function view_edit_album() { global $intros; global $titlings; global $downloadable; global $repository_path; global $default_add_title; global $default_downloadable; $album = suffix_remove($_SESSION['podman_album']); $moderation = album_is_private($_SESSION['podman_album']); $visibility = $moderation ? '-priv' : '-pub'; ezmam_repository_path($repository_path); $album_meta = ezmam_album_metadata_get($album . $visibility); // for preselection in the form $album_intro = $album_meta['intro']; if (isset($album_meta['add_title'])) { $add_title = $album_meta['add_title']; } else { $add_title = $default_add_title; } // for the checkbox in the form $downloadable = isset($album_meta['downloadable']) ? $album_meta['downloadable'] : $default_downloadable; require_once template_getpath('popup_edit_album.php'); die; }
function ezmam_rss_new($album_name, $type) { global $ezplayer_url; global $distribute_url; global $organization_name; global $mailto_alert; // // Sanity checks // $repository_path = ezmam_repository_path(); if ($repository_path === false) { return false; } if (!ezmam_album_exists($album_name)) { return false; } $album_path = $repository_path . "/" . $album_name; $file_path = $album_path . "/{$type}.rss"; // // Setting up information about the feed // $metadata = ezmam_album_metadata_get($album_name); // Quality $quality = 'HD'; if ($type == 'low') { $quality = 'SD'; } // Feed title $title = $metadata['name'] . ' ' . $metadata['description'] . ' (' . $quality; if (album_is_private($album_name)) { $title .= ' - album privé'; } $title .= ')'; // Feed subtitle, for itunes $subtitle = $metadata['name'] . ' ' . $metadata['description'] . ' (' . $quality . ')'; // Album name $album_name = $metadata['name']; // Feed description $description = $metadata['description']; // Path to the thumbnail image $thumbnail_url = $ezplayer_url . '/images/rss_logo_HD.jpg'; if ($type == 'low') { $thumbnail_url = $ezplayer_url . '/images/rss_logo_SD.jpg'; } // Path to the file $distribution_url = $distribute_url; // // And finally, generating the XML file // $xmlstr = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><rss xmlns:itunes="" xmlns:atom="" version="2.0"></rss>'; $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xmlstr); $channel = $xml->addChild('channel'); $channel->addChild('title', $title); // Feed title $channel->addChild('description', $description); // Feed description $channel->addChild('copyright', $organization_name); // Organization that broadcasts the podcast $channel->addChild('generator', 'ezCast feed generator'); // Script that generated the file $channel->addChild('lastBuildDate', date(DATE_RFC822)); // Date of the last update $thumbnail = $channel->addChild('image'); // All you want to know about the thumbnail image $thumbnail->addChild('url', $thumbnail_url); $thumbnail->addChild('link', $distribution_url); $thumbnail->addChild('title', $album_name); $channel->addChild('author', $organization_name, ''); // Author, itunes-friendly version $cat = $channel->addChild('category', '', ''); // Categories the feed belongs to $cat->addAttribute('text', 'Cours'); $owner = $channel->addChild('owner', '', ''); // Feed author, once again $owner->addChild('name', $organization_name, ''); $owner->addChild('email', $mailto_alert, ''); $channel->addChild('subtitle', $subtitle, ''); $image = $channel->addChild('image', '', ''); $image->addAttribute('href', $thumbnail_url); $atom_link = $channel->addChild('link', '', ''); $atom_link->addAttribute('href', $file_path); $atom_link->addAttribute('rel', 'self'); $atom_link->addAttribute('type', 'application/rss+xml'); return $xml->asXML(); }