if (!isset($_GET["popup"])) { ?> <div class="container2" style="padding: 2px"> <div class="container"> <?php } if ($isCollabs) { $cond1 = "`watType` = 'use' AND `objCollab` <> '0' AND `watCreator` IN(`objCollab`, `objCreator`)"; } elseif ($isClubs) { $cond1 = "`watType` = 'clu' AND `watCreator` = `objForClub` AND `objCreator` <> '{$creator}'"; } else { $cond1 = "`watType` = 'use' AND `watCreator` = `objCreator` AND `objCollab` = '0'"; } $where = "`watUser` = '{$creator}' AND {$cond1} " . "AND `objDeleted` = '0' AND `objPending` = '0'"; applyObjFilters($where); if ($artistId > 0) { if ($isCollabs) { $where = "({$where}) AND `objCollab` = '{$artistId}'"; } elseif ($isClubs) { $where = "({$where}) AND `objForClub` = '{$artistId}'"; } elseif ($isExtras) { $where = "({$where}) AND `objCreator` = '{$artistId}'"; } else { $where = "({$where}) AND `objCreator` = '{$artistId}'"; } } if (!$showAll) { $where = "({$where}) AND `updObj` IS NOT NULL"; } $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT {$_objects}.*, `updObj` FROM `watches`, {$_objects} " . "LEFT JOIN `updates` ON( `updType` = '" . ($cleType == "obj" ? updTypeArt : updTypeArtExtra) . "' AND `updObj` = `objid` AND `updCreator` = '{$creator}' ) " . "WHERE {$where} " . "ORDER BY `objLastEdit` DESC LIMIT {$offset}, {$limit}";
function getObjectThumb($objid = 0, $size = 30, $isExtras = false) { global $_auth; $objid = intval($objid); $where = "`objid` = '{$objid}'"; if (!atLeastHelpdesk()) { $where = "({$where}) AND `objDeleted` = '0' AND `objPending` = '0'"; } applyObjFilters($where); $result = sql_query("SELECT * FROM `" . ($isExtras ? "extras" : "objects") . "` WHERE {$where} LIMIT 1"); // check if the object exists - Why did this say club before? if (!($objData = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) { // no? return getIMG(urlf() . "images/nothumb.gif", 'alt="[' . _BBCODE_THUMB . '=' . $objid . ']" title="' . sprintf(_UNKNOWN_SUBMISSION, $objid) . '" class="microthumb"'); } if (!isLoggedIn()) { $sql = "SELECT `useGuestAccess` FROM `useExtData`" . dbWhere(array("useEid" => $objData["objCreator"])); $result = sql_query($sql); if (!mysql_result($result, 0)) { return getIMG(urlf() . "images/nothumb.gif", 'alt="[' . _BBCODE_THUMB . '=' . $objid . ']" title="' . sprintf(_UNKNOWN_SUBMISSION, $objid) . '" class="microthumb"'); } } // found the object if (!$isExtras && $objData["objThumbDefault"]) { $filename = "images/litthumb.png"; } else { $filename = $isExtras ? "" : findNewestFileById("files/thumbs/", $objid, "images/nothumb.gif"); } $width = round($objData["objThumbWidth"] * $size / 100); $height = round($objData["objThumbHeight"] * $size / 100); $objTitle = htmlspecialchars($objData["objTitle"]) . ' <br /> '; if ($objData["objCollab"] > 0) { $objTitle .= sprintf(_BY_AND, getUserLink($objData["objCreator"]), getUserLink($objData["objCollab"])); } else { $objTitle .= sprintf(_BY, getUserLink($objData["objCreator"])); } $src = $isExtras ? $objData["objThumbURL"] : urlf() . $filename; if ($size < 100) { makeFloatingThumb(strip_tags($objTitle), $src, $objData["objThumbWidth"], $objData["objThumbHeight"], $objData["objMature"], true, $onmouseover, $onmouseout); } else { $onmouseover = ""; $onmouseout = ""; } $str = '<a href="' . url("view/" . ($isExtras ? "e" : "") . $objData["objid"]) . '">' . getIMG($src, 'alt="[' . _BBCODE_THUMB . '=' . $objid . ']" class="microthumb' . ($objData["objMature"] ? " mature" : "") . '" ' . 'style="width: ' . $width . 'px; height: ' . $height . 'px" ' . 'onmouseover="' . $onmouseover . '" onmouseout="' . $onmouseout . '" ' . 'title="' . strip_tags($objTitle) . '"', true) . '</a> '; return $str; }
function recountUpdates($type, $user) { global $_auth; switch ($type) { case updTypeMessageFav: $result = sql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `updates` " . "WHERE `updType` = '" . updTypeMessageFav . "' " . "AND `updCreator` = '" . intval($user) . "'"); $updField = "useUpdFav"; break; case updTypeMessageWatch: case updTypeMessageClub: case updTypeMessageAbuse: case updTypeMessageDeleted: case updTypeMessageRestored: case updTypeMessageClubMember: case updTypeMessageClubDeclined: case updTypeMessageClubRefused: case updTypeMessageWatchClub: case updTypeMessageHelpUpdate: case updTypeMessageHelpResolved: $types = array(updTypeMessageWatch, updTypeMessageClub, updTypeMessageAbuse, updTypeMessageDeleted, updTypeMessageRestored, updTypeMessageClubMember, updTypeMessageClubDeclined, updTypeMessageClubRefused, updTypeMessageWatchClub, updTypeMessageHelpUpdate, updTypeMessageHelpResolved); $result = sql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `updates` " . "WHERE `updType` IN('" . implode("','", $types) . "') " . "AND `updCreator` = '" . intval($user) . "'"); $updField = "useUpdWat"; break; case updTypeArt: $where = "`objid` = `updObj` " . "AND `objDeleted` = '0' AND `objPending` = '0' " . "AND `updCreator` = '" . intval($user) . "'"; applyObjFilters($where, $user); $result = sql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `updatesArt`,`objects` " . "WHERE " . $where); $updField = "useUpdObj"; break; case updTypeArtExtra: $where = "`updType` = '" . updTypeArtExtra . "' AND `objid` = `updObj` " . "AND `objDeleted` = '0' AND `objPending` = '0' " . "AND `updCreator` = '" . intval($user) . "'"; applyObjFilters($where, $user); $result = sql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `updates`,`extras` " . "WHERE " . $where); $updField = "useUpdExt"; break; case updTypeJournal: case updTypeJournalPoll: case updTypeAnnouncement: $types = array(updTypeJournal, updTypeJournalPoll, updTypeAnnouncement); $result = sql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `updates` " . "WHERE `updType` IN('" . implode("','", $types) . "') " . "AND `updCreator` = '" . intval($user) . "'"); $updField = "useUpdJou"; break; case updTypeComment: $result = sql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `updates` " . "WHERE `updType` = '" . updTypeComment . "' " . "AND `updCreator` = '" . intval($user) . "'"); $updField = "useUpdCom"; break; case updTypePM: include_once INCLUDES . "comments.php"; $result = sql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `updates` " . "WHERE `updType` = '" . updTypePM . "' " . "AND `updCreator` = '" . intval($user) . "'"); $updField = "useUpdPms"; break; default: return; } $updCount = mysql_result($result, 0); sql_query("UPDATE `useExtData` SET `{$updField}` = '{$updCount}' " . "WHERE `useEid` = '" . intval($user) . "' LIMIT 1"); if ($user == $_auth["useid"]) { $_auth[$updField] = $updCount; // Immediate effect. } }
<?php echo iefixStart(); ?> <div class="header f_left"><?php echo _PROFILE; ?> </div> <div class="header f_right a_right"><?php echo isset($_GET["replied"]) ? _COMMENTS : _LEAVE_COMMENT; ?> </div> <div class="clear"> </div> <?php echo iefixEnd(); $whereMature = "1"; applyObjFilters($whereMature); $whereMature = "AND " . $whereMature; ?> <div class="leftside"> <?php $ID = ""; $filename = findNewestFile(applyIdToPath("files/clubids/", $cluData["cluid"]) . "-*", ""); if ($filename != "") { if (preg_match('/\\.swf$/', $filename)) { list($maxWidth, $maxHeight) = preg_split('/x/', $_config["idResolution"]); $ID = '<div class="a_center mar_bottom">' . getSWF($filename, 1.0, $maxWidth, $maxHeight) . '</div>'; } else { $ID = '<div class="a_center mar_bottom"><img src="' . urlf() . $filename . '" /></div>'; } } if ($ID != "" || trim($cluData["cluProfile"]) != "") {
function showPrevNext($cl, $cluVar) { global $_objects, $isExtras, $objData, $useData; if ($cl == 1 && $objData[$cluVar] == 0) { return; } if ($cl == 1 && $isExtras) { return; } $prevId = 0; $nextId = 0; if ($cl == 1) { // Navigate inside this club/project. $select = "SELECT `objid`,`objTitle` FROM {$_objects},`clubObjects`"; $where = "`cloObject` = `objid` AND `cloClub` = '" . $objData[$cluVar] . "'"; $browseURL = url("clubgallery/" . $objData[$cluVar]); } else { // Navigate inside the artist's gallery (this also includes // submissions posted to clubs). $select = "SELECT `objid`,`objTitle` FROM {$_objects}"; $where = "`objCreator` = '" . $objData["objCreator"] . "'"; $browseURL = url(($isExtras ? "extras/" : "gallery/") . strtolower($useData["useUsername"])); } // Make sure deleted and pending submissions don't display. $where = "({$where}) AND `objDeleted` = '0' AND `objPending` = '0'"; // Make sure mature submissions don't display if the user has chosen // not to view them. applyObjFilters($where); // To find the next submission, sort all submissions that were // posted after the current submission by submission dates // in the ascending order and then get the very first one. $result = sql_query("{$select} WHERE {$where} " . "AND `objSubmitDate` > '" . $objData["objSubmitDate"] . "' " . "ORDER BY `objSubmitDate` LIMIT 1"); if ($rowData = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $nextId = $rowData[0]; } // To find the previous submission, sort all submissions that were // posted before the current submission by submission dates // in the descending order and then get the very first one. $result = sql_query("{$select} WHERE {$where} " . "AND `objSubmitDate` < '" . $objData["objSubmitDate"] . "' " . "ORDER BY `objSubmitDate` DESC LIMIT 1"); if ($rowData = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $prevId = $rowData[0]; } // Display navigation buttons (Prev, Browse, Next). ?> <div class="mar_top mar_bottom smalltext"> <?php if ($prevId > 0) { echo getObjectThumb($prevId, 30, $isExtras) . getIMG(url() . "images/emoticons/nav-prev.png") . " " . _PAGE_PREVIOUS; } ?> <a class="disable_wrapping" href="<?php echo $browseURL; ?> "> <?php echo $cl == 0 ? $isExtras ? _EXTRA_BROWSE : _BROWSE_GALLERY : _BROWSE_CLUB; ?> </a> <?php if ($nextId > 0) { echo _PAGE_NEXT . " " . getIMG(url() . "images/emoticons/nav-next.png") . getObjectThumb($nextId, 30, $isExtras); } ?> </div> <?php }
function putSidebarRandom() { global $_auth, $_config; iefixStart(); $needRefresh = false; $objid = 0; $rndResult = sql_query("SELECT * FROM `randomObjects`" . dbWhere(array("rndFilterPtn" => $_auth["useObjFilters"])) . "LIMIT 1"); if ($rndData = mysql_fetch_assoc($rndResult)) { if (time() > $rndData["rndTimeout"]) { $needRefresh = true; // Random object has timed-out } else { $objid = $rndData["rndObject"]; } } else { $needRefresh = true; } mysql_free_result($rndResult); if ($needRefresh) { $count = mysql_result(sql_query("SELECT MAX(`objid`) FROM `objects`"), 0); $where = "`objPending` = '0' AND `objDeleted` = '0'"; applyObjFilters($where); // We would give it 5 chances to pick a random submission :) // Actually there's a 99.999% possibility it would pick the good // one at first try. $objid = 0; for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++) { $id = mt_rand(1, $count); $_tmpResult = sql_query("SELECT `objid` FROM `objects` " . "WHERE ({$where}) AND `objid` = '{$id}' LIMIT 1"); if (mysql_num_rows($_tmpResult) > 0) { $objid = $id; break; } } $timeout = time() + 60; // Will expire in 1 minute sql_query("LOCK TABLES `randomObjects` WRITE"); //sql_query( "BEGIN" ); sql_query("DELETE FROM `randomObjects`" . dbWhere(array("rndFilterPtn" => $_auth["useObjFilters"]))); sql_query("INSERT INTO `randomObjects`" . dbValues(array("rndFilterPtn" => $_auth["useObjFilters"], "rndObject" => $objid, "rndTimeout" => $timeout))); sql_query("UNLOCK TABLES"); //sql_query( "COMMIT" ); } // Show the thumbnail of that `objid`. $select = "SELECT * FROM `objects`"; $where = "`objid` = '{$objid}'"; $limit = 1; unset($order); include INCLUDES . "mod_minigallery.php"; iefixEnd(); }
function showThumbnails($params) { global $_config, $_cmd, $_auth; if (!isset($params["quickSearch"])) { $params["quickSearch"] = false; } if (!isset($params["isFavorites"])) { $params["isFavorites"] = false; } if (!isset($params["showDeleted"])) { $params["showDeleted"] = false; } if (!isset($params["countDisabled"])) { $params["countDisabled"] = false; } if (!isset($params["select"])) { $params["select"] = "SELECT * FROM `objects`"; } if (!isset($params["where"])) { $params["where"] = "1"; } if (!isset($params["having"])) { $params["having"] = ""; } if (!isset($params["maxcols"])) { $params["maxcols"] = 4; } if (!isset($params["isExtras"])) { $params["isExtras"] = false; } if (!isset($params["disableFiltering"])) { $params["disableFiltering"] = false; } if (!isset($params["onDisplayFiltering"])) { $params["onDisplayFiltering"] = false; } if (!isset($params["sortById"])) { $params["sortById"] = ""; } //if( !isset( $params[ "noMostFaved" ])) $params["noMostFaved"] = false; if (!isLoggedIn()) { if ($params["where"] == "1") { $params["where"] = "`objGuestAccess` = '1'"; } else { $params["where"] = "(" . $params["where"] . ") AND `objGuestAccess` = '1'"; } } // Define the sorting method. There are 5 sorting methods: // // 0 - newest first // 1 - oldest first // 2 - most viewed // 3 - most faved // 4 - random // 5 - relevant if (isset($params["order"])) { $order = $params["order"]; } else { if ($_cmd[0] == "search") { $order = isset($_GET["order"]) ? intval($_GET["order"]) : (isset($_COOKIE["yGalOrder"]) ? intval($_COOKIE["yGalOrder"]) : 0); } else { $order = isset($_GET["order"]) ? intval($_GET["order"]) : (isset($_COOKIE["yGalOrderSearch"]) ? intval($_COOKIE["yGalOrderSearch"]) : 0); } } if ($params["noMostFaved"] && ($order == 2 || $order == 3)) { $order = 0; } if ($params["isExtras"] && $order == 2) { $order = 0; } // Disable sorting by favs and views for the searching engine because it's too slow :( if ($_cmd[0] == "search" && $order != 0 && $order != 1) { $order = 0; } $order1 = $order; // Disable sorting by popularity for favourites because it's too slow :( if ($_cmd[0] == "favourites" && $order1 != 0 && $order1 != 1) { $order1 = 0; } switch ($order1) { case 1: if ($params["sortById"]) { $orderString = "ORDER BY " . $params["sortById"]; } else { $orderString = $params["isFavorites"] ? "ORDER BY `favSubmitDate`" : "ORDER BY `objSubmitDate`"; } break; case 2: $orderString = "ORDER BY `objPopularity` DESC"; /* $params[ "select" ] = str_replace( "FROM `objects`", "FROM `objects` USE INDEX(`objPopularity`)", $params[ "select" ]); */ break; default: if ($params["sortById"]) { $orderString = "ORDER BY " . $params["sortById"] . " DESC"; } else { $orderString = $params["isFavorites"] ? "ORDER BY `favSubmitDate` DESC" : "ORDER BY `objSubmitDate` DESC"; } } // Define the amount of thumbnails to show. The default value is 12. if (isset($params["limit"])) { $limit = $params["limit"]; } else { $limit = isset($_GET["limit"]) ? intval($_GET["limit"]) : (isset($_COOKIE["yGalLimit"]) ? intval($_COOKIE["yGalLimit"]) : 12); if ($limit != 8 && $limit != 12 && $limit != 24 && $limit != 48) { $limit = 12; } } // All pages except the front page "remember" the new // sorting/limiting settings. if ($_cmd[0] != "") { if (!$params["noMostFaved"]) { if ($_cmd[0] == "search") { setcookie("yGalOrder", $order, strtotime("+9 years"), "/", "." . $_config["galRoot"]); } else { setcookie("yGalOrderSearch", $order, strtotime("+9 years"), "/", "." . $_config["galRoot"]); } } setcookie("yGalLimit", $limit, strtotime("+1 month"), "/", "." . $_config["galRoot"]); } // Define the current offset. $offset = isset($_GET["offset"]) ? intval($_GET["offset"]) : 0; if ($offset < 0) { $offset = 0; } if (!$params["disableFiltering"]) { // If the user isn't mature, hide mature submissions. applyObjFilters($params["where"]); if (isset($params["folderWhere"])) { applyObjFilters($params["folderWhere"]); } if (isset($params["folderCalcWhere"])) { applyObjFilters($params["folderCalcWhere"]); } if (!$params["showDeleted"]) { $params["where"] = "(" . $params["where"] . ") " . "AND `objDeleted` = '0' AND `objPending` = '0'"; if (isset($params["folderWhere"])) { $params["folderWhere"] = "(" . $params["folderWhere"] . ") " . "AND `objDeleted` = '0' AND `objPending` = '0'"; } if (isset($params["folderCalcWhere"])) { $params["folderCalcWhere"] = "(" . $params["folderCalcWhere"] . ") " . "AND `objDeleted` = '0' AND `objPending` = '0'"; } } } $totalFolders = 0; $gallery = array(); if (isset($params["folderParent"])) { $gallery[-1] = -1; $limit--; } if (isset($params["folderSelect"])) { $query = $params["folderSelect"] . " WHERE " . $params["folderWhere"] . " GROUP BY `folid` ORDER BY `folName` LIMIT {$offset}, {$limit}"; $result = sql_query($query); while ($folData = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $gallery[-$folData["folid"]] = $folData; } $query = $params["folderSelect"] . " WHERE " . $params["folderWhere"] . " GROUP BY `folid`"; $result = sql_query($query); $totalFolders = mysql_num_rows($result); $offset -= $totalFolders; } // Query all the currently visible thumbnails and store the data in the // $gallery array. if ($params["countDisabled"]) { $selectCmd = $params["select"]; } else { $selectCmd = preg_replace('/^SELECT/', "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS", $params["select"]); } $tmpOffset = $offset < 0 ? 0 : $offset; $tmpLimit = $offset < 0 ? $limit + $offset : $limit; $limit1 = $limit; if ($params["countDisabled"]) { $limit1++; } $query = "{$selectCmd} WHERE " . $params["where"] . " " . $params["having"] . " {$orderString} LIMIT {$tmpOffset}, {$limit1}"; /* if( $_auth[ "useid" ] == 7 ) { echo $query; } */ $result = sql_query($query); while ($objData = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $gallery[$objData["objid"]] = $objData; } // Calculate the total amount of submissions that's possible to browse // through with the current options. if ($params["countDisabled"]) { $totalCount = $offset + $limit; if (count($gallery) > $limit) { $totalCount++; } } else { $result = sql_query("SELECT FOUND_ROWS()"); $totalCount = $totalFolders + mysql_result($result, 0); } // Generate the navigation bar. if ($_cmd[0] == "") { $galleryNavs = ""; } else { iefixStart(); ob_start(); $tmpOffset = isset($_GET["offset"]) ? intval($_GET["offset"]) : 0; navControls($tmpOffset, $limit, $totalCount); ?> <div class="a_center"> <?php if ($params["quickSearch"]) { ?> <form action="<?php echo url("search"); ?> " method="get"> <?php foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) { if ($key != "keywordList" && $key != "offset") { echo '<input name="' . htmlspecialchars($key) . '" type="hidden" value="' . htmlspecialchars($value) . '" />'; } } ?> <select name="keywordList" onchange="this.form.submit();"> <option value=""></option> <option value=""><?php echo _SEARCH; ?> </option> <?php // By default, select the first root keyword group. $result = sql_query("SELECT `keyid` FROM `keywords` " . "WHERE `keySubcat` = '0' ORDER BY `keyWord` LIMIT 1"); if (mysql_num_rows($result)) { $mainSubcat = mysql_result($result, 0); } else { $mainSubcat = 0; } if (isset($_GET["keywordList"])) { // If it's already a search request then see what keyword groups are // involved in the search and allow selection of siblings inside // those groups. $list = preg_split('/\\s/', $_GET["keywordList"], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); } else { $list = array($mainSubcat); } $first1 = true; $where1 = "`keyid` IN("; foreach ($list as $keyid) { $keyid = intval($keyid); if ($keyid == 0) { continue; } $result = sql_query("SELECT `keySubcat` FROM `keywords` " . "WHERE `keyid` = '{$keyid}' LIMIT 1"); if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { $keySubcat = mysql_result($result, 0); $where1 .= ($first1 ? "" : ",") . "'{$keySubcat}'"; $first1 = false; } } if ($mainSubcat > 0) { $where1 .= ($first1 ? "" : ",") . "'{$mainSubcat}'"; } $where1 .= ")"; $limit1 = 5; $result = sql_query("SELECT `keyid`,`keyWord` FROM `keywords` " . "WHERE {$where1} ORDER BY `keyWord` LIMIT {$limit1}"); while ($keyData = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $keyData["keyWord"] = trim(preg_replace('/^.*\\|/', "", $keyData["keyWord"])); if (preg_match('/\\@$/', $keyData["keyWord"])) { continue; } ?> <optgroup label="<?php echo $keyData["keyWord"]; ?> "> <?php $result2 = sql_query("SELECT * FROM `keywords` " . "WHERE `keySubcat` = '" . $keyData["keyid"] . "' ORDER BY `keyWord`"); while ($rowData = mysql_fetch_assoc($result2)) { $rowData["keyWord"] = trim(preg_replace('/^.*\\|/', "", $rowData["keyWord"])); if (preg_match('/\\@$/', $rowData["keyWord"])) { continue; } ?> <option <?php echo isset($_GET["keywordList"]) && $_GET["keywordList"] == $rowData["keyid"] ? 'selected="selected"' : ""; ?> value="<?php echo $rowData["keyid"]; ?> "><?php echo htmlspecialchars($rowData["keyWord"]); ?> </option> <?php } ?> </optgroup> <?php } ?> </select> </form> <?php } ?> <form action="<?php echo url("."); ?> " method="get"> <?php foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) { if ($key != "order" && $key != "limit" && $key != "offset") { echo '<input name="' . htmlspecialchars($key) . '" type="hidden" value="' . htmlspecialchars($value) . '" />'; } } ?> <select name="order"> <option <?php echo $order == 0 ? 'selected="selected"' : ""; ?> value="0"><?php echo _NEWEST_FIRST; ?> </option> <option <?php echo $order == 1 ? 'selected="selected"' : ""; ?> value="1"><?php echo _OLDEST_FIRST; ?> </option> <?php if ($_cmd[0] != "search" && $_cmd[0] != "favourites") { if (!$params["noMostFaved"]) { if (!$params["isExtras"]) { ?> <option <?php echo $order == 2 ? 'selected="selected"' : ""; ?> value="2"><?php echo _CLUB_POPULAR; ?> </option> <?php } /* ?> <option <?= $order == 3 ? 'selected="selected"' : "" ?> value="3"><?=_MOST_VIEWED ?></option> <? */ } /* ?> <!--<option <?= $order == 4 ? 'selected="selected"' : "" ?> value="4"><?=_RANDOM ?></option>--> <? if( $_cmd[ 0 ] == "search" ) { ?> <option <?= $order == 5 ? 'selected="selected"' : "" ?> value="5"><?=_SEARCH_RELEVANT ?></option> <? } */ } ?> </select> <?php $tmpLimit = $limit; if (isset($params["folderParent"])) { $tmpLimit++; } ?> <select name="limit"> <option <?php echo $tmpLimit == 8 ? 'selected="selected"' : ""; ?> value="8"><?php echo fuzzy_number(8); ?> </option> <option <?php echo $tmpLimit == 12 ? 'selected="selected"' : ""; ?> value="12"><?php echo fuzzy_number(12); ?> </option> <option <?php echo $tmpLimit == 24 ? 'selected="selected"' : ""; ?> value="24"><?php echo fuzzy_number(24); ?> </option> <option <?php echo $tmpLimit == 48 ? 'selected="selected"' : ""; ?> value="48"><?php echo fuzzy_number(48); ?> </option> </select> <input class="submit" type="submit" value="<?php echo _UPDATE; ?> " style="vertical-align: middle" /> </form> </div> <?php $galleryNavs = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_flush(); ?> <div class="hline"> </div> <?php iefixEnd(); } $cols = 0; $imagesToGo = $limit; if (isset($params["folderParent"])) { $imagesToGo++; } $useids = array(); foreach ($gallery as $objData) { if (isset($objData["objCreator"])) { $useids[] = $objData["objCreator"]; } } prefetchUserData(array_unique($useids)); if ($params["onDisplayFiltering"]) { // Prepare user filters array (used below). $useFilters = preg_split('/[^0-9]/', $_auth["useObjFilters"], 63, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); } foreach ($gallery as $objid => $objData) { if ($objid < 0) { // Show a folder icon. ?> <div class="gallery_col"> <div class="a_center padded mar_bottom<?php echo $cols < 3 ? " mar_right" : ""; ?> "> <?php if (isset($params["folderParent"])) { $url = url(($params["isExtras"] ? "extras" : "gallery") . "/" . strtolower($params["folderParent"]["useUsername"])); ?> <div style="padding-top: 35px;"> <a href="<?php echo $url; ?> "> <?php echo getIMG(urlf() . "images/folder_up.png"); ?> <br /> <b><?php echo _SET_FOLDER_BACK; ?> </b> </a> </div> <?php } else { $url = url(($params["isExtras"] ? "extras" : "gallery") . "/" . strtolower($params["folderCreator"]["useUsername"]) . "/" . $objData["folIdent"]); ?> <div style="background: url(<?php echo urlf() . "images/folder.png"; ?> ) center top no-repeat; height: 140px;"> <div style="padding-top: 35px"> <a href="<?php echo $url; ?> "><?php echo getFolderIcon($objData["folid"]); ?> </a> </div> </div> <div> <b><a href="<?php echo $url; ?> "><?php echo formatText($objData["folName"], false, true); ?> </a></b> </div> <?php if (isset($params["folderCalcWhere"])) { $query = $params["folderCalc"] . " WHERE " . $params["folderCalcWhere"] . " AND `objFolder` = '" . $objData["folid"] . "'"; $result = sql_query($query); echo "( " . fuzzy_number(mysql_result($result, 0)) . " )"; } } ?> </div> </div> <?php } else { // Show a thumbnail. if ($params["onDisplayFiltering"]) { // Check objDeleted, objPending, objMature manually. if ($objData["objDeleted"] || $objData["objPending"]) { continue; // Don't show deleted/pending } if (count($useFilters) > 0) { $objFilters = preg_split('/[^0-9]/', $objData["objMature"], 63, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $isFiltered = false; foreach ($objFilters as $filter) { if (in_array($filter, $useFilters)) { $isFiltered = true; break; } } if ($isFiltered) { continue; // Don't show filtered objects } } } $anchor = url("view/" . ($params["isExtras"] ? "e" : "") . $objData["objid"]); if ($params["isExtras"]) { $src = $objData["objThumbURL"]; } elseif ($objData["objThumbDefault"]) { $src = urlf() . "images/litthumb.png"; } else { $src = urlf() . applyIdToPath("files/thumbs/", $objData["objid"]) . "-" . preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', "", $objData["objLastEdit"]) . ".jpg"; } $objTitle = formatText($objData["objTitle"]); // Do not display "by <artist_name>" in /gallery and /galleryclubs. if ($_cmd[0] != "gallery" && $_cmd[0] != "galleryclubs" && $_cmd[0] != "extras") { $objTitle .= "<br /> "; if ($objData["objCollab"] > 0) { $objTitle .= sprintf(_BY_AND, getUserLink($objData["objCreator"]), getUserLink($objData["objCollab"])); } else { $objTitle .= sprintf(_BY, getUserLink($objData["objCreator"])); } } else { if ($objData["objCollab"] > 0) { $objTitle .= " <br />" . sprintf(_BY_COLLAB_WITH, getUserLink($objData["objCollab"])); } } if ($objData["objForUser"] > 0 && $_cmd[0] != "gifts") { $objTitle .= " <br />" . sprintf(_FOR, getUserLink($objData["objForUser"])); } // Display "in <club_name>" in /gallery and /galleryclubs if the // work is submitted to a club. if ($_cmd[0] == "galleryclubs" || $_cmd[0] == "gallery" && $objData["objForClub"] > 0) { $result = sql_query("SELECT `cluName` FROM `clubs` " . "WHERE `cluid` = '" . $objData["objForClub"] . "'"); if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { $club = '<a href="' . url("club/" . $objData["objForClub"]) . '">' . mysql_result($result, 0) . '</a>'; $objTitle .= '<br /> ' . sprintf(_IN, $club); } } ?> <div class="gallery_col"> <div class="a_center padded mar_bottom<?php echo $cols < 3 ? " mar_right" : ""; ?> "> <a href="<?php echo $anchor; ?> "> <?php echo getIMG($src, 'alt="' . strip_tags($objTitle) . '" class="thumb' . ($objData["objMature"] && isLoggedIn() ? " mature" : "") . ($objData["objPending"] ? " pending" : "") . ($objData["objDeleted"] ? " deleted" : "") . '" width="' . $objData["objThumbWidth"] . '" height="' . $objData["objThumbHeight"] . '" title="' . strip_tags($objTitle) . '"'); ?> </a> <div><?php echo $objTitle; ?> </div> </div> </div> <?php } $cols++; if ($cols >= $params["maxcols"]) { $cols = 0; ?> <div class="clear"> </div> <?php } $imagesToGo--; if ($imagesToGo <= 0) { break; } } if (count($gallery) == 0) { ?> <div><?php echo _NO_SUBMISSIONS; ?> </div> <?php } if ($_cmd[0] != "" || $params["limit"] == 12) { ?> <div class="hline"> </div> <?php } // On the front page also show the "More >" link which leads to the // global gallery browsing. if ($_cmd[0] == "" && $params["limit"] == 12) { ?> <div class="a_right mar_bottom mar_right"> <a class="disable_wrapping smalltext" href="<?php echo url("browse"); ?> "> <?php echo _MORE; ?> <?php echo getIMG(url() . "images/emoticons/nav-next.png"); ?> </a> </div> <?php } echo $galleryNavs; ?> <div class="clear"> </div> <?php }