コード例 #1
            $give_to .= '</select>';
            $template->assign_vars(array("GIVE_TO" => $give_to, "L_ITEM_DONATION" => sprintf($lang['Adr_items_donation'], '<br />' . $items_name), "L_GIVE_TO" => $lang['Adr_items_give_to'], "L_SUBMIT" => $lang['Submit'], "S_MODE_ACTION" => append_sid("admin_adr_give_users_spells.{$phpEx}"), "S_HIDDEN_FIELDS" => $s_hidden_fields));
        case 'give_item':
            $quantity = $_POST['quantity'] ? intval($_POST['quantity']) : 1;
            $to_user_id = !empty($_POST['give_to']) ? $_POST['give_to'] : $_GET['give_to'];
            $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . ADR_SHOPS_SPELLS_TABLE . " \r\n\t\t\t\tWHERE spell_owner_id = 1 ";
            if (!($result = $db->sql_query($sql))) {
                message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, $lang['Adr_shop_items_failure_deleted']);
            $items = $db->sql_fetchrowset($result);
            while (list(, $item) = @each($items)) {
                if (isset($_POST[$item['spell_id']])) {
                    $item_id = $item['spell_id'];
                    for ($j = 0; $j < $quantity; $j++) {
                        adr_spell_add_new($item_id, $to_user_id, 'admin_adr_give_users_spells');
            adr_previous(Adr_spells_give_spell_success, admin_adr_give_users_spells, '');
} else {
    $template->assign_block_vars('view_store', array());
    if (isset($_GET['mode2']) || isset($_POST['mode2'])) {
        $mode2 = isset($_POST['mode2']) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST['mode2']) : htmlspecialchars($_GET['mode2']);
    } else {
        $mode2 = 'itemname';
    if (isset($_POST['order'])) {
コード例 #2
function adr_learn_spell($recipe_id, $user_id)
    global $db;
    // Fix the values
    $recipe_id = intval($recipe_id);
    $user_id = intval($user_id);
    //get info of the owners recipe
    $sql_owner = "SELECT item_name, item_owner_id, item_id FROM " . ADR_SHOPS_ITEMS_TABLE . "\r\n\t\tWHERE item_owner_id = {$user_id}\r\n\t\tAND item_id = {$recipe_id}";
    $result_owner = $db->sql_query($sql_owner);
    if (!$result_owner) {
        message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not obtain owners recipes information', "", __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql_owner);
    $owner_recipe = $db->sql_fetchrow($result_owner);
    $item_name = $owner_recipe['item_name'];
    //get info of the original recipe
    $sql_original = "SELECT * FROM " . ADR_SHOPS_ITEMS_TABLE . "\r\n\t\tWHERE item_owner_id = 1\r\n\t\tAND item_name = '{$item_name}'";
    $result_original = $db->sql_query($sql_original);
    if (!$result_original) {
        message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not obtain original recipe information', "", __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql_owner);
    $admin_recipe = $db->sql_fetchrow($result_original);
    //get now all info of the up-to-date spell in the spell shop (id 1) (Admin might have changed or deleted it)
    $sql_admin = "SELECT spell_id, spell_owner_id, spell_linked_item FROM " . ADR_SHOPS_SPELLS_TABLE . "\r\n\t\tWHERE spell_owner_id = 1\r\n\t\tAND spell_linked_item = " . $admin_recipe['item_id'];
    $result_admin = $db->sql_query($sql_admin);
    if (!$result_admin) {
        message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not obtain original spell information', "", __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql_owner);
    $admin_spell = $db->sql_fetchrow($result_admin);
    $spell_id = $admin_spell['spell_id'];
    if (!$spell_id) {
        //recipe deleted
        return 2;
    } else {
        adr_spell_add_new($spell_id, $user_id, 'adr_character_inventory');
        //delete the just used recipe
        $sql = "DELETE FROM " . ADR_SHOPS_ITEMS_TABLE . "\r\n\t\t\tWHERE item_id = " . $recipe_id . "\r\n\t\t\tAND item_owner_id = {$user_id}";
        $result = $db->sql_query($sql);
        if (!$result) {
            message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, "Couldn't delete owners recipe", "", __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);
        return 1;