'); // Populate data into not null columns. MatrixDAL::executeSql("UPDATE sq_suite_product SET suiteid=sq_suite_seq.nextVal"); MatrixDAL::executeSql("UPDATE sq_suite_product SET url=''"); $products = MatrixDAL::executeSqlAssoc('SELECT suiteid, connection FROM sq_suite_product'); foreach ($products as $product) { $suiteid = array_get_index($product, 'suiteid', NULL); $connection = array_get_index($product, 'connection', NULL); if ($suiteid === NULL || $connection === NULL) { continue; } $connection = @unserialize($connection); if ($connection === FALSE) { continue; } $url = array_get_index($connection, 'url', NULL); if ($url === NULL) { continue; } unset($connection['url']); $query = MatrixDAL::preparePdoQuery('UPDATE sq_suite_product SET url=:url, connection=:connection WHERE suiteid=:id'); MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, 'url', $url); MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, 'connection', serialize($connection)); MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, 'id', $suiteid); MatrixDAL::execPdoQuery($query); } //end foreach // Set the not null constraint on columns. MatrixDAL::executeSql('ALTER TABLE sq_suite_product MODIFY suiteid NOT NULL'); MatrixDAL::executeSql('ALTER TABLE sq_suite_product MODIFY url NOT NULL'); // Set the new constraints and keys
function Max(array $t_args, array $input, array $output) { grokit_assert(\count($output) >= 1, 'Max GLA produces at least one output!'); grokit_assert(\count($output) == \count($input), 'Max GLA should have the same number of inputs and outputs'); $nValues = \count($output); $inputNames = array_keys($input); $outputNames = array_keys($output); // Outputs should be the same type as the inputs for ($index = 0; $index < $nValues; $index++) { array_set_index($output, $index, array_get_index($input, $index)); } $name = generate_name('Max_'); ?> class <?php echo $name; ?> { uintmax_t count; <?php foreach ($output as $k => $v) { ?> <?php echo $v; ?> _<?php echo $k; ?> ; <?php } // foreach output ?> public: <?php echo $name; ?> () : <?php foreach ($output as $k => $v) { ?> _<?php echo $k; ?> (), <?php } // foreach output ?> count(0) { } void AddItem( <?php echo const_typed_ref_args($input); ?> ) { if( count > 0 ) { <?php for ($index = 0; $index < $nValues; $index++) { ?> _<?php echo $outputNames[$index]; ?> = std::max(_<?php echo $outputNames[$index]; ?> , <?php echo $inputNames[$index]; ?> ); <?php } // foreach value ?> } else { <?php for ($index = 0; $index < $nValues; $index++) { ?> _<?php echo $outputNames[$index]; ?> = <?php echo $inputNames[$index]; ?> ; <?php } // foreach value ?> } count++; } void AddState( <?php echo $name; ?> & o ) { if (count > 0 && o.count > 0) { <?php for ($index = 0; $index < $nValues; $index++) { ?> _<?php echo $outputNames[$index]; ?> = std::max(_<?php echo $outputNames[$index]; ?> , o._<?php echo $outputNames[$index]; ?> ); <?php } // foreach value ?> } else if(o.count > 0) { // count == 0 <?php for ($index = 0; $index < $nValues; $index++) { ?> _<?php echo $outputNames[$index]; ?> = o._<?php echo $outputNames[$index]; ?> ; <?php } // foreach value ?> } // Otherwise, count > 0 && o.count == 0, so just keep our values count += o.count; } void GetResult(<?php echo typed_ref_args($output); ?> ) { <?php foreach ($output as $k => $v) { ?> <?php echo $k; ?> = _<?php echo $k; ?> ; <?php } // foreach output ?> } }; <?php return ['kind' => 'GLA', 'name' => $name, 'input' => $input, 'output' => $output, 'result_type' => 'single', 'system_headers' => ['algorithm', 'cstdint']]; }
/** * Normal stuff we need to get ready before we do anything else * * @return boolean * @access public */ function load() { $db =& $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->db; $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->changeDatabaseConnection('db'); $dbtype = $this->_getDbType(); // load our tables from the database switch ($dbtype) { case 'oci': $sql = "SELECT object_name AS table_name FROM user_objects WHERE object_type = 'TABLE'"; break; default: $sql = "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema='public' AND table_type='BASE TABLE'"; break; } //end switch $results = MatrixDAL::executeSqlAssoc($sql); $tables = array(); foreach ($results as $table) { $table_name = array_get_index($table, 'table_name', ''); if (!empty($table_name)) { $tables[] = strtolower($table_name); } //end if } //end foreach $this->tables = $tables; if (empty($this->tables)) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
function Segmenter(array $t_args, array $input, array $output, array $given_states) { $resType = ['fragment', 'multi']; $system_headers = ['array', 'vector', 'memory', 'cinttypes', 'unordered_map']; $user_headers = ['HashFunctions.h']; $lib_headers = []; $preferFragment = get_default($t_args, 'inner.prefer.fragment', false); $wantedRes = $preferFragment ? ['fragment', 'multi'] : ['multi', 'fragment']; $nInputs = \count($input); grokit_assert($nInputs > 1, 'Segmenter: Not enough inputs specified!'); $keyName = array_keys($input)[0]; $keyType = array_get_index($input, 0); $innerInputs = array_slice($input, 1, $nInputs - 1, true); $gla = get_first_key($t_args, ['gla', 'GLA', 0]); grokit_assert(is_gla($gla), 'Segmenter: [gla] argument must be a valid GLA'); $gla = $gla->apply($innerInputs, $output, $given_states); $n_passes = get_default($t_args, 'passes', 1); grokit_assert(is_int($n_passes), 'Segmenter: [passes] argument must be an integer'); grokit_assert($n_passes > 0, 'Segmenter: [passes] argument must be > 0'); $libraries = $gla->libraries(); $innerRes = get_first_value($gla->result_type(), $wantedRes); $innerInputs = $gla->input(); $innerOutput = $gla->output(); $input = array_merge([$keyName => $keyType], $innerInputs); $output = $innerOutput; $segments = get_default($t_args, 'segments', 64); $constState = lookupResource('BASE::SegmenterState', ['gla' => $gla, 'passes' => $n_passes, 'segments' => $segments]); $className = generate_name('Segmenter_'); $savedArgs = []; $cArgs = []; $innerCArgs = []; if ($gla->configurable()) { $savedArgs['json_init'] = 'Json::Value'; $cArgs['json_init'] = 'Json::Value'; $innerCArgs[] = 'json_init'; } $cArgs['const_state'] = $constState; if ($gla->has_state()) { $innerCArgs[] = 'constState.inner_cstate'; } $cstStr = \count($innerCArgs) > 0 ? '(' . implode(',', $innerCArgs) . ')' : ''; grokit_assert(!$gla->iterable(), 'Segementer does not support iterable GLAs'); $iterable = $n_passes > 1; ?> class <?php echo $className; ?> { private: using ConstantState = <?php echo $constState; ?> ; using SplitState = ConstantState::SplitState; static constexpr const size_t NUM_STATES = SplitState::NUM_STATES; using InnerGLA = <?php echo $gla; ?> ; using InnerGLAPtr = std::unique_ptr<InnerGLA>; using GLA_Array = std::array<InnerGLAPtr, NUM_STATES>; public: using size_type = std::size_t; <?php if ($innerRes == 'fragment') { ?> class Iterator { private: InnerGLA * gla; int fragmentNum; InnerGLA::Iterator * innerIter; public: Iterator( InnerGLA * _gla, int _fragmentNum, int _innerFrag ) : gla(_gla), fragmentNum(_fragmentNum), innerIter(nullptr) { innerIter = gla->Finalize(_innerFrag); } ~Iterator(void) { if( innerIter != nullptr ) { delete innerIter; innerIter = nullptr; } } bool GetNextResult( <?php echo typed_ref_args($gla->output()); ?> ) { return innerIter->GetNextResult(<?php echo args($gla->output()); ?> ); } int FragmentNumber() { return fragmentNum; } }; <?php } else { // if inner result type is fragment ?> class Iterator { private: InnerGLA * gla; int fragmentNum; public: Iterator( InnerGLA * _gla, int fragNo ) : gla(_gla), fragmentNum(fragNo) { gla->Finalize(); } ~Iterator(void) { } bool GetNextResult( <?php echo typed_ref_args($gla->output()); ?> ) { return gla->GetNextResult(<?php echo args($gla->output()); ?> ); } int FragmentNumber() { return fragmentNum; } }; <?php } // if inner result type is multi ?> private: const ConstantState & constState; GLA_Array localState; // Iteration state for multi result type int numFrags; int multiFragNo; Iterator * multiIter; <?php if ($innerRes == 'fragment') { ?> using frag_info = std::pair<int, int>; using frag_map_t = std::unordered_map<int, frag_info>; frag_map_t fragMap; <?php } ?> <?php foreach ($savedArgs as $name => $type) { ?> const <?php echo $type; ?> <?php echo $name; ?> ; <?php } // foreach saved arg ?> public: // Constructor <?php echo $className; ?> ( <?php echo const_typed_ref_args($cArgs); ?> ) : constState(const_state) , localState() , numFrags(0) , multiFragNo(0) , multiIter(nullptr) <?php if ($innerRes == 'fragment') { ?> , fragMap() <?php } foreach ($savedArgs as $name => $type) { ?> , <?php echo $name; ?> (<?php echo $name; ?> ) <?php } // foreach constructor arg to save ?> { for( auto & elem : localState ) { elem.reset(new InnerGLA<?php echo $cstStr; ?> ); } } void AddItem( <?php echo const_typed_ref_args($input); ?> ) { uint64_t hashVal = CongruentHash(Hash(<?php echo $keyName; ?> ), H_b + 1); uint64_t passNum = (hashVal / NUM_STATES) % ConstantState::N_PASSES; uint64_t segNum = hashVal % NUM_STATES; <?php if ($n_passes > 1) { ?> if( passNum != constState.pass ) { return; } <?php } // more than 1 pass ?> localState[segNum]->AddItem(<?php echo args($innerInputs); ?> ); } void ChunkBoundary(void) { // Merge local states into the global state SplitState & globalStates = constState.segments; int theseAreOk[NUM_STATES]; for( int i = 0; NUM_STATES > i; i++ ) { theseAreOk[i] = 1; } int segsLeft = NUM_STATES; while( segsLeft > 0 ) { InnerGLA * checkedOut = nullptr; int whichOne = globalStates.CheckOutOne( theseAreOk, checkedOut ); if( checkedOut == NULL ) { checkedOut = new InnerGLA<?php echo $cstStr; ?> ; } checkedOut->AddState( *(localState[whichOne]) ); globalStates.CheckIn( whichOne, checkedOut ); theseAreOk[whichOne] = 0; segsLeft--; } // Re-initialize the local states for( auto & elem : localState ) { <?php if ($gla->is('resettable')) { ?> elem->Reset(); <?php } else { // if resettable ?> elem.reset(new InnerGLA<?php echo $cstStr; ?> ); <?php } // if not resettable ?> } } void AddState( <?php echo $className; ?> & o ) { // Do nothing } void Finalize() { SplitState & globalStates = constState.segments; if( multiIter != nullptr) delete multiIter; multiFragNo = 0; <?php if ($innerRes == 'fragment') { ?> frag_info fInfo = fragMap[multiFragNo]; multiIter = new Iterator(globalStates.Peek(fInfo.first), multiFragNo, fInfo.second); <?php } else { ?> multiIter = new Iterator(globalStates.Peek(multiFragNo), multiFragNo); <?php } ?> } bool GetNextResult(<?php echo typed_ref_args($output); ?> ) { bool gotResult = false; SplitState & globalStates = constState.segments; while( (multiFragNo < numFrags && multiIter != nullptr) && !gotResult ) { gotResult = multiIter->GetNextResult(<?php echo args($output); ?> ); if( !gotResult ) { multiFragNo++; delete multiIter; if( numFrags > multiFragNo ) { <?php if ($innerRes == 'fragment') { ?> frag_info fInfo = fragMap[multiFragNo]; multiIter = new Iterator(globalStates.Peek(fInfo.first), multiFragNo, fInfo.second); <?php } else { ?> multiIter = new Iterator(globalStates.Peek(multiFragNo), multiFragNo); <?php } ?> } else { multiIter = nullptr; } } } return gotResult; } int GetNumFragments(void) { <?php if ($innerRes == 'fragment') { ?> SplitState & globalStates = constState.segments; numFrags = 0; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_STATES; i++) { int curFrags = globalStates.Peek(i)->GetNumFragments(); for (int curFrag = 0; curFrag < curFrags; curFrag++) { fragMap[numFrags] = frag_info(i, curFrag); numFrags++; } } <?php } else { ?> numFrags = NUM_STATES; <?php } ?> return numFrags; } Iterator * Finalize( int fragment ) { SplitState & globalStates = constState.segments; <?php if ($innerRes == 'fragment') { ?> frag_info info = fragMap[fragment]; return new Iterator(globalStates.Peek(info.first), fragment, info.second); <?php } else { ?> return new Iterator(globalStates.Peek(fragment), fragment); <?php } ?> } bool GetNextResult( Iterator * it, <?php echo typed_ref_args($output); ?> ) { bool ret = it->GetNextResult(<?php echo args($output); ?> ); return ret; } <?php if ($iterable) { ?> bool ShouldIterate( ConstantState & modible ) { modible.pass++; return modible.pass < ConstantState::N_PASSES; } void PostFinalize() { constState.segments.Reset(); } <?php } // iterable ?> <?php if ($gla->is('finite container')) { ?> size_type size() { SplitState & globalStates = constState.segments; size_type s = 0; for( int i = 0; NUM_STATES > i; i++ ) { InnerGLA * ptr = globalStates.Peek(i); s += ptr->size(); } return s; } size_type size(int frag) { SplitState & globalStates = constState.segments; return globalStates.Peek(frag)->size(); } <?php } // if the gla is a container ?> }; typedef <?php echo $className; ?> ::Iterator <?php echo $className; ?> _Iterator; <?php return ['kind' => 'GLA', 'name' => $className, 'system_headers' => $system_headers, 'user_headers' => $user_headers, 'lib_headers' => $lib_headers, 'libraries' => $libraries, 'input' => $input, 'output' => $output, 'result_type' => $resType, 'generated_state' => $constState, 'required_states' => $gla->req_states(), 'chunk_boundary' => true, 'configurable' => $gla->configurable(), 'iterable' => $iterable, 'post_finalize' => $iterable, 'intermediates' => true]; }
/** * A GLA that estimates the cardinality of a dataset using a bloom filter of * a configurable size. * * Note: This filter has very high performance, so long as all of the states * fit into cache, preferably L1 or L2, but L3 is also fine. Once the states * are large enough that all of them cannot fit inside L3 cache at the same * time, performance takes a nose dive (4x loss minimum). */ function BloomFilter(array $t_args, array $input, array $output) { grokit_assert(\count($output) == 1, 'BloomFilter produces only 1 value, ' . \count($output) . ' outputs given.'); $outputName = array_keys($output)[0]; $outputType = array_get_index($output, 0); if (is_null($outputType)) { $outputType = lookupType('BASE::BIGINT'); } $output[$outputName] = $outputType; grokit_assert($outputType->is('numeric'), 'BloomFilter output must be numeric!'); $exp = get_first_key_default($t_args, ['exponent'], 16); grokit_assert(is_integer($exp), 'BloomFilter exponent must be an integer.'); grokit_assert($exp > 0 && $exp < 64, 'BloomFilter exponent must be in range (0,64), ' . $exp . ' given.'); $nullCheck = get_default($t_args, 'null.check', false); $nullable = []; if (is_bool($nullCheck)) { foreach ($input as $name => $type) { $nullable[$name] = $nullCheck; } } else { if (is_array($nullCheck)) { foreach ($input as $name => $type) { $nullable[$name] = false; } foreach ($nullCheck as $index => $n) { grokit_assert(is_string($n), 'BloomFilster null.check has invalid value at position ' . $index); grokit_assert(array_key_exists($n, $nullable), 'BloomFilster null.check has unknown input ' . $n . ' at position ' . $index); $nullable[$n] = true; } } else { grokit_error('BloomFilster null.check must be boolean or list of inputs to check for nulls'); } } $debug = get_default($t_args, 'debug', 0); $bits = pow(2, $exp); $bytes = ceil($bits / 8.0); // Calculate the number of bits set for every possible value of a byte $nBits = []; for ($i = 0; $i < 256; $i++) { $n = $i; $b = 0; while ($n > 0) { $n &= $n - 1; $b++; } $nBits[$i] = $b; } $className = generate_name('BloomFilter'); ?> class <?php echo $className; ?> { static constexpr size_t BITS = <?php echo $bits; ?> ; static constexpr size_t BYTES = <?php echo $bytes; ?> ; static constexpr size_t MASK = BITS - 1; static constexpr std::array<unsigned char, 256> BITS_SET = { <?php echo implode(', ', $nBits); ?> }; static constexpr std::array<unsigned char, 8> BIT_MASKS = { 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80 }; size_t count; std::array<unsigned char, BYTES> set; //unsigned char set[BYTES]; //std::bitset<BITS> set; public: <?php echo $className; ?> () : count(0), set() { for( size_t i = 0; i < BYTES; i++ ) { //> set[i] = 0; } } ~<?php echo $className; ?> () { } void AddItem( <?php echo const_typed_ref_args($input); ?> ) { count++; <?php foreach ($nullable as $name => $check) { if ($check) { ?> if( IsNull( <?php echo $name; ?> ) ) return; <?php } // if checking for nulls } // foreach input ?> size_t hashVal = H_b; <?php foreach ($input as $name => $type) { ?> hashVal = CongruentHash(Hash(<?php echo $name; ?> ), hashVal); <?php } // foreach input ?> hashVal = hashVal & MASK; const size_t bucket = hashVal >> 3; const size_t bucket_index = hashVal & 0x07; const unsigned char mask = BIT_MASKS[bucket_index]; set[bucket] |= mask; } void AddState( <?php echo $className; ?> & o ) { count += o.count; for( size_t i = 0; i < BYTES; i++ ) { //> set[i] |= o.set[i]; } } void GetResult( <?php echo $outputType; ?> & <?php echo $outputName; ?> ) { size_t nBitsSet = 0; constexpr long double bits = static_cast<long double>(BITS); for( size_t i = 0; i < BYTES; i++ ) { //> nBitsSet += BITS_SET[set[i]]; } long double bitsSet = static_cast<long double>(nBitsSet); if( nBitsSet == BITS ) { // All Bits set, just give the cardinality as an estimate. <?php echo $outputName; ?> = count; } else { long double cardinality = - bits * std::log(1 - (bitsSet / bits)); <?php echo $outputName; ?> = cardinality; } <?php if ($debug > 0) { ?> std::cout << "BloomFilter:" << " bitsSet(" << bitsSet << ")" << " bits(" << bits << ")" << " cardinality(" << cardinality << ")" << " output(" << <?php echo $outputName; ?> << ")" << std::endl;; //> <?php } // if debugging enabled ?> } }; // Storage for static members constexpr std::array<unsigned char, 256> <?php echo $className; ?> ::BITS_SET; constexpr std::array<unsigned char, 8> <?php echo $className; ?> ::BIT_MASKS; <?php $system_headers = ['cmath', 'array']; if ($debug > 0) { $system_headers[] = 'iostream'; } return ['kind' => 'GLA', 'name' => $className, 'input' => $input, 'output' => $output, 'result_type' => 'single', 'user_headers' => ['HashFunctions.h'], 'system_headers' => $system_headers]; }
* report invalid new url remaps */ if (getCLIArg('invalid_new_url')) { echo "\n## Invalid New URL ##\n"; $sql = 'SELECT * FROM sq_ast_lookup_remap WHERE expires > :time OR expires is null'; $query = MatrixDAL::preparePdoQuery($sql); $time = ts_iso8601(time()); MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, 'time', $time); $result = MatrixDAL::executePdoAll($query); $affected_result = array(); $root_urls = explode("\n", SQ_CONF_SYSTEM_ROOT_URLS); foreach ($result as $index => $url_info) { $new_url_parts = parse_url($url_info['remap_url']); $protocol = array_get_index($new_url_parts, 'scheme', NULL); if (!empty($protocol)) { $url = array_get_index($new_url_parts, 'host', '') . array_get_index($new_url_parts, 'path', ''); // does it match with root matrix url $is_matrix_url = FALSE; foreach ($root_urls as $root_url) { if (strpos($url, $root_url . '/') === 0 || $url === $root_url) { $is_matrix_url = TRUE; break; } } // if it's not a Matrix URL, no need to show warning if ($is_matrix_url) { // if it's one of special url, no need to show warning if (strpos($url, '__data') === FALSE && strpos($url, '__lib') === FALSE && strpos($url, '__fudge') === FALSE) { $url_asset = $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->am->getAssetFromURL($protocol, $url, TRUE, TRUE); $count_query = 'SELECT count(*) FROM sq_ast_lookup_remap WHERE url = :url '; $count_result = MatrixDAL::preparePdoQuery($count_query);
} if (!is_dir($SYSTEM_ROOT) || !is_readable($SYSTEM_ROOT . '/core/include/')) { echo "ERROR: Path provided doesn't point to a Matrix installation's System Root. Please provide correct path and try again.\n"; echo 'Usage: ' . basename(__FILE__) . " SYSTEM_ROOT [NEW_PASSWORD]\n\n"; echo " If NEW_PASSWORD is not provided, it will be reset to 'root'\n"; exit; } require_once $SYSTEM_ROOT . '/core/include/'; // Get the root user $root_user =& $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->am->getSystemAsset('root_user'); // log in as root :P if (!$GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->setCurrentUser($root_user)) { echo "ERROR: Failed login in as root user\n"; exit; } // try to lock the root user if (!$GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->am->acquireLock($root_user->id, 'attributes')) { trigger_error("Couldn't get lock\n", E_USER_ERROR); } $current_run_level = $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->getRunLevel(); $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->setRunLevel($current_run_level - SQ_SECURITY_PASSWORD_VALIDATION); $password = array_get_index($argv, 2, 'root'); if (!$root_user->setAttrValue('password', $password)) { trigger_error("Couldn't set password\n", E_USER_ERROR); } if (!$root_user->saveAttributes()) { trigger_error("Couldn't save attributes \n", E_USER_ERROR); } $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->restoreRunLevel(); $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->am->releaseLock($root_user->id, 'attributes'); echo 'Root User Password now reset to "' . $password . '", please login and change.', "\n";
/** * Fixes the char encoding in the given tables in the database * * @param int $root_node Assetid of rootnode, all childern of rootnode will be processed for char replacement * @param array $tables DB tables and colunms info * @param boolean $rollback If TRUE process rollback tables, else process regular tables * * @return void */ function fix_db($root_node, $tables, $rollback) { global $reportOnly; $tables_info = get_tables_info(); // All the Matrix attribute types with serialised value $serialsed_attrs = array('option_list', 'email_format', 'parameter_map', 'serialise', 'http_request', 'oauth'); // Get the list of attrids of the type 'serialise' $sql = "SELECT attrid FROM sq_ast_attr WHERE type IN ('" . implode("','", $serialsed_attrs) . "')"; $serialise_attrids = array_keys(MatrixDAL::executeSqlGrouped($sql)); if ($root_node != 1) { // Get the targetted asset list $target_assetids = array_keys($GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->am->getChildren($root_node)); // Since we include the root node, target assetids will always contain atleast one asset id array_unshift($target_assetids, $root_node); echo "\n\nNumber of assets to look into : " . count($target_assetids) . " \n"; // Go through 50 assets at a time. Applicable to asset specific tables only $chunks = array_chunk($target_assetids, 50); $chunks_count = count($chunks); } $errors_count = 0; $warnings_count = 0; $records_fixed_count = 0; $invalid_asset_records = array(); // Assets that will require filesystem content regeneration $affected_assetids = array(); $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->changeDatabaseConnection('db2'); // Counter to count the number of records accessed/processed $count = 0; foreach ($tables as $table_data) { $table_records_count = 0; $table = isset($table_data['table']) ? $table_data['table'] : ''; if (empty($table)) { continue; } $key_fields = isset($tables_info[$table]['primary_key']) ? $tables_info[$table]['primary_key'] : ''; if (empty($key_fields)) { echo "\n" . 'Ignoring table "' . $table . '". Table info for this table not found' . " \n"; continue; } $value_fields = isset($table_data['values']) ? $table_data['values'] : ''; if (empty($value_fields)) { // Nothing to check continue; } if ($rollback) { // Make sure table has rollback trigggers enabled, otherwise it will have rollback table if (isset($tables_info[$table]['rollback']) && $tables_info[$table]['rollback']) { // Add rollback table primary key field to the table's keys $key_fields[] = 'sq_eff_from'; } else { // This table does not has corresponding rollback table continue; } } // Prepend table prefix $table = !$rollback ? 'sq_' . $table : 'sq_rb_' . $table; $asste_specific_table = $table_data['asset_assoc']; $select_fields = array_merge($value_fields, $key_fields); if ($asste_specific_table && !in_array('assetid', $select_fields)) { $select_fields[] = 'assetid'; } if ($root_node == 1) { if ($asste_specific_table) { // When running system wide, get the asset list from the respective db table $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT assetid FROM " . $table; $target_assetids = array_keys(MatrixDAL::executeSqlGrouped($sql)); // Go through 50 assets at a time. Applicable to asset specific tables only $chunks = array_chunk($target_assetids, 50); } else { // Dummy assetids chuck just so that we can get into next loop $chunks = array(array()); } } echo "\nChecking " . $table . " ."; // For non-asset specific table, this loop will break at end of the very first iteration foreach ($chunks as $chunk_index => $assetids) { $sql = 'SELECT ' . implode(',', $select_fields) . ' FROM ' . $table; // For non-asset specific table, "where" condition not is required. We get the whole table in a single go if ($asste_specific_table) { $sql .= ' WHERE assetid IN (\'' . implode('\',\'', $assetids) . '\')'; } else { if ($table == 'sq_internal_msg') { // Special case for non-asset specific records for 'interal_msg' table // Internal message has 'assetid' field but messages not associated with the asset will have empty assetid $sql .= " WHERE assetid = '' OR assetid IS NULL"; } } $results = MatrixDAL::executeSqlAssoc($sql); foreach ($results as $record) { $table_records_count++; $count++; if ($count % 10000 == 0) { echo '.'; } // Asset ID associated with this record $assetid = $asste_specific_table ? $record['assetid'] : 'n/a'; // Key field data $key_values = array(); foreach ($key_fields as $key_field) { $temp_key_v = array_get_index($record, $key_field, NULL); if (is_null($temp_key_v)) { // Primary key field must be there continue 2; } $key_values[$key_field] = $temp_key_v; } //end foreach // Original value field data. // This is the one we need to check/fix $org_values = array(); foreach ($value_fields as $value_field) { $org_values[$value_field] = array_get_index($record, $value_field, ''); } //end foreach // If it's the same in the new and old encodings, that's good. foreach ($org_values as $value_field => $value) { $checked = @iconv(SYS_OLD_ENCODING, SYS_NEW_ENCODING . '//IGNORE', $value); if ($value === $checked) { // This field does not requires conversion/checking unset($org_values[$value_field]); } } //end foreach if (empty($org_values)) { // No field values to convert/check continue; } // Being here means this record contains invalid chars $invalid_asset_records[] = array('asset' => $assetid, 'table' => $table, 'keys' => $key_values, 'values' => $org_values); $converted_values = array(); foreach ($org_values as $value_field => $value) { // If not valid, convert the values without igonoring or interprating any chars if (!isValidValue($value)) { // Serialised fields needs to be handled here $serialised_value = FALSE; if ($table == 'sq_ast_attr_val' && $value_field == 'custom_val' && in_array($record['attrid'], $serialise_attrids)) { $serialised_value = TRUE; } if ($table == 'sq_trig' && $value_field == 'data') { $serialised_value = TRUE; } if ($serialised_value) { $us_value = @unserialize($value); if ($us_value === FALSE && serialize(FALSE) !== $value) { // This has invalid serialsed value, but fix it anyway $converted_value = @iconv(SYS_OLD_ENCODING, SYS_NEW_ENCODING . '//IGNORE', $value); // Put this error notice in the script log file $warnings_count++; $msg = 'Serialsed data field "' . $value_field . '" in the table "' . $table . '" ('; foreach ($key_values as $field_name => $value) { $msg .= $field_name . '=' . $value . '; '; } $msg = rtrim($msg, '; ') . ') does not contain unserialisable data. ' . ($reportOnly ? 'Data can still be converted.' : 'Data will be converted anyway.'); log_error_msg($msg); } else { if (is_array($us_value)) { array_walk_recursive($us_value, 'fix_char'); $converted_value = serialize($us_value); } else { if (is_scalar($us_value)) { $us_value = @iconv(SYS_OLD_ENCODING, SYS_NEW_ENCODING . '//IGNORE', $us_value); $converted_value = serialize($us_value); } else { $converted_value = $value; } } } } else { $converted_value = @iconv(SYS_OLD_ENCODING, SYS_NEW_ENCODING . '//IGNORE', $value); } // If the converted value is valid in current encoding then its good to go // otherwise we'll just not use this value if ($converted_value != $value && isValidValue($converted_value)) { $value = $converted_value; $converted_values[$value_field] = $value; } } else { // if it's a valid encoded value, but was convertable before with iconv using old encoding // it might be only because value is already properly encoded with new encoding. so use md_detect to double check $encoding = mb_detect_encoding($value); if (strtolower($encoding) === strtolower(SYS_NEW_ENCODING)) { unset($org_values[$value_field]); } } } //end foreach if (empty($org_values)) { // All good array_pop($invalid_asset_records); continue; } // If the successfully converted fields count is same as the invalid fields count, we can proceed with the update $update_required = count($org_values) == count($converted_values); if ($update_required) { if (!$reportOnly) { $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->doTransaction('BEGIN'); // Generate update sql $bind_vars = array(); $set_sql = array(); foreach ($converted_values as $field_name => $value) { $set_sql[] = $field_name . '=:' . $field_name . '_v'; $bind_vars[$field_name . '_v'] = $value; } $where_sql = array(); foreach ($key_values as $field_name => $value) { $where_sql[] = $field_name . '=:' . $field_name . '_k'; $bind_vars[$field_name . '_k'] = $value; } try { $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $table . ' SET ' . implode(', ', $set_sql) . ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $where_sql); $update_sql = MatrixDAL::preparePdoQuery($sql); foreach ($bind_vars as $var_name => $var_value) { MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($update_sql, $var_name, $var_value); } // Execute the update query $execute = MatrixDAL::executePdoAssoc($update_sql); if (count($execute) > 1) { foreach ($bind_vars as $var_name => $var_value) { $sql = str_replace(':' . $var_name, "'" . $var_value . "'", $sql); } $errors_count++; $msg = 'Executing query "' . $sql . '" will affect ' . count($execute) . ' records, instead of expected single record! Ignoring this sql.'; log_error_msg($msg); $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->doTransaction('ROLLBACK'); } else { $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->doTransaction('COMMIT'); $records_fixed_count++; $affected_assetids[$table][] = $assetid; } } catch (Exception $e) { $errors_count++; $msg = "Unexpected error occured while updating database: " . $e->getMessage(); log_error_msg($msg); $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->doTransaction('ROLLBACK'); } } else { $records_fixed_count++; // For reporting purpose only $affected_assetids[$table][] = $assetid; } } else { // Trying to carryout charset conversion for this invalid value still resulted into invalid value // Hence record was not updated for this value conversion $errors_count++; $msg = 'Entry in the table "' . $table . '": ' . "\n"; foreach ($key_values as $field_name => $field_value) { $msg .= $field_name . '="' . $field_value . '"; '; } $msg .= "\n" . 'contains invalid char(s), which were not replaced because the charset conversion was not successful' . ($msg .= "\n" . 'Potentially invalid characters include:' . listProblematicCharacters($org_values)); log_error_msg($msg); } } //end foreach records if (!$asste_specific_table) { // We have processed all the entries for this non-asset specific table break; } } //end foreach assetids chunk echo " " . $table_records_count . " records"; } //end foreach tables $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->restoreDatabaseConnection(); unset($target_assetids); unset($chunks); echo "\n"; $invalid_count = sizeof(array_keys($invalid_asset_records)); echo "Number of db records with invalid char(s): " . $invalid_count . "\n"; if ($invalid_count > 0) { foreach ($invalid_asset_records as $k => $details) { echo "\n\tAsset #" . $details['asset'] . " in table " . $details['table']; echo "\n\t" . 'Entry: '; foreach ($details['keys'] as $field_name => $field_value) { echo $field_name . '="' . $field_value . '"; '; } echo "\n\tPossibly problematic characters: " . listProblematicCharacters($details['values']) . "\n"; } echo "\n"; } return array('warning_count' => $warnings_count, 'error_count' => $errors_count, 'records_fixed_count' => $records_fixed_count, 'affected_assetids' => $affected_assetids); }