コード例 #1
ファイル: sbr_stages.php プロジェクト: Nikitian/fl-ru-damp
  * Возвращает один или несколько (все) комментариев в текущем этапе.
  * @param integer|string $msg_id   один или несколько ид. комментов, разделенных запятыми. Если NULL, то будут возвращены все сообщения в виде дерева.
  * @param boolean $get_attach   включить вложения в данные?
  * @return array   массив сообщений. NULL -- ошибка.
 function getMsgs($msg_id = NULL, $get_attach = true)
     $sended = $this->sbr->sended ? $this->sbr->sended : $this->sbr->posted;
     // Если нет даты то хоть какую то дату
     // Нужно брать сообщения, начиная с даты отправки ТЗ текущему исполнителю, чтобы не попала переписка со старым исполнителем.
     $where = "sm.post_date > '{$sended}' AND sm.stage_id = {$this->id}" . ($msg_id == NULL ? '' : " AND sm.id IN ({$msg_id})");
     $sql = "\n          SELECT sm.*, u.login, u.uname, u.usurname, u.photo, u.role, u.is_pro, u.is_pro_test, u.is_team, ssa.date_to_answer\n            FROM sbr_stages_msgs sm\n          INNER JOIN\n            users u\n              ON u.uid = sm.user_id\n          LEFT JOIN\n            sbr_stages_arbitrage ssa\n              ON ssa.stage_id = sm.stage_id\n           WHERE {$where}\n           ORDER BY sm.parent_id, sm.post_date\n        ";
     if (!($res = pg_query(self::connect(false), $sql)) || !pg_num_rows($res)) {
         return NULL;
     $msgs_id = array();
     while ($row = pg_fetch_assoc($res)) {
         $msgs_id[] = $row['id'];
         $msgs[$row['id']] = $row;
     if ($get_attach) {
         $msgs_id = implode(',', $msgs_id);
         if ($atts = $this->getMsgAttach($msgs_id)) {
             foreach ($atts as $id => $att) {
                 $msgs[$att['msg_id']]['attach'][$id] = $att;
     if (!$msg_id) {
         return array2tree($msgs, 'id', 'parent_id', true);
     return current($msgs);
コード例 #2
function _html_buildlist(&$data)
    $ret = array();
    foreach ($data as $item) {
        $ret[] = "<li" . ($item['type'] == 'd' ? " class=\"dir\" " : '') . ">";
        $ret[] = preg_replace("#^<span[^>]+>(.+)</span>\$#i", "\$1", html_wikilink(":" . $item['target'], null));
        // append child nodes, if exists
        if ($item['type'] == 'd') {
            //isset($item['child_nodes'])) {
            if (isset($item['child_nodes'])) {
                $ret[] = "<ul>";
                // static method used to be able to make menu w/o make class object
                $ret[] = _html_buildlist($item['child_nodes']);
                $ret[] = "</ul>";
        $ret[] = "</li>";
    return join("\n", $ret);
$data = array();
search($data, $conf['datadir'], "indexmenu_search_index", $opts, "/" . utf8_encodeFN(str_replace(':', '/', $ns)), 2);
foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
    $data[$k]['parent_id'] = (string) getNS($v['id']);
$data = array2tree($data, '');
$data = "<ul class=\"generated-index\">" . _html_buildlist($data) . "</ul>";
echo $data;
コード例 #3
  * Выводит все комментарии на страницу
  * @return string HTML код 
 public function render()
     $user_is_subscribe_on_topic = commune::isCommuneTopicSubscribed($this->_resource_id, get_uid(false));
     $uid = get_uid(false);
     $comments = $this->getData();
     $this->msg_num = count($comments);
     $comments = array('children' => array2tree($comments, 'id', 'parent_id', true));
     $comments_html = $this->msg_nodes($comments);
     if (!$GLOBALS['top']['deleted_id']) {
         $form = $this->renderForm();
     include $this->tpl_path . $this->templates['main'];
     return ob_get_clean();
コード例 #4
  * 获取帖子回复的评论
  * @param int     $feed_id    帖子id
 public function getSubComment($feed_id)
     $map['row_id'] = array('eq', $feed_id);
     $map['is_del'] = array('eq', 0);
     $map['to_comment_id'] = array('neq', 0);
     $comments = M('Comment')->where($map)->order('comment_id ASC')->findAll();
     foreach ($comments as $v) {
         $comment_info['type'] = '回复了评论';
         $comment_info['to_uid'] = $v['to_uid'];
         $comment_info['to_uid_info'] = $this->get_user_info($v['to_uid']);
         $comment_info['user_info'] = $this->get_user_info($v['uid']);
         $comment_info['to_comment_id'] = $v['to_comment_id'];
         $comment_info['comment_id'] = $v['comment_id'];
         $comment_info['content'] = $v['content'];
         $comment_info['ctime'] = $v['ctime'];
         $comment_info['digg_count'] = $v['digg_count'];
         $diggarr = model('CommentDigg')->checkIsDigg($v['comment_id'], $GLOBALS['ts']['mid']);
         $comment_info['is_digg'] = t($diggarr[$v['comment_id']] ? 1 : 0);
         $commenList[] = $comment_info;
     $commenList = array2tree($commenList, 'comment_id', 'to_comment_id', 'child');
     return $commenList;
コード例 #5
ファイル: Comments.php プロジェクト: Nikitian/fl-ru-damp
  * Выводит все комментарии на страницу
  * @return string HTML код 
 public function render()
     $uid = get_uid(false);
     $comments = $this->getData();
     $this->msg_num = count($comments);
     $comments = array('children' => array2tree($comments, 'id', 'parent_id', true));
     $comments_html = $this->msg_nodes($comments);
     $form = $this->renderForm();
     include $this->tpl_path . $this->templates['main'];
     return ob_get_clean();