function dupliqueInter($id) { global $cnx, $liste; $cnx = ouvresylob(1); //recup infos à dupliquer $select = " select * from informix.zz_inter \r\n where informix.zz_inter.id_inter = " . $id; $sql = odbc_exec($cnx, $select); while ($row = odbc_fetch_array($sql)) { $debut = $row['debut_inter']; $fin = $row['fin_inter']; $presta = $row['presta_inter']; $interventant = $row['intervenant_inter']; $etat = $row['etat_inter']; $type = $row['type_inter']; $parent = $row['parent_inter']; $periodicite = $row['periodicite_inter']; $priorite = $row['priorite_inter']; $domaine = $row['domaine_inter']; $cout = $row['cout_inter']; $detail = $row['detail_inter']; $supp = $row['supp_inter']; } $nouv_deb = new DateTime($debut); $nouv_fin = new DateTime($fin); $nouv_deb = $nouv_deb->add(new DateInterval('PT1H'))->format('Y-m-d H:i'); $nouv_fin = $nouv_fin->add(new DateInterval('PT1H'))->format('Y-m-d H:i'); //insert nouvelle inter $UID = insertInter($nouv_deb, $nouv_fin, $presta, $interventant, 1, $type, $parent, $periodicite, $priorite, $domaine, $cout, formatChaine($detail)); //recup matos inter à dupliquer $select2 = "select id_materiel from informix.zz_matinter where id_inter = " . $id; $sql2 = odbc_exec($cnx, $select2); while (odbc_fetch_row($sql2)) { //lie materiel à nouvelle inter $res3 = addMatInter($UID, odbc_result($sql2, 1)); } //odbc_close($cnx); return $UID; }
//lien intervention - entite(s) foreach ($_POST['choisi'] as $mat) { $res2 = addMatInter($res, $mat); } //si fini (etat=3) => log inter + si periodicite => cree prochaine echeance if ($_POST['etat_inter'] == 3) { $log = logInter($res); $texte .= " - cloture loggée."; if ($_POST['periodicite'] > 1) { //calcul dates prochaine echeance $nouv_deb = echeance($debut, $_POST['periodicite'])->format('Y-m-d H:i'); $nouv_fin = echeance($fin, $_POST['periodicite'])->format('Y-m-d H:i'); $res3 = insertInter($nouv_deb, $nouv_fin, $_POST['prestataire'], $_POST['intervenant'], 1, $_POST['type_inter'], $res, $_POST['periodicite'], $_POST['priorite'], $_POST['domaine'], $_POST['cout'], ''); //lien intervention - entite(s) foreach ($_POST['choisi'] as $mat) { $res4 = addMatInter($res3, $mat); } $texte .= " - prochaine échéance créée."; } } } } //affichage apres traitement echo "<script language=javascript> alert ('" . $texte . "');</script>"; //si on est dans un popup on le ferme if (isset($_POST['source']) and $_POST['source'] == "calendrier") { echo "<script type='text/javascript'>fermePopup();</script>"; } elseif (isset($res) and $res == true) { echo "res true"; echo "<script type='text/javascript'>document.location.replace('intervention.php');</script>"; }