$columnValues[] = $outputLinkLocation; } else { $columnValues[] = ''; } } elseif ($getView === 'participants') { $columnValue = ''; if (is_array($participantsArray)) { foreach ($participantsArray as $participant) { $columnValue .= $participant['firstname'] . ' ' . $participant['surname'] . ', '; } } $columnValues[] = substr($columnValue, 0, strlen($columnValue) - 2); } elseif ($getView === 'description') { $columnValues[] = $date->getValue('dat_description'); } if ($getViewMode === 'html') { $columnValues[] = $outputButtonIcal . $outputButtonCopy . $outputButtonEdit . $outputButtonDelete; } $compactTable->addRowByArray($columnValues, null, array('class' => $cssClass)); } } // End foreach // Output table bottom for compact view if ($getView === 'compact' || $getView === 'room' || $getView === 'participants' || $getView === 'description') { $page->addHtml($compactTable->show(false)); } } // If necessary show links to navigate to next and previous recordsets of the query $base_url = $g_root_path . '/adm_program/modules/dates/dates.php?view=' . $getView . '&mode=' . $getMode . '&headline=' . $getHeadline . '&cat_id=' . $getCatId . '&date_from=' . $dates->getParameter('dateStartFormatEnglish') . '&date_to=' . $dates->getParameter('dateEndFormatEnglish') . '&view_mode=' . $getViewMode; $page->addHtml(admFuncGeneratePagination($base_url, $datesTotalCount, $datesResult['limit'], $getStart, true)); $page->show();
$page->addHtml('</div>'); } if ($getGboId == 0 && $commentStatement->rowCount() == 0 && ($gCurrentUser->commentGuestbookRight() || $gPreferences['enable_gbook_comments4all'] == 1) && $getModeration == 0) { // Falls keine Kommentare vorhanden sind, aber das Recht zur Kommentierung, wird der Link zur Kommentarseite angezeigt... $load_url = $g_root_path . '/adm_program/modules/guestbook/guestbook_comment_new.php?id=' . $guestbook->getValue('gbo_id'); $page->addHtml(' <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" onclick="window.location.href=\'' . $load_url . '\'"><img src="' . THEME_PATH . '/icons/comment_new.png" alt="' . $gL10n->get('GBO_WRITE_COMMENT') . '" title="' . $gL10n->get('GBO_WRITE_COMMENT') . '" />' . $gL10n->get('GBO_WRITE_COMMENT') . '</button>'); } // Falls eine ID uebergeben wurde und der dazugehoerige Eintrag existiert, // werden unter dem Eintrag die dazugehoerigen Kommentare (falls welche da sind) angezeigt. if ($countGuestbookEntries > 0 && $getGboId > 0) { ob_start(); include 'get_comments.php'; $page->addHtml(ob_get_contents()); ob_end_clean(); } $page->addHtml('</div>'); // show information about user who edit the recordset if (strlen($guestbook->getValue('gbo_usr_id_change')) > 0) { $page->addHtml('<div class="panel-footer">' . admFuncShowCreateChangeInfoById(0, '', $guestbook->getValue('gbo_usr_id_change'), $guestbook->getValue('gbo_timestamp_change')) . '</div>'); } $page->addHtml('</div>'); } // Ende While-Schleife } // If necessary show links to navigate to next and previous recordsets of the query $base_url = $g_root_path . '/adm_program/modules/guestbook/guestbook.php?headline=' . $getHeadline . '&moderation=' . $getModeration; $page->addHtml(admFuncGeneratePagination($base_url, $num_guestbook, $guestbook_entries_per_page, $getStart, true)); // show html of complete page $page->show();
<a class="admidio-icon-link" onclick="window.location.href=\'' . $g_root_path . '/adm_program/modules/photos/photos.php?pho_id=' . $childPhotoAlbum->getValue('pho_id') . '&locked=0\'"><i class="fa fa-unlock" alt="' . $gL10n->get('PHO_ALBUM_UNLOCK') . '" title="' . $gL10n->get('PHO_ALBUM_UNLOCK') . '"></i><div class="iconDescription">' . $gL10n->get('PHO_ALBUM_UNLOCK') . '</div></a>'); } elseif ($childPhotoAlbum->getValue('pho_locked') == 0) { $page->addHtml(' <a class="admidio-icon-link" data-toggle="modal" onclick="window.location.href=\'' . $g_root_path . '/adm_program/modules/photos/photos.php?pho_id=' . $childPhotoAlbum->getValue('pho_id') . '&locked=1\'"><i class="fa fa-lock" alt="' . $gL10n->get('PHO_ALBUM_LOCK') . '" title="' . $gL10n->get('PHO_ALBUM_LOCK') . '"></i></a>'); } $page->addHtml('</div>'); } // Notice for users with foto edit right that this album is locked // @ptabaden: Moved warning down if ($childPhotoAlbum->getValue('pho_locked') == 1 && file_exists($ordner)) { $page->addHtml('<div class="alert alert-warning alert-small" role="alert"><i class="fa fa-exclamation-circle"></i>' . $gL10n->get('PHO_ALBUM_NOT_APPROVED') . '</div>'); } $page->addHtml('</div> </div> </div>'); } //Ende wenn Ordner existiert } //for $page->addHtml('</div>'); /****************************Leeres Album****************/ // Falls das Album weder Fotos noch Unterordner enthaelt if (($photoAlbum->getValue('pho_quantity') == '0' || strlen($photoAlbum->getValue('pho_quantity')) === 0) && $albumsCount < 1) { $page->addHtml($gL10n->get('PHO_NO_ALBUM_CONTENT')); } // If necessary show links to navigate to next and previous albums of the query $base_url = $g_root_path . '/adm_program/modules/photos/photos.php?pho_id=' . $getPhotoId; $page->addHtml(admFuncGeneratePagination($base_url, $albumsCount, $gPreferences['photo_albums_per_page'], $getStart, true)); // show html of complete page $page->show();
} else { $textFormerMembers = $gL10n->get('SYS_FORMER_PL'); } $html .= ' (<a href="' . $g_root_path . '/adm_program/modules/lists/lists_show.php?mode=html&rol_id=' . $role->getValue('rol_id') . '&show_members=1">' . $row['num_former'] . ' ' . $textFormerMembers . '</a>) '; } $form->addStaticControl('list_participants', $gL10n->get('SYS_PARTICIPANTS'), $html); // Leader of role if ($row['num_leader'] > 0) { $form->addStaticControl('list_leader', $gL10n->get('SYS_LEADERS'), $row['num_leader']); } // Member fee if (strlen($role->getValue('rol_cost')) > 0) { $form->addStaticControl('list_contribution', $gL10n->get('SYS_CONTRIBUTION'), $role->getValue('rol_cost') . ' ' . $gPreferences['system_currency']); } // Contributory period if (strlen($role->getValue('rol_cost_period')) > 0 && $role->getValue('rol_cost_period') != 0) { $form->addStaticControl('list_cost_period', $gL10n->get('SYS_CONTRIBUTION_PERIOD'), $role->getCostPeriods($role->getValue('rol_cost_period'))); } $page->addHtml($form->show(false)); $page->addHtml('</div> </div> </div>'); } if ($listsResult['numResults'] > 0) { $page->addHtml('</div></div></div>'); } // If necessary show links to navigate to next and previous recordsets of the query $base_url = $g_root_path . '/adm_program/modules/lists/lists.php?cat_id=' . $getCatId . '&active_role=' . $getActiveRole; $page->addHtml(admFuncGeneratePagination($base_url, $numberOfRoles, $gPreferences['lists_roles_per_page'], $getStart, true)); $page->addHtml('</div>'); $page->show();
<div class="pull-right text-right">' . $announcement->getValue('ann_timestamp_create', $gPreferences['system_date'])); // aendern & loeschen duerfen nur User mit den gesetzten Rechten if ($gCurrentUser->editAnnouncements()) { if ($announcement->editRight()) { $page->addHtml(' <a class="admidio-icon-link" href="' . $g_root_path . '/adm_program/modules/announcements/announcements_new.php?ann_id=' . $announcement->getValue('ann_id') . '&headline=' . $getHeadline . '"><img src="' . THEME_PATH . '/icons/edit.png" alt="' . $gL10n->get('SYS_EDIT') . '" title="' . $gL10n->get('SYS_EDIT') . '" /></a>'); } // Loeschen darf man nur Ankuendigungen der eigenen Gliedgemeinschaft if ($announcement->getValue('ann_org_id') == $gCurrentOrganization->getValue('org_id')) { $page->addHtml(' <a class="admidio-icon-link" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#admidio_modal" href="' . $g_root_path . '/adm_program/system/popup_message.php?type=ann&element_id=ann_' . $announcement->getValue('ann_id') . '&name=' . urlencode($announcement->getValue('ann_headline')) . '&database_id=' . $announcement->getValue('ann_id') . '"><img src="' . THEME_PATH . '/icons/delete.png" alt="' . $gL10n->get('SYS_DELETE') . '" title="' . $gL10n->get('SYS_DELETE') . '" /></a>'); } } $page->addHtml('</div> </div> <div class="panel-body">' . $announcement->getValue('ann_description') . '</div> <div class="panel-footer">' . admFuncShowCreateChangeInfoByName($row['create_name'], $announcement->getValue('ann_timestamp_create'), $row['change_name'], $announcement->getValue('ann_timestamp_change'), $announcement->getValue('ann_usr_id_create'), $announcement->getValue('ann_usr_id_change')) . ' </div> </div>'); } // Ende foreach // If necessary show links to navigate to next and previous recordsets of the query $base_url = $g_root_path . '/adm_program/modules/announcements/announcements.php?headline=' . $getHeadline; $page->addHtml(admFuncGeneratePagination($base_url, $announcementsCount, $announcementsPerPage, $getStart, true)); } // show html of complete page $page->show();
src="' . THEME_PATH . '/icons/edit.png" alt="' . $gL10n->get('SYS_EDIT') . '" title="' . $gL10n->get('SYS_EDIT') . '" /></a> <a class="admidio-icon-link" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#admidio_modal" href="' . $g_root_path . '/adm_program/system/popup_message.php?type=lnk&element_id=lnk_' . $weblink->getValue('lnk_id') . '&name=' . urlencode($weblink->getValue('lnk_name')) . '&database_id=' . $weblink->getValue('lnk_id') . '"><img src="' . THEME_PATH . '/icons/delete.png" alt="' . $gL10n->get('SYS_DELETE') . '" title="' . $gL10n->get('SYS_DELETE') . '" /></a>'); } // get available description if (strlen($weblink->getValue('lnk_description')) > 0) { $page->addHtml('<div class="admidio-weblink-description">' . $weblink->getValue('lnk_description') . '</div>'); } $page->addHtml('<div class="weblink-counter"><small>' . $gL10n->get('LNK_COUNTER') . ': ' . $weblink->getValue('lnk_counter') . '</small></div> </div>'); ++$j; ++$i; // set current category to privious $previous_cat_id = $weblink->getValue('lnk_cat_id'); $new_category = false; } // End While-loop $page->addHtml('</div></div>'); } else { // No links or 1 link is hidden $page->addHtml('<p>' . $gL10n->get('SYS_NO_ENTRIES') . '</p>'); } } // end if at least 1 recordset $page->addHtml('</div>'); // If necessary show links to navigate to next and previous recordsets of the query $baseUrl = $g_root_path . '/adm_program/modules/links/links.php?headline=' . $getHeadline; $page->addHtml(admFuncGeneratePagination($baseUrl, $weblinksCount, $weblinksPerPage, $weblinks->getStartElement(), true)); // show html of complete page $page->show();