function package($platform, $image_name) { global $dirs; global $mfsroot_pad, $image_pad; _set_permissions($image_name); if (!file_exists("tmp")) { _exec("mkdir -p tmp"); _exec("mkdir -p tmp/mnt"); _exec("mkdir -p tmp/stage"); } $kernel = _platform_to_kernel($platform); // mfsroot // add rootfs _exec("cd tmp/stage; tar -cf - -C {$image_name} ./ | tar -xpf -"); // ...system modules _exec("mkdir -p tmp/stage/boot"); _exec("mkdir -p tmp/stage/boot/kernel"); if ($platform == "generic-pc" || $platform == "generic-pc-cdrom") { _exec("cp /sys/i386/compile/{$kernel}/modules/usr/src/sys/modules/acpi/acpi/acpi.ko tmp/stage/boot/kernel/"); } // ...stamps _exec("echo \"" . basename($image_name) . "\" > tmp/stage/etc/version"); _exec("echo `date` > tmp/stage/etc/version.buildtime"); _exec("echo {$platform} > tmp/stage/etc/platform"); // get size and package mfsroot $mfsroot_size = _get_dir_size("tmp/stage") + $mfsroot_pad; _exec("dd if=/dev/zero of=tmp/mfsroot bs=1k count={$mfsroot_size}"); _exec("mdconfig -a -t vnode -f tmp/mfsroot -u 0"); _exec("bsdlabel -rw md0 auto"); _exec("newfs -O 1 -b 8192 -f 1024 -o space -m 0 /dev/md0c"); _exec("mount /dev/md0c tmp/mnt"); _exec("cd tmp/mnt; tar -cf - -C ../stage ./ | tar -xpf -"); // dummynet.ko and ipfw.ko reside in mfsroot/boot/kernel _exec("mkdir -p tmp/mnt/boot/kernel"); _exec("cp /sys/i386/compile/{$kernel}/modules/usr/src/sys/modules/dummynet/dummynet.ko tmp/mnt/boot/kernel/"); _exec("cp /sys/i386/compile/{$kernel}/modules/usr/src/sys/modules/ipfw/ipfw.ko tmp/mnt/boot/kernel/"); _log("---- {$platform} - " . basename($image_name) . " - mfsroot ----"); _exec("df tmp/mnt"); _exec("umount tmp/mnt"); _exec("rm -rf tmp/stage/*"); _exec("mdconfig -d -u 0"); _exec("gzip -9 tmp/mfsroot"); _exec("mv tmp/mfsroot.gz {$dirs['mfsroots']}/{$platform}-" . basename($image_name) . ".gz"); // .img if ($platform != "generic-pc-cdrom") { // add mfsroot _exec("cp {$dirs['mfsroots']}/{$platform}-" . basename($image_name) . ".gz " . "tmp/stage/mfsroot.gz"); // ...boot _exec("mkdir -p tmp/stage/boot"); _exec("mkdir -p tmp/stage/boot/kernel"); _exec("cp /usr/obj/usr/src/sys/boot/i386/loader/loader tmp/stage/boot/"); _exec("cp {$dirs['boot']}/{$platform}/loader.rc tmp/stage/boot/"); // ...conf _exec("mkdir -p tmp/stage/conf"); _exec("cp {$dirs['phpconf']}/config.xml tmp/stage/conf"); _exec("cp /sys/i386/compile/{$kernel}/kernel.gz tmp/stage/kernel.gz"); // get size and populate $image_size = _get_dir_size("tmp/stage") + $asterisk_size + $image_pad; $image_size += 16 - $image_size % 16; _exec("dd if=/dev/zero of=tmp/image.bin bs=1k count={$image_size}"); _exec("mdconfig -a -t vnode -f tmp/image.bin -u 0"); _exec("bsdlabel -Brw -b /usr/obj/usr/src/sys/boot/i386/boot2/boot md0 auto"); _exec("newfs -O 1 -b 8192 -f 1024 -o space -m 0 /dev/md0a"); _exec("mount /dev/md0a tmp/mnt"); _exec("cd tmp/mnt; tar -cf - -C ../stage ./ | tar -xpf -"); _log("---- {$platform} - " . basename($image_name) . " - system partition ----"); _exec("df tmp/mnt"); _exec("umount tmp/mnt"); // cleanup _exec("mdconfig -d -u 0"); _exec("gzip -9 tmp/image.bin"); _exec("mv tmp/image.bin.gz {$dirs['images']}/m0n0wall-{$platform}-" . basename($image_name) . ".img"); // .iso } else { if ($platform == "generic-pc-cdrom" && !file_exists($dirs['images'] . "/{$platform}-{$version}-" . basename($image_name) . ".iso")) { _exec("mkdir -p tmp/cdroot"); _exec("cp " . $dirs['mfsroots'] . "/{$platform}-" . basename($image_name) . ".gz tmp/cdroot/mfsroot.gz"); _exec("cp /sys/i386/compile/{$kernel}/kernel.gz tmp/cdroot/kernel.gz"); _exec("mkdir -p tmp/cdroot/boot"); _exec("cp /usr/obj/usr/src/sys/boot/i386/cdboot/cdboot tmp/cdroot/boot/"); _exec("cp /usr/obj/usr/src/sys/boot/i386/loader/loader tmp/cdroot/boot/"); _exec("cp " . $dirs['boot'] . "/{$platform}/loader.rc tmp/cdroot/boot/"); _exec("cp /usr/obj/usr/src/sys/boot/i386/boot2/boot tmp/cdroot/boot/"); _exec("mkisofs -b \"boot/cdboot\" -no-emul-boot -A \"m0n0wall CD-ROM image\" " . "-c \"boot/boot.catalog\" -d -r -publisher \"\" " . "-p \"Your Name\" -V \"m0n0wall_cd\" -o \"m0n0wall.iso\" tmp/cdroot/"); _exec("mv m0n0wall.iso " . $dirs['images'] . "/m0n0wall-cdrom-" . basename($image_name) . ".iso"); } } _exec("rm -rf tmp"); }
_set_users("add", $userid, $groupid); break; case ' DELETE ': _page_sechead("exhibit.png", "User Management"); _set_users("delete", $userid, $groupid); break; default: _page_sechead("exhibit.png", "User Management"); break; } _display_users(); break; case 'rolls': default: $roll = $_REQUEST['roll']; $library = $_REQUEST['library']; $public = $_REQUEST['public']; $group = $_REQUEST['group']; if (!isset($roll) and !isset($library)) { _page_sechead("exhibit.png", "Roll Management"); _display_permissions(); } elseif (isset($public) and isset($group)) { _page_sechead("exhibit.png", "Roll Management"); _set_permissions($roll, $library, $public, $group); } else { _page_sechead("error.png", "An error occurred updating permissions."); _display_permissions(); } break; } _page_footer();