コード例 #1
ファイル: functions.php プロジェクト: greg3560/plailly
function amr_create_date_time($datetimestring, $tzobj)
    // date time create with exception trap to avoid fatal errors
    try {
        $dt = new DateTime($datetimestring, $tzobj);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        $text = '<br />Unable to create DateTime object from ' . $datetimestring . ' <br />' . $e->getMessage();
        return false;
    return $dt;
コード例 #2
function amr_generate_repeats(&$event, $astart, $aend, $limit)
    /* takes an event and some parameters and generates the repeat events */
    $repeats = array();
    // and array of dates
    $newevents = array();
    // an array of events
    if (isset($event['DTSTART'])) {
        if (is_object($event['DTSTART'])) {
            $dtstart = $event['DTSTART'];
            $dt = empty($event['DTSTART']) ? '' : $event['DTSTART']->format('c');
            /* begin setting up the event key that will help us check for modifocations - semingly duplicates! - overwrite for repeats */
        } else {
            if (ICAL_EVENTS_DEBUG) {
                echo '<r><b>DTSTART is not an object</b>' . $event['DTSTART'];
            return false;
            /* it is set, but it is not an aobject ? */
    } else {
        /* possibly an undated, non repeating VTODO or Vjournal- no repeating to be done if no DTSTART, and no RDATE */
        $dt = '-nodtstart';
        if (!isset($event['RDATE'])) {
            if (isset($event['UID'])) {
                $newevents[$event['UID']] = $event;
            } else {
                amr_tell_admin_the_error('There is an invalid event.  It has no UID:' . print_r($event, true));
            return $newevents;
            /* possibly an undated, non repeating VTODO or Vjournal- no repeating to be done if no DTSTART, and no RDATE */
        } else {
            echo 'This event is invalid.  It has no DTSTART, but does have RDATE.  Not allowed according to ical spec.';
            return false;
            /***check for repeating RDATEs if no start date */
    /* To handle modifications, use a key to the events, so can match any later mods with a repeating event we may have generated */
    $seq = empty($event['SEQUENCE']) ? '0' : $event['SEQUENCE'];
    /* begin setting up the event key that will help us check for modifications - semingly duplicates!*/
    if (!isset($event['UID'])) {
        $event['UID'] = 'NoUID';
    /* there is no repeating rule, so just copy over */
    if (isset($event['RECURRENCE-ID'])) {
        /* a modification or exceptions to a repeating instance ? */
        //					$recdate = $dt;
        if (isset($_GET['debugexc'])) {
            echo '<br />RECURRENCE-ID:';
        if (is_array($event['RECURRENCE-ID'])) {
            /* just take first, should only be one */
            $recdateobj = $event['RECURRENCE-ID'][0];
            $recdate = $recdateobj->format('YmdHis');
            // purely identifies specifc instances of a repeating rule are affected by the exception/modification
            //20140721 - lost the month in ymd somehow - added back
            if (isset($_GET['debugexc'])) {
                echo '<br /> Flag recurrence modification for ' . $recdate;
        } else {
            if (is_object($event['RECURRENCE-ID'])) {
                /* Then it is a date instance which has been modified .  We need to overwrite the appropriate repeating dates.  This is done later? *** */
                $recdateobj = $event['RECURRENCE-ID'];
                $recdate = $recdateobj->format('YmdHis');
                if (isset($_GET['debugexc'])) {
                    echo '<br />RecurrenceID date to check against event rrule.';
                    echo $recdate;
            } else {
                /****  should deal with THISANDFUTURE or THISANDPRIOR  EG:
                		 RECURRENCE-ID;RANGE=THISANDPRIOR:19980401T133000Z */
                echo '<br>THISAND.... modification to repeating event encountered.  This cannot be dealt with yet';
        if (amr_event_should_be_shown($event, $astart, $aend) or amr_falls_between($recdateobj, $astart, $aend) or amr_is_same_day($recdateobj, $astart) or amr_is_same_day($recdateobj, $aend)) {
            $key = $event['UID'] . ' ' . $recdate . ' ' . $seq . '999';
            /* By virtue of being a recurrence id it should override a non recurrence (ie normal) even if they have the same sequence */
            $newevents[$key] = $event;
            /* so we drop the old events used to generate the repeats */
            $newevents[$key]['EventDate'] = new Datetime();
            //if cloning dont need tz
            $newevents[$key]['EventDate'] = clone $dtstart;
            if (!amr_create_enddate($newevents[$key])) {
                if (ICAL_EVENTS_DEBUG) {
                    echo ' ** No end date - is it an alarm? ';
        } else {
            if (isset($_GET['debugexc'])) {
                echo '<br /> ' . $recdate . ' not in range and ' . $dtstart->format('c') . ' not in range';
                //					debug_print_event ($event);
            return false;
            /* the modification and the instance that it relates to are not in our date range */
    } else {
        /* It is not a recurrence id, may be a repeating, or solo */
        if (isset($dtstart)) {
            if (amr_is_before($dtstart, $aend)) {
                /* If the start is after our end limit, then skip this event */
                if (isset($event['RRULE']) or isset($event['RDATE'])) {
                    /* if have, must use dtstart in case we are dependent on it's characteristics,. We can exclude too early dates later on */
                    $repeats = amr_repeat_anevent($event, $astart, $aend, $limit);
                    /**** try for a more efficient start? */
                    if (isset($_GET['rdebug']) or ICAL_EVENTS_DEBUG) {
                        if (count($repeats) > 0) {
                            echo '<br>Create repeats: ' . count($repeats);
                    /* now need to convert back to a full event by copying the event data for each repeat */
                    if (is_array($repeats) and count($repeats) > 0) {
                        foreach ($repeats as $i => $r) {
                            $repkey = $event['UID'] . ' ' . $r->format('YmdHis') . ' ' . $seq;
                            /* Don't use timezone - some recurrence id's maybe created with universal dates */
                            if (isset($newevents[$repkey])) {
                                // error_log('Unexpected Duplication of Repeating Event '.$repkey.' - error in ical file or error in plugin?'); // only happened on weird rrule - may be valid anyway so as not to miss anything
                            $newevents[$repkey] = $event;
                            // copy the event data over - note objects will point to same object unless we clone   Use duration or new /clone Enddate
                            $newevents[$repkey]['EventDate'] = new Datetime();
                            //if cloning dont need tz
                            $newevents[$repkey]['EventDate'] = clone $r;
                            //							if (ICAL_EVENTS_DEBUG) {echo '<br>Created '.$newevents[$repkey]['EventDate']->format('YmdHis l');	}
                            if (!amr_create_enddate($newevents[$repkey])) {
                                if (ICAL_EVENTS_DEBUG) {
                                    echo ' ** No end date created, maybe just a start? ';
                } else {
                    $key = $event['UID'] . ' ' . $dt . ' ' . $seq;
                    /* No Recurrence id and no RRULE or RDATE */
                    $newevents[$key] = $event;
                    // copy the event data over - note objects will point to same object - is this an issue?   Use duration or new /clone Enddate
                    $newevents[$key]['EventDate'] = new Datetime();
                    //if cloning dont need tz
                    $newevents[$key]['EventDate'] = clone $dtstart;
                    if (isset($newevents[$key]['DURATION'])) {
                        //changed because EndDate not same as DTEND if all day
        } else {
            // no starting date
            $key = $event['UID'] . ' ' . $dt . ' ' . $seq;
            $newevents[$key] = $event;
            $newevents[$key]['EventDate'] = '';
        echo '<br />number of newevents = ' . count($newevents);
    return $newevents;
コード例 #3
ファイル: amr-import-ical.php プロジェクト: greg3560/plailly
function amr_parseVALUE($VALUE, $text, $tzobj)
    /* amr parsing a value like
    	VALUE=PERIOD:19960403T020000Z/19960403T040000Z,	19960404T010000Z/PT3H
    	VALUE=DATE:19970101,19970120,19970217,19970421,..	19970526,19970704,19970901,19971014,19971128,19971129,19971225
    	VALUE=DATE;TZID=/mozilla.org/20070129_1/Europe/Berlin:20061223	*/
    //if (ICAL_EVENTS_DEBUG) {echo '<br />For value: '.$VALUE.' '.$text;}
    if (empty($text)) {
        if (ICAL_EVENTS_DEBUG) {
            echo '<br />For value: ' . $VALUE . ' text is blank';
        return false;
    switch ($VALUE) {
        case 'DATE-TIME':
            if (!($d = amr_parseDateTime($text, $tzobj))) {
                return false;
            } else {
                return $d;
        case 'DATE':
            if (!($d = amr_parseDate($text, $tzobj))) {
                return false;
            } else {
                return $d;
        case 'PERIOD':
            if (!($d = amr_parsePeriod($text, $tzobj))) {
                return false;
            } else {
                return $d;
            /* something like DATE;TZID=/mozilla.org/20070129_1/Europe/Berlin */
            $p = explode(';', $VALUE);
            if (!($p[0] === 'DATE')) {
                if (ICAL_EVENTS_DEBUG) {
                    echo 'Error: Unexpected data in file ';
                return false;
            } else {
                if (substr($p[1], 0, 4) === 'TZID') {
                    /* then we have a weird TZ */
                    $tzobj = amr_deal_with_tzpath_in_date(substr($p[1], 5));
                    /* pass the rest of the string over for tz extraction */
                    if (!($d = amr_parseDate($text, $tzobj))) {
                        amr_tell_admin_the_error('Fail parse tz date' . $p[1]);
                        return false;
                    } else {
                        return $d;
                } else {
                    if (ICAL_EVENTS_DEBUG) {
                        echo 'Error: Unexpected data in file ';
                    return false;
            return false;