function uploadPhoto($ip, $image, $nick, $email, $path, $albumName) { $existsAlbum = isAlbum($nick, $albumName); if (!$existsAlbum) { if (!newAlbum($ip, $nick, $email, $albumName, "private", "DEFAULT")) { return '1'; } } if (uploadImage($image, $path)) { $newPhoto = addPhoto($nick, $path, $albumName); if (!newPhoto and !$existsAlbum) { deleteAlbum($nick, $albumName); // Remove Photo return '2'; } addAction($nick, $email, $ip, 'new_photo'); return '0'; } return '3'; }
/** * Processes loading of this sample code through a web browser. Uses AuthSub * authentication and outputs a list of a user's albums if succesfully * authenticated. * * @return void */ function processPageLoad() { global $_SESSION, $_GET; if (!isset($_SESSION['sessionToken']) && !isset($_GET['token'])) { requestUserLogin('Please login to your Google Account.'); } else { $client = getAuthSubHttpClient(); if (!empty($_REQUEST['command'])) { switch ($_REQUEST['command']) { case 'retrieveSelf': outputUserFeed($client, "default"); break; case 'retrieveUser': outputUserFeed($client, $_REQUEST['user']); break; case 'retrieveAlbumFeed': outputAlbumFeed($client, $_REQUEST['user'], $_REQUEST['album']); break; case 'retrievePhotoFeed': outputPhotoFeed($client, $_REQUEST['user'], $_REQUEST['album'], $_REQUEST['photo']); break; } } // Now we handle the potentially destructive commands, which have to // be submitted by POST only. if (!empty($_POST['command'])) { switch ($_POST['command']) { case 'addPhoto': addPhoto($client, $_POST['user'], $_POST['album'], $_FILES['photo']); break; case 'deletePhoto': deletePhoto($client, $_POST['user'], $_POST['album'], $_POST['photo']); break; case 'addAlbum': addAlbum($client, $_POST['user'], $_POST['name']); break; case 'deleteAlbum': deleteAlbum($client, $_POST['user'], $_POST['album']); break; case 'addComment': addComment($client, $_POST['user'], $_POST['album'], $_POST['photo'], $_POST['comment']); break; case 'addTag': addTag($client, $_POST['user'], $_POST['album'], $_POST['photo'], $_POST['tag']); break; case 'deleteComment': deleteComment($client, $_POST['user'], $_POST['album'], $_POST['photo'], $_POST['comment']); break; case 'deleteTag': deleteTag($client, $_POST['user'], $_POST['album'], $_POST['photo'], $_POST['tag']); break; default: break; } } // If a menu parameter is available, display a submenu. if (!empty($_REQUEST['menu'])) { switch ($_REQUEST['menu']) { case 'user': displayUserMenu(); break; case 'photo': displayPhotoMenu(); break; case 'album': displayAlbumMenu(); break; case 'logout': logout(); break; default: header('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request'); echo "<h2>Invalid menu selection.</h2>\n"; echo "<p>Please check your request and try again.</p>"; } } if (empty($_REQUEST['menu']) && empty($_REQUEST['command'])) { displayMenu(); } } }
/* * ********************************************** If we're signed in we can go ahead and retrieve data * ********************************************** */ set_time_limit('10000'); if (isset($_SESSION['google_token'])) { $client = Zend_Gdata_AuthSub::getHttpClient($_SESSION['google_token']); $userInfo = $_SESSION['google_userInfo']; $album_ids = explode(',', $_GET['album_ids']); foreach ($album_ids as $album_id) { $singleAlbum = fetchSingleAlbums($album_id); if (!file_exists(ABSOLUTE_PATH . "/assets/images/archive")) { mkdir(ABSOLUTE_PATH . "/assets/images/archive"); } $filepath = $album_id; if (!file_exists(ABSOLUTE_PATH . "/assets/images/albums/{$filepath}")) { mkdir(ABSOLUTE_PATH . "/assets/images/albums/{$filepath}"); } $result = addAlbum($client, 'Test Album'); $albumId = $result->getGphotoId()->getText(); foreach ($singleAlbum as $photo) { $url = $photo->source; $destination_path = ABSOLUTE_PATH . '/assets/images/albums/' . $filepath . '/' . $photo->id . '.jpg'; downloadImage($url, $destination_path); addPhoto($client, $userInfo->user_id, $albumId, $photo->id, $destination_path); } } echo '<p class="bg-success"> Your album has been move to your picasa account successfully.</p>'; } else { echo 'first login via google inorder to move your album to picasa account'; }
} $src_W = $imgage[0]; //获取大图片宽度 $src_H = $imgage[1]; //获取大图片高度 $rW = floatval($src_W) / floatval($width); $rH = floatval($src_H) / floatval($height); $ratio = max($rW, $rH); $width = intval($src_W / $ratio); $height = intval($src_H / $ratio); $tn = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height); //创建缩略图 imagecopyresampled($tn, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $src_W, $src_H); //复制图像并改变大小 imagejpeg($tn, $small_img); //输出图像 } $filenames = scandir("/var/www/html/data/FP_V0_PHOTO_1"); foreach ($filenames as $name) { if ($name != '.' and $name != "..") { $longitude = rand(11620000, 11640000) / 100000.0; $latitude = rand(3980000, 4010000) / 100000.0; $path = "data/FP_V0_PHOTO_1/" . $name; $absPath = "/var/www/html/data/FP_V0_PHOTO_1/" . $name; $absSnapPath = "/var/www/html/data/FP_V0_PHOTO_1/" . $name . "_snap.jpg"; $cmd = "convert -resize 100x100 " . $absPath . " " . $absSnapPath; system($cmd); $md5 = md5_file($absPath); addPhoto("1", 1, 1, $name, $path, $longitude, $latitude, time(), "Beijing", $md5, "for test"); } }
$username = $_SESSION['name']; $filename = $_FILES["file"]["name"]; $tmpfile = $_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"]; $userid = getUserID($username); $path = "data/FP_V0_PHOTO_" . $userid . "/" . $filename; move_uploaded_file($tmpfile, $path); $absPath = "/var/www/html/" . $path; $absSnapPath = $absPath . "_snap.jpg"; $cmd = "convert -resize 100x100 " . $absPath . " " . $absSnapPath; system($cmd); $md5 = md5_file($absPath); $picTag = $_POST['picTag']; $picPos = $_POST['picPos']; $longitude = split(",", $picPos)[0]; $latitude = split(",", $picPos)[1]; addPhoto($userid, 1, 1, $filename, $path, $longitude, $latitude, time(), "address", $md5, $picTag); header("Location: upload.php"); } } ?> <html xmlns="" lang="en"> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.min.js"></script> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="chrome=1"> <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no, width=device-width"> <link href="css/upload.css" rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />
<html> <head> <link href="css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="css/main.css" rel="stylesheet"> <script src="js/bootstrap.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="js/jquery-1.11.3.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Добавить кота</title> </head> <? if (!empty($_FILES)) { // Тут надо будет ввести проверку на админа. addPhoto(); } ?> <body> <?var_dump($_POST)?> <?var_dump($_FILES)?> <h1>Добавим нового кота.</h1> <h2><a href="../index.php">Назад</a></h2> <form name="new_cat" action="" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post"> <inpute type="hidden" name="addCat" value="yes"> <input name="name" type="text"> <input class="input-large" name="file" type="file"> <input class="input-large" type="submit"> </form> </body>
function savePhoto($uuid, $toilet_id, $photo) { if (empty($uuid)) { return ERROR_UUID; } $tid = (int) $toilet_id; if ($tid == 0) { return ERROR_TOILET_ID; } if (empty($photo)) { return ERROR_FILE; } if ($photo->getError() === UPLOAD_ERR_OK) { $photoDir = 'images/photos/' . $toilet_id . '/'; if (!file_exists($photoDir)) { mkdir($photoDir, 0777, true); } $filename = 'JPEG_' . date('Ymd_His') . '.jpg'; $photo->moveTo($photoDir . $filename); if (!addPhoto($toilet_id, $uuid, $filename)) { unlink($photoDir . $filename); return ERROR_SQL; } else { removeOldestPhoto($toilet_id); } } else { return ERROR_FILE; } return ERROR_OK; }