コード例 #1
ファイル: Reports.php プロジェクト: hew86i/panorama
    $tf = " h:i A";
$datejs = str_replace('d', 'dd', $dateformat);
$datejs = str_replace('m', 'mm', $datejs);
$datejs = str_replace('Y', 'yy', $datejs);
$clientType = pg_fetch_result($dsAll, 0, "clienttypeid");
$clientUnit = pg_fetch_result($dsAll, 0, "metric");
//$allPOI = dlookup("select count(*) from pinpoints where clientID=" . session("client_id"));
//$allPOIs As String = "false"
//If allPOI < 1000 Then allPOIs = "true"
$DefMap = pg_fetch_result($dsAll, 0, "defaultmap");
$currDateTime0 = new Datetime();
$currDateTime = $currDateTime0->format("d-m-Y H:i");
$currDateTime1 = $currDateTime0->format($dateformat);
$currDateTime2 = $currDateTime0->format($dateformat);
$currDateTime2 = addToDateU($currDateTime, -1, 'days', $dateformat);
//dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm
//now()->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$AllowedMaps = "11111";
$cntz = dlookup("select count(*) from pointsofinterest where active='1' and type=2 and clientid=" . Session("client_id"));
//$CurrentTime = DlookUP("select Convert(nvarchar(20), DATEADD(HOUR,(select timeZone from clients where ID=" . Session("client_id") . ") - 1,GETDATE()), 120) DateTime");
$tzone = pg_fetch_result($dsAll, 0, "timezone");
$tzone = $tzone - 1;
//$AllowAddPoi = getPriv("AddPOI", Session("user_id"))
//$AllowViewPoi = getPriv("ViewPOI", Session("user_id"))
//$AllowAddZone = getPriv("AddZones", Session("user_id"))
//$AllowViewZone = getPriv("ViewZones", Session("user_id"))
$ua = getBrowser();
$yourbrowser = (bool) strpos($ua['userAgent'], "iPad");
addlog(37, '');
コード例 #2
ファイル: LogReport1.php プロジェクト: hew86i/panorama
    $s_ = " 12:00 AM";
    $s1_ = "_12:00_AM";
    $tf = " h:i a";
//$_SESSION['role_id'] = nnull(dlookup("select roleid from users where id=" . $user_id), 0 );
$role_id = nnull(dlookup("select roleid from users where id=" . $uid), 0);
$vh = nnull(getQUERY("vh"), "0");
$sdG = DateTimeFormat(getQUERY("sd"), 'd-m-Y H:i:s');
$edG = DateTimeFormat(getQUERY("ed"), 'd-m-Y H:i:s');
$sd = DateTimeFormat(getQUERY("sd"), $dateformat) . $s_;
//'01-09-2012 00:00';
$ed = DateTimeFormat(getQUERY("ed"), $dateformat) . $e_;
//'01-09-2012 23:59';
$tzone = dlookup("select tzone from users where id=" . $uid);
$CreationDate = strtoupper(DateTimeFormat(addToDateU(now(), $tzone, "hour", "Y-m-d H:i"), $datetimeformat));
/*format na datum*/
$_SESSION["user_fullname"] = dlookup("select fullname from users where id='" . $uid . "'");
$_SESSION["company"] = dlookup("select name from clients where id in (select clientid from users where id=" . $uid . " limit 1) limit 1");
$langArr = explode("?", getQUERY("l"));
$cLang = $langArr[0];
$vh = getQUERY("vh");
$meseci = array("January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December");
$countALL = 0;
$langArr = explode("?", getQUERY("l"));
$cLang = $langArr[0];

if (getQUERY("from") == "a") {
    $filename = "Log_report_" . $cid . "_" . DateTimeFormat($sdG, $dateformat) . $s1_ . "_" . DateTimeFormat($edG, $dateformat) . $e1_ . ".xls";
コード例 #3
ファイル: getCurrent.php プロジェクト: hew86i/panorama
    if ($DFormat1 == "yyyy-MM-dd") {
        $DFormat = "Y-m-d";
    } else {
        $DFormat = "m-d-Y";
if ($TFormat1 == "24 Hour Time") {
    $TFormat = "H:i:s";
} else {
    $TFormat = "h:i:s A";
$DTFormat = $DFormat . " " . $TFormat;
$dbDatum = DlookUP("select now() DateTime");
$dtTmp111 = new Datetime($dbDatum);
$dbDatum = $dtTmp111->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$dbDatum = addToDateU($dbDatum, $tzone1, 'hour', 'Y-m-d H:i:s');
//$dbDatum123 = DlookUP("select DATEADD(MINUTE, -30, GETDATE()) DateTime");
$sqlV = "";
if (session("role_id") . "" == "2") {
    $sqlV = "select id from vehicles where clientid=" . session("client_id");
} else {
    $sqlV = "select vehicleid from uservehicles where userid=" . session("user_id");
$ClientTypeID = dlookup("select clienttypeid from clients where id=" . session("client_id"));
$sqlStyles = "";
$sqlStyles .= "SELECT c1.name engineon, c2.name engineoff, c3.name engineoffpassengeron, c4.name satelliteoff, c5.name taximeteron, c6.name taximeteroffpassengeron, c7.name passiveon, c8.name activeoff ";
$sqlStyles .= "from users us ";
$sqlStyles .= "left outer join statuscolors c1 on c1.id=us.engineon ";
$sqlStyles .= "left outer join statuscolors c2 on c2.id=us.engineoff ";
$sqlStyles .= "left outer join statuscolors c3 on c3.id=us.engineoffpassengeron ";
$sqlStyles .= "left outer join statuscolors c4 on c4.id=us.satelliteoff ";