コード例 #1
  * Renders the general settings section.
 public static function section()
     global $wp, $wpdb, $affiliates_options, $wp_roles;
     $robots_table = _affiliates_get_tablename('robots');
     if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
         if (wp_verify_nonce($_POST[AFFILIATES_ADMIN_SETTINGS_NONCE], 'admin')) {
             // robots
             $robots = wp_filter_nohtml_kses(trim($_POST['robots']));
             $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM {$robots_table};");
             if (!empty($robots)) {
                 $robots = str_replace(",", "\n", $robots);
                 $robots = str_replace("\r", "", $robots);
                 $robots = explode("\n", $robots);
                 foreach ($robots as $robot) {
                     $robot = trim($robot);
                     if (!empty($robot)) {
                         $query = $wpdb->prepare("INSERT INTO {$robots_table} (name) VALUES (%s);", $robot);
             $pname = !empty($_POST['pname']) ? trim($_POST['pname']) : get_option('aff_pname', AFFILIATES_PNAME);
             $forbidden_names = array();
             if (!empty($wp->public_query_vars)) {
                 $forbidden_names += $wp->public_query_vars;
             if (!empty($wp->private_query_vars)) {
                 $forbidden_names += $wp->private_query_vars;
             if (!empty($wp->extra_query_vars)) {
                 $forbidden_names += $wp->extra_query_vars;
             if (!preg_match('/[a-z_]+/', $pname, $matches) || !isset($matches[0]) || $pname !== $matches[0]) {
                 $pname = get_option('aff_pname', AFFILIATES_PNAME);
                 echo '<div class="error">' . __('The Affiliate URL parameter name <strong>has not been changed</strong>, the suggested name <em>is not valid</em>. Only lower case letters and the underscore _ are allowed.', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '</div>';
             } else {
                 if (in_array($pname, $forbidden_names)) {
                     $pname = get_option('aff_pname', AFFILIATES_PNAME);
                     echo '<div class="error">' . __('The Affiliate URL parameter name <strong>has not been changed</strong>, the suggested name <em>is forbidden</em>.', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '</div>';
             $old_pname = get_option('aff_pname', AFFILIATES_PNAME);
             if ($pname !== $old_pname) {
                 update_option('aff_pname', $pname);
                 echo '<div class="info">' . '<p>' . sprintf(__('The Affiliate URL parameter name <strong>has been changed</strong> from <em><strong>%s</strong></em> to <em><strong>%s</strong></em>.', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN), $old_pname, $pname) . '</p>' . '<p class="warning">' . __('If your affiliates are using affiliate links based on the previous Affiliate URL parameter name, they <strong>NEED</strong> to update their affiliate links.', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '</p>' . '<p class="warning">' . __('Unless the incoming affiliate links reflect the current Affiliate URL parameter name, no affiliate hits, visits or referrals will be recorded.', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '</p>' . '</div>';
             $redirect = !empty($_POST['redirect']);
             if ($redirect) {
                 if (get_option('aff_redirect', null) === null) {
                     add_option('aff_redirect', 'yes', '', 'no');
                 } else {
                     update_option('aff_redirect', 'yes');
             } else {
             $encoding_id = $_POST['id_encoding'];
             if (key_exists($encoding_id, affiliates_get_id_encodings())) {
                 // important: must use normal update_option/get_option otherwise we'd have a per-user encoding
                 update_option('aff_id_encoding', $encoding_id);
             $rolenames = $wp_roles->get_names();
             foreach ($rolenames as $rolekey => $rolename) {
                 $role = $wp_roles->get_role($rolekey);
                 foreach ($caps as $capkey => $capname) {
                     $role_cap_id = $rolekey . '-' . $capkey;
                     if (!empty($_POST[$role_cap_id])) {
                     } else {
             // prevent locking out
             if (!affiliates_is_sitewide_plugin()) {
                 add_option('aff_delete_data', !empty($_POST['delete-data']), '', 'no');
     $robots = '';
     $db_robots = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT name FROM {$robots_table}", OBJECT);
     foreach ($db_robots as $db_robot) {
         $robots .= $db_robot->name . "\n";
     $pname = get_option('aff_pname', AFFILIATES_PNAME);
     $redirect = get_option('aff_redirect', false);
     $id_encoding = get_option('aff_id_encoding', AFFILIATES_NO_ID_ENCODING);
     $id_encoding_select = '';
     $encodings = affiliates_get_id_encodings();
     if (!empty($encodings)) {
         $id_encoding_select .= '<label class="id-encoding" for="id_encoding">' . __('Affiliate ID Encoding', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '</label>';
         $id_encoding_select .= '<select class="id-encoding" name="id_encoding">';
         foreach ($encodings as $key => $value) {
             if ($id_encoding == $key) {
                 $selected = ' selected="selected" ';
             } else {
                 $selected = '';
             $id_encoding_select .= '<option ' . $selected . ' value="' . esc_attr($key) . '">' . esc_attr($value) . '</option>';
         $id_encoding_select .= '</select>';
     $rolenames = $wp_roles->get_names();
     $caps_table = '<table class="affiliates-permissions">';
     $caps_table .= '<thead>';
     $caps_table .= '<tr>';
     $caps_table .= '<td class="role">';
     $caps_table .= __('Role', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN);
     $caps_table .= '</td>';
     foreach ($caps as $cap) {
         $caps_table .= '<td class="cap">';
         $caps_table .= $cap;
         $caps_table .= '</td>';
     $caps_table .= '</tr>';
     $caps_table .= '</thead>';
     $caps_table .= '<tbody>';
     foreach ($rolenames as $rolekey => $rolename) {
         $role = $wp_roles->get_role($rolekey);
         $caps_table .= '<tr>';
         $caps_table .= '<td>';
         $caps_table .= translate_user_role($rolename);
         $caps_table .= '</td>';
         foreach ($caps as $capkey => $capname) {
             if ($role->has_cap($capkey)) {
                 $checked = ' checked="checked" ';
             } else {
                 $checked = '';
             $caps_table .= '<td class="checkbox">';
             $role_cap_id = $rolekey . '-' . $capkey;
             $caps_table .= '<input type="checkbox" name="' . $role_cap_id . '" id="' . $role_cap_id . '" ' . $checked . '/>';
             $caps_table .= '</td>';
         $caps_table .= '</tr>';
     $caps_table .= '</tbody>';
     $caps_table .= '</table>';
     $delete_data = get_option('aff_delete_data', false);
     echo '<form action="" name="options" method="post">' . '<div>';
     echo '<h3>' . __('Affiliate URL parameter name', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '</h3>' . '<p>' . '<input class="pname" name="pname" type="text" value="' . esc_attr($pname) . '" />' . '</p>' . '<p>' . sprintf(__('The current Affiliate URL parameter name is: <b>%s</b>', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN), $pname) . '</p>' . '<p>' . sprintf(__('The default Affiliate URL parameter name is <em>%s</em>.', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN), AFFILIATES_PNAME) . '</p>' . '<p class="description warning">' . __('CAUTION: If you change this setting and have distributed affiliate links or permalinks, make sure that these are updated. Unless the incoming affiliate links reflect the current URL parameter name, no affiliate hits, visits or referrals will be recorded.', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '</p>';
     echo '<h3>' . __('Redirection', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '</h3>' . '<p>' . '<label>' . sprintf('<input class="redirect" name="redirect" type="checkbox" %s/>', $redirect ? ' checked="checked" ' : '') . ' ' . __('Redirect', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '</label>' . '</p>' . '<p class="description">' . __('Redirect to destination without Affiliate URL parameter, after a hit on an affiliate link has been detected.', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '</p>';
     echo '<h3>' . __('Affiliate ID encoding', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '</h3>' . '<p>' . $id_encoding_select . '</p>' . '<p>' . sprintf(__('The current encoding in effect is: <b>%s</b>', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN), $encodings[$id_encoding]) . '</p>' . '<p class="description warning">' . __('CAUTION: If you change this setting and have distributed affiliate links or permalinks, make sure that these are updated. Unless the incoming affiliate links reflect the current encoding, no affiliate hits, visits or referrals will be recorded.', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '</p>';
     echo '<h3>' . __('Permissions', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '</h3>' . '<p>' . __('Do not assign permissions to open access for affiliates here.', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . ' ' . __('This section is only intended to grant administrative access on affiliate management functions to privileged roles.', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '</p>' . $caps_table . '<p class="description">' . __('A minimum set of permissions will be preserved.', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '<br/>' . __('If you lock yourself out, please ask an administrator to help.', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '</p>';
     echo '<h3>' . __('Robots', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '</h3>' . '<p>' . '<textarea id="robots" name="robots" rows="10" cols="45">' . wp_filter_nohtml_kses($robots) . '</textarea>' . '</p>' . '<p>' . __('Hits on affiliate links from these robots will be marked or not recorded. Put one entry on each line.', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '</p>';
     if (!affiliates_is_sitewide_plugin()) {
         echo '<h3>' . __('Deactivation and data persistence', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '</h3>' . '<p>' . '<label>' . '<input name="delete-data" type="checkbox" ' . ($delete_data ? 'checked="checked"' : '') . '/>' . ' ' . __('Delete all plugin data on deactivation', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '</label>' . '</p>' . '<p class="description warning">' . __('CAUTION: If this option is active while the plugin is deactivated, ALL affiliate and referral data will be DELETED. If you want to retrieve data about your affiliates and their referrals and are going to deactivate the plugin, make sure to back up your data or do not enable this option. By enabling this option you agree to be solely responsible for any loss of data or any other consequences thereof.', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '</p>';
     echo '<p>' . wp_nonce_field('admin', AFFILIATES_ADMIN_SETTINGS_NONCE, true, false) . '<input class="button button-primary" type="submit" name="submit" value="' . __('Save', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '"/>' . '</p>' . '</div>' . '</form>';
コード例 #2
ファイル: wp-init.php プロジェクト: FelipeCastello/affiliates
 * Update from a previous version or repair on activation (within 2.x).
 * This is called from affiliates_setup() on plugin activation and affiliates_version_check()
 * when a previous version is detected.
 * @param string $previous_version
 * @return boolean
function affiliates_update($previous_version = null)
    global $wpdb;
    $result = true;
    $queries = array();
    $hits_table = _affiliates_get_tablename('hits');
    $column = $wpdb->get_row("SHOW COLUMNS FROM {$hits_table} LIKE 'campaign_id'");
    if (empty($column)) {
        $queries[] = "ALTER TABLE " . $hits_table . "\n\t\tADD COLUMN campaign_id BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,\n\t\tADD INDEX aff_hits_acm (affiliate_id, campaign_id);";
    $referrals_table = _affiliates_get_tablename('referrals');
    $column = $wpdb->get_row("SHOW COLUMNS FROM {$referrals_table} LIKE 'campaign_id'");
    if (empty($column)) {
        $queries[] = "ALTER TABLE " . $referrals_table . "\n\t\tADD COLUMN campaign_id BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,\n\t\tADD INDEX aff_referrals_ac (affiliate_id, campaign_id),\n\t\tADD INDEX aff_referrals_c (campaign_id);";
    foreach ($queries as $query) {
        // don't use dbDelta, it doesn't handle ALTER
        if ($wpdb->query($query) === false) {
            // fail but still try to go on
            $result = false;
    if (!empty($previous_version) && version_compare($previous_version, '2.1.5') < 0) {
    return $result;
コード例 #3
function affiliates_admin_options()
    global $wp, $wpdb, $affiliates_options, $wp_roles;
    if (!current_user_can(AFFILIATES_ADMINISTER_OPTIONS)) {
        wp_die(__('Access denied.', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN));
    $robots_table = _affiliates_get_tablename('robots');
    echo '<div>' . '<h2>' . __('Affiliates options', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '</h2>' . '</div>';
    $pages_generated_info = '';
    // handle page generation form submission
    if (isset($_POST['generate'])) {
        if (wp_verify_nonce($_POST[AFFILIATES_ADMIN_OPTIONS_GEN_NONCE], 'admin')) {
            require_once AFFILIATES_CORE_LIB . '/class-affiliates-generator.php';
            $post_ids = Affiliates_Generator::setup_pages();
            foreach ($post_ids as $post_id) {
                $link = '<a href="' . get_permalink($post_id) . '" target="_blank">' . get_the_title($post_id) . '</a>';
                $pages_generated_info .= '<div class="info">' . __(sprintf('The %s page has been created.', $link), AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '</div>';
    // handle options form submission
    if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
        if (wp_verify_nonce($_POST[AFFILIATES_ADMIN_OPTIONS_NONCE], 'admin')) {
            // timeout
            $timeout = intval($_POST['timeout']);
            if ($timeout < 0) {
                $timeout = 0;
            update_option('aff_cookie_timeout_days', $timeout);
            // robots
            $robots = wp_filter_nohtml_kses(trim($_POST['robots']));
            $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM {$robots_table};");
            if (!empty($robots)) {
                $robots = str_replace(",", "\n", $robots);
                $robots = str_replace("\r", "", $robots);
                $robots = explode("\n", $robots);
                foreach ($robots as $robot) {
                    $robot = trim($robot);
                    if (!empty($robot)) {
                        $query = $wpdb->prepare("INSERT INTO {$robots_table} (name) VALUES (%s);", $robot);
            add_option('aff_registration', !empty($_POST['registration']), '', 'no');
            add_option('aff_notify_admin', !empty($_POST['notify_admin']), '', 'no');
            $pname = !empty($_POST['pname']) ? trim($_POST['pname']) : get_option('aff_pname', AFFILIATES_PNAME);
            $forbidden_names = array();
            if (!empty($wp->public_query_vars)) {
                $forbidden_names += $wp->public_query_vars;
            if (!empty($wp->private_query_vars)) {
                $forbidden_names += $wp->private_query_vars;
            if (!empty($wp->extra_query_vars)) {
                $forbidden_names += $wp->extra_query_vars;
            if (!preg_match('/[a-z_]+/', $pname, $matches) || !isset($matches[0]) || $pname !== $matches[0]) {
                $pname = get_option('aff_pname', AFFILIATES_PNAME);
                echo '<div class="error">' . __('The Affiliate URL parameter name <strong>has not been changed</strong>, the suggested name <em>is not valid</em>. Only lower case letters and the underscore _ are allowed.', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '</div>';
            } else {
                if (in_array($pname, $forbidden_names)) {
                    $pname = get_option('aff_pname', AFFILIATES_PNAME);
                    echo '<div class="error">' . __('The Affiliate URL parameter name <strong>has not been changed</strong>, the suggested name <em>is forbidden</em>.', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '</div>';
            if ($pname !== get_option('aff_pname', AFFILIATES_PNAME)) {
                $old_pname = get_option('aff_pname', $pname);
                update_option('aff_pname', $pname);
                echo '<div class="info">' . '<p>' . sprintf(__('The Affiliate URL parameter name <strong>has been changed</strong> from <em><strong>%s</strong></em> to <em><strong>%s</strong></em>.', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN), $old_pname, $pname) . '</p>' . '<p class="warning">' . __('If your affiliates are using affiliate links based on the previous Affiliate URL parameter name, they <strong>NEED</strong> to update their affiliate links.', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '</p>' . '<p class="warning">' . __('Unless the incoming affiliate links reflect the current Affiliate URL parameter name, no affiliate hits, visits or referrals will be recorded.', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '</p>' . '</div>';
            $redirect = !empty($_POST['redirect']);
            if ($redirect) {
                if (get_option('aff_redirect', null) === null) {
                    add_option('aff_redirect', 'yes', '', 'no');
                } else {
                    update_option('aff_redirect', 'yes');
            } else {
            $encoding_id = $_POST['id_encoding'];
            if (key_exists($encoding_id, affiliates_get_id_encodings())) {
                // important: must use normal update_option/get_option otherwise we'd have a per-user encoding
                update_option('aff_id_encoding', $encoding_id);
            $rolenames = $wp_roles->get_names();
            foreach ($rolenames as $rolekey => $rolename) {
                $role = $wp_roles->get_role($rolekey);
                foreach ($caps as $capkey => $capname) {
                    $role_cap_id = $rolekey . '-' . $capkey;
                    if (!empty($_POST[$role_cap_id])) {
                    } else {
            // prevent locking out
            if (!affiliates_is_sitewide_plugin()) {
                add_option('aff_delete_data', !empty($_POST['delete-data']), '', 'no');
            // direct referrals?
            add_option('aff_use_direct', !empty($_POST['use-direct']), '', 'no');
            // default status
            if (!empty($_POST['status']) && Affiliates_Utility::verify_referral_status_transition($_POST['status'], $_POST['status'])) {
                update_option('aff_default_referral_status', $_POST['status']);
            } else {
                update_option('aff_default_referral_status', AFFILIATES_REFERRAL_STATUS_ACCEPTED);
            // allow duplicates?
            add_option('aff_duplicates', !empty($_POST['duplicates']), '', 'no');
    $use_direct = get_option('aff_use_direct', true);
    $duplicates = get_option('aff_duplicates', false);
    $timeout = get_option('aff_cookie_timeout_days', AFFILIATES_COOKIE_TIMEOUT_DAYS);
    $default_status = get_option('aff_default_referral_status', AFFILIATES_REFERRAL_STATUS_ACCEPTED);
    $status_select = "<select name='status'>";
    foreach ($status_descriptions as $status_key => $status_value) {
        if ($status_key == $default_status) {
            $selected = "selected='selected'";
        } else {
            $selected = "";
        $status_select .= "<option value='{$status_key}' {$selected}>{$status_value}</option>";
    $status_select .= "</select>";
    $robots = '';
    $db_robots = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT name FROM {$robots_table}", OBJECT);
    foreach ($db_robots as $db_robot) {
        $robots .= $db_robot->name . "\n";
    $registration = get_option('aff_registration', get_option('users_can_register', false));
    $notify_admin = get_option('aff_notify_admin', get_option('aff_notify_admin', true));
    $pname = get_option('aff_pname', AFFILIATES_PNAME);
    $redirect = get_option('aff_redirect', false);
    $id_encoding = get_option('aff_id_encoding', AFFILIATES_NO_ID_ENCODING);
    $id_encoding_select = '';
    $encodings = affiliates_get_id_encodings();
    if (!empty($encodings)) {
        $id_encoding_select .= '<label class="id-encoding" for="id_encoding">' . __('Affiliate ID Encoding', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '</label>';
        $id_encoding_select .= '<select class="id-encoding" name="id_encoding">';
        foreach ($encodings as $key => $value) {
            if ($id_encoding == $key) {
                $selected = ' selected="selected" ';
            } else {
                $selected = '';
            $id_encoding_select .= '<option ' . $selected . ' value="' . esc_attr($key) . '">' . esc_attr($value) . '</option>';
        $id_encoding_select .= '</select>';
    $rolenames = $wp_roles->get_names();
    $caps_table = '<table class="affiliates-permissions">';
    $caps_table .= '<thead>';
    $caps_table .= '<tr>';
    $caps_table .= '<td class="role">';
    $caps_table .= __('Role', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN);
    $caps_table .= '</td>';
    foreach ($caps as $cap) {
        $caps_table .= '<td class="cap">';
        $caps_table .= $cap;
        $caps_table .= '</td>';
    $caps_table .= '</tr>';
    $caps_table .= '</thead>';
    $caps_table .= '<tbody>';
    foreach ($rolenames as $rolekey => $rolename) {
        $role = $wp_roles->get_role($rolekey);
        $caps_table .= '<tr>';
        $caps_table .= '<td>';
        $caps_table .= translate_user_role($rolename);
        $caps_table .= '</td>';
        foreach ($caps as $capkey => $capname) {
            if ($role->has_cap($capkey)) {
                $checked = ' checked="checked" ';
            } else {
                $checked = '';
            $caps_table .= '<td class="checkbox">';
            $role_cap_id = $rolekey . '-' . $capkey;
            $caps_table .= '<input type="checkbox" name="' . $role_cap_id . '" id="' . $role_cap_id . '" ' . $checked . '/>';
            $caps_table .= '</td>';
        $caps_table .= '</tr>';
    $caps_table .= '</tbody>';
    $caps_table .= '</table>';
    $delete_data = get_option('aff_delete_data', false);
    // Generator form
    echo '<form action="" name="options" method="post">' . '<div>' . '<h3>' . __('Page generation', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '</h3>' . '<p>' . __('Press the button to generate an affiliate area.', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . ' ' . '<input class="generate button" name="generate" type="submit" value="' . __('Generate', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '" />' . wp_nonce_field('admin', AFFILIATES_ADMIN_OPTIONS_GEN_NONCE, true, false) . '</p>' . $pages_generated_info . '</div>' . '</form>';
    // print the options form
    echo '<form action="" name="options" method="post">' . '<div>' . '<h3>' . __('Referral timeout', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '</h3>' . '<p>' . '<label>' . '<input class="timeout" name="timeout" type="text" value="' . esc_attr(intval($timeout)) . '" />' . ' ' . __('Days', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '</label>' . '</p>' . '<p class="description">' . __('This is the number of days since a visitor accessed your site via an affiliate link, for which a suggested referral will be valid.', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '</p>' . '<p>' . __('If you enter 0, referrals will only be valid until the visitor closes the browser (session).', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '</p>' . '<p>' . __('The default value is 1. In this case, if a visitor comes to your site via an affiliate link, a suggested referral will be valid until one day after she or he clicked that affiliate link.', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '</p>' . '<h3>' . __('Direct referrals', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '</h3>' . '<p>' . '<label>' . '<input name="use-direct" type="checkbox" ' . ($use_direct ? 'checked="checked"' : '') . '/>' . ' ' . __('Store direct referrals', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '</label>' . '</p>' . '<p class="description">' . __('If this option is enabled, whenever a referral is suggested and no affiliate is attributable to it, the referral will be attributed to Direct.', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '</p>' . '<h3>' . __('Default referral status', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '</h3>' . '<p>' . $status_select . '</p>' . '<h3>' . __('Duplicate referrals', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '</h3>' . '<p>' . '<label>' . '<input name="duplicates" type="checkbox" ' . ($duplicates ? 'checked="checked"' : '') . '/>' . ' ' . __('Allow duplicate referrals', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '</label>' . '</p>' . '<p class="description">' . __('Allow to record duplicate referrals for the same affiliate (based on amount, currency, internal type and reference).', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '</p>' . '<h3>' . __('Robots', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '</h3>' . '<p>' . '<textarea id="robots" name="robots" rows="10" cols="45">' . wp_filter_nohtml_kses($robots) . '</textarea>' . '</p>' . '<p>' . __('Hits on affiliate links from these robots will be marked or not recorded. Put one entry on each line.', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '</p>' . '<h3>' . __('Affiliate registration', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '</h3>' . '<p>' . '<label>' . '<input name="registration" type="checkbox" ' . ($registration ? 'checked="checked"' : '') . '/>' . ' ' . __('Allow affiliate registration', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '</label>' . '</p>' . '<p>' . '<label>' . '<input name="notify_admin" type="checkbox" ' . ($notify_admin ? 'checked="checked"' : '') . '/>' . ' ' . __('Notify the site admin when a new affiliate is registered', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '</label>' . '</p>' . '<h3>' . __('Affiliate URL parameter name', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '</h3>' . '<p>' . '<input class="pname" name="pname" type="text" value="' . esc_attr($pname) . '" />' . '</p>' . '<p>' . sprintf(__('The current Affiliate URL parameter name is: <b>%s</b>', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN), $pname) . '</p>' . '<p>' . sprintf(__('The default Affiliate URL parameter name is <em>%s</em>.', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN), AFFILIATES_PNAME) . '</p>' . '<p class="description warning">' . __('CAUTION: If you change this setting and have distributed affiliate links or permalinks, make sure that these are updated. Unless the incoming affiliate links reflect the current URL parameter name, no affiliate hits, visits or referrals will be recorded.', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '</p>' . '<h3>' . __('Redirection', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '</h3>' . '<p>' . '<label>' . sprintf('<input class="redirect" name="redirect" type="checkbox" %s/>', $redirect ? ' checked="checked" ' : '') . ' ' . __('Redirect', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '</label>' . '</p>' . '<p class="description">' . __('Redirect to destination without Affiliate URL parameter, after a hit on an affiliate link has been detected.', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '</p>' . '<h3>' . __('Affiliate ID encoding', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '</h3>' . '<p>' . $id_encoding_select . '</p>' . '<p>' . sprintf(__('The current encoding in effect is: <b>%s</b>', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN), $encodings[$id_encoding]) . '</p>' . '<p class="description warning">' . __('CAUTION: If you change this setting and have distributed affiliate links or permalinks, make sure that these are updated. Unless the incoming affiliate links reflect the current encoding, no affiliate hits, visits or referrals will be recorded.', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '</p>' . '<h3>' . __('Permissions', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '</h3>' . $caps_table . '<p class="description">' . __('A minimum set of permissions will be preserved.', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '<br/>' . __('If you lock yourself out, please ask an administrator to help.', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '</p>';
    if (!affiliates_is_sitewide_plugin()) {
        echo '<h3>' . __('Deactivation and data persistence', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '</h3>' . '<p>' . '<label>' . '<input name="delete-data" type="checkbox" ' . ($delete_data ? 'checked="checked"' : '') . '/>' . ' ' . __('Delete all plugin data on deactivation', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '</label>' . '</p>' . '<p class="description warning">' . __('CAUTION: If this option is active while the plugin is deactivated, ALL affiliate and referral data will be DELETED. If you want to retrieve data about your affiliates and their referrals and are going to deactivate the plugin, make sure to back up your data or do not enable this option. By enabling this option you agree to be solely responsible for any loss of data or any other consequences thereof.', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '</p>';
    echo '<p>' . wp_nonce_field('admin', AFFILIATES_ADMIN_OPTIONS_NONCE, true, false) . '<input class="button" type="submit" name="submit" value="' . __('Save', AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN) . '"/>' . '</p>' . '</div>' . '</form>';
コード例 #4
ファイル: wp-init.php プロジェクト: mahassan/shellneverknow
 * D'oh :/
 * Yes, update hooks are awesome ...
function affiliates_update($previous_version)
    global $wpdb, $affiliates_admin_messages;
    $result = true;
    $queries = array();
    switch ($previous_version) {
        case '1.1.0':
        case '1.1.1':
            // add new fields and index to referrals
            $referrals_table = _affiliates_get_tablename('referrals');
            $type_row = $wpdb->get_row("SHOW COLUMNS FROM " . $referrals_table . " LIKE 'type'");
            if (empty($type_row)) {
                $queries[] = "ALTER TABLE " . $referrals_table . "\n\t\t\t\t\tADD COLUMN type         varchar(10) NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\tADD INDEX aff_referrals_tda (type, datetime, affiliate_id)\n\t\t\t\t\t;";
            // 1.0.0 1.0.1 1.0.2 1.0.3 1.0.4
            if (!empty($previous_version)) {
                $affiliates_users_table = _affiliates_get_tablename('affiliates_users');
                if ($wpdb->get_var("SHOW TABLES LIKE '" . $affiliates_users_table . "'") != $affiliates_users_table) {
                    $queries[] = "CREATE TABLE " . $affiliates_users_table . " (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\taffiliate_id bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tuser_id      bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tPRIMARY KEY (affiliate_id, user_id)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t);";
                // add new fields and index to referrals
                $referrals_table = _affiliates_get_tablename('referrals');
                $amount_row = $wpdb->get_row("SHOW COLUMNS FROM " . $referrals_table . " LIKE 'amount'");
                if (empty($amount_row)) {
                    $queries[] = "ALTER TABLE " . $referrals_table . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tADD COLUMN amount       decimal(18,2) default NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tADD COLUMN currency_id  char(3) default NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tADD COLUMN status       varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '" . AFFILIATES_REFERRAL_STATUS_ACCEPTED . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\tADD COLUMN type         varchar(10) NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tADD INDEX aff_referrals_da (datetime, affiliate_id),\n\t\t\t\t\t\tADD INDEX aff_referrals_sda (status, datetime, affiliate_id),\n\t\t\t\t\t\tADD INDEX aff_referrals_tda (type, datetime, affiliate_id)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t;";
                    $queries[] = "UPDATE " . $referrals_table . " SET status = '" . AFFILIATES_REFERRAL_STATUS_ACCEPTED . "' WHERE status IS NULL;";
    // switch
    // add new PK & fields if it's not a new installation
    if (!empty($previous_version) && strcmp($previous_version, "1.2.0") < 0) {
        $referrals_table = _affiliates_get_tablename('referrals');
        $queries[] = "ALTER TABLE " . $referrals_table . "\n\t\tADD COLUMN referral_id BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n\t\tADD COLUMN reference VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL,\n\t\tDROP PRIMARY KEY,\n\t\tADD PRIMARY KEY (referral_id),\n\t\tADD INDEX aff_referrals_ref (reference(20));";
    //		dbDelta won't handle ALTER ...
    //		if ( !empty( $queries ) ) {
    //			require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php' );
    //			dbDelta( $queries );
    //		}
    foreach ($queries as $query) {
        if ($wpdb->query($query) === false) {
            // fail but still try to go on
            $result = false;
    if (!empty($previous_version) && strcmp($previous_version, "2.1.5") < 0) {
    return $result;