} $s3ql['where']['validation'] = $_POST['validation']; $s3ql['where']['notes'] = nl2br($_POST['notes']); $s3ql['format'] = 'html'; #echo '<pre>';print_r($s3ql); $done = S3QLaction($s3ql); $msg = html2cell($done); #echo '<pre>';print_r($msg); #exit; #echo $done; #ereg('<error>(.*)</error>(.*)<(rule_id|message)>(.*)</(rule_id|message)>', $done, $s3qlout); #echo '<pre>';print_r($s3qlout); if ($msg[0]['error_code'] == '0') { $rule_id = $msg[0]['rule_id']; #echo '<pre>';print_r($users);exit; $message .= addUsers(compact('users', 'user_id', 'db', 'rule_id', 'element')); } else { $message .= $msg[0]['message']; } if ($message == '') { Header('Location: ' . $action['editrules']); exit; } $owner = find_user_loginID(array('account_id' => $user_id, 'db' => $db)); $action_name = 'newrule'; $action_value = 'Create'; if ($resource_info != '') { $subject_input = $newrule['subject']; } else { $subject_input = '<input name="subject" style="background: lightyellow" value="' . $subject . '" size="10">'; }
$s3ql['where']['collection_id'] = $class_id; if ($_POST['notes'] != '') { $s3ql['where']['notes'] = nl2br($_POST['notes']); } $s3ql['format'] = 'html'; $done = S3QLaction($s3ql); $msg = html2cell($done); #echo $done; #ereg('<item_id>([0-9]+)</item_id>', $done, $s3qlout); $instance_id = $msg[2]['item_id']; #preg_match('/[0-9]+/', $done, $instance_id); $item_id = $instance_id; if ($instance_id != '') { #now add the users $element = 'item'; $message .= addUsers(compact('users', 'user_id', 'db', 'class_id', 'collection_id', 'element', 'item_id')); Header('Location: ' . $action['instanceform'] . '&item_id=' . $instance_id); exit; } else { echo $msg[2]['message']; } } #include all the javascript functions for the menus... include '../S3DBjavascript.php'; #and the short menu for the resource script include '../action.header.php'; #add the form for inserting instances } } //closes no permission $new = 1;
require_once "../libraries/validation.php"; require_once "../table/admin.php"; $common = new common(); $sessionAdmin = $common->checkSession($adminSession, false); if (empty($sessionAdmin)) { Res::sendInvalid($adminSessionOut); } $mysqli = new mysqli_functions(); $connection = $mysqli->connect(); if (is_bool($connection)) { Res::sendFailure($mysqli->message); } $req = new Req(); switch ($req->getCmd()) { case "addUsers": addUsers(); break; default: Res::sendInvalid("invalidCmd:" . $req->getCmd()); } $mysqli->disconnect(); function addUsers() { global $req; global $connection; $req->hasParams("adminUName", "adminFName", "adminGender", "adminEMail", "adminPassword", "adminPhone"); $adminUName = $req->getParam("adminUName"); $adminFName = $req->getParam("adminFName"); $adminGender = $req->getParam("adminGender"); $adminEMail = $req->getParam("adminEMail"); $adminPassword = $req->getParam("adminPassword");