<div class="dash_wrapper"> <table class="dash_table"> <?php $query = "select service.host_name,service.service_description,service.last_hard_state,service.output,service.last_hard_state_change,service.last_check from service,host where host.host_name = service.host_name and service.last_hard_state in (1,2,3) and service.problem_has_been_acknowledged = 0 and service.host_name not in (select distinct host_name from scheduled_downtime where start_time < unix_timestamp() and end_time > unix_timestamp() and downtime_type=2) and service.service_description not in (select distinct service_description from scheduled_downtime where host_name = service.host_name and start_time < unix_timestamp() and end_time > unix_timestamp() and downtime_type=1) order by service.last_hard_state;"; $result = mysql_query($query); $save = ""; $output = ""; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if ($row[2] == 2) { $class = "critical"; } elseif ($row[2] == 1) { $class = "warning"; } elseif ($row[2] == 3) { $class = "unknown"; } $duration = _print_duration($row[4], time()); $date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $row[5]); $output .= "<tr class=\"" . $class . "\"><td>" . $row[0] . "</td><td>" . $row[1] . "</td>"; $output .= "<td>" . $row[3] . "</td>"; $output .= "<td class=\"date date_statechange\">" . $duration . "</td>"; $output .= "<td class=\"date date_lastcheck\">" . $date . "</td></tr>\n"; $save .= $row[0]; } if ($save) { ?> <tr class="dash_table_head"> <th> Host </th> <th> Service
#### Unhandled Services $services_limit = 200; $unhandled_services = ""; $uh_services_count = api_count("{$server}/api/filter/count?query=" . $uh_services . $uh_services_filter); if ($uh_services_count > 0) { $services = api_query("{$server}/api/filter/query?query=" . $uh_services . $uh_services_filter . "&columns=host.name,description,state,plugin_output,last_hard_state_change,last_check&limit={$services_limit}"); usort($services, "sort_by_state"); while (list(, $row) = each($services)) { if ($row['state'] == 2) { $class = "critical"; } elseif ($row['state'] == 1) { $class = "warning"; } elseif ($row['state'] == 3) { $class = "unknown"; } $duration = _print_duration($row['last_hard_state_change'], time()); $date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $row['last_check']); $unhandled_services .= "<tr class=\"" . $class . "\"><td>" . $row['host']['name'] . "</td><td>" . $row['description'] . "</td><td>" . $row['plugin_output'] . "</td><td class=\"date date_statechange\">" . $duration . "</td><td class=\"date date_lastcheck\">" . $date . "</td></tr>\n"; } } ?> <div class="dash_tactical_overview"> <h2>Tactical overview</h2> <div class="dash_wrapper"> <table class="dash_table_tactical_overview"> <tr class="dash_table_head"><th>Type</th><th>Totals</th><th>%</th></tr> <tr class="ok"> <td>Hosts up</td> <td><?php print $hosts_up;