コード例 #1
} catch (Exception $e) {
// START: check bootstrap class
$t->diag('testing bootstrap file generation');
$t->ok(file_exists($bootstrapFile), 'bootstrap file was created');
$t->ok(_syntax_check($bootstrapFile), 'php syntax check of bootstrap file is ok');
// END: check bootstrap class
// START: check base class
$t->ok(file_exists($baseTestClass), 'generated base test class exists');
$t->ok(_syntax_check($baseTestClass), 'php syntax check of base test class is ok');
// END: check base class
$t->ok(file_exists($allTestsFile), 'AllTests file is generated when it does not exist, although the skip_alltests option is set');
// START: check test class
$t->ok(file_exists($testClass), 'generated unit test file exists');
$t->ok(_syntax_check($testClass), 'php syntax check is ok');
if (!($content = file_get_contents($testClass))) {
    $t->fail('could not load test file');
$t->ok(strstr($content, "\$this->o = new sfPhpunitPluginTestClass()"), 'first test content check is ok');
$t->ok(strstr($content, "\$this->markTestIncomplete("), 'method stub is ok');
// custom template content should not exist in the generated content now
$t->ok(!strstr($content, "This is a custom template"), 'task uses plugin templates');
$t->ok(strstr($content, "realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/..')"), 'relative path is ok');
// END: check test class
// copy a custom template
// the next task should use this file and not the one in the plugin dir
copy($customTemplateSource, $customTemplate);
// --------------------------------------------
// 2. unit test generation (custom template test)
// --------------------------------------------
コード例 #2
$t->ok(_syntax_check($baseTestFile2), 'php syntax check of base test class is ok');
if (!($content = file_get_contents($baseTestFile2))) {
    $t->fail('could not load test file');
$declaration = sprintf('abstract class %s extends sfBasePhpunitFunctionalTestCase', $baseClass);
$t->ok(strstr($content, $declaration), 'class declaration in base test class is ok');
// END: check base class
// START: check test class
$t->diag('testing test class file generation');
$t->ok(file_exists($testFile2), 'created functional test file exists');
if (!($content = file_get_contents($testFile2))) {
    $t->fail('could not load test file');
$declaration = sprintf('class %sTest extends %s', $module2 . 'Actions', $baseClass);
$t->ok(strstr($content, $declaration), 'class declaration is ok');
$t->ok(_syntax_check($testFile), 'php syntax check is ok');
// END: check test class
// --------------------------------------------
// 3.1 functional test generation (option test for "overwrite_alltests" and "overwrite_base_test")
// --------------------------------------------
$t->diag('3. functional test generation is running');
// should not be overwritten now
file_put_contents($allTestsFile, 'hello world');
file_put_contents($baseTestFile, 'hello you');
try {
    // take another module for this test
    $arguments = array($application, $module2);
    $options = array('overwrite');
    // create functional test file
    // with default base class
    $task = new sfPhpunitCreateFunctionalTestTask($dispatcher, $formatter);