/** * Review mode */ function amt_get_metadata_review() { // // TODO: FIX THIS MESS // //return '<pre>' . amt_metatag_highlighter( htmlspecialchars( amt_add_schemaorg_metadata_content_filter('dzfgdzfdzfdszfzf'), ENT_NOQUOTES) ) . '</pre>'; // Returns metadata review code //return '<pre>' . htmlentities( implode(PHP_EOL, amt_get_metadata_head()) ) . '</pre>'; $msg = '<span style="text-decoration: underline; color: black;"><span style="font-weight: bold;">NOTE</span>: This box is displayed because <span style="font-weight: bold;">Review Mode</span> has been enabled in' . PHP_EOL . 'the Add-Meta-Tags settings. Only logged in administrators can see this box.</span>' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; $msg_body = '<span style="text-decoration: underline; color: black;">The following metadata has been embedded in the body.</span>'; $metadata = '<pre>'; $metadata .= $msg . amt_metatag_highlighter(implode(PHP_EOL, amt_get_metadata_head())) . PHP_EOL; $metadata .= PHP_EOL . $msg_body . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . amt_metatag_highlighter(amt_add_schemaorg_metadata_content_filter('')) . PHP_EOL; $metadata .= PHP_EOL . amt_metatag_highlighter(implode(PHP_EOL, amt_get_metadata_footer())) . PHP_EOL; $metadata .= '</pre>'; return $metadata; //return '<pre lang="XML" line="1">' . implode(PHP_EOL, amt_get_metadata_head()) . '</pre>'; }
/** * Prints the generated metadata for the footer area. */ function amt_add_metadata_footer() { // For AMT timings $t = microtime(true); // Get the options the DB $options = get_option("add_meta_tags_opts"); // Get current post object $post = amt_get_queried_object(); // Caching indicator $is_cached = 'no'; // Get the metadata // NOTE: Currently metadata is cached for content pages only (is_singular()) if (absint($options['transient_cache_expiration']) > 0 && apply_filters('amt_enable_metadata_cache', true)) { $metadata_arr = amt_get_transient_cache($post, $options, $where = 'footer'); if (empty($metadata_arr)) { $metadata_arr = amt_get_metadata_footer($post, $options); // Cache the metadata if (!empty($metadata_arr)) { amt_set_transient_cache($post, $options, $metadata_arr, $where = 'footer'); } } else { $is_cached = 'yes'; } } else { $metadata_arr = amt_get_metadata_footer($post, $options); } // For AMT timings if (!empty($metadata_arr) && $options['enable_timings'] == '1') { array_unshift($metadata_arr, sprintf('<!-- Add-Meta-Tags Timings (milliseconds) - Block total time: %.3f msec - Cached: %s -->', (microtime(true) - $t) * 1000, $is_cached)); } // Add our comment if ($options["omit_vendor_html_comments"] == "0") { if (count($metadata_arr) > 0) { array_unshift($metadata_arr, "<!-- BEGIN Metadata added by the Add-Meta-Tags WordPress plugin -->"); array_push($metadata_arr, "<!-- END Metadata added by the Add-Meta-Tags WordPress plugin -->"); } } // Return complete metadata array return $metadata_arr; }