コード例 #1
ファイル: 2gen_feeds.php プロジェクト: babae/etano
function gen_comment_feeds()
    global $dbtable_prefix;
    require_once _BASEPATH_ . '/includes/access_levels.inc.php';
    $short_blog_chars = 400;
    if (allow_at_level('read_blogs')) {
        // if non-members are allowed to read blogs...
        require_once _BASEPATH_ . '/includes/classes/rss_writer.class.php';
        $rss_writer_object = new rss_writer_class();
        $rss_writer_object->specification = '1.0';
        $rss_writer_object->about = _BASEURL_ . '/rss/latest-comments.xml';
        //		$rss_writer_object->rssnamespaces['dc']='http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/';
        $properties = array();
        $properties['description'] = 'Latest blog comments on ' . _SITENAME_;
        $properties['link'] = _BASEURL_;
        $properties['title'] = 'Latest Blog Comments';
        //		$properties['dc:date']=mktime(gmdate('H'),gmdate('i'),gmdate('s'),gmdate('m'),gmdate('d'),gmdate('Y'));
        $query = "SELECT a.`comment_id`,a.`fk_user_id`,c.`alt_url` as `profile_url`,a.`_user`,a.`comment`,b.`post_id`,b.`title`,b.`alt_url` as `post_url` FROM `{$dbtable_prefix}comments_blog` a LEFT JOIN `{$dbtable_prefix}user_profiles` c ON a.`fk_user_id`=c.`fk_user_id`,`{$dbtable_prefix}blog_posts` b WHERE a.`fk_parent_id`=b.`post_id` AND a.`status`=" . STAT_APPROVED . " AND b.`is_public`=1 AND b.`status`=" . STAT_APPROVED . " ORDER BY a.`date_posted` DESC LIMIT 10";
        if (!($res = @mysql_query($query))) {
            trigger_error(mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR);
        while ($rsrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
            $properties = array();
            if (strlen($rsrow['comment']) < $short_blog_chars) {
                $properties['description'] = $rsrow['comment'];
            } else {
                $properties['description'] = substr($rsrow['comment'], 0, strrpos(substr($rsrow['comment'], 0, $short_blog_chars), ' '));
            $properties['description'] = sanitize_and_format($properties['description'], TYPE_STRING, $GLOBALS['__field2format'][TEXT_DB2DISPLAY]);
            if (empty($rsrow['post_url'])) {
                $properties['link'] = _BASEURL_ . '/blog_post_view.php?pid=' . $rsrow['post_id'] . '#comm' . $rsrow['comment_id'];
            } else {
                $properties['link'] = $rsrow['post_url'] . '#comm' . $rsrow['comment_id'];
            $rsrow['title'] = sanitize_and_format($rsrow['title'], TYPE_STRING, $GLOBALS['__field2format'][TEXT_DB2DISPLAY]);
            $properties['title'] = sprintf('%1$s on "%2$s"', $rsrow['_user'], $rsrow['title']);
            //			$properties['dc:date']=$rsrow['date_posted'];
        if ($rss_writer_object->writerss($towrite)) {
            require_once _BASEPATH_ . '/includes/classes/fileop.class.php';
            $fileop = new fileop();
            $fileop->file_put_contents(_BASEPATH_ . '/rss/latest-comments.xml', $towrite);
        } else {
            $error = true;
            $topass['message']['type'] = MESSAGE_ERROR;
            $topass['message']['text'] = $rss_writer_object->error;
    return true;
コード例 #2
 function _finish_display()
     $myreturn = '';
     if ($this->tpl->get_var_silent('widget.content') != '') {
         $widget['title'] = $GLOBALS['_lang'][207];
         if (allow_at_level('read_blogs')) {
             $widget['title'] .= ' <a rel="external" href="' . _BASEURL_ . '/rss/latest-comments.xml" title="' . $GLOBALS['_lang'][251] . '"><img src="' . _BASEURL_ . '/images/rss-icon.gif" /></a>';
         $widget['id'] = 'latest_blog_comments';
         $this->tpl->set_file('temp', 'static/menu_widget.html');
         $this->tpl->set_var('widget', $widget);
         $myreturn = $this->tpl->process('temp', 'temp', TPL_OPTIONAL);
     return $myreturn;
コード例 #3
ファイル: search_functions.inc.php プロジェクト: babae/etano
function search_results($search, $my_membership = 1)
    global $dbtable_prefix;
    global $_pfields;
    $myreturn = array();
    $input['acclevel_code'] = 'search_advanced';
    // default access level is the one for advanced search!!!!
    $search_fields = array();
    $continue = false;
    // for searches not based on search_fields
    $select = "a.`fk_user_id`";
    $from = "`{$dbtable_prefix}user_profiles` a";
    $where = ' a.`status`=' . STAT_APPROVED . ' AND a.`del`=0';
    $orderby = "ORDER BY a.`score` DESC";
    if (isset($search['min_user_id'])) {
        $where .= " AND a.`fk_user_id`>" . $search['min_user_id'];
    //	if (!empty($_SESSION[_LICENSE_KEY_]['user']['user_id'])) {
    //		$where.=" AND a.`fk_user_id`<>'".$_SESSION[_LICENSE_KEY_]['user']['user_id']."'";
    //	}
    // define here all search types
    // you can either add fields to be read into $search_fields or build the query directly
    if (isset($search['st'])) {
        switch ($search['st']) {
            case 'basic':
                $input['acclevel_code'] = 'search_basic';
                $search_fields = $GLOBALS['basic_search_fields'];
                if (isset($search['wphoto'])) {
                    $where .= " AND a.`_photo`!=''";
            case 'adv':
                $input['acclevel_code'] = 'search_advanced';
                // for advanced search we get all fields
                foreach ($_pfields as $field_id => $field) {
                    if (!empty($field->config['searchable'])) {
                        $search_fields[] = $field_id;
                if (isset($search['wphoto'])) {
                    $where .= " AND a.`_photo`!=''";
            case 'user':
                $input['acclevel_code'] = 'search_advanced';
                $continue = true;
                $input['user'] = sanitize_and_format_gpc($search, 'user', TYPE_STRING, $GLOBALS['__field2format'][FIELD_TEXTFIELD], '');
                if (strlen($input['user']) <= 3) {
                    //					$topass['message']['text']=$GLOBALS['_lang'][8];
                    //					$topass['message']['type']=MESSAGE_ERROR;
                    $where = '';
                    // force no results returned.
                } else {
                    $where .= " AND a.`_user` LIKE '" . $input['user'] . "%'";
            case 'net':
                $input['acclevel_code'] = 'search_basic';
                $continue = true;
                $input['fk_user_id'] = sanitize_and_format_gpc($search, 'uid', TYPE_INT, 0, 0);
                $input['fk_net_id'] = sanitize_and_format_gpc($search, 'nid', TYPE_INT, 0, 0);
                $select = "b.`fk_user_id_other`";
                $from = "`{$dbtable_prefix}user_networks` b," . $from;
                $where = "b.`fk_user_id`=" . $input['fk_user_id'] . " AND b.`fk_net_id`=" . $input['fk_net_id'] . " AND b.`nconn_status`=1 AND b.`fk_user_id_other`=a.`fk_user_id` AND " . $where;
            case 'new':
                $input['acclevel_code'] = 'search_basic';
                $continue = true;
                $orderby = "ORDER BY a.`date_added` DESC";
            case 'online':
                $input['acclevel_code'] = 'search_basic';
                $continue = true;
                $from = "`{$dbtable_prefix}online` b," . $from;
                $where .= " AND b.`fk_user_id` IS NOT NULL AND b.`fk_user_id`=a.`fk_user_id`";
                $orderby = "GROUP BY b.`fk_user_id` " . $orderby;
            case 'vote':
            case 'views':
            case 'comm':
                // TODO
    if (allow_at_level($input['acclevel_code'], $my_membership)) {
        for ($i = 0; isset($search_fields[$i]); ++$i) {
            $field = $_pfields[$search_fields[$i]]->search();
            $where .= $field->query_search();
            $input = array_merge($input, $field->get_value(true));
        if (!empty($where)) {
            // if $where is empty then a condition above prevents us from searching.
            $query = "SELECT {$select} FROM {$from} WHERE {$where} {$orderby}";
            if (!($res = @mysql_query($query))) {
                trigger_error(mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR);
            for ($i = 0; $i < mysql_num_rows($res); ++$i) {
                $myreturn[] = mysql_result($res, $i, 0);
    return $myreturn;
コード例 #4
ファイル: user_functions.inc.php プロジェクト: babae/etano
 *	Creates the tpl loop to show comments and the textarea where new comments could be written. Handles the cases when user is
 *	not logged in or not allowed to post comments.
 *	@access public
 *	@param string $type the identifier for the item where comments are displayed. Can be one of 'user','photo','blog','video'
 *	@param int $parent_id the ID in the parent table of the item where these comments are posted.
 *	@param array $config reference to the $config array in the calling script. It needs 'use_captcha','bbcode_comments','smilies_comm'
 *	@param array $output reference to the $output array in the calling script. It injects additional variables in $output to be
 *		used by the template system.
function create_comments_loop($type, $parent_id, &$output, $params = array())
    global $dbtable_prefix, $__field2format, $_list_of_online_members, $page_last_modified_time;
    $myreturn = array();
    switch ($type) {
        case 'user':
            $table = "{$dbtable_prefix}comments_profile";
            $allow_comments = !empty($_SESSION[_LICENSE_KEY_]['user']['user_id']) && $_SESSION[_LICENSE_KEY_]['user']['user_id'] == $parent_id ? $_SESSION[_LICENSE_KEY_]['user']['prefs']['profile_comments'] : get_user_settings($parent_id, 'def_user_prefs', 'profile_comments');
        case 'blog':
            $table = "{$dbtable_prefix}comments_blog";
            $allow_comments = isset($output['allow_comments']) ? $output['allow_comments'] : 1;
        case 'photo':
            $table = "{$dbtable_prefix}comments_photo";
            $allow_comments = isset($output['allow_comments']) ? $output['allow_comments'] : 1;
        case 'video':
            $table = "{$dbtable_prefix}comments_video";
            $allow_comments = isset($output['allow_comments']) ? $output['allow_comments'] : 1;
    $config = get_site_option(array('use_captcha', 'bbcode_comments', 'smilies_comm'), 'core');
    $edit_comment = sanitize_and_format_gpc($_GET, 'edit_comment', TYPE_INT, 0, 0);
    $query = "SELECT a.`comment_id`,a.`comment`,a.`fk_user_id`,a.`_user` as `user`,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(a.`date_posted`) as `date_posted`,b.`_photo` as `photo` FROM `{$table}` a LEFT JOIN `{$dbtable_prefix}user_profiles` b ON a.`fk_user_id`=b.`fk_user_id` WHERE a.`fk_parent_id`={$parent_id} AND a.`status`=" . STAT_APPROVED . " ORDER BY a.`comment_id` ASC";
    if (isset($params['offset']) && isset($params['limit'])) {
        $query .= " LIMIT " . $params['offset'] . ',' . $params['limit'];
        $count_query = "SELECT count(*) FROM `{$table}` a LEFT JOIN `{$dbtable_prefix}user_profiles` b ON a.`fk_user_id`=b.`fk_user_id` WHERE a.`fk_parent_id`={$parent_id} AND a.`status`=" . STAT_APPROVED;
        if (!($res = @mysql_query($count_query))) {
            trigger_error(mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR);
        $totalrows = mysql_result($res, 0, 0);
    if (!($res = @mysql_query($query))) {
        trigger_error(mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR);
    while ($rsrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
        if ($rsrow['date_posted'] > $page_last_modified_time) {
            $page_last_modified_time = $rsrow['date_posted'];
        // if someone has asked to edit his/her comment
        if ($edit_comment == $rsrow['comment_id']) {
            $output['comment_id'] = $rsrow['comment_id'];
            $output['comment'] = sanitize_and_format($rsrow['comment'], TYPE_STRING, $__field2format[TEXT_DB2EDIT]);
        $rsrow['date_posted'] = strftime($_SESSION[_LICENSE_KEY_]['user']['prefs']['datetime_format'], $rsrow['date_posted'] + $_SESSION[_LICENSE_KEY_]['user']['prefs']['time_offset']);
        $rsrow['comment'] = sanitize_and_format($rsrow['comment'], TYPE_STRING, $__field2format[TEXT_DB2DISPLAY]);
        if (!empty($config['bbcode_comments'])) {
            $rsrow['comment'] = bbcode2html($rsrow['comment']);
        if (!empty($config['smilies_comm'])) {
            $rsrow['comment'] = text2smilies($rsrow['comment']);
        // allow showing the edit links to rightfull owners
        if (!empty($_SESSION[_LICENSE_KEY_]['user']['user_id']) && $rsrow['fk_user_id'] == $_SESSION[_LICENSE_KEY_]['user']['user_id']) {
            $rsrow['editme'] = true;
        if (empty($rsrow['fk_user_id'])) {
            // for the link to member profile
        } else {
            if (isset($_list_of_online_members[$rsrow['fk_user_id']])) {
                $rsrow['is_online'] = 'is_online';
                $rsrow['user_online_status'] = $GLOBALS['_lang'][102];
            } else {
                $rsrow['user_online_status'] = $GLOBALS['_lang'][103];
        if (empty($rsrow['photo']) || !is_file(_PHOTOPATH_ . '/t1/' . $rsrow['photo'])) {
            $rsrow['photo'] = 'no_photo.gif';
        $myreturn[] = $rsrow;
    if (!empty($myreturn)) {
        $output['show_comments'] = true;
        if (isset($totalrows)) {
            $output['pager'] = pager($totalrows, $params['offset'], $params['limit']);
            $output['num_comments'] = $totalrows;
        } else {
            $output['num_comments'] = count($myreturn);
    if ($allow_comments) {
        // may I post comments please?
        if (allow_at_level('write_comments', $_SESSION[_LICENSE_KEY_]['user']['membership'])) {
            $output['allow_comments'] = true;
            if (empty($_SESSION[_LICENSE_KEY_]['user']['user_id'])) {
                if (!empty($config['use_captcha'])) {
                    require _BASEPATH_ . '/includes/classes/sco_captcha.class.php';
                    $c = new sco_captcha(_BASEPATH_ . '/includes/fonts', 4);
                    $_SESSION['captcha_word'] = $c->gen_rnd_string(4);
                    $output['rand'] = make_seed();
                    $output['use_captcha'] = true;
            // would you let me use bbcode?
            if (!empty($config['bbcode_comments'])) {
                $output['bbcode_comments'] = true;
            // if we came back after an error get what was previously posted
            if (isset($_SESSION['topass']['input'])) {
                $output = array_merge($output, $_SESSION['topass']['input']);
        } else {
    } else {
    if (!empty($edit_comment)) {
        $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = str_replace('&edit_comment=' . $edit_comment, '', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
    return $myreturn;
コード例 #5
ファイル: save_user_tpl.php プロジェクト: babae/etano
File:                       ajax/save_user_tpl.php
Software by:                DateMill (http://www.datemill.com)
Copyright by:               DateMill (http://www.datemill.com)
Support at:                 http://www.datemill.com/forum
* See the "docs/licenses/etano.txt" file for license.                         *
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../includes/common.inc.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../includes/user_functions.inc.php';
$output = '';
    if (!empty($_SESSION[_LICENSE_KEY_]['user']['user_id']) && allow_at_level('saved_messages', $_SESSION[_LICENSE_KEY_]['user']['membership'])) {
        if (!empty($_POST['subject']) && !empty($_POST['message_body'])) {
            $subject = sanitize_and_format($_POST['subject'], TYPE_STRING, $__field2format[FIELD_TEXTFIELD] | FORMAT_RUDECODE | FORMAT_HTML2TEXT_FULL);
            $message_body = sanitize_and_format($_POST['message_body'], TYPE_STRING, $__field2format[FIELD_TEXTAREA] | FORMAT_RUDECODE | FORMAT_HTML2TEXT_FULL);
            $query = "INSERT INTO `{$dbtable_prefix}user_mtpls` SET `fk_user_id`='" . $_SESSION[_LICENSE_KEY_]['user']['user_id'] . "',`subject`='{$subject}',`message_body`='{$message_body}'";
            if (!($res = @mysql_query($query))) {
                trigger_error(mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR);
            $output = 1;
    } else {
        $output = 2;
echo $output;