コード例 #1

// create the container for settings
$form['layouts'] = array('#type' => 'details', '#attributes' => array('class' => array('debug')), '#title' => t('Layout Builder'), '#description' => t('<p class="description">You are able to configure your layouts based on any breakpoint defined in your Omega subtheme, or any base theme that the theme uses. Each layout is assigned to a single breakpoint, and then will be able to be used in Layout Configuration when choosing a layout to use for default or particular page types.</p>'), '#weight' => -799, '#group' => 'omega', '#tree' => TRUE);
// the active layout we are editing.
// this var will be unset during submit
$form['layouts']['edit_this_layout'] = array('#prefix' => '<div id="layout-editor-select">', '#suffix' => '</div>', '#type' => 'radios', '#attributes' => array('class' => array('layout-select', 'clearfix')), '#title' => 'Select Layout to Edit', '#description' => t('<p class="description">You are able to edit only one layout at a time.</p><p class="description"> The amount of configurations passed through the form requires limiting this ability until Drupal core issue <a href="https://www.drupal.org/node/1565704" target="_blank"><strong>#1565704</strong></a> can be resolved. </p>'), '#options' => $availableLayouts, '#default_value' => isset($edit_this_layout) ? $edit_this_layout : theme_get_setting('default_layout', $theme), '#tree' => FALSE, '#states' => $omegaGSon);
$breakpoint_options = _omega_getAvailableBreakpoints($theme);
foreach ($layouts as $lid => $ldata) {
    $form['layouts'][$lid] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => $lid, '#prefix' => '<div id="layout-' . $lid . '-config">', '#suffix' => '</div>', '#group' => 'layouts', '#collapsible' => TRUE, '#collapsed' => FALSE, '#tree' => TRUE, '#states' => array('visible' => array(':input[name="edit_this_layout"]' => array('value' => $lid))));
    $active_breakpoint_group = theme_get_setting('breakpoint_group_' . $lid, $theme);
    $current_breakpoint_group = isset($active_breakpoint_group) ? $active_breakpoint_group : 'omega.standard';
    $form['layouts'][$lid]['breakpoint_group_' . $lid] = array('#type' => 'select', '#options' => $breakpoint_options, '#title' => t('Breakpoint group'), '#description' => t('<p class="description">This breakpoint group will apply to this layout any time it is used. This allows you to use a different breakpoint group for different layouts.</p>'), '#default_value' => $current_breakpoint_group, '#tree' => FALSE, '#states' => $omegaGSon);
    $form['layouts'][$lid]['breakpoint_group_updated'] = array('#type' => 'item', '#prefix' => '', '#markup' => '<div class="messages messages--warning omega-styles-info">By changing the breakpoint group for the  "<strong>' . $lid . '</strong>" layout, You will need to save the form in order to then configure the theme regions based on the new breakpoint group.</div>', '#suffix' => '', '#states' => array('invisible' => array(':input[name="breakpoint_group_' . $lid . '"]' => array('value' => $current_breakpoint_group))));
    $breakpoints = _omega_getActiveBreakpoints($lid, $theme);
    // foreach breakpoint we have, we will create a form element group and appropriate settings for region layouts per breakpoint.
    foreach ($breakpoints as $breakpoint) {
        // create a 'clean' version of the id to use to match what we want in our yml structure
        $idtrim = omega_return_clean_breakpoint_id($breakpoint);
        $form['layouts'][$lid]['region_groups'][$idtrim] = array('#type' => 'details', '#attributes' => array('class' => array('layout-breakpoint')), '#title' => $breakpoint->getLabel() . ' -- ' . $breakpoint->getMediaQuery() . '', '#weight' => $breakpoint->getWeight(), '#group' => 'layout', '#states' => array('invisible' => array(':input[name="enable_omegags_layout"]' => array('checked' => FALSE)), 'visible' => array(':input[name="breakpoint_group_' . $lid . '"]' => array('value' => $current_breakpoint_group))));
        foreach ($region_groups as $gid => $info) {
            // determine if configuration says region group should be collapsed or not
            $open = TRUE;
            $collapseVal = $layouts[$lid]['region_groups'][$idtrim][$gid]['collapsed'];
            if (isset($collapseVal) && $collapseVal == 'TRUE') {
                $open = FALSE;
コード例 #2
 * Custom function to generate layout SCSS from layout variables
 * Currently performs the following operations:
 *  - Cycles a given layout for breakpoints
 *  - Cycles a breakpoint for region groups
 *  - Cycles a region group for regions
 *  - Cycles a region for various settings to apply to the region
 *  - Returns SCSS designed to be passed to _omega_compile_layout_css
function _omega_compile_layout_sass($layout, $layoutName, $theme = 'omega', $options)
    // get a list of themes
    $themes = \Drupal::service('theme_handler')->listInfo();
    // get the current settings/info for the theme
    $themeSettings = $themes[$theme];
    // get the default layout/breakpoint group
    $defaultLayout = $layoutName;
    // get all the active breakpoints we'll be editing
    $breakpoints = _omega_getActiveBreakpoints($theme);
    // get the stored layout data
    // $layouts = theme_get_setting('layouts', $theme);
    // pull an array of "region groups" based on the "all" media query that should always be present
    // @todo consider adjusting this data to be stored in the top level of the $theme.layout.$layout.yml file instead
    $region_groups = $layout['region_groups']['all'];
    $theme_regions = $themeSettings->info['regions'];
    // create variable to hold all SCSS we need
    $scss = '';
    $parser = new SassParser($options);
    // get the variables for the theme
    $vars = realpath(".") . base_path() . drupal_get_path('theme', 'omega') . '/style/scss/vars.scss';
    $omegavars = new SassFile();
    $varscss = $omegavars->get_file_contents($vars, $parser);
    // set the grid to fluid
    $varscss .= '$twidth: 100%;';
    // get the SCSS for the grid system
    $gs = realpath(".") . base_path() . drupal_get_path('theme', 'omega') . '/style/scss/grids/omega.scss';
    $omegags = new SassFile();
    $gsscss = $omegags->get_file_contents($gs, $parser);
    $scss = $varscss . $gsscss;
    // loop over the media queries
    foreach ($breakpoints as $breakpoint) {
        // create a clean var for the scss for this breakpoint
        $breakpoint_scss = '';
        $idtrim = omega_return_clean_breakpoint_id($breakpoint);
        // loop over the region groups
        foreach ($region_groups as $gid => $info) {
            // add row mixin
            // @todo change $layout['region_groups'][$idtrim][$gid] to $info
            $rowname = str_replace("_", "-", $gid) . '-layout';
            $rowval = $layout['region_groups'][$idtrim][$gid]['row'];
            $primary_region = $layout['region_groups'][$idtrim][$gid]['primary_region'];
            $total_regions = count($layout['region_groups'][$idtrim][$gid]['regions']);
            $maxwidth = $layout['region_groups'][$idtrim][$gid]['maxwidth'];
            if ($layout['region_groups'][$idtrim][$gid]['maxwidth_type'] == 'pixel') {
                $unit = 'px';
            } else {
                $unit = '%';
            $breakpoint_scss .= '
// Breakpoint: ' . $breakpoint->getLabel() . '; Region Group: ' . $gid . ';
.' . $rowname . ' { 
  @include row(' . $rowval . ');
  max-width: ' . $maxwidth . $unit . ';
            // loop over regions for basic responsive configuration
            foreach ($layout['region_groups'][$idtrim][$gid]['regions'] as $rid => $data) {
                $regionname = str_replace("_", "-", $rid);
                $breakpoint_scss .= '
  // Breakpoint: ' . $breakpoint->getLabel() . '; Region Group: ' . $gid . '; Region: ' . $rid . ';
  .region--' . $regionname . ' { 
    @include column(' . $layout['region_groups'][$idtrim][$gid]['regions'][$rid]['width'] . ', ' . $layout['region_groups'][$idtrim][$gid]['row'] . '); ';
                if ($layout['region_groups'][$idtrim][$gid]['regions'][$rid]['prefix'] > 0) {
                    $breakpoint_scss .= '  
    @include prefix(' . $layout['region_groups'][$idtrim][$gid]['regions'][$rid]['prefix'] . '); ';
                if ($layout['region_groups'][$idtrim][$gid]['regions'][$rid]['suffix'] > 0) {
                    $breakpoint_scss .= '  
    @include suffix(' . $layout['region_groups'][$idtrim][$gid]['regions'][$rid]['suffix'] . '); ';
                if ($layout['region_groups'][$idtrim][$gid]['regions'][$rid]['push'] > 0) {
                    $breakpoint_scss .= '  
    @include push(' . $layout['region_groups'][$idtrim][$gid]['regions'][$rid]['push'] . '); ';
                if ($layout['region_groups'][$idtrim][$gid]['regions'][$rid]['pull'] > 0) {
                    $breakpoint_scss .= '  
    @include pull(' . $layout['region_groups'][$idtrim][$gid]['regions'][$rid]['pull'] . '); ';
                $breakpoint_scss .= '
    margin-bottom: $regionSpacing;
                // end of initial region configuration
            // check to see if primary region is set
            if ($primary_region && $total_regions <= 3) {
                $breakpoint_scss .= '
  // A primary region exists for the ' . $gid . ' region group.
  // so we are going to iterate over combinations of available/missing
  // regions to change the layout for this group based on those scenarios.
  // 1 missing region
                // loop over the regions that are not the primary one again
                $mainRegion = $layout['region_groups'][$idtrim][$gid]['regions'][$primary_region];
                $otherRegions = $layout['region_groups'][$idtrim][$gid]['regions'];
                $num_otherRegions = count($otherRegions);
                $cols = $layout['region_groups'][$idtrim][$gid]['row'];
                $classMatch = array();
                // in order to ensure the primary region we want to assign extra empty space to
                // exists, we use the .with--region_name class so it would only apply if the
                // primary region is present.
                $classCreate = array('.with--' . $primary_region);
                foreach ($otherRegions as $orid => $odata) {
                    $classCreate[] = '.without--' . $regionname;
                    $regionname = str_replace("_", "-", $orid);
                    // combine the region widths
                    $adjust = _omega_layout_generation_adjust($mainRegion, array($otherRegions[$orid]), $cols);
                    // FORMATTED INTENTIONALLY
                    $breakpoint_scss .= '
  &.with--' . $primary_region . '.without--' . $regionname . ' {
    .region--' . $primary_region . ' {
      @include column-reset();
      @include column(' . $adjust['width'] . ', ' . $cols . ');';
                    // END FORMATTED INTENTIONALLY
                    // @todo need to adjust for push/pull here
                    // ACK!!! .sidebar-first would need push/pull adjusted if
                    // the sidebar-second is gone
                    // this might be IMPOSSIBLE
                    $pushPullAltered = FALSE;
                    if ($adjust['pull'] >= 1) {
                        // FORMATTED INTENTIONALLY
                        $pushPullAltered = TRUE;
                        $breakpoint_scss .= '
      @include pull(' . $adjust['pull'] . ');';
                        // END FORMATTED INTENTIONALLY
                    if ($adjust['push'] >= 1) {
                        // FORMATTED INTENTIONALLY
                        $pushPullAltered = TRUE;
                        $breakpoint_scss .= '
      @include push(' . $adjust['push'] . ');';
                        // END FORMATTED INTENTIONALLY
                    // FORMATTED INTENTIONALLY
                    $breakpoint_scss .= '
                    // end of iteration of condition missing one region
                    // END FORMATTED INTENTIONALLY
                    // now what if we adjusted the push/pull of the main region, or the
                    // remaining region had a push/pull, we need to re-evaluate the layout for that region
                    if ($pushPullAltered) {
                        // find that other remaining region.
                        $region_other = $otherRegions;
                        $region_other_keys = array_keys($region_other);
                        $region_other_id = $region_other_keys[0];
                        $regionname_other = str_replace("_", "-", $region_other_id);
                        $otherRegionWidth = $region_other[$region_other_id]['width'];
                        $breakpoint_scss .= '
    .region--' . $regionname_other . ' {
      @include column-reset();
      @include column(' . $region_other[$region_other_id]['width'] . ', ' . $cols . ');';
                        // END FORMATTED INTENTIONALLY
                        // APPEARS to position the remaining (not primary) region
                        // BUT the primary region is positioned wrong with push/pull
                        // if there is a pull on the primary region, we adjust the push on the remaining one
                        if ($adjust['pull'] >= 1) {
                            // FORMATTED INTENTIONALLY
                            $pushPullAltered = TRUE;
                            $breakpoint_scss .= '
      @include push(' . $adjust['width'] . ');';
                            // END FORMATTED INTENTIONALLY
                        // if there is a push on the primary region, we adjust the pull on the remaining one
                        if ($adjust['push'] >= 1) {
                            // FORMATTED INTENTIONALLY
                            $pushPullAltered = TRUE;
                            $breakpoint_scss .= '
      @include pull(' . $adjust['width'] . ');';
                            // END FORMATTED INTENTIONALLY
                        // FORMATTED INTENTIONALLY
                        $breakpoint_scss .= '
                        // end of iteration of condition missing one region
                        // END FORMATTED INTENTIONALLY
                    // FORMATTED INTENTIONALLY
                    $breakpoint_scss .= '
                    // end of intial loop of regions to assign individual cases of missing regions first in the scss/css
                    // END FORMATTED INTENTIONALLY
                // end foreach loop
                // throw a comment in the scss
                $breakpoint_scss .= '
  // 2 missing regions
                // here we are beginning to loop again, assuming more than just
                // one region might be missing and to assign to the primary_region accordingly
                $classMatch = array();
                //$classCreate = array();
                // loop the "other" regions that aren't the primary one again
                foreach ($otherRegions as $orid => $odata) {
                    $regionname = str_replace("_", "-", $orid);
                    //$classCreate[] = '.with--'. $primary_region . '.without--' . $regionname;
                    // now that we are looping, we will loop again to then create
                    // .without--sidebar-first.without--sidebar-second.without--sidebar-second
                    foreach ($otherRegions as $orid2 => $odata2) {
                        $regionname2 = str_replace("_", "-", $orid2);
                        $notYetMatched = TRUE;
                        if ($regionname != $regionname2) {
                            $attemptedTest = array('.with--' . $primary_region, '.without--' . $regionname, '.without--' . $regionname2);
                            $attemptedMatch = implode('', $attemptedTest);
                            if (in_array($attemptedMatch, $classMatch)) {
                                $notYetMatched = FALSE;
                            $adjust = _omega_layout_generation_adjust($mainRegion, array($otherRegions[$orid], $otherRegions[$orid2]), $cols);
                            if ($notYetMatched) {
                                $classCreate = '.with--' . $primary_region . '.without--' . $regionname . '.without--' . $regionname2;
                                $classMatch[] = $attemptedMatch;
                                if (count($classMatch) >= 1) {
                                // FORMATTED INTENTIONALLY
                                $breakpoint_scss .= '
  &' . $classCreate . ' {
    .region--' . $primary_region . ' {
      @include column-reset();
      @include column(' . $adjust['width'] . ', ' . $cols . ');
                                // END FORMATTED INTENTIONALLY
                                // @todo need to adjust for push/pull here
                                // FORMATTED INTENTIONALLY
                                $breakpoint_scss .= '
                                // END FORMATTED INTENTIONALLY
                                // FORMATTED INTENTIONALLY
                                $breakpoint_scss .= '
                                // END FORMATTED INTENTIONALLY
                            // end if ($notYetMatched)
                        // end if ($regionname != $regionname2)
                    // end foreach $otherRegions (2nd loop)
                // end foreach $otherRegions (1st loop)
            // end if($primary_region)
            $breakpoint_scss .= '
            // end of region group
        // if not the defualt media query that should apply to all screens
        // we will wrap the scss we've generated in the appropriate media query.
        if ($breakpoint->getLabel() != 'all') {
            $breakpoint_scss = '@media ' . $breakpoint->getMediaQuery() . ' { ' . $breakpoint_scss . '
        // add in the SCSS from this breakpoint and add to our SCSS
        $scss .= $breakpoint_scss;
    return $scss;