function dumpRep($depth, $tree, &$rep) { $pre = ''; if ($depth != 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < $depth; $i++) { $pre .= ' '; } } uasort($tree, 'rcmp'); foreach ($tree as $id => $t) { if ($t['details']) { $tip = '<table class=skilltip><tr class=top><td>' . $t['name'] . '</td></tr><tr><td>' . $t['details'] . '</td></tr></table>'; echo '<tr ' . addTooltip($tip, 'STICKY, false, BORDER, false') . '>'; } else { echo '<tr>'; } if (isset($t['childs'])) { echo '<td class=teamreputation colspan=3><a id="no_tip" href="?faction=' . $t['id'] . '">' . $pre . $t['name'] . '</a></td></tr>'; dumpRep($depth + 1, $t['childs'], $rep); } else { $rep_data = getReputationDataFromReputation($rep[$id]['standing']); echo '<td class=reputation><a id="no_tip" href="?faction=' . $id . '">' . $pre . $t['name'] . '</a></td>'; echo '<td class=rep_value>' . $rep_data['rank_name'] . '</td>'; echo '<td class=rep_bar><div class=rep_bar><b class=rep' . $rep_data['rank'] . ' style="width: ' . intval($rep_data['rep'] / $rep_data['max'] * 100) . '%;"></b><span>' . $rep_data['rep'] . '/' . $rep_data['max'] . '</span></div></td>'; echo '</tr>'; } } }
function onlineMapRenderCallback($data, $x, $y) { $imgX = 16; $imgY = 16; $x = round($x - $imgX / 2, 0); $y = round($y - $imgY / 2, 0); $gender = $data['gender']; $class = $data['class']; $race = $data['race']; $level = $data['level']; $faction = getPlayerFaction($race); $map_name = getMapName($data['map']); $area_name = getAreaNameFromPoint($data['map'], $data['position_x'], $data['position_y'], $data['position_z']); $img = $faction == 0 ? "gps_icon1.png" : "gps_icon.png"; $text = "<table class=online_map>"; $text .= "<tr><td class=" . ($faction == 0 ? "aname" : "hname") . ">" . $data['name'] . "</td></<tr>"; if ($area_name) { $text .= "<tr><td align=center>{$area_name}<br>"; } $text .= "<tr><td align=center>"; $text .= "<img width=20 src=" . getRaceImage($race, $gender) . "> <img width=20 src=" . getClassImage($class) . "><br>"; $text .= getRace($race) . "<br>"; $text .= getClass($class) . "<br>"; $text .= "Level - {$level}<br>"; $text .= "</td></tr>"; $text .= "</table>"; return '<img src="images/map_points/' . $img . '" class=point style="left: ' . $x . '; top: ' . $y . ';" ' . addTooltip($text) . '>' . "\n"; }
function showPlayerGuild($guid, $char_data) { global $cDB; // Получение разрешений на просмотр $currentTabRights = array(0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0); $guildid = $char_data[PLAYER_GUILDID]; $rank = $char_data[PLAYER_GUILDRANK]; if ($guildid == 0) { echo "Not in guild"; return; } $gbrights = $cDB->select("SELECT * FROM `guild_bank_right` WHERE `guildid` = ?d AND `rid` = ?d", $guildid, $rank); foreach ($gbrights as $r) { $currentTabRights[$r['TabId']] |= $r['gbright']; } // Получаем данные о табах $tabinfo = $cDB->select("SELECT\n `TabId` AS ARRAY_KEY,\n `TabName`,\n `TabIcon`,\n `TabText`\n FROM `guild_bank_tab`\n WHERE guildid = ?d\n ORDER BY `TabId`", $guildid); if ($tabinfo) { $bank_tabs = $cDB->select("SELECT\n `TabId` AS ARRAY_KEY_1,\n `SlotId` AS ARRAY_KEY_2,\n `item_guid`,\n `item_entry`\n FROM `guild_bank_item`\n WHERE guildid = ?d\n ORDER BY `TabId`, `SlotId`", $guildid); // Скрипт смены табов в гильдбанке echo '<script type="text/javascript" id="guild_script"> function showTab(tab){ for(i=0;i<6;i++) if (div = document.getElementById("guildtab_" + i))"visible":"hidden"; return false; } </script>'; // Отрисовываем гильд банк echo '<br><div id=guildbank style="color: #FFFFFF; position: relative; width: 765px; height: 424px;">'; echo '<img src="images/player_info/bank/guildbank.gif" style="position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px;">'; echo '<div style="position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 2px; width: 725px; text-align: center;"><b>Guild Bank</b></div>'; $visible = "visible"; foreach ($tabinfo as $tabid => $tab) { // Проверяем права на просмотр if ($currentTabRights[$tabid] & GUILD_BANK_RIGHT_VIEW_TAB) { // Выводим новый таб echo '<div id=guildtab_' . $tabid . ' style="visibility: ' . $visible . ';">'; $visible = "hidden"; if ($tabinfo) { echo '<div style="position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 28px; width: 723px;"><b>' . $tab['TabName'] . '</b></div>'; } // Вывод вещей в табе if (isset($bank_tabs[$tabid])) { foreach ($bank_tabs[$tabid] as $slot => $tabslot) { show_item_by_guid($tabslot['item_guid'], "guildb", 49 * intval($slot / 7) + 23, 44 * intval($slot % 7) + 61); } } echo '</div>'; // Иконка таба $img = 'images/icons/' . ($tab['TabIcon'] ? strtolower($tab['TabIcon']) : 'wowunknownitem01') . '.jpg'; // Описание таба $tip = $tab['TabName'] ? addTooltip($tab['TabName']) : ''; echo '<a href=# onclick="return showTab(' . $tabid . ');">'; echo '<img src="images/player_info/bank/guildbanktab.gif" style="position: absolute; left: 724px; top: ' . (55 + $tabid * 50) . 'px; border: 0px;">'; echo '<img width=32px src="' . $img . '" ' . $tip . ' style="position: absolute; left: 727px; top: ' . (66 + $tabid * 50) . 'px;border: 0px;">'; echo '</a>'; } else { echo '<img src="images/player_info/bank/guildbanktab.gif" ' . addTooltip('no rights') . ' style"position: absolute; left: 724px; top: ' . (55 + $tabid * 50) . 'px; border: 0px;">'; } } echo '</div>'; } else { echo "No guild bank present"; } }
function defaultAreaRenderCallback($area_id, $data, $x, $y) { global $gZoneToAreaImage, $lang; $area = getAreaIdFromPoint($data['map'], $data['position_x'], $data['position_y'], $data['position_z']); if (!$area) { return; } $area_data = getArea($area); $zone = $area_data['zone_id'] ? $area_data['zone_id'] : $area; $mapname = getMapName($data['map']); $areaname = $area_data['zone_id'] ? getAreaName($area_data['zone_id'], 0) . " (" . $area_data['name'] . ")" : $area_data['name']; if ($data['type'] == 'n') { $text = getCreatureName($data['id'], 0) . " ({$data['guid']})<br>{$mapname} - {$areaname}<br>{$lang['respawn']} " . getTimeText($data['spawntimesecs']); if (getCreatureEvent($data['guid']) > 0) { $text = substr_replace("<br>{$lang['spawn_at_event']} - " . getGameEventName(getCreatureEvent($data['guid'])), $text, 0, 0); } if (getCreatureEvent($data['guid']) < 0) { $text = substr_replace("<br>{$lang['despawn_at_event']} - " . getGameEventName(abs(getCreatureEvent($data['guid']))), $text, 0, 0); } if (getCreaturePool($data['guid'])) { $text = substr_replace("<br>{$lang['pool']} (" . getCreaturePool($data['guid']) . ")", $text, 0, 0); } if (getCreaturePoolTemplate($data['id'])) { $text = substr_replace("<br>{$lang['pool']} (" . getCreaturePoolTemplate($data['id']) . ")", $text, 0, 0); } } if ($data['type'] == 'o') { $text = getGameobjectName($data['id'], 0) . " ({$data['guid']})<br>{$mapname} - {$areaname}<br>{$lang['respawn']} " . getTimeText($data['spawntimesecs']); if (getGameobjectEvent($data['guid']) > 0) { $text = substr_replace("<br>{$lang['spawn_at_event']} - " . getGameEventName(getGameobjectEvent($data['guid'])), $text, 0, 0); } if (getGameobjectEvent($data['guid']) < 0) { $text = substr_replace("<br>{$lang['despawn_at_event']} - " . getGameEventName(abs(getGameobjectEvent($data['guid']))), $text, 0, 0); } if (getGameobjectPool($data['guid'])) { $text = substr_replace("<br>{$lang['pool']} (" . getGameobjectPool($data['guid']) . ")", $text, 0, 0); } if (getGameobjectPoolTemplate($data['id'])) { $text = substr_replace("<br>{$lang['pool']} (" . getGameobjectPoolTemplate($data['id']) . ")", $text, 0, 0); } } if ($data['type'] == 'i') { $text = "{$mapname} - {$areaname}"; } if ($data['type'] == 'w') { $text = $data['point']; } if ($gZoneToAreaImage[$zone] == $area_id) { $img = "images/map_points/gps_icon.png"; } else { $img = "images/map_points/gps_icon1.png"; } $imgX = 16; $imgY = 16; $x = round($x - $imgX / 2, 0); $y = round($y - $imgY / 2, 0); return '<img src="' . $img . '" class=point style="left: ' . $x . 'px; top: ' . $y . 'px;" ' . addTooltip($text) . '>' . "\n"; }
function showPlayerSkills($guid) { global $wDB, $lang; $skill_category = $wDB->select('-- CACHE: 1h SELECT `id` AS ARRAY_KEY, `name`, `order` FROM `wowd_skill_line_category`'); $skill_rev = array(); // Put the data on skills in buffer for sotrirovki their class $playerSkill = array(); $skillcount = getCharacterSkills($guid); if ($skillcount) { foreach ($skillcount as $guid) { $skillId = $guid['skill']; // skill id if ($skillId == 0) { continue; } $skill = $guid['value']; // skill $maxskill = $guid['max']; // max skill $skillPerm = 0; // with talent (add and skill, and to maxSkill (zanulil) $skillTemp = 0; // Temporary BNF, affects only the skill (zanulil yet) if ($skillLine = getSkillLine($skillId)) { $skill = $skill + $skillPerm; $maxskill = $maxskill + $skillPerm; $category = $skillLine['Category']; // Category 12 hidden if ($category == 12) { continue; } $order = $skill_category[$category]['order']; $skill_rev[$order] = $category; $playerSkill[$order][] = array('id' => $skillId, 'Name' => $skillLine['Name'], 'Category' => $category, 'Description' => $skillLine['Description'], 'icon' => $skillLine['iconId'], 'Skill' => $skill, 'maxSkill' => $maxskill, 'bonus' => $skillTemp); } } } if ($playerSkill) { ksort($playerSkill); // Output data to a table echo '<table class=report cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><TBODY>'; echo '<tr><td class=head colspan=3>' . $lang['player_skills'] . '</td></tr>'; foreach ($playerSkill as $id => $skill_data) { $id = $skill_rev[$id]; echo '<tr><td class=skill_category colspan=3> ' . $skill_category[$id]['name'] . '</td></tr>'; foreach ($skill_data as $skill) { if ($skill['Description'] != '') { $tip = '<table class=skilltip><tr class=top><td>' . $skill['Name'] . '</td></tr><tr><td>' . $skill['Description'] . '</td></tr></table>'; echo '<tr ' . addTooltip($tip, 'BORDER, false, STICKY, false') . '>'; } else { echo '<tr>'; } $pct = intval($skill['Skill'] / $skill['maxSkill'] * 100); $text = $skill['Skill']; if ($skill['bonus'] > 0) { $text .= '<font class=posstat>+' . $skill['bonus'] . '</font>'; } else { if ($skill['bonus'] < 0) { $text .= '<font class=negstat>' . $skill['bonus'] . '</font>'; } } $text .= ' / ' . $skill['maxSkill']; $ico = ''; if ($skill['icon'] > 1) { $ico = '<img src=' . getSpellIcon($skill['icon']) . '>'; } echo '<td class=skill_ico>' . $ico . '</td>'; echo '<td class=skill_name><A href="?skill=' . $skill['id'] . '&guid=' . $guid . '">' . $skill['Name'] . '</td>'; echo '<td class=skill_bar><div class=skill_bar><b class=s1 style="width: ' . $pct . '%;"></b><span>' . $text . '</span></div></td>'; echo '</tr>'; } } echo '</tbody></table>'; } }
$cname = array(1 => 'warrior', 2 => 'paladin', 3 => 'hunter', 4 => 'rogue', 5 => 'priest', 6 => 'death_knight', 7 => 'shaman', 8 => 'mage', 9 => 'warlock', 11 => 'druid'); foreach ($cname as $c => $name) { echo '<a href="?talent=' . $name . '" ' . addTooltip(getClass($c)) . '><img class=item src="' . getClassImage($c) . '"></a> '; if ($talent == $name) { $header = getClass($c); $link .= "=" . $name; $cid = $c; } } echo "<br>"; //echo "<br><b>Pets:</b> "; $list = $wDB->select('SELECT `id`, `category` FROM `wowd_creature_family` WHERE `category` <> -1 ORDER BY `name`'); foreach ($list as $family) { $f = $family['id']; $c = $family['category']; echo '<a href="?talent&pet=' . $c . '" ' . addTooltip(getCreatureFamily($f, 0)) . '><img class=item src="' . getFamilyImage($f) . '"></a> '; if ($pid == $c) { $header = getCreatureFamily($f); $link .= "&pet=" . $c; } } echo '</div><br>'; if ($cid or $pid >= 0) { echo '<div id="talent"></div>'; includeTalentScript($cid, $pid, $config['talent_calc_max_level'], $header); if ($bild) { echo '<script type="text/javascript">tc_bildFromStr("' . $bild . '");</script>'; } echo '<script type="text/javascript">tc_renderTree("talent");</script>'; } echo '<div class=faq><center>';