コード例 #1
<!-- --------------------------------------------
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<div id="texts">

<form action="#texts" method="post">
_e("Texts", "alo-easymail");

<table class="form-table"><tbody>

if (alo_em_multilang_enabled_plugin() == false) {
    echo '<tr valign="top">';
    echo '<td colspan="2">';
    echo '<div class="text-alert">';
    echo '<p>' . __('No multilanguage plugin is enabled, so you will only see texts in the main language of the site', 'alo-easymail') . '.</p>';
    echo '<p>' . __('Recommended plugins, fully compatible with EasyMail, for a complete multilingual functionality', 'alo-easymail') . ': ';
    echo '<a href="http://wpml.org/" target="_blank">WPML</a>, ';
    echo '<a href="http://wordpress.org/plugins/qtranslate/" target="_blank">qTranslate</a>, ';
    echo '<a href="http://wordpress.org/plugins/polylang/" target="_blank">Polylang</a>';
    echo '.</p>';
    //echo '<p>'. sprintf( __('Type the texts in all available languages (they are found in %s)', 'alo-easymail'), '<em>'.WP_LANG_DIR.'</em>' ) .".</p>";
    echo '<p>' . __('If you like here you can list the languages available', 'alo-easymail') . ':<br />';
    $langs_list = get_option('alo_em_langs_list') != "" ? get_option('alo_em_langs_list') : "";
    echo '<input type="text" name="langs_list" value="' . $langs_list . '"  />';
    echo '<input type="submit" name="submit" value="' . __('Update', 'alo-easymail') . '" class="button" /> ';
    echo '<span class="description">' . __('List of two-letter language codes separated by commas', 'alo-easymail') . ' (' . sprintf('<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes" target="_blank">%s</a>', __('iso 639-1 codes', 'alo-easymail')) . '). ' . __('Sample:', 'alo-easymail') . ' en,de,it</span>';