コード例 #1
                    //wp_nonce_url( ALO_EM_PLUGIN_URL . '/alo-easymail_report.php?newsletter='.$newsletter.'&lang='.$lang.'&isnewwin=1', 'alo-easymail_report')
                    echo wp_nonce_url(ALO_EM_PLUGIN_URL . '/alo-easymail_report.php?newsletter=' . $newsletter . '&lang=' . $lang . '&archive=1', 'alo-easymail_report');
" class="easymail-navbutton button-archive" onclick='javascript:if( confirm("<?php 
                    echo esc_js(__("Are you sure?", "alo-easymail") . " " . __("You are about to DELETE the detailed info about recipients", "alo-easymail") . ". " . __("This action cannot be undone", "alo-easymail"));
") == false ) return false;' title="<?php 
                    esc_attr_e(__("You are about to DELETE the detailed info about recipients", "alo-easymail"));
                    _e("Delete the detailed report of recipients", "alo-easymail");
                    echo alo_em_help_tooltip(__("You are about to DELETE the detailed info about recipients", "alo-easymail") . ". " . __("This action deletes the detailed info about recipients (see below) and keeps only the summary (see above)", "alo-easymail") . ". " . __("It reduces the data in database tables and make the plugin queries and actions faster", "alo-easymail") . ". ");
            // if ( get_post_meta
        // if ( !isset($_GET['isnewwin']) )

        // Table with clicked links
        if (isset($_GET['show_clicked'])) {