コード例 #1
function amrmeta_listfields($listindex = 1)
    global $aopt;
    global $amain;
    global $amr_nicenames, $excluded_nicenames, $ausersadminurl;
    $linktypes = amr_linktypes();
    /* check if we have some options already in Database. - use their names, if not, use default, else overwrite .*/
    if (!($checkifusingdefault = ausers_get_option('amr-users-nicenames')) or empty($amr_nicenames)) {
        //$text = __('Possible fields not configured! default list being used. Please build complete nicenames list.','amr-users');
    $config =& $aopt['list'][$listindex];
    $sel =& $config['selected'];
    /* sort our controlling index by the selected display order for ease of viewing */
    foreach ($amr_nicenames as $i => $n) {
        if (isset($config['selected'][$i]) or isset($config['sortby'][$i]) or isset($config['included'][$i]) or isset($config['includeonlyifblank'][$i]) or isset($config['excluded'][$i]) or isset($config['excludeifblank'][$i]) or isset($config['sortdir'][$i])) {
            $keyfields[$i] = $i;
    if (isset($keyfields)) {
        $nicenames = auser_sortbyother($amr_nicenames, $keyfields);
    } else {
        $nicenames = $amr_nicenames;
    if (count($sel) > 0) {
        uasort($sel, 'amr_usort');
        $nicenames = auser_sortbyother($nicenames, $sel);
        /* sort for display with the selected fields first */
    echo '<br /><p class="clear"><input id="submit" class="button-primary" type="submit" name="updateoverview" value="';
    _e('Update overview settings', 'amr-users');
    echo '" />' . '&nbsp;<a href="' . wp_nonce_url($ausersadminurl . '?page=ameta-admin-general.php&tab=overview', 'amr-meta') . '" title="' . __('Go to overview of all lists', 'amr-users') . '" >' . __('Manage lists', 'amr-users') . '</a>' . '&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href="' . wp_nonce_url($ausersadminurl . '?page=ameta-admin-general.php&tab=fields', 'amr-meta') . '" title="' . __('Find Fields (must have sample data in them)', 'amr-users') . '" >' . __('Find Fields', 'amr-users') . '</a>' . '</p>';
    echo '<br /><br />';
    echo PHP_EOL . '<div class="wrap">' . PHP_EOL . '<input id="submit" class="button-primary" type="submit" name="update" value="';
    _e('Update field settings', 'amr-users');
    echo '" />&nbsp;';
    echo '<br />';
    echo PHP_EOL . '<div class="clear userlistfields">';
    echo '<table class="widefat" style="padding-right: 2px;"><thead  style="text-align:center;"><tr>' . PHP_EOL . '<th style="text-align:right;">' . __('Field name', 'amr-users') . '</th>' . PHP_EOL . '<th style="width:1em;"><a href="#" title="' . __('Blank to hide, Enter a number to select and specify column order.  Eg: 1 2 6 8', 'amr-users') . '"> ' . __('Display order', 'amr-users') . '</a></th>' . PHP_EOL . '<th><a href="#" title="' . __('Html to appear before if there is a value', 'amr-users') . '"> ' . __('Before:', 'amr-users') . '</a></th>' . PHP_EOL . '<th><a href="#" title="' . __('Html to appear after if there is a value', 'amr-users') . '"> ' . __('After:', 'amr-users') . '</a></th>' . PHP_EOL . '<th style="width:2em;"><a href="#" title="' . __('Type of link to be generated on the field value', 'amr-users') . '"> ' . __('Link Type:', 'amr-users') . '</a></th>' . PHP_EOL . '<th><a href="#" title="' . __('Eg: value1,value2', 'amr-users') . '"> ' . __('Include:', 'amr-users') . '</a></th>' . PHP_EOL . '<th><a href="#" title="' . __('Tick to include a user ONLY if there is no value', 'amr-users') . '"> ' . __('Include ONLY if Blank:', 'amr-users') . '</a></th>' . PHP_EOL . '<th><a href="#" title="' . __('Eg: value1,value2.', 'amr-users') . ' ' . __('Display the field to set up the exclusion, then you can undisplay it afterwards.', 'amr-users') . '"> ' . __('But Exclude:', 'amr-users') . '</a></th>' . PHP_EOL . '<th><a href="#" title="' . __('Tick to exclude a user if there is no value', 'amr-users') . '"> ' . __('Exclude if Blank:', 'amr-users') . '</a></th>' . PHP_EOL . '<th style="width:1em;"><a href="#" title="' . __('Enter integers, need not be contiguous', 'amr-users') . ' ' . __('Maximum 2 sort level. Can switch off display.', 'amr-users') . '"> ' . __('Sort Order:', 'amr-users') . '</a></th>' . PHP_EOL . '<th style="width:2em;"><a href="#" title="' . __('For sort order.  Default is ascending', 'amr-users') . '"> ' . __('Sort Descending:', 'amr-users') . '</a></th>' . PHP_EOL . '</tr></thead><tbody>';
    foreach ($nicenames as $i => $f) {
        /* list through all the possible fields*/
        echo PHP_EOL . '<tr>';
        $l = 'l' . $listindex . '-' . $i;
        if ($i === 'comment_count') {
            $f .= '<a title="' . __('Explanation of comment total functionality', 'amr-users') . '" href="http://wpusersplugin.com/comment-totals-by-authors/">**</a>';
        echo '<td style="text-align:right;">' . $f . '</td>';
        echo '<td><input type="text" size="1" id="' . $l . '" name="list[' . $listindex . '][selected][' . $i . ']"' . ' value="';
        if (isset($sel[$i]) or !empty($config['included'][$i]) or !empty($config['excluded'][$i]) or !empty($config['excludeifblank'][$i]) or !empty($config['includeonlyifblank'][$i]) or !empty($config['sortby'][$i]) or !empty($config['sortdir'][$i])) {
            if (isset($sel[$i])) {
                echo $sel[$i];
            echo '" /></td>';
            if (!empty($sel[$i])) {
                /* don't need label - use previous lable*/
                echo '<td><input type="text" size="10"  name="list[' . $listindex . '][before][' . $i . ']"';
                if (isset($config['before'][$i])) {
                    echo ' value="' . stripslashes($config['before'][$i]) . '"';
                //handle slashes returned by quotes
                echo ' /></td>';
                // do not use htmlentities2 here - break foreigh chars
                echo '<td><input type="text" size="10"  name="list[' . $listindex . '][after][' . $i . ']"';
                if (isset($config['after'][$i])) {
                    echo ' value="' . stripslashes($config['after'][$i]) . '"';
                echo ' /></td>';
            } else {
                echo '<td>-</td><td>-</td>';
            if (isset($sel[$i]) and !strpos($sel[$i], '.')) {
                // if not a partial cell, then can have link type
                //if (isset($sel[$i]) and !strpos($sel[$i],'.')) {
                echo '<td><select id="links' . $l . '" ' . ' name="list[' . $listindex . '][links][' . $i . ']" >';
                foreach ($linktypes as $lti => $linktype) {
                    echo ' <option value="' . $lti . '" ';
                    if (!empty($config['links'][$i]) and $config['links'][$i] === $lti) {
                        echo ' selected = "selected" ';
                    echo ' >' . $linktype . '</option>';
                echo '</select></td>';
            } else {
                echo '<td>-</td>';
            //	echo '<td><select name="list['.$listindex.'][included]['.$i.']"';
            //	echo amr_users_dropdown ($choices, $config['included'][$i]);
            //	echo '</select>';
            echo '<td><input type="text" size="20"  name="list[' . $listindex . '][included][' . $i . ']"';
            if (isset($config['included'][$i])) {
                echo ' value="' . implode(',', $config['included'][$i]) . '"';
            echo ' /></td>';
            $l = 'c' . $listindex . '-' . $i;
            echo '<td><input type="checkbox"  name="list[' . $listindex . '][includeonlyifblank][' . $i . ']"';
            if (isset($config['includeonlyifblank'][$i])) {
                echo ' checked="checked" />';
                if (isset($config['excludeifblank'][$i])) {
                    /* check for inconsistency and flag */
                    echo '<span style="color:#D54E21; font-size:larger;">*</span>';
            } else {
                echo '/>';
            echo '</td>';
            $l = 'x' . $listindex . '-' . $i;
            echo '<td><input type="text" size="20" id="' . $l . '" name="list[' . $listindex . '][excluded][' . $i . ']"';
            if (isset($config['excluded'][$i])) {
                if (is_array($config['excluded'][$i])) {
                    $val = implode(',', $config['excluded'][$i]);
                } else {
                    $val = $config['excluded'][$i];
                echo ' value="' . $val . '"';
            echo ' /></td>';
            $l = 'b' . $listindex . '-' . $i;
            echo '<td><input type="checkbox" id="' . $l . '" name="list[' . $listindex . '][excludeifblank][' . $i . ']"';
            if (isset($config['excludeifblank'][$i])) {
                echo ' checked="checked" />';
                if (isset($config['includeonlyifblank'][$i])) {
                    /* check for inconsistency and flag */
                    echo '<span style="color:#D54E21; font-size:larger;">*</span>';
            } else {
                echo '/>';
            echo '</td>';
            $l = 's' . $listindex . '-' . $i;
            echo '<td>' . '<input type="text" size="2" id="' . $l . '" name="list[' . $listindex . '][sortby][' . $i . ']"';
            if (isset($config['sortby'][$i])) {
                echo ' value="' . $config['sortby'][$i] . '"';
            echo ' /></td>' . '<td><input type="checkbox" id="sd' . $l . '" name="list[' . $listindex . '][sortdir][' . $i . ']"';
            echo ' value="SORT_DESC"';
            if (isset($config['sortdir'][$i])) {
                echo ' checked="checked"';
            echo ' />' . '</td>';
        } else {
            echo '" /></td>';
            echo '<td>&nbsp;-&nbsp;</td>' . '<td>&nbsp;-&nbsp;</td>' . '<td>&nbsp;-&nbsp;</td>' . '<td>&nbsp;-&nbsp;</td>' . '<td>&nbsp;-&nbsp;</td>' . '<td>&nbsp;-&nbsp;</td>' . '<td>&nbsp;-&nbsp;</td>' . '<td>&nbsp;-&nbsp;</td>' . '<td>&nbsp;-&nbsp;</td>';
        echo '</tr>';
    echo PHP_EOL . '</tbody></table>';
    echo PHP_EOL . '</div><!-- end userlistfield -->';
    echo PHP_EOL . '</div><!-- end wrap -->';
コード例 #2
function amr_meta_nice_names_page()
    /* may be able to work generically */
    global $amr_nicenames;
    global $ausersadminurl;
    //amr_meta_main_admin_header('Find fields, make nice names' );
    amr_meta_admin_headings($plugin_page = '');
    // does the nonce check etc
    if (isset($_POST['action']) and !($_POST['action'] === "save")) {
    echo PHP_EOL . '<div class="clear" style="clear:both;">&nbsp;</div>' . PHP_EOL;
    if (isset($_POST['update']) and $_POST['update'] === "Update") {
        /* Validate the input and save */
        if (amrmeta_validate_nicenames()) {
            // updates inside the function now
        } else {
            echo '<h2>' . __('Validation failed', 'amr-users') . '</h2>';
    if (isset($_POST['resetnice'])) {
        // delete then rebuild
    if (isset($_POST['rebuild']) or isset($_POST['resetnice'])) {
        /* Rebuild the nicenames - could take a while */
        $amr_nicenames = ameta_rebuildnicenames();
        echo '<h3>' . __('Rebuild Complete.', 'amr-users') . '</h3>';
    } else {
    echo alist_rebuild_names_update();