コード例 #1
ファイル: config.php プロジェクト: BMNTeam/myFirstThemeToTf
 * Get current theme options
 * @return array
function aletheme_get_options()
    $comments_style = array('wp' => 'Alethemes Comments', 'fb' => 'Facebook Comments', 'dq' => 'DISQUS', 'lf' => 'Livefyre', 'off' => 'Disable All Comments');
    $analytics = array('classic' => 'Classic Analytics', 'universal' => 'Universal Analytics');
    $headerfont = array_merge(ale_get_safe_webfonts(), ale_get_google_webfonts());
    $background_defaults = array('color' => '', 'image' => '', 'repeat' => 'repeat', 'position' => 'top center', 'attachment' => 'scroll');
    $imagepath = ALETHEME_URL . '/assets/images/';
    $options = array();
    $options[] = array("name" => "Theme", "type" => "heading");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Site Logo", "desc" => "Upload or put the site logo link (Default logo size: 133-52px)", "id" => "ale_sitelogo", "std" => "", "type" => "upload");
    $options[] = array('name' => "Manage Background", 'desc' => "Select the background color, or upload a custom background image. Default background is the #f5f5f5 color", 'id' => 'ale_background', 'std' => $background_defaults, 'type' => 'background');
    $options[] = array("name" => "Background Size Cover", "desc" => "Check if you want to select cover background size", "id" => "ale_backcover", "std" => "1", "type" => "checkbox");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Uplaod a favicon icon", "desc" => "Upload or put the link of your favicon icon", "id" => "ale_favicon", "std" => "", "type" => "upload");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Comments Style", "desc" => "Choose your comments style. If you want to use DISQUS comments please install and activate this plugin from <a href=\"" . admin_url('plugin-install.php?tab=search&type=term&s=Disqus+Comment+System&plugin-search-input=Search+Plugins') . "\">Wordpress Repository</a>.  If you want to use Livefyre Realtime Comments comments please install and activate this plugin from <a href=\"" . admin_url('plugin-install.php?tab=search&type=term&s=Livefyre+Realtime+Comments&plugin-search-input=Search+Plugins') . "\">Wordpress Repository</a>.", "id" => "ale_comments_style", "std" => "wp", "type" => "select", "options" => $comments_style);
    $options[] = array("name" => "AJAX Comments", "desc" => "Use AJAX on comments posting (works only with Alethemes Comments selected).", "id" => "ale_ajax_comments", "std" => "1", "type" => "checkbox");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Social Sharing", "desc" => "Enable social sharing for posts.", "id" => "ale_social_sharing", "std" => "1", "type" => "checkbox");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Copyrights", "desc" => "Your copyright message.", "id" => "ale_copyrights", "std" => "", "type" => "editor");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Home Page Slider slug", "desc" => "Insert the slider slug. Get the slug on Sliders Section", "id" => "ale_homeslugfull", "std" => "", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Blog Slider slug", "desc" => "Insert the slider slug. Get the slug on Sliders Section", "id" => "ale_blogslugfull", "std" => "", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Typography", "type" => "heading");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Select the body Font from Google Library", "desc" => "The default Font is - Raleway", "id" => "ale_headerfont", "std" => "Raleway", "type" => "select", "options" => $headerfont);
    $options[] = array("name" => "Select the body Font (Extended) from Google Library", "desc" => "The default Font (extended) is - 600", "id" => "ale_headerfontex", "std" => "600", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Select the Headers Font from Google Library", "desc" => "The default Font is - Libre Baskerville", "id" => "ale_mainfont", "std" => "Libre+Baskerville", "type" => "select", "options" => $headerfont);
    $options[] = array("name" => "Select the Headers Font (Extended) from Google Library", "desc" => "The default Font (extended) is - 400,400italic", "id" => "ale_mainfontex", "std" => "400,400italic", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array('name' => "H1 Style", 'desc' => "Change the h1 style", 'id' => 'ale_h1sty', 'std' => array('size' => '22px', 'face' => 'Libre+Baskerville', 'style' => 'normal', 'color' => '#111111'), 'type' => 'typography');
    $options[] = array('name' => "H2 Style", 'desc' => "Change the h2 style", 'id' => 'ale_h2sty', 'std' => array('size' => '20px', 'face' => 'Libre+Baskerville', 'style' => 'normal', 'color' => '#111111'), 'type' => 'typography');
    $options[] = array('name' => "H3 Style", 'desc' => "Change the h3 style", 'id' => 'ale_h3sty', 'std' => array('size' => '18px', 'face' => 'Libre+Baskerville', 'style' => 'normal', 'color' => '#111111'), 'type' => 'typography');
    $options[] = array('name' => "H4 Style", 'desc' => "Change the h4 style", 'id' => 'ale_h4sty', 'std' => array('size' => '16px', 'face' => 'Libre+Baskerville', 'style' => 'normal', 'color' => '#111111'), 'type' => 'typography');
    $options[] = array('name' => "H5 Style", 'desc' => "Change the h5 style", 'id' => 'ale_h5sty', 'std' => array('size' => '14px', 'face' => 'Libre+Baskerville', 'style' => 'normal', 'color' => '#111111'), 'type' => 'typography');
    $options[] = array('name' => "H6 Style", 'desc' => "Change the h6 style", 'id' => 'ale_h6sty', 'std' => array('size' => '12px', 'face' => 'Libre+Baskerville', 'style' => 'normal', 'color' => '#111111'), 'type' => 'typography');
    $options[] = array('name' => "Body Style", 'desc' => "Change the body font style", 'id' => 'ale_bodystyle', 'std' => array('size' => '11px', 'face' => 'Libre+Baskerville', 'style' => 'normal', 'color' => '#111111'), 'type' => 'typography');
    $options[] = array("name" => "Social", "type" => "heading");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Twitter", "desc" => "Your twitter profile URL.", "id" => "ale_twi", "std" => "", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Facebook", "desc" => "Your facebook profile URL.", "id" => "ale_fb", "std" => "", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Google+", "desc" => "Your google+ profile URL.", "id" => "ale_gog", "std" => "", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Pinterest", "desc" => "Your pinteres profile URL.", "id" => "ale_pint", "std" => "", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Flickr", "desc" => "Your flickr profile URL.", "id" => "ale_flickr", "std" => "", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Linkedin", "desc" => "Your linked profile URL.", "id" => "ale_linked", "std" => "", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Instagram", "desc" => "Your instagram profile URL.", "id" => "ale_insta", "std" => "", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Email", "desc" => "Your email", "id" => "ale_emailcont", "std" => "", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Show RSS", "desc" => "Check if you want to show the RSS icon on your site", "id" => "ale_rssicon", "std" => "1", "type" => "checkbox");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Facebook Application ID", "desc" => "If you have Application ID you can connect the blog to your Facebook Profile and monitor statistics there.", "id" => "ale_fb_id", "std" => "", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Enable Open Graph", "desc" => "The <a href=\"http://www.ogp.me/\">Open Graph</a> protocol enables any web page to become a rich object in a social graph.", "id" => "ale_og_enabled", "std" => "", "type" => "checkbox");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Advanced Settings", "type" => "heading");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Google Analytics Type", "desc" => "Select the google analytics code type. Universal or Classic (The difference between versions you will find in google)", "id" => "ale_analyticstype", "std" => "classic", "type" => "select", "options" => $analytics);
    $options[] = array("name" => "Google Analytics", "desc" => "Please insert your Google Analytics code here. Example: <strong>UA-22231623-1</strong>", "id" => "ale_ga", "std" => "", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Footer Code", "desc" => "If you have anything else to add in the footer - please add it here.", "id" => "ale_footer_info", "std" => "", "type" => "textarea");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Custom CSS Styles", "desc" => "You can add here your styles. ex. .boxclass { padding:10px; }", "id" => "ale_customcsscode", "std" => "", "type" => "textarea");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Footer menu title", "desc" => "Insert the footer menu title", "id" => "ale_footermenutitle", "std" => "Select a category", "type" => "text");
    return $options;
コード例 #2
 * Get recognized font faces.
 * Returns an array of all recognized font faces.
 * Keys are intended to be stored in the database
 * while values are ready for display in in html.
 * @return   array
function of_recognized_font_faces()
    return apply_filters('of_recognized_font_faces', array_merge(ale_get_safe_webfonts(), ale_get_google_webfonts()));
コード例 #3
ファイル: config.php プロジェクト: serdimoa/wordpress
 * Get current theme options
 * @return array
function aletheme_get_options()
    $comments_style = array('wp' => 'Socha Comments', 'fb' => 'Facebook Comments', 'dq' => 'DISQUS', 'lf' => 'Livefyre', 'ws' => 'WordPress Default', 'off' => 'Disable All Comments');
    $background_defaults = array('color' => '', 'image' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/css/images/patterns/bg.jpg', 'repeat' => 'repeat', 'position' => 'top center', 'attachment' => 'scroll');
    $analytics = array('classic' => 'Classic Analytics', 'universal' => 'Universal Analytics');
    $headerfont = array_merge(ale_get_safe_webfonts(), ale_get_google_webfonts());
    $color_style = array('orange' => 'Orange Color', 'green' => 'Green Color', 'black' => 'Black Color', 'red' => 'Red Color', 'blue' => 'Blue Color', 'purple' => 'Purple Color', 'sea' => 'Green Sea Color', 'nephritis' => 'Nephritis Color', 'asbestos' => 'Asbestos Color');
    $home_bottom = array('blogposts' => 'Blog Posts', 'recentposts' => '3 Recent Blog Posts', 'customboxes' => 'Custom Boxes', 'customcontent' => 'Page Content', 'hideboxes' => 'Hide Blocks (About left box too)');
    $imagepath = ALETHEME_URL . '/assets/images/';
    $options = array();
    $options[] = array("name" => "Theme", "type" => "heading");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Site Logo", "desc" => "Upload or put the site logo link (Default logo size: 158-101px)", "id" => "ale_sitelogo", "std" => "", "type" => "upload");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Color Style", "desc" => "Select color:", "id" => "ale_site_color", "std" => "orange", "type" => "select", "options" => $color_style);
    $options[] = array('name' => "Manage Background", 'desc' => "Select the background color, or upload a custom background image. For example you can take backgrounds here - <a href=\"http://subtlepatterns.com/\">http://subtlepatterns.com/</a>.", 'id' => 'ale_background', 'std' => $background_defaults, 'type' => 'background');
    $options[] = array("name" => "Uplaod a favicon icon", "desc" => "Upload or put the link of your favicon icon", "id" => "ale_favicon", "std" => "", "type" => "upload");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Uplaod a custom animation image", "desc" => "Upload or put the link of your custom animation gif image.", "id" => "ale_cusanimimg", "std" => "", "type" => "upload");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Comments Style", "desc" => "Choose your comments style. If you want to use DISQUS comments please install and activate this plugin from <a href=\"" . admin_url('plugin-install.php?tab=search&type=term&s=Disqus+Comment+System&plugin-search-input=Search+Plugins') . "\">Wordpress Repository</a>.  If you want to use Livefyre Realtime Comments comments please install and activate this plugin from <a href=\"" . admin_url('plugin-install.php?tab=search&type=term&s=Livefyre+Realtime+Comments&plugin-search-input=Search+Plugins') . "\">Wordpress Repository</a>.", "id" => "ale_comments_style", "std" => "wp", "type" => "select", "options" => $comments_style);
    $options[] = array("name" => "AJAX Comments", "desc" => "Use AJAX on comments posting (works only with Socha Comments selected).", "id" => "ale_ajax_comments", "std" => "1", "type" => "checkbox");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Social Sharing", "desc" => "Enable social sharing for posts.", "id" => "ale_social_sharing", "std" => "1", "type" => "checkbox");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Copyrights", "desc" => "Your copyright message.", "id" => "ale_copyrights", "std" => "", "type" => "editor");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Custom Languages Switcher", "desc" => "Hide or Show the Language Switcher in the Top of the Site. Put your switcher code in the file - /partials/switcher.php", "id" => "ale_switcher", "std" => "0", "type" => "checkbox");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Typography", "type" => "heading");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Select the Heading Font from Google Library", "desc" => "The default Font is - Oswald", "id" => "ale_headerfont", "std" => "Oswald", "type" => "select", "options" => $headerfont);
    $options[] = array("name" => "Insert the Heading Extended Font attributes", "desc" => "The default - 700,400,300", "id" => "ale_headerfontex", "std" => "700,400,300", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Select the Body Font from Google Library", "desc" => "The default Font is - Arial", "id" => "ale_bodyfont", "std" => "Arial", "type" => "select", "options" => $headerfont);
    $options[] = array("name" => "Insert the Body Extended Font attributes", "desc" => "The default - empty", "id" => "ale_bodyfontex", "std" => "", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array('name' => "H1 Style", 'desc' => "Change the h1 style", 'id' => 'ale_h1sty', 'std' => array('size' => '18px', 'face' => 'Oswald', 'style' => 'normal', 'color' => '#000000'), 'type' => 'typography');
    $options[] = array('name' => "H2 Style", 'desc' => "Change the h2 style", 'id' => 'ale_h2sty', 'std' => array('size' => '16px', 'face' => 'Oswald', 'style' => 'normal', 'color' => '#000000'), 'type' => 'typography');
    $options[] = array('name' => "H3 Style", 'desc' => "Change the h3 style", 'id' => 'ale_h3sty', 'std' => array('size' => '14px', 'face' => 'Oswald', 'style' => 'normal', 'color' => '#000000'), 'type' => 'typography');
    $options[] = array('name' => "H4 Style", 'desc' => "Change the h4 style", 'id' => 'ale_h4sty', 'std' => array('size' => '13px', 'face' => 'Oswald', 'style' => 'normal', 'color' => '#000000'), 'type' => 'typography');
    $options[] = array('name' => "H5 Style", 'desc' => "Change the h5 style", 'id' => 'ale_h5sty', 'std' => array('size' => '12px', 'face' => 'Oswald', 'style' => 'normal', 'color' => '#000000'), 'type' => 'typography');
    $options[] = array('name' => "H6 Style", 'desc' => "Change the h6 style", 'id' => 'ale_h6sty', 'std' => array('size' => '11px', 'face' => 'Oswald', 'style' => 'normal', 'color' => '#000000'), 'type' => 'typography');
    $options[] = array('name' => "Body Style", 'desc' => "Change the body font style", 'id' => 'ale_bodystyle', 'std' => array('size' => '12px', 'face' => 'Arial', 'style' => 'normal', 'color' => '#707070'), 'type' => 'typography');
    $options[] = array("name" => "Home", "type" => "heading");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Home Page Right Menu", "desc" => "Enable right box menu on Home Page", "id" => "ale_righthomemenu", "std" => "1", "type" => "checkbox");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Right menu Image #1", "desc" => "Upload or insert image URL (first item) - size: 225px-92px.", "id" => "ale_right_first_image", "class" => "hidden", "type" => "upload");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Right menu Title #1", "desc" => "Insert the title (first item)", "id" => "ale_right_first_title", "class" => "hidden", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Right menu Description #1", "desc" => "Insert the description (first item)", "id" => "ale_right_first_desc", "class" => "hidden", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Right menu Link #1", "desc" => "Insert the link (first item)", "id" => "ale_right_first_link", "class" => "hidden", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Right menu Image #2", "desc" => "Upload or insert image URL (second item) - size: 225px-92px.", "id" => "ale_right_second_image", "class" => "hidden", "type" => "upload");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Right menu Title #2", "desc" => "Insert the title (second item)", "id" => "ale_right_second_title", "class" => "hidden", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Right menu Description #2", "desc" => "Insert the description (second item)", "id" => "ale_right_second_desc", "class" => "hidden", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Right menu Link #2", "desc" => "Insert the link (second item)", "id" => "ale_right_second_link", "class" => "hidden", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Right menu Image #3", "desc" => "Upload or insert image URL (third item) - size: 225px-92px.", "id" => "ale_right_third_image", "class" => "hidden", "type" => "upload");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Right menu Title #3", "desc" => "Insert the title (third item)", "id" => "ale_right_third_title", "class" => "hidden", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Right menu Description #3", "desc" => "Insert the description (third item)", "id" => "ale_right_third_desc", "class" => "hidden", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Right menu Link #3", "desc" => "Insert the link (third item)", "id" => "ale_right_third_link", "class" => "hidden", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => "About title (box on main page)", "desc" => "Insert the title", "id" => "ale_mainpageabouttitle", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => "About text (box on main page)", "desc" => "Insert the text", "id" => "ale_mainpageabouttext", "type" => "editor");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Social", "type" => "heading");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Show Social Profiles", "desc" => "Check if you want to show the social icons profiles on your site", "id" => "ale_showsocialicon", "std" => "1", "type" => "checkbox");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Facebook", "desc" => "Your facebook profile URL.", "id" => "ale_fb", "std" => "", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Twitter", "desc" => "Your twitter username.", "id" => "ale_twi", "std" => "", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Google+", "desc" => "Your google+ profile URL.", "id" => "ale_gog", "std" => "", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Pinterest", "desc" => "Your pinterest profile URL.", "id" => "ale_pint", "std" => "", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => "You Tube", "desc" => "Your youtube profile URL.", "id" => "ale_youtube", "std" => "", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Vimeo", "desc" => "Your vimeo profile URL.", "id" => "ale_vim", "std" => "", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Flickr", "desc" => "Your flickr profile URL.", "id" => "ale_flickr", "std" => "", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Dribble", "desc" => "Your dribble profile URL.", "id" => "ale_dri", "std" => "", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Instagram", "desc" => "Your instagram profile URL.", "id" => "ale_inta", "std" => "", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Linked in", "desc" => "Your linked in profile URL.", "id" => "ale_liin", "std" => "", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Picassa", "desc" => "Your picassa profile URL.", "id" => "ale_pica", "std" => "", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Show RSS", "desc" => "Check if you want to show the RSS icon on your site", "id" => "ale_rssicon", "std" => "1", "type" => "checkbox");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Facebook Application ID", "desc" => "If you have Application ID you can connect the blog to your Facebook Profile and monitor statistics there.", "id" => "ale_fb_id", "std" => "", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Enable Open Graph", "desc" => "The <a href=\"http://www.ogp.me/\">Open Graph</a> protocol enables any web page to become a rich object in a social graph.", "id" => "ale_og_enabled", "std" => "", "type" => "checkbox");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Advanced Settings", "type" => "heading");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Show Top Box (Category and Search) on Blog pages", "desc" => "Check if you want to show the top box.", "id" => "ale_topblogbox", "std" => "1", "type" => "checkbox");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Show Top Box (Category) on Gallery pages", "desc" => "Check if you want to show the top box.", "id" => "ale_topgallerybox", "std" => "1", "type" => "checkbox");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Google Analytics Type", "desc" => "Select the google analytics code type. Universal or Classic (The difference between versions you will find in google)", "id" => "ale_analyticstype", "std" => "classic", "type" => "select", "options" => $analytics);
    $options[] = array("name" => "Google Analytics", "desc" => "Please insert your Google Analytics code here. Example: <strong>UA-22231623-1</strong>", "id" => "ale_ga", "std" => "", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Home page Slider slug (for Default template)", "desc" => "If you delete the default slider Sneak Peek, and create other, insert here the new slug. The slug you can get in \"Edit Slider\"", "id" => "ale_sliderslug", "std" => "sneak-peek", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Home page Slider slug (for Advanced template)", "desc" => "Insert here the new slug. The slug you can get in \"Edit Slider\"", "id" => "ale_sliderslug2", "std" => "", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Shop Slider slug", "desc" => "Insert here the new slug. The slug you can get in \"Edit Slider\"", "id" => "ale_shopslider", "std" => "", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Footer Code", "desc" => "If you have anything else to add in the footer - please add it here.", "id" => "ale_footer_info", "std" => "", "type" => "textarea");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Custom CSS Styles", "desc" => "You can add here your styles. ex. .boxclass { padding:10px; }", "id" => "ale_customcsscode", "std" => "", "type" => "textarea");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Site PreLoader", "desc" => "Check if you want to enable the site preloader. (We recommend to enable this option. All scripts will be loaded, and only after this, the site will appear and all options would working well.)", "id" => "ale_preloader", "std" => "1", "type" => "checkbox");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Comments form on Press Blog", "desc" => "Check if you want to show the comments form on Press Blog pages.", "id" => "ale_commentonpress", "std" => "1", "type" => "checkbox");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Comments Style on Press page", "desc" => "Choose your comments style. If you want to use DISQUS comments please install and activate this plugin from <a href=\"" . admin_url('plugin-install.php?tab=search&type=term&s=Disqus+Comment+System&plugin-search-input=Search+Plugins') . "\">Wordpress Repository</a>.  If you want to use Livefyre Realtime Comments comments please install and activate this plugin from <a href=\"" . admin_url('plugin-install.php?tab=search&type=term&s=Livefyre+Realtime+Comments&plugin-search-input=Search+Plugins') . "\">Wordpress Repository</a>.", "id" => "ale_presscomments_style", "std" => "wp", "class" => "hidden", "type" => "select", "options" => $comments_style);
    $options[] = array("name" => "Comments form on Gallery Blog", "desc" => "Check if you want to show the comments form on Gallery Blog pages.", "id" => "ale_commentongallery", "std" => "1", "type" => "checkbox");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Comments Style on Gallery page", "desc" => "Choose your comments style. If you want to use DISQUS comments please install and activate this plugin from <a href=\"" . admin_url('plugin-install.php?tab=search&type=term&s=Disqus+Comment+System&plugin-search-input=Search+Plugins') . "\">Wordpress Repository</a>.  If you want to use Livefyre Realtime Comments comments please install and activate this plugin from <a href=\"" . admin_url('plugin-install.php?tab=search&type=term&s=Livefyre+Realtime+Comments&plugin-search-input=Search+Plugins') . "\">Wordpress Repository</a>.", "id" => "ale_gallerycomments_style", "std" => "wp", "class" => "hidden", "type" => "select", "options" => $comments_style);
    $options[] = array("name" => "Comments form on Video Blog", "desc" => "Check if you want to show the comments form on Video Blog pages.", "id" => "ale_commentonvideo", "std" => "1", "type" => "checkbox");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Comments Style on Video Blog", "desc" => "Choose your comments style. If you want to use DISQUS comments please install and activate this plugin from <a href=\"" . admin_url('plugin-install.php?tab=search&type=term&s=Disqus+Comment+System&plugin-search-input=Search+Plugins') . "\">Wordpress Repository</a>.  If you want to use Livefyre Realtime Comments comments please install and activate this plugin from <a href=\"" . admin_url('plugin-install.php?tab=search&type=term&s=Livefyre+Realtime+Comments&plugin-search-input=Search+Plugins') . "\">Wordpress Repository</a>.", "id" => "ale_videocomments_style", "std" => "wp", "class" => "hidden", "type" => "select", "options" => $comments_style);
    $options[] = array("name" => "Comments form on Inspiration Blog", "desc" => "Check if you want to show the comments form on Inspiration Blog pages.", "id" => "ale_commentoninspiration", "std" => "1", "type" => "checkbox");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Comments Style on Inspiration page", "desc" => "Choose your comments style. If you want to use DISQUS comments please install and activate this plugin from <a href=\"" . admin_url('plugin-install.php?tab=search&type=term&s=Disqus+Comment+System&plugin-search-input=Search+Plugins') . "\">Wordpress Repository</a>.  If you want to use Livefyre Realtime Comments comments please install and activate this plugin from <a href=\"" . admin_url('plugin-install.php?tab=search&type=term&s=Livefyre+Realtime+Comments&plugin-search-input=Search+Plugins') . "\">Wordpress Repository</a>.", "id" => "ale_inspirationcomments_style", "std" => "wp", "class" => "hidden", "type" => "select", "options" => $comments_style);
    $options[] = array("name" => "Choose Home Page Bottom", "desc" => "If you want to show 3 posts from blog (RECENT WORK, LET'S DISCUSS, MOST VOTED POST) choose the option Blog Posts, else if you want to make three custom boxes, choose the option Custom Boxes.", "id" => "ale_homepagebottom", "std" => "blogposts", "type" => "select", "options" => $home_bottom);
    $options[] = array("name" => "First Block Title", "desc" => "The block title. ex. Recent Post", "id" => "ale_firstbottomblocktitle", "class" => "hidden", "std" => "", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Second Block Title", "desc" => "The block title. ex. Let's Discuss", "id" => "ale_secondbottomblocktitle", "class" => "hidden", "std" => "", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Third Block Title", "desc" => "The block title. ex. Most Voted", "id" => "ale_thirdbottomblocktitle", "class" => "hidden", "std" => "", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => "First Item Title", "desc" => "The item title.", "id" => "ale_firstbottomitemtitle", "class" => "hidden", "std" => "", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Second Item Title", "desc" => "The item title.", "id" => "ale_secondbottomitemtitle", "class" => "hidden", "std" => "", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Third Item Title", "desc" => "The item title.", "id" => "ale_thirdbottomitemtitle", "class" => "hidden", "std" => "", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => "First Item Image", "desc" => "Upload or insert the link (Size 320-220px)", "id" => "ale_firstbottomitemimage", "class" => "hidden", "std" => "", "type" => "upload");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Second Item Image", "desc" => "Upload or insert the link (Size 320-220px)", "id" => "ale_secondbottomitemimage", "class" => "hidden", "std" => "", "type" => "upload");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Third Item image", "desc" => "Upload or insert the link (Size 320-220px)", "id" => "ale_thirdbottomitemimage", "class" => "hidden", "std" => "", "type" => "upload");
    $options[] = array("name" => "First Item Link", "desc" => "Insert the link", "id" => "ale_firstbottomitemlink", "class" => "hidden", "std" => "", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Second Item Link", "desc" => "Insert the link", "id" => "ale_secondbottomitemlink", "class" => "hidden", "std" => "", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Third Item Link", "desc" => "Insert the link", "id" => "ale_thirdbottomitemlink", "class" => "hidden", "std" => "", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => "First Item Category", "desc" => "Insert the category", "id" => "ale_firstbottomitemcategory", "class" => "hidden", "std" => "", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Second Item Category", "desc" => "Insert the category", "id" => "ale_secondbottomitemcategory", "class" => "hidden", "std" => "", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Third Item Category", "desc" => "Insert the category", "id" => "ale_thirdbottomitemcategory", "class" => "hidden", "std" => "", "type" => "text");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Show Color Select Preview", "desc" => "Check if you want to show the color select preview", "id" => "ale_siteselectcolorpreview", "type" => "checkbox");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Enable or Disable custom scrollbarr", "desc" => "Check if you want to show the custom scrollbar", "id" => "ale_sitecustomscrollbar", "std" => "0", "type" => "checkbox");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Sidebars", "type" => "heading");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Show Left Sidebar on Blog Pages", "desc" => "Check if you want to show the Left Sidebar on the Blog pages.", "id" => "ale_leftsidebarblog", "std" => "1", "type" => "checkbox");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Show Left Sidebar on Custom Pages", "desc" => "Check if you want to show the Left Sidebar on Custom pages.", "id" => "ale_leftsidebarcustom", "std" => "1", "type" => "checkbox");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Show Left Sidebar on Gallery Pages", "desc" => "Check if you want to show the Left Sidebar on the Gallery pages.", "id" => "ale_leftsidebargallery", "std" => "1", "type" => "checkbox");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Show Left Sidebar on Video Pages", "desc" => "Check if you want to show the Left Sidebar on the Video pages.", "id" => "ale_leftsidebarvideo", "std" => "1", "type" => "checkbox");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Show Left Sidebar on Press Pages", "desc" => "Check if you want to show the Left Sidebar on the Press pages.", "id" => "ale_leftsidebarpress", "std" => "1", "type" => "checkbox");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Show Left Sidebar on Inspiration Pages", "desc" => "Check if you want to show the Left Sidebar on the Inspiration pages.", "id" => "ale_leftsidebarinspiration", "std" => "1", "type" => "checkbox");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Show Left Sidebar on Testimonial Pages", "desc" => "Check if you want to show the Left Sidebar on the Testimonial pages.", "id" => "ale_leftsidebartestimonial", "std" => "1", "type" => "checkbox");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Show Left Sidebar on Shop Pages", "desc" => "Check if you want to show the Left Sidebar on the Shop pages.", "id" => "ale_leftsidebarshop", "std" => "1", "type" => "checkbox");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Show Right Sidebar on Blog Pages", "desc" => "Check if you want to show the Right Sidebar on the blog pages.", "id" => "ale_rightsidebarblog", "std" => "0", "type" => "checkbox");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Show Right Sidebar on Custom Pages", "desc" => "Check if you want to show the Right Sidebar on Custom pages.", "id" => "ale_rightsidebarcustom", "std" => "0", "type" => "checkbox");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Show Right Sidebar on Gallery Pages", "desc" => "Check if you want to show the Right Sidebar on the gallery pages.", "id" => "ale_rightsidebargallery", "std" => "0", "type" => "checkbox");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Show Right Sidebar on Video Pages", "desc" => "Check if you want to show the Right Sidebar on the video pages.", "id" => "ale_rightsidebarvideo", "std" => "0", "type" => "checkbox");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Show Right Sidebar on Press Pages", "desc" => "Check if you want to show the Right Sidebar on the press pages.", "id" => "ale_rightsidebarpress", "std" => "0", "type" => "checkbox");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Show Right Sidebar on Inspiration Pages", "desc" => "Check if you want to show the Right Sidebar on the inspiration pages.", "id" => "ale_rightsidebarinspiration", "std" => "0", "type" => "checkbox");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Show Right Sidebar on Testimonial Pages", "desc" => "Check if you want to show the Right Sidebar on the testimonial pages.", "id" => "ale_rightsidebartestimonial", "std" => "0", "type" => "checkbox");
    $options[] = array("name" => "Show Right Sidebar on Shop Pages", "desc" => "Check if you want to show the Right Sidebar on the Shop pages.", "id" => "ale_rightsidebarshop", "std" => "1", "type" => "checkbox");
    return $options;