function thold_show_tab() { global $config; if (api_user_realm_auth('thold_graph.php')) { $cp = false; if (basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) == 'thold_graph.php' || basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) == 'thold_view_failures.php' || basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) == 'thold_view_normal.php') { $cp = true; } print '<a href="' . $config['url_path'] . 'plugins/thold/thold_graph.php"><img src="' . $config['url_path'] . 'plugins/thold/images/tab_thold' . ($cp ? '_down' : '') . '.gif" alt="thold" align="absmiddle" border="0"></a>'; } }
function gpsmap_show_tab() { global $config; if (api_user_realm_auth('gpsmap.php')) { $cp = false; if (basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) == 'gpsmap.php') { $cp = true; } print '<a href="' . $config['url_path'] . 'plugins/gpsmap/gpsmap.php"><img src="' . $config['url_path'] . 'plugins/gpsmap/images/tab_gpsmap' . ($cp ? '_down' : '') . '.gif" alt="GPS Map" align="absmiddle" border="0"></a>'; } }
function mirage_show_tab() { global $config; if (api_user_realm_auth('mirage_graph.php')) { $cp = false; if (basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) == 'mirage_graph.php') { $cp = true; } print '<a href="' . $config['url_path'] . 'plugins/mirage/mirage_graph.php"><img src="' . $config['url_path'] . 'plugins/mirage/images/tab_mirage' . ($cp ? '_down' : '') . '.gif" alt="mirage" align="absmiddle" border="0"></a>'; } }
function flowview_show_tab() { global $config; if (api_user_realm_auth('flowview.php')) { if (substr_count($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'flowview')) { print '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($config['url_path'] . 'plugins/flowview/flowview.php') . '"><img src="' . $config['url_path'] . 'plugins/flowview/images/tab_flows_down.gif" alt="FlowView" align="absmiddle" border="0"></a>'; } else { print '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($config['url_path'] . 'plugins/flowview/flowview.php') . '"><img src="' . $config['url_path'] . 'plugins/flowview/images/tab_flows.gif" alt="FlowView" align="absmiddle" border="0"></a>'; } } }
function monitor_show_tab() { global $config; if (api_user_realm_auth('monitor.php')) { if (substr_count($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], "monitor.php")) { print '<a href="' . $config['url_path'] . 'plugins/monitor/monitor.php"><img src="' . $config['url_path'] . 'plugins/monitor/images/tab_monitor_down.gif" alt="monitor" align="absmiddle" border="0"></a>'; } else { print '<a href="' . $config['url_path'] . 'plugins/monitor/monitor.php"><img src="' . $config['url_path'] . 'plugins/monitor/images/tab_monitor.gif" alt="monitor" align="absmiddle" border="0"></a>'; } } monitor_setup_table(); }
function display_tabs() { /* purge old flows if they exist */ purgeFlows(); /* draw the categories tabs on the top of the page */ $tab = get_nfilter_request_var('tab'); if ($tab == '') { if (isset($_SESSION['flowview_current_tab'])) { $tab = $_SESSION['flowview_current_tab']; } else { $tab = 'filters'; $_SESSION['flowview_current_tab'] = 'filters'; } } print "<div class='tabs' style='float:left;'><nav><ul>\n"; print "<li><a class='pic " . ($tab == 'filters' ? ' selected' : '') . "' title='Flow Filters' href='flowview.php?tab=filters'>Filters</a></li>\n"; if (api_user_realm_auth('flowview_devices.php')) { print "<li><a class='pic " . ($tab == 'listeners' ? ' selected' : '') . "' title='Manage Listeners' href='flowview_devices.php?tab=listeners'>Listeners</a></li>\n"; } if (api_user_realm_auth('flowview_schedules.php')) { print "<li><a class='pic " . ($tab == 'sched' ? ' selected' : '') . "' title='Manage Schedules' href='flowview_schedules.php?tab=sched'>Schedules</a></li>\n"; } if (isset($_SESSION['flowview_flows']) && is_array($_SESSION['flowview_flows']) && sizeof($_SESSION['flowview_flows'])) { foreach ($_SESSION['flowview_flows'] as $sessionid => $data) { if (!isset($data['title'])) { $_SESSION['flowview_flows'][$sessionid]['title'] = $data['title'] = "Unknown"; } print "<li><a class='pic " . ($tab == $sessionid ? 'selected' : '') . "' title='View Flow' href='flowview.php?action=view&tab={$sessionid}'>" . $data['title'] . "</a><a class='pic' href='flowview.php?action=killsession&session={$sessionid}' title='Remove Flow Cache'><span class='fa fa-remove deviceDown'></span></a></li>\n"; } } print "</ul></nav></div>\n"; }
function mactrack_show_tab() { global $config, $user_auth_realm_filenames; if (api_user_realm_auth('mactrack_view_macs.php')) { if (substr_count($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'mactrack_view_')) { print '<a href="' . $config['url_path'] . 'plugins/mactrack/mactrack_view_macs.php"><img src="' . $config['url_path'] . 'plugins/mactrack/images/tab_mactrack_down.png" alt="' . __('MacTrack') . '" align="absmiddle" border="0"></a>'; } else { print '<a href="' . $config['url_path'] . 'plugins/mactrack/mactrack_view_macs.php"><img src="' . $config['url_path'] . 'plugins/mactrack/images/tab_mactrack.png" alt="' . __('MacTrack') . '" align="absmiddle" border="0"></a>'; } } }
function mactrack_view_sites() { global $title, $config, $item_rows; mactrack_sites_request_validation(); if (get_request_var('rows') == -1) { $row_limit = read_config_option('num_rows_table'); } elseif (get_request_var('rows') == -2) { $row_limit = 999999; } else { $row_limit = get_request_var('rows'); } $webroot = $config['url_path'] . '/plugins/mactrack/'; mactrack_tabs(); html_start_box($title, '100%', '', '3', 'center', ''); mactrack_site_filter('mactrack_view_sites.php'); html_end_box(); $sql_where = ''; $sites = mactrack_view_get_site_records($sql_where, $row_limit); if (get_request_var('detail') == 'false') { $total_rows = db_fetch_cell("SELECT\n\t\t\tCOUNT(mac_track_sites.site_id)\n\t\t\tFROM mac_track_sites\n\t\t\t{$sql_where}"); } else { $total_rows = sizeof(db_fetch_assoc("SELECT\n\t\t\tmac_track_device_types.device_type_id, mac_track_sites.site_name\n\t\t\tFROM (mac_track_device_types\n\t\t\tRIGHT JOIN mac_track_devices ON (mac_track_device_types.device_type_id = mac_track_devices.device_type_id))\n\t\t\tRIGHT JOIN mac_track_sites ON (mac_track_devices.site_id = mac_track_sites.site_id)\n\t\t\t{$sql_where}\n\t\t\tGROUP BY mac_track_sites.site_name, mac_track_device_types.device_type_id")); } $nav = html_nav_bar('mactrack_view_sites.php', MAX_DISPLAY_PAGES, get_request_var('page'), $row_limit, $total_rows, 11, __('Sites')); print $nav; html_start_box('', '100%', '', '3', 'center', ''); if (get_request_var('detail') == 'false') { $display_text = array('nosort' => array(__('Actions'), ''), 'site_name' => array(__('Site Name'), 'ASC'), 'total_devices' => array(__('Devices'), 'DESC'), 'total_ips' => array(__('Total IP\'s'), 'DESC'), 'total_user_ports' => array(__('User Ports'), 'DESC'), 'total_oper_ports' => array(__('User Ports Up'), 'DESC'), 'total_macs' => array(__('MACS Found'), 'DESC'), 'total_device_errors' => array(__('Device Errors'), 'DESC')); html_header_sort($display_text, get_request_var('sort_column'), get_request_var('sort_direction')); if (sizeof($sites) > 0) { foreach ($sites as $site) { form_alternate_row('row_' . $site['site_id'], true); ?> <td width=140> <?php if (api_user_realm_auth('mactrack_sites.php')) { echo "<a href='" . htmlspecialchars($webroot . 'mactrack_sites.php?action=edit&site_id=' . $site['site_id']) . "' title='" . __('Edit Site') . "'><img border='0' src='" . $webroot . "images/edit_object.png'></a>"; echo "<a href='#'><img id='r_" . $site['site_id'] . "' src='" . $webroot . "images/rescan_site.gif' alt='' onClick='site_scan(" . $site['site_id'] . ")' title='" . __('Rescan Site') . "' border='0'></a>"; } ?> <a href='<?php print htmlspecialchars($webroot . 'mactrack_view_devices.php?report=devices&reset&site_id=' . $site['site_id']); ?> ' title='<?php print __('View Devices'); ?> '><img border='0' src='<?php print $webroot; ?> images/view_devices.gif'></a> <a href='<?php print htmlspecialchars($webroot . 'mactrack_view_ips.php?report=ips&reset&site_id=' . $site['site_id']); ?> ' title='<?php print __('View IP Ranges'); ?> '><img border='0' src='<?php print $webroot; ?> images/view_networks.gif'></a> <a href='<?php print htmlspecialchars($webroot . 'plugins/mactrack/mactrack_view_arp.php?report=arp&reset&site_id=' . $site['site_id']); ?> ' title='<?php print __('View IP Addresses'); ?> '><img border='0' src='<?php print $webroot; ?> images/view_ipaddresses.gif'></a> <a href='<?php print htmlspecialchars($webroot . 'plugins/mactrack/mactrack_view_macs.php?report=macs&reset&device_id=-1&scan_date=3&site_id=' . $site['site_id']); ?> ' title='<?php print __('View MAC Addresses'); ?> '><img border='0' src='<?php print $webroot; ?> images/view_macs.gif'></a> <a href='<?php print htmlspecialchars($webroot . 'mactrack_view_interfaces.php?report=interfaces&reset&site=' . $site['site_id']); ?> ' title='<?php print __('View Interfaces'); ?> '><img border='0' src='<?php print $webroot; ?> images/view_interfaces.gif'></a> </td> <td class='hyperLink'> <?php print filter_value($site['site_name'], get_request_var('filter')); ?> </td> <td><?php print number_format_i18n($site['total_devices']); ?> </td> <td><?php print number_format_i18n($site['total_ips']); ?> </td> <td><?php print number_format_i18n($site['total_user_ports']); ?> </td> <td><?php print number_format_i18n($site['total_oper_ports']); ?> </td> <td><?php print number_format_i18n($site['total_macs']); ?> </td> <td><?php print $site['total_device_errors']; ?> </td> </tr> <?php } } else { print '<tr><td colspan="10"><em>' . __('No MacTrack Sites') . '</em></td></tr>'; } html_end_box(false); if (sizeof($sites)) { print $nav; mactrack_display_stats(); } } else { $display_text = array('nosort' => array(__('Actions'), ''), 'site_name' => array(__('Site Name'), 'ASC'), 'vendor' => array(__('Vendor'), 'ASC'), 'description' => array(__('Device Type'), 'DESC'), 'total_devices' => array(__('Total Devices'), 'DESC'), 'sum_ips_total' => array(__('Total IP\'s'), 'DESC'), 'sum_ports_total' => array(__('Total User Ports'), 'DESC'), 'sum_ports_active' => array(__('Total Oper Ports'), 'DESC'), 'sum_ports_trunk' => array(__('Total Trunks'), 'DESC'), 'sum_macs_active' => array(__('MACS Found'), 'DESC')); html_header_sort($display_text, get_request_var('sort_column'), get_request_var('sort_direction')); if (sizeof($sites)) { foreach ($sites as $site) { form_alternate_row(); ?> <td width=100> <?php if (api_user_realm_auth('mactrack_sites.php')) { echo "<a href='" . htmlspecialchars($webroot . 'mactrack_sites.php?action=edit&site_id=' . $site['site_id']) . "' title='" . __('Edit Site') . "'><img border='0' src='" . $webroot . "images/edit_object.png'></a>"; } ?> <a href='<?php print htmlspecialchars($webroot . 'mactrack_view_devices.php?report=devices&site_id=' . $site['site_id'] . '&device_type_id=' . $site['device_type_id'] . '&type_id=-1&status=-1&filter='); ?> ' title='<?php print __('View Devices'); ?> '><img border='0' src='<?php print $webroot; ?> images/view_devices.gif'></a> <a href='<?php print htmlspecialchars($webroot . 'mactrack_view_ips.php?report=ips&reset&site_id=' . $site['site_id']); ?> ' title='<?php print __('View IP Ranges'); ?> '><img border='0' src='<?php print $webroot; ?> images/view_networks.gif'></a> <a href='<?php print htmlspecialchars($webroot . 'mactrack_view_macs.php?report=macs&reset&device_id=-1&scan_date=3&site_id=' . $site['site_id']); ?> ' title='<?php print __('View MAC Addresses'); ?> '><img border='0' src='<?php print $webroot; ?> images/view_macs.gif'></a> <a href='<?php print htmlspecialchars($webroot . 'mactrack_view_interfaces.php?report=interfaces&reset&site=' . $site['site_id']); ?> ' title='<?php print __('View Interfaces'); ?> '><img border='0' src='<?php print $webroot; ?> images/view_interfaces.gif'></a> </td> <td class='hyperLink'> <?php print filter_value($site['site_name'], get_request_var('filter')); ?> </td> <td><?php print filter_value($site['vendor'], get_request_var('filter')); ?> <td><?php print filter_value($site['description'], get_request_var('filter')); ?> <td><?php print number_format_i18n($site['total_devices']); ?> </td> <td><?php print $site['device_type'] == '1' ? __('N/A') : number_format_i18n($site['sum_ips_total']); ?> </td> <td><?php print $site['device_type'] == '3' ? __('N/A') : number_format_i18n($site['sum_ports_total']); ?> </td> <td><?php print $site['device_type'] == '3' ? __('N/A') : number_format_i18n($site['sum_ports_active']); ?> </td> <td><?php print $site['device_type'] == '3' ? __('N/A') : number_format_i18n($site['sum_ports_trunk']); ?> </td> <td><?php print $site['device_type'] == '3' ? __('N/A') : number_format_i18n($site['sum_macs_active']); ?> </td> </tr> <?php } } else { print '<tr><td colspan="10"><em>' . __('No MacTrack Sites') . '</em></td></tr>'; } html_end_box(false); if (sizeof($sites)) { print $nav; mactrack_display_stats(); } } print '<div id="response"></div>'; }
function hosts() { global $config, $device_actions, $item_rows; /* ================= input validation and session storage ================= */ $filters = array('rows' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, 'pageset' => true, 'default' => '-1'), 'page' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, 'default' => '1'), 'filter' => array('filter' => FILTER_CALLBACK, 'pageset' => true, 'default' => '', 'options' => array('options' => 'sanitize_search_string')), 'sort_column' => array('filter' => FILTER_CALLBACK, 'default' => 'description', 'options' => array('options' => 'sanitize_search_string')), 'sort_direction' => array('filter' => FILTER_CALLBACK, 'default' => 'ASC', 'options' => array('options' => 'sanitize_search_string')), 'host_template_id' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, 'pageset' => true, 'default' => '-1'), 'host_status' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, 'pageset' => true, 'default' => '-4')); validate_store_request_vars($filters, 'sess_thold_hstatus'); /* ================= input validation ================= */ /* if the number of rows is -1, set it to the default */ if (get_request_var('rows') == -1) { $rows = read_config_option('num_rows_table'); } else { $rows = get_request_var('rows'); } html_start_box(__('Device Status'), '100%', '', '3', 'center', ''); form_host_filter(); html_end_box(); /* form the 'where' clause for our main sql query */ $sql_where = ''; if (get_request_var('filter') != '') { $sql_where = "((h.hostname LIKE '%" . get_request_var('filter') . "%' OR h.description LIKE '%" . get_request_var('filter') . "%')"; } if (get_request_var('host_status') == '-1') { /* Show all items */ } elseif (get_request_var('host_status') == '-2') { $sql_where .= (strlen($sql_where) ? ' AND ' : '(') . "h.disabled='on'"; } elseif (get_request_var('host_status') == '-3') { $sql_where .= (strlen($sql_where) ? ' AND ' : '(') . "h.disabled=''"; } elseif (get_request_var('host_status') == '-4') { $sql_where .= (strlen($sql_where) ? ' AND ' : '(') . "(h.status!='3' OR h.disabled='on')"; } elseif (get_request_var('host_status') == '-5') { $sql_where .= (strlen($sql_where) ? ' AND ' : '(') . "(h.availability_method=0)"; } elseif (get_request_var('host_status') == '3') { $sql_where .= (strlen($sql_where) ? ' AND ' : '(') . "(h.availability_method!=0 AND h.status=3 AND h.disabled='')"; } else { $sql_where .= (strlen($sql_where) ? ' AND ' : '(') . "(h.status=" . get_request_var('host_status') . " AND h.disabled = '')"; } if (get_request_var('host_template_id') == '-1') { /* Show all items */ } elseif (get_request_var('host_template_id') == '0') { $sql_where .= (strlen($sql_where) ? ' AND ' : '(') . "h.host_template_id=0'"; } elseif (!isempty_request_var('host_template_id')) { $sql_where .= (strlen($sql_where) ? ' AND ' : '(') . "h.host_template_id=" . get_request_var('host_template_id'); } $sql_where .= strlen($sql_where) ? ')' : ''; $sortby = get_request_var('sort_column'); if ($sortby == 'hostname') { $sortby = 'INET_ATON(hostname)'; } $host_graphs = array_rekey(db_fetch_assoc('SELECT host_id, count(*) as graphs FROM graph_local GROUP BY host_id'), 'host_id', 'graphs'); $host_data_sources = array_rekey(db_fetch_assoc('SELECT host_id, count(*) as data_sources FROM data_local GROUP BY host_id'), 'host_id', 'data_sources'); $hosts = get_allowed_devices($sql_where, $sortby . ' ' . get_request_var('sort_direction'), $rows * (get_request_var('page') - 1) . ',' . $rows, $total_rows); $nav = html_nav_bar('thold_graph.php?action=hoststat', MAX_DISPLAY_PAGES, get_request_var('page'), $rows, $total_rows, 12, __('Devices'), 'page', 'main'); print $nav; html_start_box('', '100%', '', '3', 'center', ''); $display_text = array('nosort' => array('display' => __('Actions'), 'align' => 'left', 'sort' => '', 'tip' => __('Hover over icons for help')), 'description' => array('display' => __('Description'), 'align' => 'left', 'sort' => 'ASC', 'tip' => __('A description for the Device')), 'id' => array('display' => __('ID'), 'align' => 'right', 'sort' => 'ASC', 'tip' => __('A Cacti unique identifier for the Device')), 'nosort1' => array('display' => __('Graphs'), 'align' => 'right', 'sort' => 'ASC', 'tip' => __('The number of Graphs for this Device')), 'nosort2' => array('display' => __('Data Sources'), 'align' => 'right', 'sort' => 'ASC', 'tip' => __('The number of Data Sources for this Device')), 'status' => array('display' => __('Status'), 'align' => 'center', 'sort' => 'ASC', 'tip' => __('The status for this Device as of the last time it was polled')), 'nosort3' => array('display' => __('In State'), 'align' => 'right', 'sort' => 'ASC', 'tip' => __('The last time Cacti found an issues with this Device. It can be higher than the Uptime for the the Device, if it was rebooted between Cacti polling cycles')), 'snmp_sysUpTimeInstance' => array('display' => __('Uptime'), 'align' => 'right', 'sort' => 'ASC', 'tip' => __('The official uptime of the Device as reported by SNMP')), 'hostname' => array('display' => __('Hostname'), 'align' => 'right', 'sort' => 'ASC', 'tip' => __('The official hostname for this Device')), 'cur_time' => array('display' => __('Current (ms)'), 'align' => 'right', 'sort' => 'DESC', 'tip' => __('The current response time for the Cacti Availability check')), 'avg_time' => array('display' => __('Average (ms)'), 'align' => 'right', 'sort' => 'DESC', 'tip' => __('The average response time for the Cacti Availability check')), 'availability' => array('display' => __('Availability'), 'align' => 'right', 'sort' => 'ASC', 'tip' => __('The overall Availability of this Device since the last counter reset in Cacti'))); html_header_sort($display_text, get_request_var('sort_column'), get_request_var('sort_direction'), false, 'thold_graph.php?action=hoststat'); if (sizeof($hosts)) { foreach ($hosts as $host) { if ($host['disabled'] == '' && ($host['status'] == HOST_RECOVERING || $host['status'] == HOST_UP) && ($host['availability_method'] != AVAIL_NONE && $host['availability_method'] != AVAIL_PING)) { $snmp_uptime = $host['snmp_sysUpTimeInstance']; $days = intval($snmp_uptime / (60 * 60 * 24 * 100)); $remainder = $snmp_uptime % (60 * 60 * 24 * 100); $hours = intval($remainder / (60 * 60 * 100)); $remainder = $remainder % (60 * 60 * 100); $minutes = intval($remainder / (60 * 100)); $uptime = $days . 'd:' . substr('00' . $hours, -2) . 'h:' . substr('00' . $minutes, -2) . 'm'; } else { $uptime = __('N/A'); } if (isset($host_graphs[$host['id']])) { $graphs = $host_graphs[$host['id']]; } else { $graphs = 0; } if (isset($host_data_sources[$host['id']])) { $ds = $host_data_sources[$host['id']]; } else { $ds = 0; } if ($host['availability_method'] != 0) { form_host_status_row_color($host['status'], $host['disabled']); print "<td width='1%' class='nowrap'>"; if (api_user_realm_auth('host.php')) { print '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($config['url_path'] . 'host.php?action=edit&id=' . $host['id']) . '"><img src="' . $config['url_path'] . 'plugins/thold/images/edit_object.png" border="0" alt="" title="' . __('Edit Device') . '"></a>'; } print "<a href='" . htmlspecialchars($config['url_path'] . 'graph_view.php?action=preview&graph_template_id=0&filter=&host_id=' . $host['id']) . "'><img src='" . $config['url_path'] . "plugins/thold/images/view_graphs.gif' border='0' alt='' title='" . __('View Graphs') . "'></a>"; print '</td>'; ?> <td style='text-align:left'> <?php print filter_value($host['description'], get_request_var('filter')); ?> </td> <td style='text-align:right'><?php print round($host['id'], 2); ?> </td> <td style='text-align:right'><i><?php print number_format_i18n($graphs); ?> </i></td> <td style='text-align:right'><i><?php print number_format_i18n($ds); ?> </i></td> <td style='text-align:center'><?php print get_uncolored_device_status($host['disabled'] == 'on' ? true : false, $host['status']); ?> </td> <td style='text-align:right'><?php print get_timeinstate($host); ?> </td> <td style='text-align:right'><?php print $uptime; ?> </td> <td style='text-align:right'><?php print filter_value($host['hostname'], get_request_var('filter')); ?> </td> <td style='text-align:right'><?php print round($host['cur_time'], 2); ?> </td> <td style='text-align:right'><?php print round($host['avg_time'], 2); ?> </td> <td style='text-align:right'><?php print round($host['availability'], 2); ?> %</td> <?php } else { print "<tr class='deviceNotMonFull'>\n"; print "<td width='1%' class='nowrap'>\n"; if (api_user_realm_auth('host.php')) { print '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($config['url_path'] . 'host.php?action=edit&id=' . $host["id"]) . '"><img src="' . $config['url_path'] . 'plugins/thold/images/edit_object.png" border="0" alt="" title="' . __('Edit Device') . '"></a>'; } print "<a href='" . htmlspecialchars($config['url_path'] . "graph_view.php?action=preview&graph_template_id=0&filter=&host_id=" . $host["id"]) . "'><img src='" . $config['url_path'] . "plugins/thold/images/view_graphs.gif' border='0' alt='' title='" . __('View Graphs') . "'></a>"; print "</td>"; ?> <td style='text-align:left'> <?php print filter_value($host['description'], get_request_var('filter')); ?> </td> <td style='text-align:right'><?php print $host['id']; ?> </td> <td style='text-align:right'><i><?php print number_format_i18n($graphs); ?> </i></td> <td style='text-align:right'><i><?php print number_format_i18n($ds); ?> </i></td> <td style='text-align:center'><?php print 'Not Monitored'; ?> </td> <td style='text-align:right'><?php print 'N/A'; ?> </td> <td style='text-align:right'><?php print $uptime; ?> </td> <td style='text-align:right'><?php print filter_value($host['hostname'], get_request_var('filter')); ?> </td> <td style='text-align:right'><?php print 'N/A'; ?> </td> <td style='text-align:right'><?php print 'N/A'; ?> </td> <td style='text-align:right'><?php print 'N/A'; ?> </td> <?php } form_end_row(); } } else { print '<tr><td class="center" colspan="12">' . __('No Devices') . '</td></tr>'; } html_end_box(false); if (sizeof($hosts)) { print $nav; } host_legend(); //thold_display_rusage(); }
function mactrack_view_devices() { global $title, $report, $mactrack_search_types, $mactrack_device_types, $rows_selector, $config, $item_rows; mactrack_device_request_validation(); if (get_request_var('rows') == -1) { $row_limit = read_config_option('num_rows_table'); } elseif (get_request_var('rows') == -2) { $row_limit = 999999; } else { $row_limit = get_request_var('rows'); } $webroot = $config['url_path'] . '/plugins/mactrack/'; mactrack_tabs(); html_start_box($title, '100%', '', '3', 'center', ''); mactrack_device_filter2(); html_end_box(); $sql_where = ''; $devices = mactrack_view_get_device_records($sql_where, $row_limit); $total_rows = db_fetch_cell("SELECT\n\t\tCOUNT(mac_track_devices.device_id)\n\t\tFROM mac_track_sites\n\t\tRIGHT JOIN mac_track_devices ON mac_track_devices.site_id = mac_track_sites.site_id\n\t\tLEFT JOIN mac_track_device_types ON (mac_track_device_types.device_type_id=mac_track_devices.device_type_id)\n\t\t{$sql_where}"); $nav = html_nav_bar('mactrack_view_devices.php?report=devices', MAX_DISPLAY_PAGES, get_request_var('page'), $row_limit, $total_rows, 13, __('Devices')); print $nav; html_start_box('', '100%', '', '3', 'center', ''); $display_text = array('nosort' => array(__('Actions'), ''), 'device_name' => array(__('Device Name'), 'ASC'), 'site_name' => array(__('Site Name'), 'ASC'), 'snmp_status' => array(__('Status'), 'ASC'), 'hostname' => array(__('Hostname'), 'ASC'), 'device_type' => array(__('Device Type'), 'ASC'), 'ips_total' => array(__('Total IP\'s'), 'DESC'), 'ports_total' => array(__('User Ports'), 'DESC'), 'ports_active' => array(__('User Ports Up'), 'DESC'), 'ports_trunk' => array(__('Trunk Ports'), 'DESC'), 'macs_active' => array(__('Active Macs'), 'DESC'), 'vlans_total' => array(__('Total VLAN\'s'), 'DESC'), 'last_runduration' => array(__('Last Duration'), 'DESC')); html_header_sort($display_text, get_request_var('sort_column'), get_request_var('sort_direction')); $i = 0; if (sizeof($devices) > 0) { foreach ($devices as $device) { $hostinfo['hostname'] = $device['hostname']; $hostinfo['user'] = $device['user_name']; switch ($device['term_type']) { case 0: $hostinfo['transport'] = 'none'; break; case 1: $hostinfo['transport'] = 'telnet'; break; case 2: $hostinfo['transport'] = 'ssh'; break; case 3: $hostinfo['transport'] = 'http'; break; case 4: $hostinfo['transport'] = 'https'; break; } form_alternate_row(); ?> <td width=100> <?php if (api_user_realm_auth('mactrack_sites.php')) { ?> <a href='<?php print htmlspecialchars($webroot . 'mactrack_devices.php?action=edit&device_id=' . $device['device_id']); ?> ' title='<?php print __('Edit Device'); ?> '><img border='0' src='<?php print $webroot; ?> images/edit_object.png'></a> <?php api_plugin_hook_function('remote_link', $hostinfo); } ?> <?php if ($device['host_id'] > 0) { ?> <a href='<?php print htmlspecialchars($webroot . 'mactrack_view_graphs.php?action=preview&report=graphs&style=selective&graph_list=&host=' . $device['host_id'] . '&graph_template_id=0&filter='); ?> ' title='<?php print __('View Graphs'); ?> '><img border='0' src='<?php print $webroot; ?> images/view_graphs.gif'></a> <?php } else { ?> <img title='<?php print __('Device Not Mapped to Cacti Device'); ?> ' border='0' src='<?php print $webroot; ?> images/view_graphs_disabled.gif'> <?php } ?> <a href='<?php print htmlspecialchars($webroot . 'mactrack_view_macs.php?report=macs&reset&device_id=-1&scan_date=3&site_id=' . get_request_var('site_id') . '&device_id=' . $device['device_id']); ?> ' title='<?php print __('View MAC Addresses'); ?> '><img border='0' src='<?php print $webroot; ?> images/view_macs.gif'></a> <a href='<?php print htmlspecialchars($webroot . 'mactrack_view_interfaces.php?report=interfaces&reset&site=' . get_request_var('site_id') . '&device=' . $device['device_id']); ?> ' title='<?php print __('View Interfaces'); ?> '><img border='0' src='<?php print $webroot; ?> images/view_interfaces.gif'></a> </td> <td class='hyperLink'> <?php print filter_value($device['device_name'], get_request_var('filter')); ?> </td> <td><?php print filter_value($device['site_name'], get_request_var('filter')); ?> <td><?php print get_colored_device_status($device['disabled'] == 'on' ? true : false, $device['snmp_status']); ?> </td> <td><?php print filter_value($device['hostname'], get_request_var('filter')); ?> <td><?php print $device['device_type']; ?> </td)> <td><?php print $device['scan_type'] == '1' ? __('N/A') : number_format_i18n($device['ips_total']); ?> </td> <td><?php print $device['scan_type'] == '3' ? __('N/A') : number_format_i18n($device['ports_total']); ?> </td> <td><?php print $device['scan_type'] == '3' ? __('N/A') : number_format_i18n($device['ports_active']); ?> </td> <td><?php print $device['scan_type'] == '3' ? __('N/A') : number_format_i18n($device['ports_trunk']); ?> </td> <td><?php print $device['scan_type'] == '3' ? __('N/A') : number_format_i18n($device['macs_active']); ?> </td> <td><?php print $device['scan_type'] == '3' ? __('N/A') : number_format_i18n($device['vlans_total']); ?> </td> <td><?php print number_format($device['last_runduration'], 1); ?> </td> </tr> <?php } } else { print '<tr><td colspan="10"><em>' . __('No MacTrack Devices') . '</em></td></tr>'; } html_end_box(false); if (sizeof($devices)) { print $nav; mactrack_display_stats(); } }
function mikrotik_show_tab() { global $config; if (api_user_realm_auth('mikrotik.php')) { if (substr_count($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'mikrotik.php')) { print '<a href="' . $config['url_path'] . 'plugins/mikrotik/mikrotik.php"><img src="' . $config['url_path'] . 'plugins/mikrotik/images/tab_mikrotik_down.gif" alt="' . __('MikroTik') . '" border="0"></a>'; } else { print '<a href="' . $config['url_path'] . 'plugins/mikrotik/mikrotik.php"><img src="' . $config['url_path'] . 'plugins/mikrotik/images/tab_mikrotik.gif" alt="' . __('MikroTik') . '" border="0"></a>'; } } }
function predict_show_tab() { global $config; if (api_user_realm_auth('predict.php')) { if (!isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) { $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 0); if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) and $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] != "") { $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] .= '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; } } if (substr_count($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], "predict")) { print '<a href="' . $config['url_path'] . 'plugins/predict/predict.php"><img src="' . $config['url_path'] . 'plugins/predict/images/tab_predict_down.png" alt="predict" align="absmiddle" border="0"></a>'; } else { print '<a href="' . $config['url_path'] . 'plugins/predict/predict.php"><img src="' . $config['url_path'] . 'plugins/predict/images/tab_predict.png" alt="predict" align="absmiddle" border="0"></a>'; } } }
function flowview_display_form() { global $config, $colors; include $config['base_path'] . '/plugins/flowview/variables.php'; include $config['base_path'] . '/plugins/flowview/arrays.php'; print '<form id="flowview" action="' . $config['url_path'] . 'plugins/flowview/flowview.php" method="post" name="flowview">'; display_tabs(); html_start_box("<strong>Flow Filter Constraints</strong>", "100%", $colors["header"], "3", "center", ""); ?> <tr> <td> <table border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='1' width='100%' style='white-space:nowrap;'> <tr> <td>Saved Query:</td> <td><?php draw_edit_control("query", $query_name_field); ?> </td> <td>Listener:</td> <td><?php draw_edit_control("device_name", $device_name_field); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Start Date:</td> <td><input type='text' size='10' name='start_date' value='<?php echo $start_date; ?> '></td> <td>Start Time:</td><td><input type='text' size='8' name='start_time' value='<?php echo $start_time; ?> '></td> <td>TOS Fields:</td> <td><input type='text' size='10' name='tos_fields' value='<?php echo $tos_fields; ?> '></td> <td colspan=2>(e.g., -0x0b/0x0F)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>End Date:</td> <td><input type='text' size='10' name='end_date' value='<?php echo $end_date; ?> '></td> <td>End Time:</td> <td><input type='text' size='8' name='end_time' value='<?php echo $end_time; ?> '></td> <td>TCP Flags:</td> <td><input type='text' size='10' name='tcp_flags' value='<?php echo $tcp_flags; ?> '></td> <td>Protocols:</td> <td><?php draw_edit_control("protocols", $ip_protocol_field); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Source IP:</td> <td><input type='text' size='19' name='source_address' value='<?php echo $source_address; ?> '></td> <td>Source Port(s):</td> <td><input type='text' size='20' name='source_port' value='<?php echo $source_port; ?> '></td> <td>Source Interface:</td> <td><input type='text' size='2' name='source_if' value='<?php echo $source_if; ?> '></td> <td>Source AS:</td> <td><input type='text' size='6' name='source_as' value='<?php echo $source_as; ?> '></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Dest IP:</td> <td><input type='text' size='19' name='dest_address' value='<?php echo $dest_address; ?> '></td> <td>Dest Port(s):</td> <td><input type='text' size='20' name='dest_port' value='<?php echo $dest_port; ?> '></td> <td>Dest Interface:</td> <td><input type='text' size='2' name='dest_if' value='<?php echo $dest_if; ?> '></td> <td>Dest AS:</td> <td><input type='text' size='6' name='dest_as' value='<?php echo $dest_as; ?> '></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan='9'> <hr size='2'> <center><strong>Note:</strong> Multiple field entries, separated by commas, are permitted in the fields above. A minus sign (-) will negate an entry (e.g. -80 for Port, would mean any Port but 80)</center> <hr size='2'> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <?php html_end_box(false); ?> <?php html_start_box("<strong>Report Parameters</strong>", "100%", $colors["header"], "3", "center", ""); ?> <tr> <td> <table cellpadding='1' cellspacing='0' border='0' width='100%' style='white-space:nowrap;'> <tr id='rsettings'> <td>Statistics:</td> <td><?php draw_edit_control("stat_report", $stat_report_field); ?> </td> <td>Printed:</td> <td><?php draw_edit_control("print_report", $print_report_field); ?> </td> <td>Include if:</td> <td><?php draw_edit_control("flow_select", $flow_select_field); ?> </td> <td>Resolve Addresses:</td> <td><?php draw_edit_control("resolve_addresses", $resolve_addresses_field); ?> </td> </tr> <tr id='rlimits'> <td class='sortfield'>Sort Field:</td> <td class='sortfield'><select id='sort_field' name='sort_field'></select></td> <td>Max Flows:</td> <td><?php draw_edit_control("cutoff_lines", $cutoff_lines_field); ?> </td> <td>Minimum Bytes:</td> <td><?php draw_edit_control("cutoff_octets", $cutoff_octets_field); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> </table> </td> </tr> <td colspan='9'><hr size='2'></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan='9'> <input type='hidden' id='action' name='action' value='view'> <input type='hidden' id='new_query' name='new_query' value=''> <input type='hidden' id='changed' name='changed' value='0'> <center> <input id='view' type='button' name='view' value='View'> <input id='defaults' type='button' value='Defaults'> <input id='save' type='button' name='save' value='Save'> <input id='saveas' type='button' name='saveas' value='Save As'> <input id='delete' type='button' name='delete' value='Delete'> </center> </td> </tr> <?php html_end_box(); ?> </table></td></tr> <?php print '</form>'; ?> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function statSelect() { statval = $('#stat_report').val(); setStatOption(statval); if (statval > 0) { $('#print_report').attr('value', 0); $('#print_report').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); 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$('#cutoff_octets').removeAttr('disabled'); $('#rlimits').show(); } else { $('#cutoff_lines').attr('disabled','disabled'); $('#cutoff_octets').attr('disabled','disabled'); $('#rlimits').hide(); } if (statval == 0 && $('#stat_report').val() == 0) { $('#view').attr('disabled','disabled'); $('#save').attr('disabled','disabled'); $('#saveas').attr('disabled','disabled'); }else{ $('#view').attr('disabled',''); $('#save').attr('disabled',''); $('#saveas').attr('disabled',''); } } $('#device_name').change(function () { <?php if (api_user_realm_auth('flowview_devices.php')) { ?> if ($(this).val() == 0) { $('#view').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); $('#save').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); }else{ $('#view').removeAttr('disabled'); $('#save').removeAttr('disabled'); } <?php } else { ?> if ($(this).val() == 0) { $('#view').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); }else{ $('#view').removeAttr('disabled'); } <?php } ?> }); $().ready(function () { $('#saveas').hide(); <?php if (api_user_realm_auth('flowview_devices.php')) { ?> if ($('#query').val() == 0) { $('#delete').hide(); 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document.flowview.submit(); }); $('#saveas').click(function() { $('#squery').attr('value', $('#query>option:selected').text()+' (New)'); $('#fdialog').dialog('open'); $('#qcancel').click(function() { $('#fdialog').dialog('close'); }); $('#qsave').click(function() { $('#new_query').attr('value', $('#squery').val()); $('#action').attr('value', 'save'); $.post('flowview.php', $('#flowview').serialize(), function(data) { if (data!="error") { $('#query').append("<option value='"+data+"'>"+$('#new_query').val()+"</option>"); $('#query').attr('value', data); } }); $('#fdialog').dialog('close'); }); }); $('#save').click(function() { if ($('#query').val() == 0) { $('#fdialog').dialog('open'); $('#qcancel').click(function() { $('#fdialog').dialog('close'); }); $('#qsave').click(function() { $('#new_query').attr('value', $('#squery').val()); $('#action').attr('value', 'save'); $.post('flowview.php', $('#flowview').serialize(), function(data) { if (data!="error") { $('#query').append("<option value='"+data+"'>"+$('#new_query').val()+"</option>"); $('#query').attr('value', data); } }); $('#fdialog').dialog('close'); }); }else{ $('#action').attr('value', 'save'); $.post('flowview.php', $('#flowview').serialize()); } }); $('#delete').click(function() { document.location="flowview.php?action=delete&query="+$('#query').val(); }); $('#defaults').click(function() { setDefaults(); }); function setDefaults() { // Flow Filter Settings $('#device').attr('value',0); $('#start_date').attr('value', ''); $('#start_time').attr('value','-8 HOURS'); $('#end_date').attr('value',''); $('#end_time').attr('value','NOW'); $('#source_address').attr('value',''); $('#source_port').attr('value',''); $('#source_if').attr('value',''); $('#source_as').attr('value',''); $('#dest_address').attr('value',''); $('#dest_port').attr('value',''); $('#dest_if').attr('value',''); $('#dest_as').attr('value',''); $('#protocols').attr('value',0); $('#tos_fields').attr('value',''); $('#tcp_flags').attr('value',''); // Report Settings $('#stat_report').attr('value',10); $('#print_report').attr('value',0); $('#flow_select').attr('value',1); $('#sort_field').attr('value',4); $('#cutoff_lines').attr('value','100'); $('#cutoff_octets').attr('value', ''); $('#resolve_addresses').attr('value',0); statSelect(); } function setStatOption(choose) { stat = document.flowview.sort_field; stat.options.length = 0; defsort = 1; if (choose == 10) { stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Source IP', '1'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Destination IP', '2'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Flows', '3'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Bytes', '4'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Packets', '5'); defsort = 4; } else if (choose == 5 || choose == 6 || choose == 7) { stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Port', '1'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Flows', '2'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Bytes', '3'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Packets', '4'); defsort = 3; } else if (choose == 8 || choose == 9 || choose == 11) { stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('IP', '1'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Flows', '2'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Bytes', '3'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Packets', '4'); defsort = 3; } else if (choose == 12) { stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Protocol', '1'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Flows', '2'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Bytes', '3'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Packets', '4'); defsort = 3; } else if (choose == 17 || choose == 18) { stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Interface', '1'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Flows', '2'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Bytes', '3'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Packets', '4'); defsort = 3; } else if (choose == 23) { stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Input Interface', '1'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Output Interface', '2'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Flows', '3'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Bytes', '4'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Packets', '5'); defsort = 4; } else if (choose == 19 || choose == 20) { stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('AS', '1'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Flows', '2'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Bytes', '3'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Packets', '4'); defsort = 3; } else if (choose == 21) { stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Source AS', '1'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Destination AS', '2'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Flows', '3'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Bytes', '4'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Packets', '5'); defsort = 4; } else if (choose == 22) { stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('TOS', '1'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Flows', '2'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Bytes', '3'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Packets', '4'); defsort = 3; } else if (choose == 24 || choose == 25) { stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Prefix', '1'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Flows', '2'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Bytes', '3'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Packets', '4'); defsort = 3; } else if (choose == 26) { stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Source Prefix', '1'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Destination Prefix', '2'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Flows', '3'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Bytes', '4'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Packets', '5'); defsort = 4; } else { } if (statreport == choose) { stat.value = sortfield; } else { stat.value = defsort; } } var sortfield='<?php echo $sort_field; ?> '; var statreport='<?php echo $stat_report > 0 ? $stat_report : 0; ?> '; --> </script> <?php }
function thold_graph_button($data) { global $config; $local_graph_id = $data[1]['local_graph_id']; $rra_id = $data[1]['rra']; if (isset_request_var('view_type') && !isempty_request_var('view_type')) { $view_type = get_request_var('view_type'); } else { set_request_var('view_type', ''); $view_type = read_config_option('dataquery_type'); } if (isset_request_var('graph_start') && !isempty_request_var('graph_start')) { $start = get_request_var('graph_start'); } else { set_request_var('graph_start', ''); $start = time() - 3600; } if (isset_request_var('graph_end') && !isempty_request_var('graph_end')) { $end = get_request_var('graph_end'); } else { set_request_var('graph_end', ''); $end = time(); } if (!isset($_SESSION['sess_config_array']['thold_draw_vrules'])) { $_SESSION['sess_config_array']['thold_draw_vrules'] = 'off'; } $url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $url = str_replace('&thold_vrule=on', '', $url); $url = str_replace('&thold_vrule=off', '', $url); if (!substr_count($url, '?')) { $separator = '?'; } else { $separator = '&'; } if (api_user_realm_auth('thold_graph.php')) { print '<a class="hyperLink" href="' . $url . $separator . 'thold_vrule=' . ($_SESSION['sess_config_array']['thold_draw_vrules'] == 'on' ? 'off' : 'on') . '"><img src="' . $config['url_path'] . 'plugins/thold/images/reddot.png" border="0" alt="" title="' . __('Toggle Threshold VRULES %s', $_SESSION['sess_config_array']['thold_draw_vrules'] == 'on' ? __('Off') : __('On')) . '" style="padding: 3px;"></a><br>'; } // Add Threshold Creation button if (api_user_realm_auth('thold.php')) { if (isset_request_var('tree_id')) { get_filter_request_var('tree_id'); } if (isset_request_var('leaf_id')) { get_filter_request_var('leaf_id'); } print '<a class="hyperLink" href="' . htmlspecialchars($config['url_path'] . 'plugins/thold/thold.php?action=add' . '&usetemplate=1&local_graph_id=' . $local_graph_id) . '"><img src="' . $config['url_path'] . 'plugins/thold/images/edit_object.png" border="0" alt="" title="' . __('Create Threshold') . '" style="padding: 3px;"></a><br>'; } }
function flowview_display_form() { global $config, $graph_timespans; include $config['base_path'] . '/plugins/flowview/variables.php'; include $config['base_path'] . '/plugins/flowview/arrays.php'; display_tabs(); form_start('flowview.php', 'flowview'); html_start_box('Flow Filter Constraints <span id="text"></span>', '100%', '', '3', 'center', ''); ?> <tr class='even center'> <td style='text-align:center'> <table class='filterTable' width='100%'> <tr> <td> Filter </td> <td> <?php draw_edit_control('query', $query_name_field); ?> </td> <td> Listener </td> <td> <?php draw_edit_control('device_name', $device_name_field); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Presets </td> <td> <select id='predefined_timespan' name='predefined_timespan' onChange='applyTimespan()'> <?php if ($timespan == 0) { $graph_timespans[GT_CUSTOM] = 'Custom'; $start_val = 0; $end_val = sizeof($graph_timespans); } else { if (isset($graph_timespans[GT_CUSTOM])) { asort($graph_timespans); array_shift($graph_timespans); } $start_val = 1; $end_val = sizeof($graph_timespans) + 1; } if (sizeof($graph_timespans) > 0) { for ($value = $start_val; $value < $end_val; $value++) { print "<option value='{$value}'"; if ($timespan == $value) { print ' selected'; } print '>' . title_trim($graph_timespans[$value], 40) . "</option>\n"; } } ?> </select> </td> <td> Start Date </td> <td class='nowrap'> <input type='text' size='15' id='date1' value='<?php echo $date1; ?> '> <i id='startDate' class='calendar fa fa-calendar' title='Start Date Selector'></i> </td> <td> End Date </td> <td> <input type='text' size='15' id='date2' value='<?php echo $date2; ?> '> <i id='endDate' class='calendar fa fa-calendar' title='End Date Selector'></i> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan='9'><hr size='2'></td> </tr> <tr> <td> Protocols </td> <td> <?php draw_edit_control('protocols', $ip_protocol_field); ?> </td> <td> TCP Flags </td> <td> <input type='text' size='10' name='tcp_flags' value='<?php echo $tcp_flags; ?> '> </td> <td> TOS Fields </td> <td> <input type='text' size='10' name='tos_fields' value='<?php echo $tos_fields; ?> '> </td> <td colspan=2> (e.g., -0x0b/0x0F) </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Source IP </td> <td> <input type='text' size='19' name='source_address' value='<?php echo $source_address; ?> '> </td> <td> Source Port(s) </td> <td> <input type='text' size='20' name='source_port' value='<?php echo $source_port; ?> '> </td> <td> Source Interface </td> <td> <input type='text' size='2' name='source_if' value='<?php echo $source_if; ?> '> </td> <td> Source AS </td> <td> <input type='text' size='6' name='source_as' value='<?php echo $source_as; ?> '> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Dest IP </td> <td> <input type='text' size='19' name='dest_address' value='<?php echo $dest_address; ?> '></td> <td> Dest Port(s) </td> <td> <input type='text' size='20' name='dest_port' value='<?php echo $dest_port; ?> '> </td> <td> Dest Interface </td> <td> <input type='text' size='2' name='dest_if' value='<?php echo $dest_if; ?> '> </td> <td> Dest AS </td> <td> <input type='text' size='6' name='dest_as' value='<?php echo $dest_as; ?> '> <input type='hidden' name='header' value='false'> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan='9'> <hr size='2'> <center><strong>Note:</strong> Multiple field entries, separated by commas, are permitted in the fields above. A minus sign (-) will negate an entry (e.g. -80 for Port, would mean any Port but 80)</center> <hr size='2'> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <?php html_end_box(false); ?> <?php html_start_box('Report Parameters', '100%', '', '3', 'center', ''); ?> <tr class='even'> <td> <table class='filterTable'> <tr id='rsettings'> <td>Statistics:</td> <td><?php draw_edit_control('stat_report', $stat_report_field); ?> </td> <td>Printed:</td> <td><?php draw_edit_control('print_report', $print_report_field); ?> </td> <td>Include if:</td> <td><?php draw_edit_control('flow_select', $flow_select_field); ?> </td> <td>Resolve Addresses:</td> <td><?php draw_edit_control('resolve_addresses', $resolve_addresses_field); ?> </td> </tr> <tr id='rlimits'> <td class='sortfield'>Sort Field:</td> <td class='sortfield'><select id='sort_field' name='sort_field'></select></td> <td>Max Flows:</td> <td><?php draw_edit_control('cutoff_lines', $cutoff_lines_field); ?> </td> <td>Minimum Bytes:</td> <td><?php draw_edit_control('cutoff_octets', $cutoff_octets_field); ?> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan='9'><hr size='2'></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan='9'> <input type='hidden' id='action' name='action' value='view'> <input type='hidden' id='new_query' name='new_query' value=''> <input type='hidden' id='changed' name='changed' value='0'> <center> <input id='view' type='button' name='view' value='View'> <input id='defaults' type='button' value='Defaults'> <input id='save' type='button' name='save' value='Save'> <input id='saveas' type='button' name='saveas' value='Save As'> <input id='delete' type='button' name='delete' value='Delete'> </center> </td> </tr> <?php html_end_box(); form_end(); ?> <script type='text/javascript'> var date1Open = false; var date2Open = false; function applyTimespan() { $.getJSON('flowview.php?action=gettimespan×pan='+$('#predefined_timespan').val(), function(data) { $('#date1').val(data['current_value_date1']); $('#date2').val(data['current_value_date2']); }); } function applyFilter() { loadPageNoHeader('flowview.php?action=loadquery&tab=filters&header=false&query='+$('#query').val()); } function statSelect() { statval = $('#stat_report').val(); setStatOption(statval); if (statval > 0) { $('#print_report').attr('value', 0); $('#print_report').prop('disabled', true); $('#rlimits').children('.sortfield').show(); }else{ $('#print_report').prop('disabled', false); } if (statval == 99 || statval < 1) { $('#rlimits').hide(); } else { $('#rlimits').show(); } if (statval == 0 && $('#print_report').val() == 0) { $('#view').prop('disabled', true); $('#save').prop('disabled', true); $('#saveas').prop('disabled', true); }else{ $('#view').prop('disabled', false); $('#save').prop('disabled', false); $('#saveas').prop('disabled', false); } } function printSelect() { statval = $('#print_report').val(); if (statval > 0) { $('#stat_report').attr('value',0); $('#stat_report').prop('disabled', false); $('#sort_field').prop('disabled', false); $('#rlimits').hide(); $('#rlimits').children('.sortfield').hide(); } else { $('#rlimits').show(); $('#cutoff_lines').prop('disabled', false); $('#cutoff_octets').prop('disabled', false); if ($('#stat_report').val() == 0) { $('#stat_report').attr('value', 10); } $('#stat_report').prop('disabled', false); statSelect(); return; } if (statval == 4 || statval == 5) { $('#cutoff_lines').prop('disabled', false); $('#cutoff_octets').prop('disabled', false); $('#rlimits').show(); } else { $('#cutoff_lines').prop('disabled', true); $('#cutoff_octets').prop('disabled', true); $('#rlimits').hide(); } if (statval == 0 && $('#stat_report').val() == 0) { $('#view').prop('disabled', true); $('#save').prop('disabled', true); $('#saveas').prop('disabled', true); }else{ $('#view').prop('disabled', false); $('#save').prop('disabled', false); $('#saveas').prop('disabled', false); } } $('#device_name').change(function () { <?php if (api_user_realm_auth('flowview_devices.php')) { ?> if ($(this).val() == 0) { $('#view').prop('disabled', true); $('#save').prop('disabled', true); }else{ $('#view').prop('disabled', false); $('#save').prop('disabled', false); } <?php } else { ?> if ($(this).val() == 0) { $('#view').prop('disabled', true); }else{ $('#view').prop('disabled', false); } <?php } ?> }); $('#date1, #date2').change(function() { if ($('#predefined_timespan option').length == 28) { $('#predefined_timespan').prepend("<option value='0' selected='selected'>Custom</option>"); $('#predefined_timespan').val('0'); <?php if (get_selected_theme() != 'classic') { ?> $('#predefined_timespan').selectmenu('refresh'); <?php } ?> } }); $(function() { $('#startDate').click(function() { if (date1Open) { date1Open = false; $('#date1').datetimepicker('hide'); }else{ date1Open = true; $('#date1').datetimepicker('show'); } }); $('#endDate').click(function() { if (date2Open) { date2Open = false; $('#date2').datetimepicker('hide'); }else{ date2Open = true; $('#date2').datetimepicker('show'); } }); $('#date1').datetimepicker({ minuteGrid: 10, stepMinute: 1, showAnim: 'slideDown', numberOfMonths: 1, timeFormat: 'HH:mm', dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd', showButtonPanel: false }); $('#date2').datetimepicker({ minuteGrid: 10, stepMinute: 1, showAnim: 'slideDown', numberOfMonths: 1, timeFormat: 'HH:mm', dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd', showButtonPanel: false }); $('#saveas').hide(); <?php if (api_user_realm_auth('flowview_devices.php')) { ?> if ($('#query').val() == 0) { $('#delete').hide(); }else{ $('#save').attr('value', 'Update'); $('#saveas').show(); } <?php } else { ?> $('#delete').hide(); $('#save').hide(); <?php } ?> $('#flowview').change(function() { $('#changed').attr('value', '1'); }); <?php if (api_user_realm_auth('flowview_devices.php')) { ?> if ($('#device_name').val() == 0) { $('#view').prop('disabled', true); $('#save').prop('disabled', true); }else{ $('#view').prop('disabled', false); $('#save').prop('disabled', false); } <?php } else { ?> if ($('#device_name').val() == 0) { $('#view').prop('disabled', true); }else{ $('#view').prop('disabled', false); } <?php } ?> $('#stat_report').change(function() { statSelect(); }); $('#print_report').change(function() { printSelect(); }); statSelect(); printSelect(); $('#fdialog').dialog({ autoOpen: false, width: 380, height: 120, resizable: false, modal: true }); }); $('#view').click(function() { $('#action').attr('value', 'view'); $.post('flowview.php', $('input, select, textarea').serialize(), function(data) { $('#main').html(data); applySkin(); }); }); $('#saveas').click(function() { console.log('This is saveas'); $('#squery').attr('value', $('#query>option:selected').text()+' (New)'); $('#fdialog').dialog('open'); $('#qcancel').click(function() { $('#fdialog').dialog('close'); }); $('#qsave').click(function() { $('#new_query').attr('value', $('#squery').val()); $('#action').attr('value', 'save'); $.post('flowview.php', $('#flowview').serialize(), function(data) { if (data!='error') { $('#text').show().text('Filter Saved').fadeOut(2000); $('#query').append("<option value='"+data+"'>"+$('#new_query').val()+"</option>"); $('#query').attr('value', data); } }); $('#fdialog').dialog('close'); }); }); $('#save').click(function() { if ($('#query').val() == 0) { $('#fdialog').dialog('open'); $('#qcancel').click(function() { $('#fdialog').dialog('close'); }); $('#qsave').click(function() { $('#new_query').attr('value', $('#squery').val()); $('#action').attr('value', 'save'); $.post('flowview.php', $('#flowview').serialize(), function(data) { if (data!='error') { loadPageNoHeader('flowview.php?tab=filters&header=false&action=loadquery&query='+data); $('#text').show().text('Filter Settings Saved').fadeOut(2000); } }); $('#fdialog').dialog('close'); }); }else{ $('#action').attr('value', 'save'); $.post('flowview.php', $('#flowview').serialize(), function(data) { $('#text').show().text('Filter Updated').fadeOut(2000); }); } }); $('#delete').click(function() { loadPageNoHeader('flowview.php?header=false&action=delete&query='+$('#query').val()); }); $('#defaults').click(function() { setDefaults(); }); function setDefaults() { // Flow Filter Settings $('#device').attr('value',0); $('#date1').attr('value', ''); $('#start_time').attr('value','-8 HOURS'); $('#date2').attr('value',''); $('#end_time').attr('value','NOW'); $('#source_address').attr('value',''); $('#source_port').attr('value',''); $('#source_if').attr('value',''); $('#source_as').attr('value',''); $('#dest_address').attr('value',''); $('#dest_port').attr('value',''); $('#dest_if').attr('value',''); $('#dest_as').attr('value',''); $('#protocols').attr('value',0); $('#tos_fields').attr('value',''); $('#tcp_flags').attr('value',''); // Report Settings $('#stat_report').attr('value',10); $('#print_report').attr('value',0); $('#flow_select').attr('value',1); $('#sort_field').attr('value',4); $('#cutoff_lines').attr('value','100'); $('#cutoff_octets').attr('value', ''); $('#resolve_addresses').attr('value',0); statSelect(); } function setStatOption(choose) { stat = document.flowview.sort_field; stat.options.length = 0; defsort = 1; if (choose == 10) { stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Source IP', '1'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Destination IP', '2'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Flows', '3'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Bytes', '4'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Packets', '5'); defsort = 4; } else if (choose == 5 || choose == 6 || choose == 7) { stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Port', '1'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Flows', '2'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Bytes', '3'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Packets', '4'); defsort = 3; } else if (choose == 8 || choose == 9 || choose == 11) { stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('IP', '1'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Flows', '2'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Bytes', '3'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Packets', '4'); defsort = 3; } else if (choose == 12) { stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Protocol', '1'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Flows', '2'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Bytes', '3'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Packets', '4'); defsort = 3; } else if (choose == 17 || choose == 18) { stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Interface', '1'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Flows', '2'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Bytes', '3'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Packets', '4'); defsort = 3; } else if (choose == 23) { stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Input Interface', '1'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Output Interface', '2'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Flows', '3'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Bytes', '4'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Packets', '5'); defsort = 4; } else if (choose == 19 || choose == 20) { stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('AS', '1'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Flows', '2'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Bytes', '3'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Packets', '4'); defsort = 3; } else if (choose == 21) { stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Source AS', '1'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Destination AS', '2'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Flows', '3'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Bytes', '4'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Packets', '5'); defsort = 4; } else if (choose == 22) { stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('TOS', '1'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Flows', '2'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Bytes', '3'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Packets', '4'); defsort = 3; } else if (choose == 24 || choose == 25) { stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Prefix', '1'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Flows', '2'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Bytes', '3'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Packets', '4'); defsort = 3; } else if (choose == 26) { stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Source Prefix', '1'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Destination Prefix', '2'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Flows', '3'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Bytes', '4'); stat.options[stat.options.length] = new Option('Packets', '5'); defsort = 4; } else { } if (statreport == choose) { stat.value = sortfield; } else { stat.value = defsort; } } var sortfield='<?php echo $sort_field; ?> '; var statreport='<?php echo $stat_report > 0 ? $stat_report : 0; ?> '; </script> <?php }
function hosts() { global $config, $colors, $device_actions, $item_rows, $host_colors, $notmon_color; /* ================= input validation ================= */ input_validate_input_number(get_request_var_request("host_template_id")); input_validate_input_number(get_request_var_request("page")); input_validate_input_number(get_request_var_request("host_status")); input_validate_input_number(get_request_var_request("rows")); /* ==================================================== */ /* clean up search string */ if (isset($_REQUEST["filter"])) { $_REQUEST["filter"] = sanitize_search_string(get_request_var("filter")); } /* clean up sort_column */ if (isset($_REQUEST["sort_column"])) { $_REQUEST["sort_column"] = sanitize_search_string(get_request_var("sort_column")); } /* clean up search string */ if (isset($_REQUEST["sort_direction"])) { $_REQUEST["sort_direction"] = sanitize_search_string(get_request_var("sort_direction")); } /* if the user pushed the 'clear' button */ if (isset($_REQUEST["clear"])) { kill_session_var("sess_thold_host_current_page"); kill_session_var("sess_thold_host_filter"); kill_session_var("sess_thold_host_host_template_id"); kill_session_var("sess_thold_host_status"); kill_session_var("sess_thold_host_rows"); kill_session_var("sess_thold_host_sort_column"); kill_session_var("sess_thold_host_sort_direction"); unset($_REQUEST["page"]); unset($_REQUEST["filter"]); unset($_REQUEST["host_template_id"]); unset($_REQUEST["host_status"]); unset($_REQUEST["rows"]); unset($_REQUEST["sort_column"]); unset($_REQUEST["sort_direction"]); } else { /* if any of the settings changed, reset the page number */ $changed = 0; $changed += thold_request_check_changed('filter', 'sess_thold_host_filter'); $changed += thold_request_check_changed('host_template_id', 'sess_thold_host_template_id'); $changed += thold_request_check_changed('host_status', 'sess_thold_host_status'); $changed += thold_request_check_changed('rows', 'sess_thold_host_rows'); $changed += thold_request_check_changed('sort_column', 'sess_thold_log_sort_column'); $changed += thold_request_check_changed('sort_direction', 'sess_thold_log_sort_direction'); if ($changed) { $_REQUEST['page'] = '1'; } } if (!empty($_SESSION["sess_thold_host_status"]) && !empty($_REQUEST["host_status"])) { if ($_SESSION["sess_thold_host_status"] != $_REQUEST["host_status"]) { $_REQUEST["page"] = 1; } } /* remember these search fields in session vars so we don't have to keep passing them around */ load_current_session_value("page", "sess_thold_host_current_page", "1"); load_current_session_value("filter", "sess_thold_host_filter", ""); load_current_session_value("host_template_id", "sess_thold_host_host_template_id", "-1"); load_current_session_value("host_status", "sess_thold_host_status", "-4"); load_current_session_value("rows", "sess_thold_host_rows", read_config_option("num_rows_device")); load_current_session_value("sort_column", "sess_thold_host_sort_column", "description"); load_current_session_value("sort_direction", "sess_thold_host_sort_direction", "ASC"); /* if the number of rows is -1, set it to the default */ if ($_REQUEST["rows"] == -1) { $_REQUEST["rows"] = read_config_option("num_rows_device"); } ?> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function applyViewDeviceFilterChange(objForm) { strURL = '?tab=hoststat&host_status=' + objForm.host_status.value; strURL = strURL + '&host_template_id=' + objForm.host_template_id.value; strURL = strURL + '&rows=' + objForm.rows.value; strURL = strURL + '&filter=' + objForm.filter.value; document.location = strURL; } --> </script> <?php html_start_box("<strong>Device Status</strong>", "100%", $colors["header"], "3", "center", ""); form_host_filter(); html_end_box(); /* form the 'where' clause for our main sql query */ $sql_where = "where (host.hostname LIKE '%%" . $_REQUEST["filter"] . "%%' OR host.description LIKE '%%" . $_REQUEST["filter"] . "%%')"; if ($_REQUEST["host_status"] == "-1") { /* Show all items */ } elseif ($_REQUEST["host_status"] == "-2") { $sql_where .= strlen($sql_where) ? " and host.disabled='on'" : "where host.disabled='on'"; } elseif ($_REQUEST["host_status"] == "-3") { $sql_where .= strlen($sql_where) ? " and host.disabled=''" : "where host.disabled=''"; } elseif ($_REQUEST["host_status"] == "-4") { $sql_where .= strlen($sql_where) ? " and (host.status!='3' or host.disabled='on')" : "where (host.status!='3' or host.disabled='on')"; } elseif ($_REQUEST["host_status"] == "-5") { $sql_where .= strlen($sql_where) ? " and (host.availability_method=0)" : "where (host.availability_method=0)"; } elseif ($_REQUEST["host_status"] == "3") { $sql_where .= strlen($sql_where) ? " and (host.availability_method!=0 and host.status=3 and host.disabled='')" : "where (host.availability_method=0 and host.status=3 and host.disabled='')"; } else { $sql_where .= strlen($sql_where) ? " and (host.status=" . $_REQUEST["host_status"] . " AND host.disabled = '')" : "where (host.status=" . $_REQUEST["host_status"] . " AND host.disabled = '')"; } if ($_REQUEST["host_template_id"] == "-1") { /* Show all items */ } elseif ($_REQUEST["host_template_id"] == "0") { $sql_where .= strlen($sql_where) ? " and host.host_template_id=0" : "where host.host_template_id=0"; } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST["host_template_id"])) { $sql_where .= strlen($sql_where) ? " and host.host_template_id=" . $_REQUEST["host_template_id"] : "where host.host_template_id=" . $_REQUEST["host_template_id"]; } html_start_box("", "100%", $colors["header"], "3", "center", ""); $sortby = $_REQUEST["sort_column"]; if ($sortby == "hostname") { $sortby = "INET_ATON(hostname)"; } $host_graphs = array_rekey(db_fetch_assoc("SELECT host_id, count(*) as graphs FROM graph_local GROUP BY host_id"), "host_id", "graphs"); $host_data_sources = array_rekey(db_fetch_assoc("SELECT host_id, count(*) as data_sources FROM data_local GROUP BY host_id"), "host_id", "data_sources"); $current_user = db_fetch_row('SELECT * FROM user_auth WHERE id=' . $_SESSION['sess_user_id']); $sql_where .= ' AND ' . get_graph_permissions_sql($current_user['policy_graphs'], $current_user['policy_hosts'], $current_user['policy_graph_templates']); $total_rows = db_fetch_cell("SELECT\r\n\t\tCOUNT(\r\n\t\tFROM host\r\n\t\tLEFT JOIN user_auth_perms\r\n\t\tON (\r\n\t\tAND user_auth_perms.type=3\r\n\t\tAND user_auth_perms.user_id=" . $_SESSION['sess_user_id'] . ")\r\n\t\t{$sql_where}"); $sql_query = "SELECT *\r\n\t\tFROM host\r\n\t\tLEFT JOIN user_auth_perms\r\n\t\tON (\r\n\t\tAND user_auth_perms.type=3\r\n\t\tAND user_auth_perms.user_id=" . $_SESSION['sess_user_id'] . ")\r\n\t\t{$sql_where}\r\n\t\tORDER BY " . $sortby . " " . $_REQUEST["sort_direction"] . "\r\n\t\tLIMIT " . $_REQUEST["rows"] * ($_REQUEST["page"] - 1) . "," . $_REQUEST["rows"]; //print $sql_query; $hosts = db_fetch_assoc($sql_query); /* generate page list */ $url_page_select = get_page_list($_REQUEST["page"], MAX_DISPLAY_PAGES, $_REQUEST["rows"], $total_rows, "thold_graph.php?tab=hoststat"); if ($total_rows) { $nav = "<tr bgcolor='#" . $colors["header"] . "'>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td colspan='11'>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<table width='100%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0'>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td align='left' class='textHeaderDark'>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<strong><< "; if ($_REQUEST["page"] > 1) { $nav .= "<a class='linkOverDark' href='" . htmlspecialchars("thold_graph.php?filter=" . $_REQUEST["filter"] . "&host_template_id=" . $_REQUEST["host_template_id"] . "&host_status=" . $_REQUEST["host_status"] . "&page=" . ($_REQUEST["page"] - 1)) . "'>"; } $nav .= "Previous"; if ($_REQUEST["page"] > 1) { $nav .= "</a>"; } $nav .= "</strong>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</td>\n\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td align='center' class='textHeaderDark'>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tShowing Rows " . ($_REQUEST["rows"] * ($_REQUEST["page"] - 1) + 1) . " to " . ($total_rows < read_config_option("num_rows_device") || $total_rows < $_REQUEST["rows"] * $_REQUEST["page"] ? $total_rows : $_REQUEST["rows"] * $_REQUEST["page"]) . " of {$total_rows} [{$url_page_select}]\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</td>\n\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td align='right' class='textHeaderDark'>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<strong>"; if ($_REQUEST["page"] * $_REQUEST["rows"] < $total_rows) { $nav .= "<a class='linkOverDark' href='" . htmlspecialchars("thold_graph.php?filter=" . $_REQUEST["filter"] . "&host_template_id=" . $_REQUEST["host_template_id"] . "&host_status=" . $_REQUEST["host_status"] . "&page=" . ($_REQUEST["page"] + 1)) . "'>"; } $nav .= "Next"; if ($_REQUEST["page"] * $_REQUEST["rows"] < $total_rows) { $nav .= "</a>"; } $nav .= " >></strong>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</td>\n\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t</table>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\n"; } else { $nav = "<tr bgcolor='#" . $colors["header"] . "'>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td colspan='11'>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<table width='100%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0'>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td align='center' class='textHeaderDark'>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tNo Rows Found\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</td>\n\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t</table>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>\n"; } print $nav; $display_text = array("nosort" => array("<br>Actions", ""), "description" => array("<br>Description", "ASC"), "id" => array("<br>ID", "ASC"), "nosort1" => array("<br>Graphs", "ASC"), "nosort2" => array("Data<br>Sources", "ASC"), "status" => array("<br>Status", "ASC"), "status_event_count" => array("Event<br>Count", "ASC"), "hostname" => array("<br>Hostname", "ASC"), "cur_time" => array("<br>Current (ms)", "DESC"), "avg_time" => array("<br>Average (ms)", "DESC"), "availability" => array("<br>Availability", "ASC")); html_header_sort($display_text, $_REQUEST["sort_column"], $_REQUEST["sort_direction"]); $i = 0; if (sizeof($hosts)) { foreach ($hosts as $host) { if (isset($host_graphs[$host["id"]])) { $graphs = $host_graphs[$host["id"]]; } else { $graphs = 0; } if (isset($host_data_sources[$host["id"]])) { $ds = $host_data_sources[$host["id"]]; } else { $ds = 0; } if ($host["availability_method"] != 0) { form_host_status_row_color($host["status"], $host["disabled"]); $i++; print "<td width='1%' style='white-space:nowrap'>"; if (api_user_realm_auth('host.php')) { print '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($config['url_path'] . 'host.php?action=edit&id=' . $host["id"]) . '"><img src="' . $config['url_path'] . 'plugins/thold/images/edit_object.png" border="0" alt="" title="Edit Host"></a>'; } print "<a href='" . htmlspecialchars($config['url_path'] . "graph_view.php?action=preview&graph_template_id=0&filter=&host_id=" . $host["id"]) . "'><img src='" . $config['url_path'] . "plugins/thold/images/view_graphs.gif' border='0' alt='' title='View Graphs'></a>"; print "</td>"; ?> <td> <?php print strlen($_REQUEST["filter"]) ? eregi_replace("(" . preg_quote($_REQUEST["filter"]) . ")", "<span style='background-color: #F8D93D;'>\\1</span>", $host["description"]) : $host["description"]; ?> </td> <td width='80'><?php print round($host["id"], 2); ?> </td> <td width='80'><i><?php print $graphs; ?> </i></td> <td width='80'><i><?php print $ds; ?> </i></td> <td width='140'><?php print get_uncolored_device_status($host["disabled"] == "on" ? true : false, $host["status"]); ?> </td> <td width='100'><?php print round($host["status_event_count"], 2); ?> </td> <td><?php print strlen($_REQUEST["filter"]) ? eregi_replace("(" . preg_quote($_REQUEST["filter"]) . ")", "<span style='background-color: #F8D93D;'>\\1</span>", $host["hostname"]) : $host["hostname"]; ?> </td> <td width='100'><?php print round($host["cur_time"], 2); ?> </td> <td width='100'><?php print round($host["avg_time"], 2); ?> </td> <td width='100'><?php print round($host["availability"], 2); ?> </td> <?php } else { form_alternate_row_color($notmon_color, $notmon_color, $i); $i++; print "<td width='1%' style='white-space:nowrap'>"; if (api_user_realm_auth('host.php')) { print '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($config['url_path'] . 'host.php?action=edit&id=' . $host["id"]) . '"><img src="' . $config['url_path'] . 'plugins/thold/images/edit_object.png" border="0" alt="" title="Edit Host"></a>'; } print "<a href='" . htmlspecialchars($config['url_path'] . "graph_view.php?action=preview&graph_template_id=0&filter=&host_id=" . $host["id"]) . "'><img src='" . $config['url_path'] . "plugins/thold/images/view_graphs.gif' border='0' alt='' title='View Graphs'></a>"; print "</td>"; ?> <td> <?php print strlen($_REQUEST["filter"]) ? eregi_replace("(" . preg_quote($_REQUEST["filter"]) . ")", "<span style='background-color: #F8D93D;'>\\1</span>", $host["description"]) : $host["description"]; ?> </td> <td width='80'><?php print $host["id"]; ?> </td> <td width='80'><i><?php print $graphs; ?> </i></td> <td width='80'><i><?php print $ds; ?> </i></td> <td width='140'><?php print "Not Monitored"; ?> </td> <td width='100'><?php print "N/A"; ?> </td> <td><?php print strlen($_REQUEST["filter"]) ? eregi_replace("(" . preg_quote($_REQUEST["filter"]) . ")", "<span style='background-color: #F8D93D;'>\\1</span>", $host["hostname"]) : $host["hostname"]; ?> </td> <td width='100'><?php print "N/A"; ?> </td> <td width='100'><?php print "N/A"; ?> </td> <td width='100'><?php print "N/A"; ?> </td> <?php } form_end_row(); } } else { print "<tr><td><em>No Hosts</em></td></tr>"; } /* put the nav bar on the bottom as well */ print $nav; html_end_box(false); host_legend(); //thold_display_rusage(); }
function nmidSmokeping_tree_after ( $param ) { global $config, $database_default; preg_match( "/^(.+),(\d+)$/", $param, $hit ); include_once( $config[ "library_path" ] . "/adodb/" ); include_once( $config[ "library_path" ] . "/database.php" ); if ( api_user_realm_auth( 'getSmokePingImage.php' ) ) { if ( nmidSmokeping_readPluginStatus( 'nmidWeb2' ) ) { print "<div class='sidebarBox portlet' id='item-sp01'>\n"; print "<div class='portlet-header'>Graph Template:</strong> Availability Chart</div>\n"; print "<div class='guideListing portlet-content'><center>\n"; } else { ?> <tr bgcolor='#6d88ad'> <tr bgcolor='#a9b7cb'> <td colspan='3' class='textHeaderDark'> <strong>Graph Template:</strong> SmokePing (external) </td> </tr> <tr align='center' style='background-color: #f9f9f9;'> <td align='center'> <?php } $tree_id = $_REQUEST[ 'tree_id' ]; $host_leaf_id = $_REQUEST[ 'leaf_id' ]; $host_list = db_fetch_assoc('select * from graph_tree_items where order_key like ( select Concat(replace(order_key,"000",""),"%") from graph_tree_items where id='.$host_leaf_id.' ) and host_id > 0'); $column_count = 0; foreach ($host_list as $host_item ) { $host_id = $host_item['host_id']; $host_ip = db_fetch_cell( "select hostname from host where id=" . $host_id ); $current_nwmgmt_settings = db_fetch_cell( "select nwmgmt_settings from host where id=" . $host_id ); $nwmgmt_smokeping_path = db_fetch_cell( "select nwmgmt_smokeping_path from host where id=" . $host_id ); $nwmgmt_smokeping_server = db_fetch_cell( "select nwmgmt_smokeping_server from host where id=" . $host_id ); $nmid_server = ''; if ( $nwmgmt_smokeping_server == read_config_option( "nmid_spserver1" ) ) { $nmid_server = "nmid_spserver1"; } elseif ( $nwmgmt_smokeping_server == read_config_option( "nmid_spserver2" ) ) { $nmid_server = "nmid_spserver2"; } elseif ( $nwmgmt_smokeping_server == read_config_option( "nmid_spserver3" ) ) { $nmid_server = "nmid_spserver3"; } elseif ( $nwmgmt_smokeping_server == read_config_option( "nmid_spserver4" ) ) { $nmid_server = "nmid_spserver4"; } /* Retrieve Smokeping Config Settings */ $nmid_sp_url = $nwmgmt_smokeping_server . read_config_option( "nmid_spurl" ); $nmid_sp_userid = read_config_option( "nmid_spuser" ); $nmid_sp_password = read_config_option( "nmid_sppwd" ); if ($_SESSION["sess_graph_view_thumbnails"] == "on") { /* Display Smokeping Graph if configured for this device */ if ( preg_match( "/^s1/", $current_nwmgmt_settings ) > 0 ) { if ( $column_count < 1 ) { ?> <tr align='center' style='background-color: #f9f9f9;'> <?php } $column_count++; ?> <td align='center'> <table width='1' cellpadding='0'> <tr> <td align='center' width='<?php print ceil(100 / read_graph_config_option("num_columns"));?>%'> <table align='center' cellpadding='0'> <tr> <td align='center'> <div style="min-height: <?php echo (1.6 * read_graph_config_option("default_height")) . "px"?>;"> <?php print "<a target='_blank' href='" . $nmid_sp_url . "?target=" . $nwmgmt_smokeping_path . "'><img src='" . $config[ 'url_path' ] . "plugins/nmidSmokeping/getSmokePingImage.php?start=" . get_current_graph_start() . "&end=" . get_current_graph_end() . "&target=" . $nwmgmt_smokeping_path . "&server=" . $nmid_server . "&graphtype=detail&height=".read_graph_config_option("default_height")."&width=".read_graph_config_option("default_width") ."&hide=1' border='0'></a>\n"; ?> </div> </td> <td valign='top' style='align: left; padding: 3px;'> <a href='<?php print htmlspecialchars($config['url_path'] . "graph.php?action=zoom&local_graph_id=" . $graph["local_graph_id"] . "&rra_id=0&" . $extra_url_args);?>'><img src='<?php print $config['url_path'];?>images/graph_zoom.gif' border='0' alt='Zoom Graph' title='Zoom Graph' style='padding: 3px;'></a><br> <a href='<?php print htmlspecialchars($config['url_path'] . "graph_xport.php?local_graph_id=" . $graph["local_graph_id"] . "&rra_id=0&" . $extra_url_args);?>'><img src='<?php print $config['url_path'];?>images/graph_query.png' border='0' alt='CSV Export' title='CSV Export' style='padding: 3px;'></a><br> <a href='<?php print htmlspecialchars($config['url_path'] . "graph.php?action=properties&local_graph_id=" . $graph["local_graph_id"] . "&rra_id=0&" . $extra_url_args);?>'><img src='<?php print $config['url_path'];?>images/graph_properties.gif' border='0' alt='Graph Source/Properties' title='Graph Source/Properties' style='padding: 3px;'></a><br> <?php api_plugin_hook('graph_buttons_thumbnails', array('hook' => 'graphs_thumbnails', 'local_graph_id' => $graph['local_graph_id'], 'rra' => 0, 'view_type' => '')); ?> <a href='#page_top'><img src='<?php print $config['url_path'] . "images/graph_page_top.gif";?>' border='0' alt='Page Top' title='Page Top' style='padding: 3px;'></a><br> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </td> <?php if ( $column_count > (read_graph_config_option('num_columns')-1) ) { $column_count = 0; ?> </tr> <?php } } } else { /* Display Smokeping Graph if configured for this device */ if ( preg_match( "/^s1/", $current_nwmgmt_settings ) > 0 ) { print " <table width='1' cellpadding='0'>\n"; print " <tr>\n"; print " <td valign='top' style='padding: 3px;' class='noprint'>\n"; if ( read_config_option( "nmid_spgraphtype" ) == "detail" ) { print " <a target='_blank' href='" . $nmid_sp_url . "?target=" . $nwmgmt_smokeping_path . "'><img src='" . $config[ 'url_path' ] . "plugins/nmidSmokeping/getSmokePingImage.php?start=" . get_current_graph_start() . "&end=" . get_current_graph_end() . "&target=" . $nwmgmt_smokeping_path . "&server=" . $nmid_server . "&graphtype=detail' border='0'></a>\n"; } else { print " <a target='_blank' href='" . $nmid_sp_url . "?target=" . $nwmgmt_smokeping_path . "'><img src='" . $config[ 'url_path' ] . "plugins/nmidSmokeping/getSmokePingImage.php?start=" . get_current_graph_start() . "&end=" . get_current_graph_end() . "&target=" . $nwmgmt_smokeping_path . "&server=" . $nmid_server . "&graphtype=overview' border='0'></a>\n"; } print " </td>\n"; print " <td valign='top' style='padding: 3px;' class='noprint'>"; if ( read_config_option( "nmid_spshowlink" ) ) { print " <a target='_blank' href='" . $nmid_sp_url . "?target=" . $nwmgmt_smokeping_path . "'><img src='" . $config[ 'url_path' ] . "images/graph_zoom.gif' border='0' alt='Go to Smokeping' title='Go to Smokeping' style='padding: 3px;'></a>"; } else { print " <img src='" . $config[ 'url_path' ] . "images/graph_zoom.gif' border='0' alt='placeholder' title='placeholder' style='padding: 3px;'>"; } if ( nmidSmokeping_readPluginStatus( 'nmidCreatePDF' ) ) { print " <input onClick=\"setData('sp_" . $host_id . "');\" type=checkbox id='sp_" . $host_id . "' name='sp_" . $host_id . "' value='" . $host_id . "'><br>"; } print " </td>"; print " </tr>\n"; print "</table>\n"; } } } if ( $column_count > 0 && $column_count < read_graph_config_option('num_columns') ) { print "</tr>"; } if ($_SESSION["sess_graph_view_thumbnails"] <> "on") { if ( nmidSmokeping_readPluginStatus( 'nmidWeb2' ) ) { print "</center></div></div>"; } else { print "</td></tr></tr>"; } } } return $param; }
function display_tabs() { /* purge old flows if they exist */ purgeFlows(); /* draw the categories tabs on the top of the page */ if (isset($_REQUEST['tab'])) { $_SESSION['flowview_current_tab'] = $_REQUEST['tab']; } elseif (isset($_SESSION['flowview_current_tab'])) { /* do nothing */ } else { $_SESSION['flowview_current_tab'] = 'filters'; } $ct = $_SESSION['flowview_current_tab']; print "<table class='tabs' width='100%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='3' align='center'><tr>\n"; print "<td bgcolor='" . ($ct == 'filters' ? "silver" : "#DFDFDF") . "' nowrap='nowrap' width='" . strlen('Filters') * 9 . "' align='center' class='tab'>\n\t\t\t<span class='textHeader'><a title='Setup Flows' href='flowview.php?tab=filters'>Filters</a></span>\n\t\t\t</td>\n\n\t\t\t<td width='1'></td>\n"; if (api_user_realm_auth('flowview_devices.php')) { print "<td bgcolor='" . ($ct == 'listeners' ? "silver" : "#DFDFDF") . "' nowrap='nowrap' width='" . strlen('Listeners') * 9 . "' align='center' class='tab'>\n\t\t\t\t<span class='textHeader'><a title='Manage Listeners' href='flowview_devices.php?tab=listeners'>Listeners</a></span>\n\t\t\t\t</td>\n\n\t\t\t\t<td width='1'></td>\n"; } if (api_user_realm_auth('flowview_schedules.php')) { print "<td bgcolor='" . ($ct == 'sched' ? "silver" : "#DFDFDF") . "' nowrap='nowrap' width='" . strlen('Schedules') * 9 . "' align='center' class='tab'>\n\t\t\t\t<span class='textHeader'><a title='Manage e-Mail Reports' href='flowview_schedules.php?tab=sched'>Schedules</a></span>\n\t\t\t\t</td>\n\n\t\t\t\t<td width='1'></td>\n"; } if (isset($_SESSION['flowview_flows']) && is_array($_SESSION['flowview_flows']) && sizeof($_SESSION['flowview_flows'])) { foreach ($_SESSION['flowview_flows'] as $sessionid => $data) { if (!isset($data['title'])) { $_SESSION['flowview_flows'][$sessionid]['title'] = $data['title'] = "Unknown"; } print "<td bgcolor='" . ($ct == $sessionid ? "silver" : "#DFDFDF") . "' nowrap='nowrap' width='" . strlen($data['title']) * 9 . "' align='center' class='tab'>\n\t\t\t\t<span class='textHeader'><a style='white-space:nowrap;' href='flowview.php?tab={$sessionid}' title='View Flow'>" . $data['title'] . "</a> <a href='flowview.php?action=killsession&session={$sessionid}' title='Remove Flow Cache'>x</a></span>\n\t\t\t\t</td>\n\n\t\t\t\t<td width='1'></td>\n"; } } print "<td></td>\n</tr></table>\n"; }
function realtime_graph_buttons($args) { global $config; $local_graph_id = $args[1]['local_graph_id']; if (api_user_realm_auth("graph_popup_rt.php")) { echo "<a href='#' onclick=\"'".$config['url_path']."plugins/realtime/graph_popup_rt.php?local_graph_id=".$local_graph_id."', 'popup_".$local_graph_id."', 'toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no,scrollbars=no,status=no,titlebar=no,width=650,height=300,resizable=yes')\"><img src='".$config['url_path']."plugins/realtime/monitor_rt.gif' border='0' alt='Realtime' title='Realtime' style='padding: 3px;'></a><br/>"; } realtime_setup_table(); }
function syslog_show_tab() { global $config; if (api_user_realm_auth('syslog.php')) { if (substr_count($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'syslog.php')) { print '<a href="' . $config['url_path'] . 'plugins/syslog/syslog.php"><img src="' . $config['url_path'] . 'plugins/syslog/images/tab_syslog_down.gif" alt="syslog" align="absmiddle" border="0"></a>'; } else { print '<a href="' . $config['url_path'] . 'plugins/syslog/syslog.php"><img src="' . $config['url_path'] . 'plugins/syslog/images/tab_syslog.gif" alt="syslog" align="absmiddle" border="0"></a>'; } } }
function mactrack_format_device_row($device, $actions = false) { global $config, $mactrack_device_types; /* viewer level */ if ($actions) { $row = "<a href='" . htmlspecialchars($config['url_path'] . 'plugins/mactrack/mactrack_interfaces.php?device_id=' . $device['device_id'] . '&issues=0&page=1') . "'><img src='" . $config['url_path'] . "plugins/mactrack/images/view_interfaces.gif' alt='' title='" . __('View Interfaces') . "' align='middle' border='0'></a>"; /* admin level */ if (api_user_realm_auth('mactrack_sites.php')) { if ($device['disabled'] == '') { $row .= "<img id='r_" . $device['device_id'] . "' src='" . $config['url_path'] . "plugins/mactrack/images/rescan_device.gif' alt='' onClick='scan_device(" . $device['device_id'] . ")' title='" . __('Rescan Device') . "' align='middle' border='0'>"; } else { $row .= "<img src='" . $config['url_path'] . "plugins/mactrack/images/view_none.gif' alt='' align='middle' border='0'>"; } } print "<td style='width:40px;'>" . $row . "</td>"; } form_selectable_cell(filter_value($device['device_name'], get_request_var('filter'), "mactrack_devices.php?action=edit&device_id=" . $device['device_id']), $device['device_id']); form_selectable_cell($device['site_name'], $device['device_id']); form_selectable_cell(get_colored_device_status($device['disabled'] == 'on' ? true : false, $device['snmp_status']), $device['device_id']); form_selectable_cell(filter_value($device['hostname'], get_request_var('filter')), $device['device_id']); form_selectable_cell($device['device_type'] == '' ? __('Not Detected') : $device['device_type'], $device['device_id']); form_selectable_cell($device['scan_type'] == '1' ? __('N/A') : $device['ips_total'], $device['device_id']); form_selectable_cell($device['scan_type'] == '3' ? __('N/A') : $device['ports_total'], $device['device_id']); form_selectable_cell($device['scan_type'] == '3' ? __('N/A') : $device['ports_active'], $device['device_id']); form_selectable_cell($device['scan_type'] == '3' ? __('N/A') : $device['ports_trunk'], $device['device_id']); form_selectable_cell($device['scan_type'] == '3' ? __('N/A') : $device['macs_active'], $device['device_id']); form_selectable_cell(number_format($device['last_runduration'], 1), $device['device_id']); form_checkbox_cell($device['device_name'], $device['device_id']); form_end_row(); }
function thold_graph_button($data) { global $config; $local_graph_id = $data[1]['local_graph_id']; $rra_id = $data[1]['rra']; if (isset($_REQUEST['view_type']) && !empty($_REQUEST['view_type'])) { $view_type = $_REQUEST['view_type']; } else { $_REQUEST['view_type'] = ''; $view_type = read_config_option('dataquery_type'); } if (isset($_REQUEST['graph_start']) && !empty($_REQUEST['graph_start'])) { $start = $_REQUEST['graph_start']; } else { $_REQUEST['graph_start'] = ''; $start = time() - 3600; } if (isset($_REQUEST['graph_end']) && !empty($_REQUEST['graph_end'])) { $end = $_REQUEST['graph_end']; } else { $_REQUEST['graph_end'] = ''; $end = time(); } if (!isset($_SESSION['sess_config_array']['thold_draw_vrules'])) { $_SESSION['sess_config_array']['thold_draw_vrules'] = 'off'; } $url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $url = str_replace('&thold_vrule=on', '', $url); $url = str_replace('&thold_vrule=off', '', $url); if (!substr_count($url, "?")) { $separator = "?"; } else { $separator = "&"; } if (api_user_realm_auth('thold_graph.php')) { print '<a href="' . $url . $separator . 'thold_vrule=' . ($_SESSION['sess_config_array']['thold_draw_vrules'] == 'on' ? 'off' : 'on') . '"><img src="' . $config['url_path'] . 'plugins/thold/images/reddot.png" border="0" alt="Thresholds" title="Toggle Threshold VRULES ' . ($_SESSION['sess_config_array']['thold_draw_vrules'] == 'on' ? 'Off' : 'On') . '" style="padding: 3px;"></a><br>'; } // Add Threshold Creation button if (api_user_realm_auth('thold_add.php')) { if (isset($_REQUEST["tree_id"])) { input_validate_input_number($_REQUEST["tree_id"]); } if (isset($_REQUEST["leaf_id"])) { input_validate_input_number($_REQUEST["leaf_id"]); } print '<a href="' . $config['url_path'] . 'plugins/thold/thold_add.php?action2=' . $_REQUEST['action'] . (isset($_REQUEST['tree_id']) ? '&tree_id=' . $_REQUEST['tree_id'] : '') . (isset($_REQUEST['leaf_id']) ? '&leaf_id=' . $_REQUEST['leaf_id'] : '') . '&usetemplate=1&graphid=' . $local_graph_id . '"><img src="' . $config['url_path'] . 'plugins/thold/images/edit_object.png" border="0" alt="Thresholds" title="Create Threshold" style="padding: 3px;"></a><br>'; } }
function hmib_show_tab() { global $config; if (api_user_realm_auth('hmib.php')) { if (substr_count($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], "hmib.php")) { print '<a href="' . $config['url_path'] . 'plugins/hmib/hmib.php"><img src="' . $config['url_path'] . 'plugins/hmib/images/tab_hmib_down.gif" alt="hmib" align="absmiddle" border="0"></a>'; } else { print '<a href="' . $config['url_path'] . 'plugins/hmib/hmib.php"><img src="' . $config['url_path'] . 'plugins/hmib/images/tab_hmib.gif" alt="hmib" align="absmiddle" border="0"></a>'; } } }