コード例 #1
ファイル: lib.php プロジェクト: MoodleMetaData/MoodleMetaData
 * @todo Document this function
 * @global object
 * @global object
 * @return void
function anonforum_print_posts_nested($course, &$cm, $anonforum, $discussion, $parent, $reply, $anonforumtracked, $posts)
    global $USER, $CFG;
    $link = false;
    if (!empty($posts[$parent->id]->children)) {
        $posts = $posts[$parent->id]->children;
        foreach ($posts as $post) {
            echo '<div class="indent">';
            if (!isloggedin()) {
                $ownpost = false;
            } else {
                $ownpost = $USER->id == $post->userid;
            $post->subject = format_string($post->subject);
            $postread = !empty($post->postread);
            anonforum_print_post($post, $discussion, $anonforum, $cm, $course, $ownpost, $reply, $link, '', '', $postread, true, $anonforumtracked);
            anonforum_print_posts_nested($course, $cm, $anonforum, $discussion, $post, $reply, $anonforumtracked, $posts);
            echo "</div>\n";
コード例 #2
    $post->message = highlight($strippedsearch, format_text($post->message, $post->messageformat, $options, $course->id), 0, '<fgw9sdpq4>', '</fgw9sdpq4>');
    foreach ($searchterms as $searchterm) {
        if (preg_match("/{$searchterm}/i", $post->message) && !preg_match('/<fgw9sdpq4>' . $searchterm . '<\\/fgw9sdpq4>/i', $post->message)) {
            $missing_terms .= " {$searchterm}";
    $post->message = str_replace('<fgw9sdpq4>', '<span class="highlight">', $post->message);
    $post->message = str_replace('</fgw9sdpq4>', '</span>', $post->message);
    if ($missing_terms) {
        $strmissingsearchterms = get_string('missingsearchterms', 'anonforum');
        $post->message = '<p class="highlight2">' . $strmissingsearchterms . ' ' . $missing_terms . '</p>' . $post->message;
    // Prepare a link to the post in context, to be displayed after the anonymous forum post.
    $fulllink = "<a href=\"discuss.php?d={$post->discussion}#p{$post->id}\">" . get_string("postincontext", "anonforum") . "</a>";
    // Now pring the post.
    anonforum_print_post($post, $discussion, $anonforum, $cm, $course, false, false, false, $fulllink, '', -99, false);
echo $OUTPUT->paging_bar($totalcount, $page, $perpage, $url);
echo $OUTPUT->footer();
 * @todo Document this function
function anonforum_print_big_search_form($course)
    global $CFG, $DB, $words, $subject, $phrase, $user, $userid, $fullwords, $notwords, $datefrom, $dateto, $PAGE, $OUTPUT;
    echo $OUTPUT->box(get_string('searchanonforumintro', 'anonforum'), 'searchbox boxaligncenter', 'intro');
    echo $OUTPUT->box_start('generalbox boxaligncenter');
    echo html_writer::script('', $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/anonforum/anonforum.js');
    echo '<form id="searchform" action="search.php" method="get">';
    echo '<table cellpadding="10" class="searchbox" id="form">';
    echo '<tr>';
コード例 #3
        if ($post->parent != 0) {
            $postname = format_string($post->subject, true, array('context' => $cm->context));
            if (!$isspecificcourse && !$hasparentaccess) {
                $fullsubjects[] .= html_writer::link(new moodle_url('/mod/anonforum/discuss.php', array('d' => $post->discussion, 'parent' => $post->id)), $postname);
            } else {
                $fullsubjects[] .= html_writer::tag('span', $postname);
    $post->subject = join(' -> ', $fullsubjects);
    // This is really important, if the strings are formatted again all the links
    // we've added will be lost.
    $post->subjectnoformat = true;
    $discussionurl->set_anchor('p' . $post->id);
    $fulllink = html_writer::link($discussionurl, get_string("postincontext", "anonforum"));
    $postoutput[] = anonforum_print_post($post, $discussion, $anonforum, $cm, $course, false, false, false, $fulllink, '', null, true, null, true);
$userfullname = fullname($user);
if ($discussionsonly) {
    $inpageheading = get_string('discussionsstartedby', 'mod_anonforum', $userfullname);
} else {
    $inpageheading = get_string('postsmadebyuser', 'mod_anonforum', $userfullname);
if ($isspecificcourse) {
    $a = new stdClass();
    $a->fullname = $userfullname;
    $a->coursename = format_string($course->shortname, true, array('context' => $coursecontext));
    $pageheading = $a->coursename;
    if ($discussionsonly) {
        $pagetitle = get_string('discussionsstartedbyuserincourse', 'mod_anonforum', $a);
    } else {